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Author: Acong

Akhirnya skandal Scorpene?

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2010 11:39 PM | Show all posts
French connection: The net is closing in          
Mariam Mokhtar from Paris
Wednesday, 14 July 2010 04:06

PARIS – Private eye P Balasubramaniam (picture) is the first witness from Malaysia to testify in investigations into alleged corruption in the sale of Scorpene submarines by French state-owned naval shipyard DCN (Direction des Constructions Navales) to Malaysia.

Unlike the Malaysian government, the French view these matters seriously.

The French police are taking the lead and Bala was interviewed at 14:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST) on Monday 12 July. The following day, 13 July, he met with the French legal expert Joseph Breham at 10:00 CEST for further discussions.

He had his first meeting  with three people - a French policeman who asked the questions, his assistant and an interpreter. At the end of the three-hour session, he had four papers to sign.

He mentioned that the questions that were put to him on the second day of interviews were similar to the ones discussed with the police the previous day. He also confirmed that two extra people would be involved in the investigations - which his lawyer Americk Sidhu had mentioned in an earlier press release.

When asked how he felt the two interviews had gone, he said he felt "very positive" about them, and that he had a "good feeling" that justice would finally be done. He also hinted that there might be further investigations and possibly another trip to Paris to give his testimony.

When questioned about a possible time frame for these further enquiries, he guessed that it might take around six months.

He stressed that once the details had been finalised, his lawyers would issue an official press release concerning the two interviews that had been conducted in Paris.

Investigation into Altantuya's death

Few will disagree with the saying that if justice is to be done, then it must be seen to be done. Any legal processes involved should be open to scrutiny and be impartial. However, when it came to the investigation into Altantuya’s death, justice was allowed to sink without trace.

When Bala found that his testimony as a witness in Altantuya’s murder was suppressed, he concluded that the official inquiries were a whitewash.

The submarines were built by Armaris, a subsidiary of the French defence giant DCN. A third, retired, submarine, built by a joint venture between DCN and Agosta from Spain, was leased.

The cost of the submarines and the "commission" fee were paid to companies (Perimekar and KS Ombak Laut) owned by Najib's friend, Abdul Razak Baginda. Baginda’s wife, Mazalinda, is the principal shareholder.

Under the terms of the original contract, the vessels were basically hulks. A further RM550 million was spent to fit the submarines with detection devices and armaments.

Expensive scrap metal

In essence, Malaysia’s defence ministry had purchased a lot of expensive scrap metal.

In December 2009, lawyers Joseph Breham, Renaud Semerdjian and William Bourdon, acting on behalf of their clients Suaram, filed the request in France, to investigate corruption allegations against DCN. The French court opened a preliminary investigation.

Questions centred around what Perimekar did to justify the receipt of RM482 million.

Perimekar received monies for “coordination and services”. However, the Paris filing alleges that there were neither support nor services.

Perimekar was registered just before the signing of the contracts for the sale. It also appeared to lack the financial resources, technical expertise and capability.

Interestingly, the response of the French has been in stark contrast to that of the Malaysians. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is apparently afraid to interview Bala. Perhaps, the MACC considers itself too important to consider his testimony.

The MACC is seemingly showing an invisible bias towards those who are most at risk, or those who are in power.

"Justice and the truth must prevail."

Yesterday, Bala said that towards the end of the  interview, the policeman asked if he (Bala) had anything more to say. Bala responded, “Justice and the truth must prevail.”

However, one wonders if there is any point in continuing the charade of investigations in Malaysia. It wastes time and public money.

Political observers will recall that former premier Tony Blair was asked to give evidence at the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war recently.

Maybe the French should obtain the assistance of former prime ministers, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Abdullah Badawi to shed some light into their investigations. The testimonies of these two men should prove invaluable.

During their tenure as prime minister, their defence minister, Najib, went on a mammoth defence shopping spree.

Was it a plan conceived during Mahathir’s time which spiraled out of control when he left office? In which case, Abdullah Badawi ought to know. These scandals happened mostly under his watch.

*The views expressed here are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysian Mirror and/or its associates.


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 Author| Post time 15-7-2010 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Rilek bro...kita kasi nampak kesampahan tu...

