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Post time 22-3-2013 11:24 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Alfred J. Freddoso
University of Notre Dame

Since my other topic on Si DIA and agama....was hijacked by satan the devil , I am creating new topic related  to the way of life according to my faith.

Topic on si DIA  and...... to praise the supreme but somehow it was polluted by dirty hand of a human with devil heart...this how a devil  wanted to bring unrest and unpeaceful if one were to discuss issue on the Supreme Beings.....

OK, let talk about the The way of life

The New Testament authors emphasize unremittingly that the key to genuine human flourishing is faithin Jesus Christ as the revealed and revealing Word of God, “the  Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6).
Faith in Christ, then,lies at the heart of the way of life.

to read more, please visit here:::

Last edited by Truth.8 on 22-3-2013 11:37 AM


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 Author| Post time 22-3-2013 11:47 AM | Show all posts
In the Gospels Jesus repeatedly promises“new life” to his disciples, a life he identifies with
Himself  (“I am ..... the Life”)as well as with  the indwelling of Father, Son , and Holy Spirit in
the believer.   5
Notice here that the believer’s relationship with God is characterized as qualitatively distinct from
, and inexpressibly more  intimate than , the more basic relationship of a creature, even a rational
creature, to the creator who makes it and sustains it in being.
Last edited by Truth.8 on 22-3-2013 11:50 AM


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Post time 22-3-2013 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Since my other topic on Si DIA and agama....was hijacked by satan the devil , I am creating new topic related  to the way of life according to my faith.

Satan The Devil mana pula yang hijack? Aku tatau pun Satan boleh berforum. pengikut setan berforum adalah. pengikut setan yang sanggup memfitnah kitab yang di junjung, bacul takmo jumpa orang depan2, setakat berani hentam orang kat forum. semoga kita terselamat daripada pengikut setan yang ini..


Truth.8, kamu refer kepada ayat ini, kan?
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6).

Ini adalah sabda Jesus Christ (atau di kenali sebagai Isa Al-Masih dalam bahasa Arab/Aramaic). betul?

Quran mengatakan Islam itu Ad-Din :

I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. (Al-Ma'idah, 3).

Perkataan Ad-Din ini selalu di terjemah secara kasarnya sebagai "agama". Walaupun ianya boleh di terjemah sebagai "agama", tetapi pengetahuan mendalam di perlu kan untuk memahami maksud perkataan 'ad-din'. Ada banyak terjemahan perkataan "Ad-Din". Sesiapa yang belajar bahasa Arab pasti tahu bahawa Din boleh merujuk kpd kerajaan/kekuasaan, boleh merujuk kpd "tamadun", boleh merujuk kpd fitrah, hutang, dan macam2 lagi.

Scholars of Islam telah pun membincangkan tentang perkataan "Ad-Din" di dalam ayat 3, surah Al-Ma'idah. Ianya bukan sahaja merujuk kpd agama, tetapi cara hidup yang berlandaskan sunnah baginda s.a.w. Baginda s.a.w sendiri menyampaikan kpd kita di dalam hadith yang bermaksud "aku tinggalkan kpd kamu 2 perkara, yang mana jika kamu berpegang kepadanya, nescaya kamu tidak akan sesat sampai bila-bila, iaitu Al-Quran dan Sunnahku".

Al-Quran sendiri memerintahkan kita supaya ta'at dan ikut baginda Muhammad s.a.w.

And We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by permission of Allah. (An-Nisa', 64).

Jadi, di dalam Quran dan Sunnah baginda s.a.w, terdapat banyak reference bahawa Islam adalah cara hidup. Oleh sebab itu, kami mengikut cara baginda Muhammad hidup. Kami makan menggunakan tangan kanan sahaja, kami beristinjak menggunakan air dan menggunakan tangan kiri, kami memulakan langkah keluar rumah dengan kaki kanan, kami solat sebagaimana baginda Muhammad s.a.w solat, dan sebagainya.

