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Author: wkk5159

Sperms are produced in chest not testicle ! According to Quran....

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Post time 30-1-2013 11:11 AM | Show all posts
By wkk5159

Your 2nd post:
Let me give you a crash course on simple human anatomy, the human spermatozoas are produced in testes and epididymis of male testicle. Spermatogonium and spermatocyte which make up the cell of testes and epididymis undergo spermatogenesis process and produce sperms. Where's our testicle located ? Groin area ! Between the leg !
How come male children can produce sperm? Pls explain, tq.

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2013 11:23 AM | Show all posts
As a physician, there are drugs for most ailments but stupidity.....really no cure. The above comments by the serpentine ustaz SamXXXX and his sidekicks, Cuai and Dzurqarnain is a good testimony to it. censor comments from muslims ?? Typical deceptive moronic muslm who think that most earthlings with normal IQ and conscience will buy into that ??.....They really think that non-muslims are as dishonest and deceptive like them.....  By the way, we don't have to look further, just look at our local scene, why the government disallow proselytizing of muslims by other faiths but allow muslims to spread theirs to non-muslim ??? Facts don't lie but muslims lie !

Come on grow a ball (obviously muslims don't have and most likely undescended like what SamXXXX advocate...) and debate Ali Sina in FFI forum like a man like what Prototaip had challenged you. Don't hide here and whining like a 3 years old.

By the way, muslims set up a counterfeit website to try their best to refute the truth in the end result ?? Hehehe......not surprising !
Every human being with normal IQ and conscience is welcomed to make the comparison yourself .


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Post time 30-1-2013 11:35 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 30-1-2013 11:23 AM
As a physician, there are drugs for most ailments but stupidity.....really no cure. The above commen ...

As a graduate biologist, i think u cud answer my simple question with even a common sense.
- Can baby boy produce sperm with his testicles?


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Post time 30-1-2013 11:55 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 30-1-2013 11:23 AM
As a physician, there are drugs for most ailments but stupidity.....really no cure. The above commen ...


Why is it hard for you to argue facts with facts? Dah habis modal?KEHKEHKEH

Just stop with the personal attack & please provide some answers to Sam's quest..will ya?

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Post time 30-1-2013 12:07 PM | Show all posts
Every human being with normal IQ and conscience
can answer why baby boy can't produce sperm with his testicles...

Even without a PhD in biology.

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Post time 30-1-2013 12:22 PM | Show all posts
We can't just stick a set of plate number to the front and rear of a huge rock to say it is a vehicle,
unless it is used for prototyping...

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Post time 30-1-2013 12:31 PM | Show all posts
inda guna kita muslim layan pecacai bodoh ini..bye bye..chow..

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2013 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain posted on 30-1-2013 11:35 AM
As a graduate biologist, i think u cud answer my simple question with even a common sense.
- Can  ...

Just take a break from my case, are a graduate biologist ??? Then why ask all the stupid questions pertaining to biology even a 6th grader won't ask ???

Considering the pitiful biology knowledge that you have, i give a brief course on "biology for idiot"......
A male who has reached puberty will produce millions of sperm cells, what is  boy average puberty age ? You tell me.
On the other hand, although women stop producing egg cells upon menopause, they are born with all the eggs she will ever need.

Understand ? Still semen=sperm ???

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Post time 30-1-2013 12:54 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 30-1-2013 12:36 PM
Just take a break from my case, are a graduate biologist ??? Then why ask all t ...

Stupid question? - Of course for stupid thread opener...

A male who has reached puberty will produce millions of sperm cells, what is  boy average puberty age ? You tell me.
Now, ure saying sperm production is an act of puberty?
- are u changing your statement now?

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Post time 30-1-2013 01:19 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 30-1-2013 10:25 AM
Ha ha , you are just trying your best to expose your stupidity. Now you are trying to translate th ...