Tengok aje Bala nak jumpa lawyer pukul 4 petang waktu Malaysia...kast situ dah nampak dah....
alphawolf Post at 15-7-2010 13:31

agak2 kul brape di London?

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Post time 17-7-2010 06:53 AM | Show all posts
bala pergi france utk sokong pengharaman purdah kot, anuar ngok jumpa zionis utk sokong hancurkan al aqsa dan penghapusan umat islam di palestin, jd aku tak terkejut pun , dan pas dan gol munafik pkr sokong hancurkan umat islam di pulau pinang dlm masa yang sama menyokony dakwaan Allah itu ada anak, jd buat apa nak bisingx2 dengan gol ni, ckp pun tak guna, bg aku isu kapal selam ni cuma kambing hitam je, biasalah , dah berapa bnyk diut dorang dah kebas melalui pasir , klu tak mcm mana nak taja RP ngan bala kat luar negara.



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Post time 17-7-2010 06:55 AM | Show all posts
yang acong ni pulak jenis gol yg hancurkan islam dr dalam, aku rasa inilah gol yang Allah janjikan kedatangannya di akhir zaman utk rosakkan negara islam dr dalam, klu tak takkan gol ni sokong nama Allah di kotak katrikkan gol penyebar murtad.



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Post time 18-7-2010 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Ok wa silap time tu.....

Cuma wa masih sangsi penglibatan minah mongol tu sebagai penterjemah pembelian dari perancis....lain la nak beli Kilo class.....

Ada sape23 boleh cek smada kita guna penterjemah masa beli Exocet, Ecuruil, Astros atau mana2 benda dari negara bukan BI?

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Post time 18-7-2010 12:10 PM | Show all posts
habis si bala tu pihak france panggil pasal apa? dia ni ada duduk dalam board meeting perimekar ke? hebat gak dia macam of perimekar think tank!!! pffffftttt

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2010 01:10 AM | Show all posts
yang acong ni pulak jenis gol yg hancurkan islam dr dalam, aku rasa inilah gol yang Allah janjikan kedatangannya di akhir zaman utk rosakkan negara islam dr dalam, klu tak takkan gol ni sokong nama Allah di kotak katrikkan gol penyebar murtad.
hyazinth79 Post at 17-7-2010 06:55

aiks......... posting camnie pung layak dapat kredit 80? nie menunjukkan sikap moderator camne? adil dan saksama? my foot laa......

aku golongan yg hancur kan islam? camne? ingat aku ada kuasa super saiya kaa?

ko tau apa itu golongan munafik? org2 islam tetapi munafik seperti kau adalah org2 yg merosakkan islam dari dalam, bukan hanya negara islam......

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2010 01:12 AM | Show all posts
bala pergi france utk sokong pengharaman purdah kot, anuar ngok jumpa zionis utk sokong hancurkan al ...
hyazinth79 Post at 17-7-2010 06:53
awat golongan2 munafik kat sini tak protes bila kerajaan BN bayar jutaan RM pd APCO? ops......... pasal pe korg nak protes? nama pung dah munafik.........

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 Author| Post time 20-7-2010 12:45 AM | Show all posts
French prosecutors to quiz PI Bala over sub deal
Thu, 01 Jul 2010 11:49

By K Kabilan

KUALA LUMPUR: French prosecutors will be interviewing private investigator P Balasubramaniam in Paris next week as part of their ongoing investigation into claims of corruption over a US$1.1 billion submarine deal linked to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

Balasubramaniam's lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu told FMT that he was informed by French lawyers of this latest development yesterday.

“Balasubramaniam will be travelling to Paris later next week to talk to the French prosecutors,” he said.

He added that it was an irony that the French prosecutors were ready to talk to Balasubramaniam but not the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers.

He was referrring to the MACC's decision yesterday not to send its officers to London to record statements from Balasubramaniam in the murder trial of Mongolian Altantuya Shariibuu.

MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations) Mohd Shukri Abdull had said Balasubramaniam would instead be asked to answer questions which would be submitted through his lawyer in the form of a sworn statement or affidavit, as advised by the Attorney-General.

Americk said he was disappointed with the MACC's decision not to fly out to London to meet Balasubramaniam as was previously agreed upon.