Perbincangan tatacara hidup ini juga besar; pakar sirah dan pakar hadith harus membezakan antara perbuatan/kata2 baginda yang merujuk kpd baginda sebgai seorang lelaki arab, atau perbuatan/kata2 baginda yang mengajar kita tentang cara hidup. Contohnya, baginda tidak memakan dhab, namun binatang itu halal dan boleh di makan. Jika kamu betul2 belajar tentang Islam, wahai Truth.8, tentu kamu tahu tentang cerita ini.

Skarang, saya nak tanya kamu, wahai Truth.8. Jika betul kamu mengikut way of life seperti mana yang telah di ajar oleh Jesus Christ di dalam Bible (merujuk kpd ayat John 14:6), cara hidup Jesus yang mana yang kamu ikut? Saya tahu, kamu cuma dapat bagi SATU contoh sahaja, iaitu observing Sabbath.

Dan apa lagi "way of life" yang telah Jesus ajar kamu di dalam Bible? Yang ini, harap Truth.8 dapat share dengna kita.

it can be found here: ... page%3D1&page=4 (post #80)

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Post time 22-3-2013 01:24 PM | Show all posts
lagi satu,

please refer to this thread: ... page%3D1&page=4

Truth.8 kata (dalam posting #96)

Peoples who believed in way of life:

1. Sprituality (balance)
2. able to adap and get  along with others regardless their gender, race, faith and etc
3. like improve themselve and contribute the economy growth.
4. alwas active - gym, senaman-positive mind-
5. obeying commandment of si DIA
6.  less argueable with others.
7. rather more silent than talking big
8.  avoid practing vain ritual such slauthering animals on yearly - fasting seeking moon for answer , circling an object or kissing any object and etc(talking  in general, anyone  feels  hurt..consider 'siapa makan petai-dia rasa bau kencing nya)
9.tolerant -repect to other human souls and all living things include pigs-dogs and etc
10. dress in moderate without exposing aurat or sexy garment...head need not to cover with cloth as I believe one should be gratefuly and thanks to Si DIA for giving such wonderful hair. Hair can be comb   tide neat..for places of worshipped, surly can cover the head  with scraft and dress neatly without exposing the aurat..
11. awalys happy go lucky...

also ....I dont     think there is word religion in holy book Hindusim or Buddhism...

list goes on..  take break now

aku dah produce jawapan, bahawasanya Islam menepati kesemua syarat2 "way of life" yang Truth.8 bagitau kita. Jawapan di beri pada thread yang sama, post #97. (yes, AKU BAGI JAWAPAN SEJURUS SELEPAS TRUTH.8 BAGITAU KRITERIA DIA TAPI TRUTH.8 TAK JAWAB SAMPAI HARI NI. ). Jawapann aku :

aku, dan majoriti orang yang baca, pasti tidak akan setuju dengan statement kau; kau menyalahkan agama di atas kesalahan minority. ianya sama seperti menyalahkan Kristian secara total kerana kekejaman Hitler. TAK MASUK AKAL!

orang yang sihat akalnya pasti mengetahui bahawa kesilapan manusia itu adalah datang daripada kejahilan manusia. Semua agama pasti akan setuju; agama mereka perfect, penganut mereka tidak perfect.

Namun, sebagai Muslim yg cuba untuk hidup dengan cara hidup Islam (KERANA ISLAM MENGAJAR WAY OF LIFE, NOT JUST A RELIGION), aku setuju dengan statement kau yang pasal way of life.. memang semua ini ada dalam diri Muslim yang hidup berlandaskan Islam :

1. Sprituality (balance)
Yup. Kami di ajar untuk spiritually balance. Kami di larang berpuasa sepanjang tahun, di larang bersolat sampai mengabaikan tanggungjawab dunia. Kami di ajar wasatiah.

