"Taeyeon Moved her company..?!" Duet Stage with Lee Juk makes false controversy
10 May 2009
(from Maxmovie.com/ Korean internet newspaper)
"Did Taeyeon, the leader of Girl's Generation move her company?!"
On the 11th, many Korean internet sites were flooded with number one ranked live searching topics for Taeyeon and Lee Juk.
Few netizens have misunderstood the topic and started to search around if Taeyeon leejuked (yijuk, or lee juk means to move, which is commonly used when you are moving out from your company or etc. in Korean) from SM, but all the related articles were about the duet stage that Taeyeon and singer Lee Juk performed on the 7th Korean Music Festival in Hollywood Bowl.
On May 9th, videos of Taeyeon and Lee Juk participating at LA Korean Music Festival, singing Goose's Dream with their passionate and devoted expressions has been released. The videos are grabbing most attentions from Korean netizens.
Fascinated and surprised by their singing ablility, most netizens were saying "Lee Juk and Taeyeon's duet stage was fresh and pleasurable to listen" "Their live singing ablility is just great" "Taeyeon and Lee Juk's harmony fitted the song"
In related news, the Goose's Dream is originally from 1997's group Carnibal's album, where Kim Dong Ryul and Lee Juk was it. It was remade by Insooni last year and has been loved since present day.
SNSD's "Gee" is "Overall Number 1 Download" from January-Apr
It has been revealed that the 9-member girl group SNSD have been a huge hit on online music stores this first few months of the year.
According to documents that the music portal site KTF Doshirak revealed to MoneyToday StarNews on the 19th, SNSD's Gee has placed first in the total number of overall pop song downloads between January and April.
SNSD's Gee, which has been presented online beginning of January, was the number 1 download in January and February. In March, the song was third, and between January and February, it was placed number 1 overall. SNSD's minialbum with Gee has sold over 100 000 copies (their company's standard total) and it has reeled in a fairly large sum offline, as well.
On the other hand, according to KTF Doshirak, the female duo Davichi's "8282" was in first place in March and BigBang&2NE1's "Lollipop" was first place in April.
Also, for the total download listings following SNSD from January to February, Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry" was 2nd, Davichi's "8282" was 3rd, Afterschool's "Ah" was 4th, SS501's "Because I'm Stupid" was 5th, Hwayobi's "Half" was 6th, BigBang&2NE1's "Lollipop" was 7th, Wax's "Can't Call Even Once" was 8th, Gavy NJ's "Love Story" was 9th, and Big Bang Seungri's solo song "Strong Baby" was in 10th place.
haha video clip gee kuar kt berita tv3 kul 8 ye...haha kiut gle snsd...xlame lg famous gle r diornag kt cnie nnti bleh r nnti tgk snsd live in m'sia harap2 r....