gd comey je dok gitu ngan pms. i like the fact that pms adores him so much that he's being very protective over gd
okies, update taeyang baby lak...
mmm...personally i don't think having taeyang debuting in the US is good, i mean...buat masa ni. he better stays and build up his fan base in asia first before getting rocognition in the US. kat US diorang ni racist. susah nak penetrate sebenarnya. perhaps this time around taeyang just dapatkan khidmat composer sana je tapi bukan nak debut kat sana lagi...hopefully! i guess papa YG pun dah amik ikhtibar dari se7en dulu. sebab tu bila 2ne1 nak debut under ni pun diorang tak kasi exact date lagi. they're just testing the market dulu kot.
apa2 pun, for me...biar the US people yg cari bigbang (and 2ne1) daripada diorang yang hegeh2 kat US market.
Big Bang’s Taeyang to debut in the US? by GONIon July 6, 2011 at 12:34 pm
Big Bang’s Taeyang recently revealed through his Twitter that he is currently working on an album with renowned American producers, the Underdogs.
Taeyang posted, “Today I’m starting my session with the Underdogs it’s gonna be awesome!”. A member of the Underdogs replied to the post, “Creating today for the artist @Realtaeyang. Wish us luck”, and Taeyang retweeted the post.
The Underdogs are arguably the top R&B producers in the music scene. Whether on reputation or success, they’ve worked with superstars such as Beyonce, Chris Brown, Babyface, 2Pac, Omarion, and many others.
Just to give you an idea of how talented they are, here are some of the songs produced by the Underdogs: “No Air” and “Take You Down” by Chris Brown, “How You Gonna Act Like that” by Tyrese, and “Listen” by Beyonce.
With this news, fans in Korea are getting excited at the rumors of Taeyang’s potential debut in the US. There’s rumors going around that the album will be released and promoted in both Korea and the US, simultaneously.
YG Entertainment has spoken on this rumor, stating, “We have nothing to say at this time about entering the US market”, and that, “Taeyang is currently contacting producers he has always wanted to work with”, not leaking out any clues on Taeyang’s future plans.
so this topic was spoken of like awhile ago and i know i should just let it go, and it's petty of me to keep bringing it up, but..... i can't accept the fact that they say they AREN'T copying BIGBANG but just look at that vid. even the VIP logo has the crown on it and the font is very similar. not to mention the epicfail facepaint that's reminiscent of this.. credit: soompi ni cik stanum tambah..official fanclub dorang diamond maskot fc, crown..apa neh??!! tirukkkk... tu blom tang image! siap tiru rambut pacak Tae Yang (x verani le tu nk tiru braided hair dia khen), pehtu topi senget, and facepaint tu BB dah wat thn 2008-2009 la dol!! duhh...
OWH! cik stanum ni jarang nk bashing2 org ni tau...I forumer yg bersopan santun gittew.. tapi grup copycat ni betoi2 wat cik stanum naik darah!!! Malas betul la retis Malaysia ni nk fikir idea/concept sendiri yg original..main tiru je le senang ye tak senah oii!! dah tu kalau nk tiru pun agak2 la..ko pegi tiru bulat2 mcm tu ingat peminat ni bodo ker? Ingat kat Malaysia ni takde fans Big Bang??? Hah, siap la cik stanum mmg nk bashing2 gila2 grup copycat nih nnti...
OMG, YOROBUN! DID YOU GUYS SAW THIS??? international VIP mengamuk kat soompi...memalukan betul la!!
stanum123 Post at 7-7-2011 12:26
ya...itu dia!!! tahniah kepada VIP copycat kerana telah berjaya mempromosikan diri ke peringkat antarabangsa. lol!
i dah tau dah...mesti jadik gini nye masa first time i dapat tau nama group ni VIP. and pas tu tgk performance diorang utube. mmg tak ori. takde X-factor. ok, i like the fact that adam and the gang and KRU nak naikkan semula dance froup kat malaysia ni, tapi please laaa...rujuk je boleh tak, jangan tiru! it's embarassing bila international fans dah kutuk camni. ada satu vietnamese group ni kena kutuk gile2 sbb tiru shinee...skang kita lak kena.
i know adam adores BB so much. but he should have expected benda camni akan berlaku. i dah agak dah...mmg dah agak. isk!
i nak tgk dance grouip naik kat malaysia, tapi bukan mcm ni...mmg dah sah-sah kena cop copycat. ini la maslahnya dgn artis and management malaysia. tak tau ke internet ni dunia tanpa sempadan. kejap je netizens da boleh trace and track down any new info. kalo impact bagus takpe gak, ini dah jadik lain. hopefully adam and the gang do something about this. i want to see them berjaya dgn dance group ni, but again...not this way, jose!
ingat tak cover mag Dazed hari tu?
let us look at the BTS footage...
