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Post time 15-9-2010 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by malberi8 at 15-9-2010 10:11
Reply  perang_sivil

dari segi industri pertahanan aje. Yg lain, belum tentu.

Aku mula2 ingat  ...
observateur Post at 15-9-2010 09:49 AM

    iya di penjara2 disini pon ramai penghuninya bangsa indo-ni-sial .... yg paling ramai melakukan jenayah rompak, pecah rumah, samun , rogol ...amat terkenal di rantau sebelah sini, agaknya inilah hasil dari keturunan yg berkahwin lain agama.. maka hasilnya anak2 har*m yg menjadi penjenayah2 yg tidak berperikemanusian

rakyat msia seharusnya mengambil iktibar dan berdoa agar dijauhkan dari menjadi seperi bangsa Indonesial ini, lihatlah kerosakan yg telah dilakukan mereka diatas muka bumi ini dan ketahuilah sesungguhnya Tuhan telah menjatuhkan hukuman demi hukuman tetapi bangsa ini tetap degil dan anggkuh... seperti syaitan yg sombong dan anggkuh mengatakan kejadian syaitan adalah lebih baik dari makhluk2 lain...


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Post time 15-9-2010 10:10 AM | Show all posts
iya di penjara2 disini pon ramai penghuninya bangsa indo-ni-sial .... yg paling ramai mela ...
malberi8 Post at 15-9-2010 10:05

yep bro. peringatan utk kita. I fear kita pun sedikit sebanyak dah ikut macam dema. Cuma tak kawen civil aje...

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Post time 15-9-2010 10:23 AM | Show all posts
yep bro. peringatan utk kita. I fear kita pun sedikit sebanyak dah ikut macam dema. Cuma tak kaw ...
observateur Post at 15-9-2010 10:10 AM

    semoga kita semua sentiasa beringat dan semoga akan sentiasa Tuhan merahmati dan memberkati negara Msia yang bertuah ini... adalah besar harapan rakyat kita agar kerajaan lebih menerapkan nilai2 Islam ke atas pentadbiran negara dan agar segala usaha pembangunan dan peningkatan ekonomi rakyat dimakbulkan Tuhan...

Ingatlah kemiskinan itu mendekatkan umat kepada kekufuran... dan akhirnya harga diri boleh dijual beli ... seperti negara jiran yg rakyatnya sanggup main tahi untuk sesuap makan...

sekuat mana pun ketenteraan sesebuah negara tiada makna jika majoriti rakyatnya hidup dalam kemiskinan dan kedaifan... perang melawan kemiskinan itu lebih penting..

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Post time 15-9-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 120# observateur

    Susahnya disana sebab masalah birokrasi..masalah korupsi masih berleluasa... kalau Indonesia telus... konpem Indonesia akan jadi sebuah negara yang digeruni..

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Post time 15-9-2010 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Reply  observateur

    Susahnya disana sebab masalah birokrasi..masalah korupsi masih berlelua ...
perang_sivil Post at 15-9-2010 10:35 AM

    masaalah utama di indon sebab kekayaan dari seluruh indon hanya dipusatkan ke Jakarta... penggagihan kekayaan negara tidak sekata atau tidak adil... jurang antara yg kaya dengan yg miskin amat besar sekali... yang kaya jadi teramat kaya dan miskin teramat miskin... bila rakyat udah jatuh miskin maka penyakit2 sosial seperti rasuah berkembang.. mungkin salah pemerintah yg tidak bijak melaksanakan tugas2 meningkatkan ekonomi rakyat..

walaupun negara indon mampu memiliki teknologi membuat kapal terbang dgn bantuan negara lain... tetapi negara itu gagal melaksanakan tugas2 sosial dalam menjaga welfare rakyatnya... sekali lagi teknologi tinggi tidak mampu membantu menyediakan peluang2 pekerjaan yg mencukupi kepada rakyatnya...

dan mungkin sikap rakyatnya sendiri yg suka bertelagah sesama sendiri dan iri hati melihat orang lain berjaya.. bila didalam kemiskinan maka rakyatnya sanggup berbuat apa saja demi sesuap nasi.. ada yg sanggup main tahi dan ramai yang jadi penjenayah.. penipuan adalah paling banyak terjadi di Jakarta oleh itu rakyat asing yg ingin berkunjung kesana harus berhati2 ya..