“I just find it interesting that the French don't seem to have a problem in taking Balasubramaniam's statement unlike our MACC and its legal advisers,” he said.

“We will, however, continue with our plan in London. We have arranged for a press conference on July 7 and that will proceed,” he added.

He also said that Balasubramaniam and his team of lawyers will be present at the Holiday Villas in Bayswater, London, at 10am on July 5 for the arrival of the three MACC officers who are supposed to interview Balasubramaniam as arranged and promised.

“Bala was available at all times and the MACC knew this. We have documents to prove we had informed them of our willingness to cooperate as far back as December last year. Why is everyone becoming so coy at the eleventh hour?

“It is nothing less than astounding to realise that an authority such as the MACC, which would have been expected to have done everything in its power to investigate the very serious allegations made against the prime minister, his wife and his brother, would now forfeit that opportunity on tenuous and exasperatingly flimsy grounds...

“They know full well that much preparation has gone into organising this interview and to then pull out at the very last moment is contrary to the false perceptions created by them up till now,” he said.

Controversial statutory declarations

Balasubramaniam created controversy on July 3, 2008, when he distributed a sworn deposition in connection with Altantuya’s murder.

His statement alleged links between Najib's close friend Abdul Razak Baginda and the deceased.

The next day, the private investigator retracted his statutory declaration and subsequently left the country with his family.

On Oct 27 last year, in the presence of three prominent lawyers, Balasubramian came out of hiding and reaffirmed that his first statutory declaration was true and that he was offered RM5 million to retract it.

In the no-holds-barred interview, he named businessmen Deepak -- who is said to be an associate of Rosmah Mansor, the prime minister's wife -- as the person who met him at a Rawang restaurant and made the cash offer.

He also claimed that Najib’s brother Nazim offered him RM5 million to retract the first statutory declaration, a charge which the prime minister has rubbished.

MACC had already recorded statements from Nazim and Deepak.

The French investigation, meanwhile, stemmed from a request of Malaysian human rights group which alleged that French shipbuilder DCN paid a commission of U$150 million (114 million euros) to a company called Perimekar in the sale of two Scorpene submarines to Malaysia.

Perimekar is linked to Abdul Razak Baginda and he was later acquitted on charges of abetting the 2006 murder of his mistress Altantuya, who was a translator in the submarine deal.

Najib, defense minister when the deal was brokered, has defended the submarines' purchase and denied any involvement in Altantuya's murder.

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Post time 20-7-2010 02:54 PM | Show all posts
xabes2 meletop lagi ke skandal kapal selam nih? apa kena mengena pompuan mongol tuh dalam kes skandal kapal selam nih? daku ketinggalan ketapi..huhu...

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Post time 20-7-2010 09:59 PM | Show all posts
thread nih makin panas aja. Acong on a rampage

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2010 01:53 AM | Show all posts
xabes2 meletop lagi ke skandal kapal selam nih? apa kena mengena pompuan mongol tuh dalam kes skanda ...
FMKiller Post at 20-7-2010 14:54

ada laa 2-3 artikel aku dah tepek..... rajin2 laa khatam....... kalu ada nak saman, silakan laa....... sumber semua dah disertakan.....

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2010 01:54 AM | Show all posts
thread nih makin panas aja. Acong on a rampage
semarmesem Post at 20-7-2010 21:59
awat panas? aku rasa aman damai je.......

tapi kalu makan cili, mmg laa panas........

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Post time 25-7-2010 07:53 AM | Show all posts
Klu bayar APCO kira yahudi , kau guna internet ni kira yahudi jugak la, blm masuk FB lagi, chip komputer yg kau guna pun, maknanya kau ni yahudi tulen la acong.

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Post time 25-7-2010 07:55 AM | Show all posts
aku tau la anuar gok pergi jumpa yahudi minta izin jd pm kat malaysia, nmpk sgt usaha nak masukkan malaysia dlm kelompok negra aislam yg bakal iktiraf yahudi.  takde negara yg tak berhadapan dlm masalah pembelian peralatan tentera, amerika sendiri hadapi masalah dan ambil masa utk selesai, jd apa yg buat malaysia kebal.