Behind the scenes with Big Bang for ‘Dazed and Confused’by GhostWriter on July 6, 2011 at 11:38 am
Last month, the boys of Big Bangrevealed their radical fashion photoshoot for Dazed and Confused. Recently, Dazed and Confused uploaded a special behind the scenes videos from the radical photoshoot.
The members of Big Bang weren’t there just to look pretty for the camera as they were also involved in the process, brainstorming ideas with the photographer, Kim Joong Man. Together, they worked to showcase a different image than any image Big Bang had prior to the photoshoot.
sorry guys...i'm spazzing again mcm takde keje je hari ni kan!
reminiscing the good old days...
here's a vid of TOP, kim hyun joong and hyori. for those yg mungkin belum tahu lagi, TOP and KHJ ni best friends. they are the actual F4 along with jaejoong and yuchoon dbsk. vid kat bawah ni rasanya a month before the hot mkmf 2008 stage performance of BB and hyori took place.
looking back, it brought a big smile to my face. maklum le... bagi yg tahu mesti dah pernah tgk vid TOP kiss hyori masa mkmf tu mesti tau juga kisah KHJ baling remote control kat tv sebab tak puas ati TOP dpt kiss hyori. hehehehe....the good old memories
dua2 minat hyori tapi last2 TOP dpt kiss hyori dulu. lol! and furthermore, hyori pun mmg tanpa segan-silu mengaku yg dia mmg paling minat TOP dlm bigbang. aaawwww....
these 3 are sooo cute together! zaman hyori and TOP malu2 dulu...
haaa...jeng! jeng! yg ni lak zaman TOP dah hilang malu kat hyori. lol! (tau mesti ramai dah tgk vid ni...saje tepek sekali lagi...kasi tele ngan jalan cite di atas. kehkehkeh!)
OMG, YOROBUN! DID YOU GUYS SAW THIS??? international VIP mengamuk kat soompi...memalukan betul la!!
stanum123 Post at 7-7-2011 12:26
AM xnmpak pon gmbr VIP copycat itewww gigih AM g gugel tau...smata2 nk tgk n komen skaki apa crown2 nih..n AM nmpak ada 2 taeyang...version pakai topi ngan version xpakai topi {:1_126:}
VIP tu yg skrg tgh glemer lagu sedih eh? ptut pon ada stail kru...anak diidk kru ghupernye.. (motip amek tau pkembangan retis korea tp retis meleysie wat2 xtau)
sorry guys...i'm spazzing again mcm takde keje je hari ni kan!
reminiscing the good old da ...
luvsushi Post at 7-7-2011 17:28
baru tau pasal f4 real nih... suke relationship tabi ngan hyunjoong....bff kan depa? hyori ngan top mmg suke wat skendel....pas kene kiss tu nmpak muke hyori heaven giler
yeah!!!!!!!! dh agak mende2 cenggini akan terjadi.... mende ni akak pernah tgk kat fb... ms tu kecoh citer sal kerajaan sekat MU seme tu... tu termasuk la KRU n norman ke sape sebagai presiden ape tah... kunun2 nk elakkan keje2 mendonlot segala.... terkeluar la citer sal grup anak didik dia VIP.. ada la sorang hamba ALLAH ni komen yang VIP adalah nama untuk fan BB.... n skrg dh jd gini lak cite nyer... adoyaiii... nak jadikan idola org tak jangan la nk copy cattttttt.. wat malu la weyyyyyy
yeah!!!!!!!! dh agak mende2 cenggini akan terjadi.... mende ni akak pernah tg ...
nzhass79 Post at 7-7-2011 21:15
Itu ler kak zue..stanum leh layan gak lagu2 adam tu, tmbh2 dia pandai bila dh tiru concept sebijik sejibun mcm Big Bang, adoiiyaii...itu yg the real Big Bang's VIP paneh ati tuh...hohoho...carik sakit la nk tiruk2 Big Bang nih..takkan lamanya diorg nih..
AM...amboi, backing adam mesti kekasih lama sebelum seung ri ekk??
BTW kak zue, avvy u mengancam!!! perghh..dua-dua kekasih ati ada ekk...TOP & Se7en tuh..terbaekk lah!
BB stop aktiviti sbb kes daedae ke?
amemiya Post at 7-7-2011 23:28
hi mieya! meh nk tumpang jwb..skang BB stop activity as a group (last sekali diorg perform without Dae kat LG Mini Concert last month)..betul la..sbb kes Dae Dae tuh..lepas ni semua nyanyi lagu solo/duet memasing..even Korean Music Wave concert bln ni diorg takkan nyanyi lagu BB..cedih khenn?? padahal br je kuor album thn ni...tak dpt promote abis-abisan...uwaa....