2. able to adap and get  along with others regardless their gender, race, faith and etc
Yes. Islam tidak pernah mengajar racism. Allah menerangkan di dalam Quran bahawa Dia mencipta manusia berbilang kaum supaya kita dapat saling kenal mengenal. Ayat yang di gunakan adalah "ta'aruf", the very same word that we use masa kita nak kenal bakal isteri kita. Bermakna, Allah cipta berbilang kaum supaya kita dapat berta'aruf (saling kenal mengenali supaya dapat mencintai mereka) dengan mereka.

3. like improve themselve and contribute the economy growth.
Yes. betul. Di dalam Quran, Allah seringkali menyebut "dirikanlah solat dan tunaikanlah zakat". Solat itu adalah ibadah spiritual, hubungan antara Allah dan manusia yang akan di ambil kira di hari akhirat, manakala zakat itu adalah ibadah yang di lakukan untuk membantu saudara seagama. Untuk bayar zakat, seseorang itu haruslah bekerja dan haruslah mempunyai kewangan yang kukuh. Perintah solat dan zakat di nyatakan oleh Allah dalam pairing, bermakna Allah mahu Muslim berusaha untuk harta dunia sehingga mereka yang mengeluarkan zakat, bukan yang menerima zakat.

4. alwas active - gym, senaman-positive mind-
Yes. Ini juga di ajar oleh Islam. Baginda s.a.w sering berjalan kaki untuk ke sesuatu tempat. Sunnah baginda. Baginda s.a.w. pernah bersabda yang maksudnya memberitahu kita supaya kita mendidik anak kita berenang, memanah dan menunggang kuda. Kesemua ini adalah riadah; mustahil seseorang itu dapat berenang/memanah/menaiki kuda jika mereka tidak sihat.

Positive mind juga di ajar oleh baginda s.a.w, semasa pembukaan Mekah, semasa Baginda s.a.w was in power, semasa Baginda s.a.w boleh menghukum kembali mereka yang memijak baginda, baginda cuma berkata kepada mereka : ""No blame and no reproach be upon you today, may Allah forgive you for He is the most Merciful of all those that show mercy" (Surah Yusuf : 92).

Sebelum kau menghentam statement di atas dengan kecetekkan akal kau, perlu aku terangkan bahawa, ketika baginda di tanya "Apa yang kamu akan buat terhadap kami?", baginda Muhammad s.a.w. bersabda yang maksudnya "Aku perkatakan kepada kamu apa yang telah saudara ku Yusuf a.s. telah katakan kepada adik-beradik dia, bahawasanya..." kemudian sambung ayat yang aku quote di atas.

5. obeying commandment of si DIA
Tak perlu di terangkan lagi. Islam mempunyai satu rukun Islam yang wajib di ikuti oleh Muslim. Memang ada yang tak ikut 100%, ini di sebabkan kelemahan sendiri, bukan kelemahan Islam.

6.  less argueable with others.
Baginda Muhammad s.a.w mengajar kita supaya tidak bergaduh. Banyak hadith baginda s.a.w yang melarang.

btw, less arguable with others, tapi from the looks of it, kau dah berapa tahun dok meroyan kat forum ni, Truth.8?

7. rather more silent than talking big
"Sesiapa yang mempercayai Allah dan Hari Qiamah, hendaklah dia berkata-kata yang baik, atau diam sahaja." - maksud hadith baginda Muhammad s.a.w. Need I say more?

8.  avoid practing vain ritual such slauthering animals on yearly - fasting seeking moon for answer and etc
Islam tidak melihat ibadah korban sebagai 'vain', daging itu di agih2kan kepada orang miskin. AT LEAST mereka dapat makan daging setahun sekali. (trust me, there are people, even in KL, that is so poor they can't afford to buy meat.  ).

We fast because Allah orders us AND it's good for our body. Even orang yang nak operation pun, perlu berpuasa sehari sebelum. So, ibadah puasa bukanlah 'vain'.

