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Author: tsukushi

Romantic Princess ~ Wu Chun, Calvin Chen & Angela Zhang ~ PART 1

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Post time 1-10-2007 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 1127lili at 1-10-2007 02:23 AM

لا تحقرن من المعروف شيئا و لو أن &# ...

huh?! apa nie?? :cf:

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Post time 1-10-2007 09:51 AM | Show all posts
yelah, Angela memang sesuai ngan chun...

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Post time 1-10-2007 09:57 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1356 limau's post

heh heh.. kan limaukan?? aku dah informed!! btw, gimme 10!!

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Post time 1-10-2007 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Yuni at 1-10-2007 09:57 AM
heh heh.. kan limaukan?? aku dah informed!! btw, gimme 10!!

hehehee... ya tul tu..

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Post time 2-10-2007 08:22 AM | Show all posts
pagi semua....
tsu...seronoklah nengok gif yg tsu letak tuk cite nie...
eh dalam gif tu ada tunjuk chun pasal apa arr??

takde sinopsis ep3 ke??

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2007 08:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1359 babyface76's post

mornin....nnt cek postage ya...

ada sinopsis kat AF tp yg spot nya....tak compile lg...XM mimpi Chun jd gemuk

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Post time 2-10-2007 09:43 AM | Show all posts
tsu letaklah sinopsis kat sini

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Post time 2-10-2007 09:44 AM | Show all posts
lupa lak..tsu nanti aku check

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Post time 2-10-2007 09:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1362 babyface76's post

aku baru donlot ep 1 cite ni tak korang yg dah layan

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Post time 2-10-2007 10:06 AM | Show all posts
wah princess dah d/load ye...huhhu aku je yg tak dapat nengok lagi..takde link yg aku dapat nengok kat opis nie...
masa ikemen paradise dapatlah layan

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2007 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Spot trans eps 3...x ikut sequence tp boleh prasan bila tgk scene

XM - Xiao Mai - Angela
Lin - George Hu
Cai - Calvin
Jin - Chun

credit : AF

And btw, for now, Lin is trying to get XM to like him.
Its the whole bedroom scene that's in the trailer ^^
XM rang that emergency bell thingy, so now Emp is like scolding Lin and asking Jin to be XM's bodyguard

of Jin and XM fighting. She threw a vase at him! (HAHA!) Cos she wasmad at him for telling Lin that she needed money. I think she mistookit for him telling Lin to give her money.

XM goes into Jin's room and saw that he's finding jobs as well~ Totally like it when they bicker at each other.

Cai took XM for a spin & bring her back to her former school!

dun know why but calvin( i can't recall his screen name) introduce himself and asked xiao mai out.
jin wasn't very happy abt it esp when cal put his arm on xiao mai, xiao mai also quickly just towards jin.
anyway he is being very nice and she feels that he is just like a big brother
he brings her to her school and then to play arcade games and take photos on the machine
they are now at the beach.. and the screen just froze again.. hai

xiaomai just told calvin that she dislikes jin the most, he says she sldget back at him by getting engaged to him..

cai tells her how much the 4 of them hates to be the one who inherit the company
and that jin will be very furious if its him, and will butt heads with emp
cai tells her he will give her the money she owes emp if she is engaged to jin

Xiao Mai just told emp she likes jin..  and he is happy and wants them to get engaged.

but in her heart she knows that it is just a scheme by cai and her

XM finally told Emp that she likes Jin & wanna get married to him.She went to the sauna & Lin came to look for her. She tried ask himto go away but fainted in da end!.

angela was in the sauna and he was outside calling her
she was afraid to go out or say anything in case he pounced on her again
she ended up fainting becos of the heat
and george after not hearing any response rushes in and is about to carry her out.. advertisement

thot george was going to carry her out but he didn't and rush out and bump into jin..
they both ran to look for xiao mai....

