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Author: twinkystar

EP3:CN BLUE~Where You Are~

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Post time 15-9-2010 06:32 PM | Show all posts
GoddessShin tengah trending kat twitter

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2010 08:09 PM | Show all posts
comelnya gambar diorg...
orkestra Post at 15-9-2010 15:01

cumilnyerrr gambr2

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Post time 15-9-2010 10:08 PM | Show all posts
cumilnyerrr gambr2
twinkystar Post at 15-9-2010 20:09

twink..gmbr jonghyun paling comey..

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Post time 15-9-2010 10:14 PM | Show all posts
single dh released

suka2..2 2 lagu suka..clap clap clap

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2010 01:15 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 16-9-2010 01:26
twink..gmbr jonghyun paling comey..
orkestra Post at 15-9-2010 22:08

    laki ai mmg comey
selalu calm tenang jer, neh dlm gambr dh mcm ada masalah dunia..meroyan habis dh rambut kusut masai
dgr music terus tenang balik..motip sgt

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2010 02:05 AM | Show all posts
<<hehe..tukar avvy setelah sekian lama

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Post time 16-9-2010 02:09 AM | Show all posts

maner2 gambar yg besar tu tlg resize kan yer.....
kesian pd yg menghadapi masalah tenet connection tu....

thanks atas kerjasama...

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Post time 16-9-2010 09:44 AM | Show all posts
laaa...besday jungshin!! bila? happy besday my dear jungshin~!!!

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2010 03:16 PM | Show all posts
some information on Yonghwa..sorg hyung yg rapat dgn dia time dia sekolah tolong jawabkan soalan2 fans kat DC gallery..

Credit translation to Baidu by 小雨

1) YH is definitely not a gangster, although there are a few of his friends are, however, YH is not one of those problem student, he is only an ordinary yet very popular student.
2) It is true that YH family is wealthy. His father is a doctor, YH always wear Gold Color soccer shoes when he played, that’s the symbol of well off.
3) YH was above average on his grades in his schoolwork, very good at English, classes were not co-ed, boys only group up studies with girls at study group outside regular class .
4) It is the fact that YH’s popularity has to do a lot with his look, however do not over analyze, that there were no girls waiting for him after school as some rumors had. Girls student who are older and younger than YH all like him a lot, however, they all said YH is hard to get close to.
5) YH had ear pierced and wore earrings to school. It is not against the school rules, and there were no rules of how student should wear their hair either. Teachers do not pay attention to those either.
6) YH do not smoke. There was a place in school where groups of students gathered and smoke. I have not seen him at that place and never caught any cigarette smell on YH either; weather he drink or not that I don’t know.
7) YH joined the newspaper department (extra curricular activities?), to research and organize news, the fact is it is more of a group of friends hang out and play together.
8) YH also applied school’s orchestra, not knowing the reason why but he didn’t get accepted, was our school’s standard of acceptance even higher than our country’s ?
9) YH is a bit self absorbed, I should correct by saying he is a bit confident. When meeting eyes with girls he never look away, he will look at the girl’s eye until the girl look away.
10) YH had a lot of friends, he has great personality, very ordinary (down to earth). YH at radiostar is showing the very true side of him as he is showing in his real life.
11) Teachers all love YH very much, YH like to voice imitate teacher talk, teacher never get upset at him, I found this very weird.
12) I have heard YH is one of the reason why new students applied our school.
13) According to what I know, YH is not the type with many girlfriends, I have never seen his girlfriend, don’t know if his girlfriend is from other school. However, I heard he has 2 girlfriends (relationships) so far.

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Post time 16-9-2010 08:06 PM | Show all posts
Reply 126# twinkystar

avvy twink tu mmg comeyy..

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2010 09:23 PM | Show all posts
it's great since they're still under indie labels

and CN BLUE is on the top of the poll of which korean artist that you wants to have a major debut in japan


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Post time 16-9-2010 10:43 PM | Show all posts
bru pas tgk WGM yonghwa

ilang segala control biler nmpak idol girl die smpaikn wife sendirik pn pasan die gelabah giler arrr nmpak ueno juri kt kedai sushi, arus ler x leh cam dh ler actress tu mmg die minat, sekali kena bwk trus g umah... mmg mker die nmpak giler x tentu arah seunghyun gak yg mentain

shanteqqq nyer juri tuu... one of my fav actress tuu

yg epi sblum tu.. bgus btul adik2 ipar ni... kimchi masin pn ttp puji nanti noona masak kn nasik lemak tuk uols key, jgn x mkn tawww untung dpt adik ipar dgr kter ni

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Post time 17-9-2010 07:24 PM | Show all posts
Collection of reviews (from here and there) of Sep.16 Osaka concert

Yong Hwa's condition was the best. He said he wanted to revenge a former insult(His voice condition was not good at June).
Yong Hwa explained about his new song. He said recently he fell forsynthesizer. So he put the whole mind to the synthesizer opening.
Then he imitated the opening synthesizer melody with his mouth.
Once Yong Hwa said, "I am a genius, I am Tsukumo!" (Kimura Takuya'srole in Japan drama 'Mister brain'. They all watched this series.)