Of course, kami tak pernah "seek the moon". Quran clearly bagitau : "They ask you about the waxing and waning phases of the crescent moons, say they are to mark fixed times for mankind and Hajj." (Quran 2:189)

9.tolerant -repect to other human souls and all living things include pigs-dogs and etc
respect memang ditekankan sangat2 di dalam Islam. "Do not hurt others so that others may not hurt you". This was an exceprts of the translation of the Prophet's last sermon. We respect pigs/dogs. Kita di ajar untuk menjauhi babi kerana nature babi itu kotor. Anjing pula terdapat banyak percanggahan pendapat, tapi majority TIDAK MENGHARAMKAN MUSLIM MEMBELA ANJING, cuma tatacara untuk membela anjing itu sahaja yang ada syarat yang berbeza menurut pendapat imam-imam terdahulu.

10. awalys happy go lucky...
Abu Yahya Suhaib bin Sinan (radi Allahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “How wonderful is the case of a believer; there is good for him in everything and this applies only to a believer. If prosperity befalls him, he expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls him, he endures it patiently and that is good for him.” [Sahih Muslim].

So there you go. 10 of your personal 'way of life' punya syarat telahpun ada di dalam Islam.

di harap Truth.8 berhenti berlari daripada topic perbincangan dan teruskan 'berdebat' (dia suka sangat berdebat, aku prefer berbincang) ini.

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Post time 22-3-2013 01:25 PM | Show all posts
by the way Truth.8, aku masih menunggu, satan the devil mana kau refer. aku pun nak tahu jugak, sebab aku dengan kau je berbincang dalam thread tu. kalau ada yang mengganggu, kau bagitau aku, biar aku marah dia skali.. BERANI BETUL SETAN THE DEVIL TU GANGGU PERBINCANGAN AKU DENGAN TRUTH.8!!

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2013 01:29 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 22-3-2013 01:24 PM
lagi satu,

please refer to this thread: ...

boleh tunjuk dalam quran" the way of life ??

itu soalan saya...
dalam Bible ada..Yesus sudah sabda...


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 Author| Post time 22-3-2013 01:30 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 22-3-2013 01:25 PM
by the way Truth.8, aku masih menunggu, satan the devil mana kau refer. aku pun nak tahu jugak, seba ...

siapa makan petai, dia rasa bau kencing nya


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 Author| Post time 22-3-2013 01:34 PM | Show all posts
Religion will make world upside down...worst...they themselves will flight and killed...this how religion look ugly

recent news:::

Top Sunni Muslim cleric among dead in Syria bomb blast

A suicide bombing tore through a mosque in the Syrian capital Thursday, killing a top Sunni Muslim preacher and longtime supporter of President Bashar Assad along with at least 13 other people

more : ... uslim-preacher.html

truth.8: this not new, this happening between muslims and muslims on frequent.....besides killing..they too kill others infidel...this how religion shape them...

to me, religion is not way of life rather a disaster

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Post time 22-3-2013 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 22-3-2013 01:29 PM
boleh tunjuk dalam quran" the way of life ??

itu soalan saya...

post #3 dah jawab.

kalau kau MALAS nak baca, aku tak boleh cakap apa2. penerangan yang aku bagi tu sangatlah simple, sebab penerangan itu adalah penerangan yang diberikan kepada budak tingkatan 1 (or tingkatan 2. tak ingat).

kalau itu pun kau tak faham, aku tatau macam mana nak terangkan dengan lagi simple. maybe kau buat2 bodoh taknak faham...

aku menunggu kau reply posting #3 aku.

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Post time 22-3-2013 02:36 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 22-3-2013 01:30 PM
siapa makan petai, dia rasa bau kencing nya

betul, aku setuju (walaupun aku tak pernah makan petai. tak minat).

jadi, siapa satan the devil yang kau maksudkan? takpe, jangan takut. bagitau je sapa, aku backing kau kali ni... aku tak suka orang ganggu perbincangan kita...

so, siapa, Truth.8?

