[TRANSLATION] ’Race Start’ Running Man in Beijing Interview by YinYueTai
Video via KimJongKookPHL
Interview Question: Please greet the Running Man fans.
KJK: One by one? Let’s start with Sukjin hyung first,
JSJ: Hello, I’m Ji Suk jin, nice to meet you
Gary: Hello, I’m Running Man’s Gary, nice to meet you
KJK: Hello, I’m Kim Jong Kook, nice to meet you.
Haha: Hello, I am Haha, nice to meet you.
*the captions reads that the doll’s head is turning giddy~
Interview Question: The members saw the Great Wall of China for the first time and they were surprised, any new feelings this time?
JSJ: Yes, we were very surprised.
KJK: Actually, the Great Wall of China itself is something incredible to us, so it was surprising for all of us. This time in Beijing actually…
JSJ: Actually we heard that circus is very famous here, but we do not know if time allows us to watch it.
Haha: We ate Peking Duck yesterday, it was delicious. Some even ate everything, it was really delicious (thumbs up)
Gary: I ate crab cuisine yesterday.
KJK: Crab?
Gary: There is this food street, with a lot of lights being hanged.
Haha: Red lights
Interviewer says it’s called Ghost Street (Gui Jie)
Gary: Crab cuisine, lobster~
Interview Question: To Gary, are Mondays your happiest moment?
Gary: It’s a day that always makes my heart move.
KJK: Aren’t you supposed to like Fridays? You can club~
Gary: It’s a day that always make my heart move and always a day that is full of stress, because I can’t fulfill my love~
KJK: What are you saying? Hahahahaha!
Gary: I can’t make my meetings successful, I meet and leave on the same day. (sigh)
Interview Question: Let’s congratulate Haha on having a child. Do you have future plans for your son and after being a dad, does your fixed image has been changed?
KJK: Just raise him like that~
Haha: (sigh) For now, be safe, and raise him healthily. Health is the most important. (2nd question) And from a certain level, it’s work and business. Although it will not be the same from last time, but it’s manageable.
*the caption reads that the way KJK is shaking the doll’s head, it makes it giddy XD
Interview Question: To KJK, you receive good results in your music and variety shows, do you have plans for the next album yet?
KJK: Because I’m a singer, I have always been preparing. If there are new music ready, I will tell everyone. In Korea now, I have recently released a new OST and everyone is listening to it
(me too! XD)
Interview Question: To KJK, has your thoughts for your ideal girl changed as compared to last time?
KJK: Frankly speaking, I’m at a age of marriage already. More than liking the girl, I hope the girl can be a good mother towards the kids in the future.
JSJ: I understand KJK. More than he liking the girl, if a girl keeps on liking KJK, he’s the style that will like her.
Haha: Frankly speaking, KJK is really easy to chase after. If you keep on liking KJK, he will like you.
JSJ: If you keep on liking KJK, who knows one day you and KJK will be in love together.
*the caption reads: so for those who likes KJK oppa, keep on fighting and don’t give up!
Interview Question: Betrayer Club’s big brother, Easy Brother, Big Nose Hyung, out of so many nicknames, which one do you like the most?
JSJ: For me, I like all, but I like Impala the most.
KJK: There’s an Impala Club
JSJ: If this is a broadcast, it will all come out.
KJK: This is just like a joke
(they are saying a Korean joke/ trend word)
Haha: It means ‘it’s funny’. Cha cha cha cha cha, cha cha cha cha, you’re alive Impala~
Interview Question: This time in Beijing, did you prepare or learnt any Chinese?
Gary: 大哥 (‘Da ge’ means brother)
KJK: 你吃饭了吗 (‘Ni chi fan le ma?’ means Have you eaten?)
JSJ: 我爱你 (‘Wo ai ni’ means I love you)
Gary: 谢谢,对不起 (‘Xie xie’ means thank you, ‘dui bu qi’ means sorry)
KJK: 大家好 (‘Da jia hao’ means hello everyone)
Haha: How do you say ‘you’re pretty’ in Chinese?
Interviewer: 你很漂亮 (‘Ni hen piao liang’)
*everyone starts learning
KJK: Ah, it’s difficult
Interview Question: Do you go to night clubs often?
JSJ: Gary always go to clubs
Gary: I went there because I want to find music inspirations
Haha: Gary’s home address is a club address~
JSJ: Every card and ticket are all for clubs~ (points at Gary)
Gary: If I don’t club, I would have many houses now.