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Post time 25-7-2010 07:57 AM | Show all posts
Reply 133# Acong

    sumbar dr anuar gok yg jumpa zionis tu ke hwahewaha, yg tak berani bersumpah dengan nama ALLAH tu ke hwahwahwa, dah jual nama Allah mesti la tak berani nak senut nama ALLah swt, takut kena panah kilat la tu. hwahwahwa

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2010 09:49 PM | Show all posts
Klu bayar APCO kira yahudi , kau guna internet ni kira yahudi jugak la, blm masuk FB lagi, chip komp ...
hyazinth79 Post at 25-7-2010 07:53
adakah masa aku guna internet nie, aku bayar kat APCO? buat comparison cam bahalol......

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2010 09:50 PM | Show all posts
aku tau la anuar gok pergi jumpa yahudi minta izin jd pm kat malaysia, nmpk sgt usaha nak masukkan malaysia dlm kelompok negra aislam yg bakal iktiraf yahudi.  takde negara yg tak berhadapan dlm masalah pembelian peralatan tentera, amerika sendiri hadapi masalah dan ambil masa utk selesai, jd apa yg buat malaysia kebal.
hyazinth79 Post at 25-7-2010 07:55

cuba ko rephrase ayat ko tu..... amenda ko nak cakap sebenarnya? BM ko fail kaa?

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2010 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Acong

    sumbar dr anuar gok yg jumpa zionis tu ke hwahewaha, yg tak berani bersumpah dengan nama ALLAH tu ke hwahwahwa, dah jual nama Allah mesti la tak berani nak senut nama ALLah swt, takut kena panah kilat la tu. hwahwahwa
hyazinth79 Post at 25-7-2010 07:57

sape yg jual nama Allah swt? sape yg bersumpah tak kenal pompuan mongolia? sape yg bersumpah diliwat? sape yg jual nama Allah swt dgn bersumpah? yahudi?

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2010 01:00 AM | Show all posts
Home of PI Bala’s lawyer ransacked
Tue, 20 Jul 2010 10:22
By FMT Team

KUALA LUMPUR: Private investigator P Balasubramaniam’s lawyer Manjeet Singh Dhillion’s house here was broken into, ransacked and a laptop was removed.

Manjeet, who is currently in London with Bala, believes the robbery was not a random incident and expressed concern “at attempts to interfere” with the contents on his laptop.

“I have serious concerns that attempts might be made by interested parties to interfere with the contents of my laptop and fabricate material.

‘It is telling that many other valuable items in the same room, including my wife’s jewellery, were left untouched.

“It is also very revealing that this is the second incident targeted at my house close at a time when I am attending to PI Bala’s matters.

“I had Molotov cocktails thrown at my house after his Singapore interview and now after his London and Paris interviews, I have had my house broken into and my laptop removed,” he said, referring to the recent interview Balasubramaniam had with French investigators over Malaysia’s acquisition of the two Scorpene submarines.

The French prosecutors have identified Balasubramaniam as a key witness in their investigations into suspected corruption in the Malaysian purchase of submarines.

Malaysia completed its purchase of the submarines last year with DCNS, a French defence conglomerate.

However, the deal was initiated and struck in 2002, when Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was defence minister. Najib led the negotiations with the French government.

'I will lodge a police report'

The French probe is focused on a US$151.1 million commission paid to a company called Perimekar, which was allegedly established in 2001 for the purpose of receiving the kickback.

Perimekar is a subsidiary of KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, which is controlled by Abdul Razak Baginda, a close Najib associate and lover of the late Mongolian beauty Altantuya Shaariibuu, who was a translator in the deal.

Abdul Razak was charged with abetting in her murder but was eventually acquitted.

Balasubramaniam, whom Abdul Razak hired to keep Altantuya from harassing him for money, has alleged that Najib had a relationship with the murdered Mongolian.

Meanwhile, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), which was scheduled to meet with Balasubramaniam in London on July 5, and record his statement, called it off at the last minute, saying the Attorney-General had advised against it.

Manjeet had reportedly told journalists in London at the time that if MACC had interviewed his client, “Bala would have highlighted a whole series of events surrounding this Altantuya matter”.

In a statement issued yesterday, Manjeet said he would be flying back immediately from London to attend to the incident.

“I will release a further statement after I reach home and have had an opportunity to view the crime scene personally. I will lodge a police report after that,” he said.

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