George is so cute apologizing to XM then she fainted in the sauna. ThenJin gently want to touch XM's face while resting. Their face is so nearto each other. OMG XM told Jin she likes him. then Jin's eyes lookedjelous when he saw the photos of XM and Cal together. They end uparguing again hehe...

During the first part when XM threw the vase and Jin walked out afterthe argument, there was a voiceover where Jin said "He doesn't havehope because XM hates him"

xiao mai is regretting it now
she recalled how jin has helped her in the past
and realises he wasn't so mean to her after all
now she dun knows what to do

of the 4 guys when emp announces then xiao mai is jin's finance.

lin- worried
jin- kind of sad
cai- smugged look
other brother- cannot be borthered look

all different expressions..

xiao mai went to cai later asking to call off the deal but he wants the $ back but she can't give him so its still on.

the brothers are wondering why jin doesn't rebel with emp cos they know he is the one who hates to be emp's successor most.

xiao mai feeling very guilty now. XM curls look so pretty~

They all look great in uniforms!!

Andthe part where Emp thought that XM didn't like to wear uniforms isfunny! He even wanted to call the school to do away with uniforms!!

HahahahI was laughing so hard when the 4 boys stood there in a straight line~I think Jin really likes XM. He didn't retaliate even though Emp toldthe boys that XM is his fiance

XM's making friends!
Gosh, Jin is acting all hoity-toity again, hesuspected her friends of wanting something from XM's family cos theygave her earrings.
AWWW, they said that Jin's always behaving so cold and that XM's very lucky cos Jin treats her very well xD.
Jin did not retaliate because he wasplanning some scheme against XM and Cai already. He does not look likethe kind to give up so easily like that though
And the last part of Ep 3~~~ Ahhh I totally love them practicing waltz~~~ They really look good together!!!

It's with so much feel~~

And why are the previews so short?!!

Because Jin saw Cai pretty close with XM, so he was jealous and set up the bed scene.

And when the ending credits are shown, it seems that XM is going to try her wedding gown and Jin smiles at her                

Calvin's sooo cute.. Hahahaa, taking a peak at Angela?

Eric looks soo funny and cute in here.. and of course, George is adorable!!!

Angela looks soooo cute here... Hahahaa, I love it when she smiles really really big.. it makes her look adorable!!!




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 Author| Post time 2-10-2007 11:14 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1362 PrincessFiona's post

tanya org kat cni mmg le best...scene nya pun x draggy

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Post time 2-10-2007 11:21 AM | Show all posts
sub epi.02 x released laiks ke kat veoh?? baca posting kat soompi kata sub epi.02 dah released! :cf:

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2007 11:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1366 Yuni's post

xde ...selagi ada eps kt cruncyroll tu x de la sub gamaknya

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Post time 2-10-2007 11:52 AM | Show all posts
oh kiranya angela kena bertunang ngan chun lah ye...

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Post time 2-10-2007 12:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1366 tsukushi's post

alah.. cemenpan tsukushi siauche??

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2007 12:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1368 Yuni's post

kalu cite Legend tu kes sama fans pi request kat uploader tu delete no problem....yg ni punya x tau le...frust tul nasib baik cite ni xle susah sgt nak paham

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2007 12:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1367 babyface76's post

Angela berpakat dgn Calvin tp nnt Chun akan buat sesuatu ....yg tu ada bed scene Angela calvin nnt

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Post time 2-10-2007 12:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1369 tsukushi's post

cende ma?? kita x mo nengoks RAW, eventhough actually x sabar2 naks tgk the continuation nyer!!

P/S: mintak2 cepatlah gaks citer nie released kat s&m 2 nanti, naks beli ori. aahh.. & mintak2 gaks PMP yg bakal jadik distibutor tuk citer nie! :re:

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Post time 2-10-2007 12:17 PM | Show all posts
EDITED coz of triple postings!!

[ Last edited by  Yuni at 2-10-2007 12:29 PM ]

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