You just repeat the same argument from Ghaith where after got owned, he change the word Sulb from backbone and loins!Refer to here: ... 9d0604b01d&start=20

Lets take a look what your own arabic scholars about Sulb.Here is the extract from Centaur:
Here is Abd-Allah's definition of sulb:
Note that 'sulb' is *singular*. In the dictionary by Wehr you cite below, you will see that its meaning of backbone is *only* when we take the *plural* word of sulb (aslaab). In its singular form, it means hardening.
Ahmed A. Abd-Allah

We do find it surprising that almost all the commonly available translations of the Qur'an refer to sulb as the backbone, though some refer to loins. Even Ibn Kathir accepts backbone. Is Wehr a more authoritative and knowledgeable authority on the Arabic language than Ibn Kathir? This is difficult to believe.

So in order to your save your ass about the real meaning of Sulb, you desperately try to make a Kafir Wehr more believable than your own saudara seagama Ahmed Abdalllah and Ibnu Kathir?

Remember what your own Kitab and ulamas say? Jangan percayakan Yahudi dan Nasrani.Why you believe in them now when they use loin instead of blackbone?

Ok..lets say it really means loins in order just to be more murah hati to you.It is still wrong though because between loins and ribs is stomach.

Here question from peterpin to Ghaith about the area between loins and ribs:
Oh dear Ghaith, so now we are back with a different word game?
So, "Between the ribs and the loins" where is that?
It's your STOMACH.

It does not INCLUDE the loins, as otherwise  "between" would be the wrong word.
Also "Between the ribs and the backbone" is inside the rib cage, when I last looked, or, at a push, just below the ribcage, just above the kidneys.
Your diagram looks very nice, but is marking the wrong area. Why would you extend the area DOWNWARDS by not up?
If they asked to in a science test to mark the area between the backbone and the ribs, would you draw it like that?

Last edited by prototaip on 30-1-2013 01:33 PM


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Post time 30-1-2013 01:24 PM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain posted on 30-1-2013 12:54 PM
Stupid question? - Of course for stupid thread opener...

Now, ure saying sperm production is an ...

Instead of off-topic playing words to personal attack him and me, why dont you try to join with your own fellow sam1528 about Koran scientific error?Cant accept the fact that Prophet Mohammad just copy Hippocrates idea about sperms production, which is no longer true in today science????Hahahaha....

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Post time 30-1-2013 01:47 PM | Show all posts
prototaip posted on 30-1-2013 01:24 PM
Instead of off-topic playing words to personal attack him and me, why dont you try to join with yo ...

Do help your testicles' sperm producing partner on my question. Tq.

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Post time 30-1-2013 01:48 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 30-1-2013 10:50 AM
Err , the slowness of your reply makes me want to get some sleep first as you are probably trying  ...

Semen is not sperm.But semen contains sperm.If semen does not contain sperm, it cannot be called semen at all!!!That is so simple to understand this scientific concept, tambi!!!
By iffo:
You will not be able to get away with it by playing typical muslim games.
We are talking about 'gushing fluid' which is semen, which include sperm.
There is no such thing as semen with out sperms. I hope buddy is old enough to know this personally .

So like I said you lost here, and please defend the next error.
Koran tries to describe gushing fluid, which creates human. That means sperm and can also means semen which consist of sperm.

Or are you just try to say that there is other liquid that contains sperm other than semen????

Please tell me what liquid other than semen which can contain sperm????You can win Nobel Prize woooooo iof you really think there is other gushing fluid can contain sperm.

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Post time 30-1-2013 01:53 PM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain posted on 30-1-2013 01:47 PM
Do help your testicles' sperm producing partner on my question. Tq.

Well, I assume you already failed to protect your holy book from scientific book by keep posting off-topic questions.Next time, when you do dakwah, never use argument Koran has scientific miracles because it does not have any except the knowledge was already known during the time it was written.