Haha: This person goes to health club (points at KJK)
KJK: You go to Fathers’ clubs~ (to Haha)
Interview Question: Jackie Chan has appeared on the show, any guests would you like to appear in the show as well?
Gary: Andy Lau, Stephen Chow, Chow Yun-fat
JSJ: We are all Stephen Chow’s fans. Ng Man-tat as well~
KJK: Stephen Chow and Ng Man-tat
Haha: Did they quarrel? Did they get along already? Really got along already?
*the caption reads: with regards of did they get along well after the fight, Haha as a fan is very excited.
Haha: I hope they get along soon again, and appear on our show. That’ll be our honour.
Interview Question: Anything would you like to say to your fans?
KJK: Hyung, it has started, don’t eat anymore
*JSJ gets caught eating too often
JSJ: Because it was really delicious, what’s the name of this snack?
Interviewer: Fu lu shou xi (福禄寿喜)
*the speech bubble reads: you also eat a little~ (referring to KJK ‘feeding’ the doll with snack XD)
JSJ: We who came here for a Running Man fanmeet, for those who love us, we thank you.
Gary: Firstly, we thank you all for loving us and cherishing us. We will continue to work hard in Korea. In the future too, please don’t change your love (towards RM), please~ sings: Because I love you~
KJK: Thank you China fans who love us and in the future no matter what we do, we’ll never forget you all and will always work hard, thank you.
Haha: Although it will be nice if other members Jaesuk, Kwangsoo & Jihyo are here, if there is an opportunity next time, we will meet the fans together next time.
(Credit: https://www.facebook.com/kjkinternational)
Yang saya highlight tu khas utk @clara_nur @ladygempak@cik_ted143 dengan ucapan jangan putus asa mana tau salah sorang sangkut dgn KJK. Last edited by Norlida on 26-9-2013 04:02 PM
cik_ted143 posted on 26-9-2013 08:14 AM 
ketara giler admin ni fan kwangsoo.berbulu mata aku tiap kali baca post2 page ni.
https://www.faceb ...
aku mmg tak akan LIKE fp RM yg fans biasa2 ni bukak...nak jenguk pun rasa malas..
aku tak sesuai kowt joint fanatik camtu...cara minda aku berfikir berbeza dgn org lain...
mebi sbb aku seorang yg cerewet...
ladygempak posted on 26-9-2013 04:11 PM 
aku mmg tak akan LIKE fp RM yg fans biasa2 ni bukak...nak jenguk pun rasa malas..
aku tak sesua ...
ko cerewet psl pa nokkss?? 
kebanyakkan fanpage RM ni adminnya org malaysia..
aku keluar dulu lah...ada kerja..
clara..cik_ted |
clara_nur posted on 26-9-2013 04:28 PM 
KJK main anak patung gambar yg ...
alahai comelnye.
walaupun JK tu mmg taste aii (kecuali baran )...tp bila tgk taste gadis idaman JK plk, aii tarik diri dulu lahh
Ladygempak, kalau ye JK baran, semua tu boleh berubah tapi saya tgk dia macam romantika de amor je. Pak cik saya dulu siap ckp dia nak kawin nak cari bini Chinese look, lemah lembut tapi bila kawin mmg bercanggah habis, kalau hati dah suka, semua tu dah belakang kira. lagi pun ciri2 wanita idaman JK tak susah pun, kulit tak berapa cerah, mata bulat, feminine & modest. Itu je. Jangan le menyerah kalah .
Cakap pasal baran ni kan, saya ni pun masa muda baran tapi la ni dah tua hilang pulak baran tu tiba2( Agaknya sapa lahir tahun naga mmg mcm tu kot) |
clara_nur posted on 26-9-2013 04:28 PM 
KJK main anak patung gambar yg ...
Macam betul je apa yang Kwang Soo cakap dulu, dia nampak Jong Kook main anak patung bila dia datang rumah Jong Kook.
tgk ekspresi muka Jk bila main anak patung ni?comel sesangat.

yeayy, akhirnya keluar jugak lagu KJk kt good doctor. |
cik_ted143 posted on 27-9-2013 08:31 AM 
tgk ekspresi muka Jk bila main anak patung ni?comel sesangat.
hahaha...kelakar caption patung tu..."kepala sgt pening"...
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