Min Hyuk said new album hit Oricon daily chart number 8. ('One time' hit #11, at that time he said he wanted to enter top 10.)
Then he talked about the jacket picture, they took off clothes for the first time.
Yong Hwa said "Ah ashamed!" then all covered their shoulder with both arms. (so cute)

The gap between Min Hyuk's smiling face and serious face playing drum, was too big.
And they seemed really nervous when they played new songs.

Jung Shin: "Jong Hyun hyung becomes too excited whenever he comes toOsaka. I'm bothered." (Jong Hyun had lived there when he was a kid)
Jong Hyun: "I will kill you. I'm happy I can eat Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki I've eaten when I was a kid."
Min Hyuk: "You just eat delicious food that you ate, but why you can't remember Japanese language?
           I am sorry, it's half joke, half serious"
Jong Hyun: "I will kill you."

Jong Hyun talked about his song 'Lie',
"I made it as strong and manly mood. How was it to you? My songs I made, they are all good." , he praised himself.

During encore, there was a surprise birthday party for Jung Shin.
It's his 19th birthday. Now he is adult in Korea. But he's not in Japan?
Yong Hwa said Jung Shin is still far from 20 years old, he is minor. Jung Shin said Min Hyuk is same.
So Yong Hwa and audience shouted together "Minor! Minor!" (?)

Min Hyuk's touching speech:
"Exactly one year ago, we had our first one man live. I still remember, we all were extremely nervous.
After we finished, we thought "We did it!". It's so clear like yesterday.
We will never forget that memory. We will study hard, we will be progressing band. Please be with us from now on."
Min Hyuk spoke in fluent Japanese. His speech moved the audience very deeply.

This is the picture of CNBLUE's first one man live announcement of Oct.31.2009

Sep.16 After Osaka concert, CNBLUE interviewed with MJTV(a local TV channel)
will be aired on Oct.18

Sep.17 CNBLUE will be at a radio show of FM Osaka (live?)

Sep.20 NHK radio - CNBLUE interview will be aired.

Back to Korea, CNBLUE will perform at Oct/5 Super Model contest (wow!)

CNBLUE's new single album hit #8 at Oricon daily chart, without anypromotion, TV appearance, music video, support of powerful managementcompany, only with small concerts in live houses.
(please click these news articles, so that it goes up to the hot issue section.)


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Post time 17-9-2010 07:32 PM | Show all posts
arini cnblue no 7 kat daily oricon chart..smalam #8..congrats cnblue..

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2010 08:43 PM | Show all posts happy for CN BLUE..they achieved so much in this year..
me rasa jonghyun rupa cam japanese sket sebab kenan dia dok kat jepun masa kecik..

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Post time 18-9-2010 06:26 PM | Show all posts
lgu japan dorg yg bru tu best lahhh

giler dgr byk kali dah

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 Author| Post time 19-9-2010 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Sep.18.2010 Review of Nagoya concert (from Japanese blog)

Nagoya live was the best. Personally it was better than Osaka.
We were closer to the stage.
Yong Hwa is just 21 years old, but he knows how to coax fans.(laugh) He looked at us like telling, "Yes yes I know what you want."

There was a birthday party again today. Maybe they will do it at Tokyo too.
Yong Hwa said again that Jung Shin is still minor.
But Jong Hyun said, "Jung Shin got birthday celebration three times, the day before yesterday, yesterday and today. So he became 3 years older. Then he is 22?"
Suddenly Jung Shin acted like a grown-up, and Yong Hwa bowed down to him.
Yong Hwa said, "They are Ramen, Tsukemen, I am Ikemen."
Ramen is Min Hyuk, Tsukemen(noodle) is Jung Shin. Ikemen(handsome man) is Yong Hwa himself.
Jong Hyun said, "Why are you the only handsome man?"
Jong Hyun seemed to be sensitive to a handsome man title, he had argured before at the radio show when Jung Shin was called the face of CNBLUE.
Then he said, "I am Amen." posing as a prayer.

Jong Hyun said, "At Osaka live, our condition was not good. There's a proverb in Japan that 'fools don't catch cold'. We 3 caught cold, but only Yong Hwa didn't catch cold."
Yong Hwa said, " I am not a fool, but more like a genius? ... yes I am a fool."
At that time, his face was so cute.

While someone was talking, Min Hyuk took off his shirt, so he was wearing a sleeveless only.
Suddenly audience shouted, Min Hyuk became embarrassed to see he was being noticed.
Yong Hwa said, "Sexy Min Hyuk!", Jong Hyun said, "I envy you."

