That Winter, The Wind Blows (Song Hye Kyo & Jo In Sung)
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Jo In Sung is Currently "Growing" as an Actor

Jo In Sung's ability to flawlessly take on his role on "That Winter, The Wind Blows", is the result of his constant growth as an actor.
Jo In Sung is very handsome. When you look at his face, you'll notice that he shines. Face, body, proportions... everything about him is perfect. It wouldn't be a complete lie to say that his looks brought him to where he is now. However, looks also tend to set a limit for actors, which is sometimes very hard to surpass. Jo In Sung however, accomplished this.
Jo In Sung first appeared on television through MBC's "New Non-Stop" and became another sitcom-star, following after Song Seung Hun and So Ji Sub. Regardless of the various roles he portrayed in different projects, Jo In Sung remained as a pretty-faced-actor. His acting was insufficient with constant over-acting and needed some serious improvements.
One of his scenes from the drama "What Happened in Bali" is still used for comedy shows today. Previously, highly respected actress Yoon Yeo Jung revealed that she had questioned, "A long time ago we were talking about something when I said, 'that kid, Jo In Sung. Why is he such a bad actor? And why does he spit so much?'" during one of her interviews.
Yoon Yeo Jung's judgment was harsh but true. It is foolish to ignore comments and advice from actors with more experience. As an actor, Jo In Sung had to escape his acting style in order to become a handsome pretty-faced-star with talent.
Jo In Sung was extremely lucky when he got a chance to appear in the movie, "A Dirty Carnival". In the movie, he made a significant improvement and perfectly portrayed his character. In his role, he was able to escape the image of just the pretty-faced-actor.
It was reported that he worked incredibly hard to overcome the fight to escape his image. However, the fight improved Jo In Sung as an actor and not just as a star. His "beautiful" eyes became "big and deep" eyes after his role in "A Dirty Carnival".
Recently, Jo In Sung is showing his ability as an actor as well as causing a stir with his popularity once again. Jo In Sung seems to be handling writer Noh Hui Kyung's unique lines just fine in his role in the SBS drama "That Winter, The Wind Blows."
In 2010, Yoon Yeo Jung stated, "After making the statement about Jo In Sung, I met him multiples times. He is very handsome actor who works very hard. He will continue to grow in the future. If he says, 'Why is Yoon Yeo Jung such a bad actress!' I wouldn't be able to say anything to him."
Even the famous actress Yoon Yeo Jung finally accepted him as a talented actor in the industry. Jo In Sung knew his limits better than anybody else and worked hard to surpass them. Regardless of the image threw out, he continues to strive to improve himself as an actor. Actor Jo In Sung is an actor who is constantly growing and maturing with each project he works on.
Source : Kdramastars |
dalam memories of bali dulu xsuka kat jo in sung ni minat lagi kat watak so ji sup |
shoyuna posted on 18-3-2013 10:17 PM 
Mak Oh Soo garang sikit...
Betul betul betul... Comel mulut dia. Suara dia pulak lemak merdu je dengar. 
shoyuna posted on 18-3-2013 04:22 PM 
dua2 klu nanges memang sgt real..
masa oh soo dpt tau yang chances untuk youngie buat surgery san ...
oh soo nages cam gegerl lak masa tu...tomei2 cmpur sedey2 aiolsss
adiratna posted on 19-3-2013 10:34 PM
kaWen gak dgn myung ho??!! patah laa hatiiii oppa 
tak sabar nak tengok epi 12...citer ni best! |
shachihata33 posted on 18-3-2013 03:28 PM 
uolss rasa org yg sama ke tak?
kalau dah buat plastik segeri...
opss coz kemungkinan org yg sama
carold posted on 20-3-2013 09:29 AM 
kalau dah buat plastik segeri...
opss coz kemungkinan org yg sama
iols speku org yg same laa...she is so motherly, sgt nak jadi mak youngie
lionsleepin posted on 20-3-2013 04:26 AM 
iols speku org yg same laa...she is so motherly, sgt nak jadi mak youngie
nak tebus dosa dia buang Oh Soo bawah pokok kot
tu yg dia terover mengongkong Youngie
That Winter, The Wind Blows 그 겨울, 바람이 분다
That winter wind is also blowing hard in Singapore.
Starting on March 13, SBS’ That Winter, The Wind Blows 그 겨울, 바람이 분다 began broadcasting in Singapore.  ..nape iols tak tahu pong..channel berapa??????
The drama easily reached its target ratings of one percent, surpassing it on the way.
That Winter, The Wind Blows’s production company rep, Zo Jung Ho, stated, “We didn’t know the response would be so hot with episode one. We believe that this will be the starting point of reigniting the hallyu craze with rising ratings of That Winter.
It is rare for a drama to begin broadcast overseas when it has yet to be finished in Korea. The decision to sell it to Singapore came when fans showed hot response to the drama starring Zo In Sung and Song Hye Gyo.
That Winter, The Wind Blows is also awaiting broadcasts in Japan, and other Asian countries. After the series ends in Korea, the cast and staff will be touring in those countries for promotion.
Source: enewsWorld |
carold posted on 20-3-2013 10:53 AM 
That Winter, The Wind Blows 그 겨울, 바람이 분다
Th ...
Rasanya silap kot...mungkin dia maksudkan kat cenel one HD...kalo spore yg biasa men drama korea cuma cenel U je..stakat ni slot drama korea kat cenel tu cuma kul 7pm n 10pm weekdays. Drama korea latest yg akan main rasanya cite Dr. Jin kan men kul 10pm nnt
adiratna posted on 19-3-2013 10:34 PM 
aku arap x jadik pon kawen..huhu...try2 baju jah
limau posted on 20-3-2013 11:33 AM 
aku arap x jadik pon kawen..huhu...try2 baju jah
aah kan...
sbbnya youngi beria2 nk kawin...so bagi je le yer pki baju pengantin....
carold posted on 20-3-2013 10:33 AM 
nak tebus dosa dia buang Oh Soo bawah pokok kot
tu yg dia terover mengongkong Youngie
perghh...speku yg sungguh best ni...
klu betul ler...wahhhhhhh...adakah nti dia bagi oh soo tu kawin dgn youngi??
sarahsofiyah posted on 20-3-2013 05:20 AM 
Rasanya silap kot...mungkin dia maksudkan kat cenel one HD...kalo spore yg biasa men drama korea c ...
kol 7pm tu drama 'smile again..yg ganti drama 'ice adonis @ yellow boot'
kol 10pm drama taiwan rasanya..'no regrets'

carold posted on 20-3-2013 11:46 AM 
uols ingat OH Soo heran sgt ke ngan Wang Baeso tu
ngan personaliti Oh Soo tu .. ...
yer le mmg ada betulnya kan...
sbb mmg oh soo sanggup berdepan apa saja kemungkinan yg bakal berlaku kan..
klu dia tk berani...masa kan dia leh menyamar jadi Oh Soo....ermm...
tu sbb dia tk heran pun psl sec Wang dok siasat psl dia kan...
carold posted on 20-3-2013 11:43 AM 
kol 7pm tu drama 'smile again..yg ganti drama 'ice adonis @ yellow boot'
kol 10pm drama ta ...
yup...lagi satu hari ahad city hunter kul 9.30pm n slot sabtu 9.30pm pn kadang2 men drama korea gak gilir2 ngan drama taiwan kan...
err...MC tu pn akan mati gak ek sbb dia ada kanser perutkan...dah tau hidup tggl 2 bulan lg pn masih buat jahat lagi
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