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Post time 30-1-2013 02:15 PM | Show all posts
prototaip posted on 30-1-2013 01:53 PM
Well, I assume you already failed to protect your holy book from scientific book by keep posting o ...

I dont hv to protect the Qoran
It is well protected in ARABIC
I jz want to correct your biologist wannabe cum Arabic interpreter partner
- a disgrace to modern science

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2013 02:26 PM | Show all posts
I thought SamXXXX is moronic enough to keep us entertained here, i really don't expect his sidekick Dzurqarnain is even more imbecilic than him. He thought that by diverting people with some off-topic questions will salvage the fate of his faith.....real life dumb and dumber. Your stupid trick only work on equally moronic muslims like you.

What a fun-filled Wednesday !

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Post time 30-1-2013 02:36 PM | Show all posts
Let refresh back what thread starter try to address about Koran:
Quran 86:5-7

"Now let man but think from what he is created!
He is created from a drop emitted
Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs"

1)Try to reintepret the word to increase vagueness
In order to make up for this error,our only muslim apologist sam1528 wants to substitute backbone with loin.But in order to do so, he must ignore the intepretation of all of Koran muslim interpreter and translators such as Yusuf Ali and Ibnu Kathir which of course are more honest than those from non muslims.

However, it is still wrong since location between loin and ribs is stomach.

2)Create new scientific method of drawing area which can made scientists facepalm
In order to make it right,muslim apologists from certain websites try to redraw the location between loin and ribs by using awkward method, where any experienced biologists and doctors who teaching their trainees can commit suicide if their trainee try to show the area between the loin and ribs.

Do you know what BETWEEN means, sam1528?

3)Muslim strawman.
About whether sperm = semen or not, we talk about location of the thing that can produce human which is semen (which MUST contains sperm).Koran talks about fluid or drop (depend on translations) that can create human and it is originated between ribs and backbone. It is false based on modern biology though.Therefore, an error is detected in Koran.

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2013 02:38 PM | Show all posts
prototaip posted on 30-1-2013 01:19 PM
You just repeat the same argument from Ghaith where after got owned, he change the word Sulb from  ...

You have totally smashed them into some face and grace for them lah... . Or do they have any ???

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Post time 30-1-2013 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Sperms are produced in chest not testicle ! According to Quran....

- Intellect, cant reflect.

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Post time 30-1-2013 02:53 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 30-1-2013 11:23 AM
As a physician, there are drugs for most ailments but stupidity.....really no cure. The above commen ...

This is bemusing me. Why are you and 'prototaip' behaving like pimps for Ali Sina or the site 'faithfreedom'? The way both of you are going , you are pimping him and his site.
As a physician, there are drugs for most ailments but stupidity.....really no cure. The above comments by the serpentine ustaz SamXXXX and his sidekicks, Cuai and Dzurqarnain is a good testimony to it. censor comments from muslims ?? Typical deceptive moronic muslm who think that most earthlings with normal IQ and conscience will buy into that ??.....They really think that non-muslims are as dishonest and deceptive like them.....  By the way, we don't have to look further, just look at our local scene, why the government disallow proselytizing of muslims by other faiths but allow muslims to spread theirs to non-muslim ??? Facts don't lie but muslims lie !

Come on grow a ball (obviously muslims don't have and most likely undescended like what SamXXXX advocate...) and debate Ali Sina in FFI forum like a man like what Prototaip had challenged you. Don't hide here and whining like a 3 years old.

By the way, muslims set up a counterfeit website to try their best to refute the truth in the end result ?? Hehehe......not surprising !
Every human being with normal IQ and conscience is welcomed to make the comparison yourself .


There can only be one answer. Both of you got hit so badly that you now need to divert the issue. I am debating the both of you. Why are you guys running around trying to pimp the site? Are you and 'prototaip' too substandard in IQ that you need to get outside help?

I repeat my question : What is the basis of your (mis)understanding that semen = sperm? Why so scared to answer?

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