Jung Shin said, "We ate Nagoya specialty, Misukatsu(Pork cutlet with miso sauce), Hitsumabushi(eel rice), Tabasaki(fried chicken wing). They were so delicious."
Jong Hyun flapped his arms saying "Chicken wing."

I heard recorded files of Sep.16 Osaka concert, Jong Hyun's voice was not in good condition.
And also he was nervous to play new songs. (New songs are difficult to play, aren't they?) He skipped some of his singing part. Some fans complained to Jong Hyun. Because it's the first time to play Yong Hwa's new song.
I remember 'One time', it wasn't perfect at Japan concert in June, but it was perfect at July Korean concert.
Soon they will be accustomed to new songs. They are progressing everyday. It's enough so far.
Yong Hwa's voice was great. And live music is different from CD anyway.

Maybe because of this fans' complain or just the success of Nagoya performance, Yong Hwa sent many sweet messages to fans last night through UFO town even from Japan.
such as "Please love me forever" or "The weather here is cool. How is it there? It must be cool too.", "I miss you. I'll see you soon at the concert. Good night."

More schedule in Japan:
interview with BS11 Hanlove. (
interview with Japanese women magazine. (
Concert in Shibuya, Tokyo. (Shibuya is CNBLUE's musical hometown.)

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 Author| Post time 19-9-2010 04:49 PM | Show all posts
Endorsement. Brand: Nii

thanks to chiara for the heads up

Endorsement. Brand: System Homme


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 Author| Post time 19-9-2010 04:52 PM | Show all posts

Sep.17.2010 - Osaka radio 'pikakin'

Fan's question: How was the concert in Okaka yesterday?
Jong Hyun: It's our second time in Osaka. You welcomed us warmly and enjoyed our concert.
Min Hyuk: It was the performance that we all could be one. We enjoyed from the opening.
Yong Hwa: Yesterday, we performed all songs in our albums. So it's more meaningful to me as 'the first'.
Jong Hyun: We caught a cold, so we were not in good condition. I really appreciate you to give us power, enjoyed our performance. So we could finish it.
DJ: You have cold.
Jong Hyun: Yes, I and Min Hyuk have stuffy nose. We three are still sick.

Fan's question: What was 'Tsukumo' Yong Hwa mentioned at the concert?
Yong Hwa: I watched 'Mister Brain' I really enjoyed it. in that drama, Kimura Takuya said 'I am Tsukumo' in a charming manner. I loved it.
Jung Shin: Yong Hwa hyung resembles Kimura Takuya. His hair style is similar to Kimura Takuya in the drama.
Yong Hwa: We love Japanese dramas. We study Japanese language with drama.
While studying, I am trying to write a lyric in Japanese, although Japanese teacher is correcting it currently.
We will try harder to write lyric in Japanese.
DJ: Do you practice Japanese songs too?
Jong Hyun: Sure, we love J-pop.
Yong Hwa: Singing in Japanese is a method of studying Japanese.
DJ: Who is your favorite Japanese musician?
Jung Shin : L'Arc~en~Ciel
Min Hyuk : Ellegarden
Jong Hyun: Bump of chicken.
Yong Hwa: Mister Children.

DJ: Japanese words you memorized recently?
Yong Hwa: minor
Jung Shin: Mechasukiyanen, O-o-kini, Suimasen... (Osaka dialects, I love it so much, Thank you, I'm sorry)
Jong Hyun: Korosu (I will kill you)
Min Hyun: That sounds good but...

DJ: It was Jung Shin's birthday on Sep.15, Happy birthday! How old are you?
Jung Shin: It's my 19th birthday.
Yong Hwa: He is still minor in Japan.
DJ : How old do I look?
Jung Shin : 44
Min Hyuk : 45
Jong Hyun : 27
Yong Hwa : 18  

DJ: Yong Hwa you composed and wrote lyric of 'I don't know why', didn't you?
Yong Hwa: Yes, I composed and wrote it. I wanted to make it a unique mood.
It's band music, but I wanted a groovy feeling.

DJ: Say goodbye words to the listeners
Jung Shin: We did concert in Osaka yesterday\. And we have concerts in Nagoya and Tokyo. Please come and cheer us up a lot.
Min Hyuk: Please support us a lot, please listen to our new album a lot.
We will have a lot of concerts in both Korea and Japan. So please come to both.
Jong Hyun: We came to perform in Osaka. I really appreciate you who cheered us a lot in Osaka.
To repay your kindness, I want to come Osaka again. At that time I will meet you with better music.
Yong Hwa: We will be a band who compete with live performance. See you at the live performance.


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Post time 19-9-2010 06:06 PM | Show all posts
gambar ni xde lg kan?..appa jonghyun

cr : kkt at ameblo
shareby : nyuu @ CodeAzzurro

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