tapi yg paling utama mungkin kesilapam hukum pancasila... yg meletakan kepentingan negara melebihi dari agama.. maka ini mungkin hukum dari Tuhan keatas bangsa yg tidak pernah mahu belajar dari kesilapan dan hanya tahu mahu berperang aja...indon ni hanyalah sebuah negara yg paling ramai beragama Islam... tapi ramai yg tidak mengamalkan Islam..

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Post time 23-9-2010 01:22 PM | Show all posts
iya di penjara2 disini pon ramai penghuninya bangsa indo-ni-sial .... yg paling ramai mela ...
malberi8 Post at 15-9-2010 10:05

putuskan hbungan diplomatik..
diorg dah banyak kali mencabar kesabaran kita..tapi kita diam je...sbb kita x sebingai diorg yang buat sesuatu x pakai kepala hotak!!!
kita x rugi..malah x rugi ape2 pun..dgn manusia yg x sedar diuntung..
pendidikan? - ape yg ada kat sana? jauh lbh baik apa yg ada kat sini.
pulau?pantai? - kat sini pun ada semuanya.
bandar2 besar? - even di sana negaranya lebih besar, so what?kat sini punya bandar lg terancang..
keselamatan? - sendiri mau ingat lah..

helo, dengar sini semua esp indon, u all sesuke hati nak halau org malaysia, sesuke hati nak buluh runcingkan org malaysia..ape perasaan korg kalau kat sini kitorg buat bnd yg sama???tepek taik kat embassy korg??bakar bndera korg??nyawa di balas nyawa..bakar di balas kami kat malaysia ni x segoblok korang..:@

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Post time 23-9-2010 02:15 PM | Show all posts
atas ane buanyak armchair expert
gede_babi Post at 23-9-2010 07:18 AM

    permasaalahan di indonesial tidak perlu dihalusi oleh mana expert... semua orang tahu akan kepincangan pemerintahan orang2 jawa... dan kegagalan dasar ekonomi indonesial.... cuma rakyat indonesial yg tidak sadar..... taksub dgn kekuatan TNI (padahal tidak seberapa)  terkinja2 mau berperang sama Malaysia padahal kebanyakan rakyat negara indo-ne-sial hidup melarat.... bangsa yg bodoh ini harus sadar bahwa perang hanya akan meruntuhkan ekonomi segala itu...

lebih baik tingkatkan ekonomi negara kamu , dan jangan irihati pada Msia.... mentaliti rakyat kamu perlu berubah jika mahu berjaya.. mentaliti indon ni rata2nya umpama katak dibawah tempurung, penuh dengan perasaan hasad dengki & iri hati malahan bodoh sombang gituu...

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Post time 24-9-2010 09:53 PM | Show all posts
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Post time 24-9-2010 09:54 PM | Show all posts
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Post time 24-9-2010 10:47 PM | Show all posts
tu dia, inilah sikap warga indonesial yg uda tertekan, stress ya pak....

kalau ada najis manusia aku dah tau dah mesti kerja wak2 dari negara sial tuh...nih kerja sedara mara samermasem/ibrahimanwar lah ni....

inilah hasil kerja warga Indonesial...bila dah tewas berhujah maka datanglah kontol sama najisnya...atas sebab2 beginilah Tuhan sentiasa menjatuhkan bala dan hukuman2 yg menyiksakan keatas bangsa laknat ini.... semoga manusia setaraf haiwan ini di laknat Tuhannn...