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Post time 22-3-2013 02:38 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 22-3-2013 01:34 PM
Religion will make world upside down...worst...they themselves will flight and killed...this how rel ...

that news has nothing to do with religion. that news speaks about the troubles in Syria, the civil war happened there. it can happen to a Christian country, Buddism country..

and it can even happen to a country governed by an agnostic or an atheist.

itu sifat manusia, takde kene mengena dengan religion.

point kau invalid. maaf.

bagi point yg lagi kukuh lagi.

Lagipun, kau MENGHENTAM AGAMA, JADI KAU PATUT BAGI CONTOH DARIPADA KESEMUA AGAMA YANG TELAH DI IKTIRAF (Christian, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Shinto and others). Mohon kau bagi contoh daripada keseluruhan agama lain sebagai point hujah kau.


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Post time 22-3-2013 02:39 PM | Show all posts
by the way, kalau Truth.8 menolak religion, maka Truth.8 adalah agnostic.

orang agnostic di tolak oleh semua agama, termasuk agama Abrahamaic. Ini bermakna, Jesus Christ sendiri akan menolak Truth.8 kerana Truth.8 soerang agnostic.

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Post time 22-3-2013 06:57 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 22-3-2013 02:39 PM
by the way, kalau Truth.8 menolak religion, maka Truth.8 adalah agnostic.

orang agnostic di tola ...

aku pun macam ada sikit syak wasangka kat mamat tu......

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2013 11:02 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 22-3-2013 02:38 PM
that news has nothing to do with religion. that news speaks about the troubles in Syria, the civil ...

the fact remaind that muslims and muslims flight ...


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 Author| Post time 22-3-2013 11:03 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 22-3-2013 02:39 PM
by the way, kalau Truth.8 menolak religion, maka Truth.8 adalah agnostic.

orang agnostic di tola ...
orang agnostic di tolak oleh semua agama, termasuk agama Abrahamaic. Ini bermakna, Jesus Christ sendiri akan menolak Truth.8 kerana Truth.8 soerang agnostic.

hahahahh agnostic...sudah gila kamu.....
aku masih baca Bible and percaya semua prophets ....of course not muhammad...


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Post time 23-3-2013 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Well, if I may ask how one can know that your way of life is the absolute truth? Other faiths/religions can come along and make the same claim, but that doesn't make all of them the true way of life. So the crucial question is what is the deciding factor to determine which one is the true way of life?
Last edited by mashimaru83 on 23-3-2013 10:52 AM


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 Author| Post time 23-3-2013 11:09 AM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 23-3-2013 10:50 AM
Well, if I may ask how one can know that your way of life is the absolute truth? Other faiths/religi ...
Well, if I may ask how one can know that your way of life is the absolute truth? Other faiths/religions can come along and make the same claim, but that doesn't make all of them the true way of life. So the crucial question is what is the deciding factor to determine which one is the true way of life?
I based on the BIble for the claimed. have you bothered to read the link I provide?

Jesus  did not says religion.....

Religion make peoples war , corrupt and etc...

look at they flight between themselves....that s is religion


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Post time 23-3-2013 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 23-3-2013 11:09 AM
I based on the BIble for the claimed. have you bothered to read the link I provide?

Jesus  did  ...

I based on the BIble for the claimed. have you bothered to read the link I provide?
I have skimmed through the article.

Well, other faiths can say that their claimed is based on their faith's book. The next crucial question is which book is the true way of life? What is the deciding factor?

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2013 12:22 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 23-3-2013 12:01 PM
I have skimmed through the article.

Well, other faiths can say that their claimed is based on ...
I have skimmed through the article.

Well, other faiths can say that their claimed is based on their faith's book. The next crucial question is which book is the true way of life? What is the deciding facto

I never doubt is book of way of life....


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Post time 23-3-2013 12:40 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 23-3-2013 12:22 PM
I never doubt is book of way of life....

I never doubt is book of way of life....
Well, that is your believe. How about other people who is searching for the way of life? Which book should they follow?

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