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Post time 25-9-2010 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Reply 126# gede_babi

heleh.. x payah xpert pun bole terangkan keadaan jahanam negara indon bodo kau tu

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Post time 25-9-2010 10:24 PM | Show all posts
ASEAN needs President SBY in New York

Fuadi Pitsuwan, Washington,DC | Tue, 09/21/2010 9:25 AM | Opinion A | A | A        |
Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, dressed in a sharp-looking suit and wearing his usual stylish black glasses, spoke to a public forum organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a prominent Washington-based think tank, last Friday.
During his speech, he repeatedly apologized on behalf of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for the anticipated absence of the Indonesian President from the US-ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting, also known as the US-ASEAN Summit, which will take place this Friday in New York City. Indonesia will be represented by Vice President Boediono.
In explaining the reason for the President’s planned absence to Josh Rogin, a blogger for Foreign Policy magazine, Marty said, “it is one of those things that all leaders find themselves at one time or another: a situation where there is an absolutely impossible clash in their keeping up with the daily [domestic] situation. As much as the President would have loved to be in New York to attend the very important US-ASEAN Leaders’ meeting, he finds himself unable to do so.”
Having said that, it is a reflection of the very positive and mature state of our bilateral relations.
The kind of communication that needs to happen on ASEAN issues between Indonesia and the United States is taking place day in day out on a continuous basis. So the absence of our President in New York will not in any way impair that communication.
It seems one must keep guessing the real reason behind Yudhoyono’s no-show at the US-ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting. The official reasons were attributed to the fact that the date of the meeting was announced only at the beginning of this month and that Yudhoyono’s agenda for late September had already been fixed earlier this year.
Political analysts, however, are placing bets that US President Obama’s twice postponed trip to Jakarta might have played some role in the final disappointing decision
While Marty is correct in indicating that the absence of the President and the presence of the Vice President reflects a “positive” and “mature” state of US-Indonesia “bilateral relations”, Yudhoyono means a whole lot more to the ASEAN region and its almost 600 million people.
His absence may not affect US-Indonesia bilateral relations much but it would hurt ASEAN’s effort as a bloc to engage the US.
This may sound obvious to most enthusiasts on ASEAN affairs. But as a respectable scholar on Southeast Asia who requested anonymity put it: “Of course it’s more than US-Indonesia relations, but SBY has to be convinced of that.”  
Ernest Bower, director of the Southeast Asia Program at CSIS, also framed the issue quite aptly when he wrote in his blog: “The real issue is SBY’s decision.  He has the power to send a strong signal to his fellow ASEAN leaders, the United States and all of Asia.  Should he decide to pass up President Barack Obama’s invitation to join the summit in New York, there will be serious questions about where US-ASEAN relations are heading.”
Indonesia is the largest country in ASEAN, no matter how we cut it. Its 230 million people account for almost 40 percent of ASEAN’s 590 million people. Indonesia occupies 42 percent of ASEAN’s 4.4 million square kilometers.
Of ASEAN’s US$1.5 trillion total gross domestic product, Indonesia’s share is close to 40 percent. It is the only ASEAN nation in the elite G20 grouping. By its sheer size, Indonesia is undoubtedly one of ASEAN’s de facto leaders.
Indonesia strives to be the hub of all things ASEAN. It is a key founding member of ASEAN and the ASEAN Secretariat is located in Jakarta. Its geopolitical location is strategic. The archipelago has many international sea lines of communications that pass through its waters. It is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country.
It is at the pinnacle of democratic Muslim nations and its Muslim population has been labeled as moderate, progressive and tolerant.
It has a perfect linkage of modernity and Islamic values — and is an example to other Muslim countries that democratic Western ideology and an Islamic worldview are not mutually exclusive.
To put it bluntly, Indonesia is arguably the single most important reason why the US is interested in engaging ASEAN at all.
It is not too late for Yudhoyono to change his mind and attend the US-ASEAN Summit later this week. The President needs to live up to the expectation of ASEAN’s citizens.
His personal charisma and commanding reputation in the international arena will strengthen ASEAN’s collective position as it engages directly with President Obama. President Yudhoyono carries the hopes of us all, not just Indonesians.

Fuadi Pitsuwan is a writer, based in Washington.

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Post time 26-9-2010 04:57 PM | Show all posts
SBY tak payah la nak ke NY..

Duk rumah lagi elok.. Start ops karung.. Karungi semua elemen subversif kat dlm indon pastu buat korban utk ratu kidul.. Lagi bagus..

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Post time 26-9-2010 07:51 PM | Show all posts
SBY takut kena tangkap kot ....teringat kes bunuh beramai2 di timor leste

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Post time 26-9-2010 10:15 PM | Show all posts
It has a perfect linkage of modernity and Islamic values — and is an example to other Muslim countries that democratic Western ideology and an Islamic worldview are not mutually exclusive.
To put it bluntly, Indonesia is arguably the single most important reason why the US is interested in engaging ASEAN at all.

is there anybody here who doesn't agree with the statement above?

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Post time 27-9-2010 12:52 AM | Show all posts
Nope.. I dont think any of us here really care about that piece of turd black propaganda..
we are more concern of the number of indon trolls that disgrace indonesia by acting like uneducated, no minded, rednecks.. And that is a fact!

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Post time 27-9-2010 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Anwar blames M’sian media, ruling party for tension with Indonesia

Erwida Maulia, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 09/26/2010 6:02 PM | World

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim blames the Malaysian media and ruling party UMNO for playing part in heating up the ever-tense situation between Indonesia and Malaysia.

Anwar said, as he addressed a forum in Jakarta on Sunday, Malaysians’ tendency to have negative perspective on Indonesians was attributable, among others, to negative coverage of the Malaysian media on events occurring in Indonesia or involving Indonesians.

“When we look at Malaysian media, we see negative reports (on Indonesia); the riots, the poor Indonesian migrant workers being dumped… No positive coverage at all,” he said

“When they report on (Indonesia’s) Constitutional Court and the Corruption Eradication Commission, it’s as if all Indonesians were corrupt, although I know Malaysia is very corrupt, too” added Anwar.

He said the negative coverage was part of the reason why “understanding and affection” between the two “one-race” neighbors were degrading compared with when he was young.

Although at that time Indonesia’s first president Soekarno just declared the “Destroy Malaysia” campaign, Anwar said he observed that the negative sentiment toward Malaysians had
not been shared as widely as it was now among the Indonesian public.

“And this is really not healthy for long term.”

Anwar was addressing a general lecture organized by Soegeng Sarjadi School of Government themed “Political Reform and Democratization in Malaysia: Toward Equal Friendship Between Malaysia and Indonesia”.

In the following press conference, he said Malaysian ruling party UMNO also played part in making more tense the situation with its heightening of threats faced by Malaysians because of the rage of Indonesians.   

“Is our domestic politics or UMNO playing up the situation? Yes, it is. They (UMNO) act as if Malaysia is under threat of being attack with the boiling rage in Indonesia.  
“That’s not true. The sentiment is not that terrible in Indonesia, although yes there is anger that has spread widely among the people,” Anwar said. ... with-indonesia.html

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Post time 27-9-2010 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Politics play a part in negative Malaysia-Indonesia sentiments: Anwar Ibrahim
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 09/26/2010 4:34 PM | World

Political games are behind several issues that have fueled rising tensions between Malaysia and Indonesia, former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said.
“The game is being played by elitist rulers in Malaysia,” Anwar said during a general lecture session at Soegeng Sarjadi School of Government in Jakarta on Sunday, as quoted by
Anwar, who is an opposition icon in Malaysia, believed that the Malaysian elite lacked the will to foster the harmony needed to erase the negative sentiment between the two countries.
“I’m very concerned that the poor judgment will be passed on to the public,” he added.
Anwar blamed the dependent Malaysian press for not contributing to building better relations with Indonesia. “The Malaysian media mostly covers the negative aspects of Indonesia, and this has become a stigma within the workforce,” Anwar said.

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Post time 27-9-2010 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Nope.. I dont think any of us here really care about that piece of turd black propaganda..
we are  ...
kancilkalerbiru Post at 27-9-2010 00:52

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Post time 27-9-2010 11:40 AM | Show all posts
is there anybody here who doesn't agree with the statement above?
botakgundul Post at 26-9-2010 10:15 PM

Indonesial was so important to US coz its the terrorist breeding ground.....and US did put an arm embargo against Indonesia, so that they could not fly Us made aircraft...... is there anything more important than that? even their President are scared to put his feet in US soil....he could be pinalised becoz off the mass murder in Timor Leste..

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