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Author: crayzee


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Post time 12-8-2007 10:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1333 calmille's post

sayer SETUJU!!!

imej tolak tepi....

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jac_diehard_fan at 12-8-2007 22:38
AMende tu

tu la.. mesti kau ni muda remaja lagi.. dulu-dulu kan ader pertandingan pengibur kingsway(aku tak ingat nama betol competition tu), juara nyer fauziah latiff, kira dari rancangan ni la baru terbukak mata org yang Jee tu pandai menari.... kira... performance Vina tu tadi aku rate ala-ala pertandingan Kingsway tu... in other words.... cam ketinggalan zaman jer tarian tu dilambung berarak bagai....

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1336 jac_diehard_fan's post

jedi, gf ko tak jeles ke ko merembes ngan vina ni?

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:42 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:42 PM | Show all posts
1st song:vina 5 star jac 4.8 star yg penyanyi indon 4.5 star!
2nd song:vina 4.6  jac 5.5 , and indon 4.9

total: vina 9.6  , jac 10.3   and indon 9.3

sayang vina. mmglah dia nak tunjuk her versatility and dance n watnot. but this song tak sesuai
my verdict, jac should menang

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:43 PM | Show all posts


LIVE - Ikon Asean - Final Vina

Baru sampai Putrajaya nih... cam tak happening lak sebab kurang orang. Dewan about two thirds je terisi, unlike semifinal yang sampai melimpah kuar jumlah orang yang menghadiri. Erm... takkan takde Mawi, ramai yang tak sanggup datang sokong bakat senegara. Hish... tapi nak wat camna lak.
Anyway, Dollah Cantik briefing pelbagai before si Sarimah muncul onstage.
Erm...tak minat Dominic tuh... tapi ada yang suka. Prefer kalao Sairmah with someone else, but whatever la.
Opening tetap Citrawarna Malaysia, showing the world we're colour blind.
And then it's one with the show.

Kjwan - One Look (Philippines)
I love them! Memang dari performance meka hari tuh kat Planet Hollywood aku da suka. They musicianship is awesome! Tight! Rarely I have seen bands that have the level of skill they have and yet, don't appear so contrived. Meka ni memang besh abih
And proven by their past record, and their performance, Kjwan is leading the pack for the winners of the group category.
I only hope, OAG will go all out dan buktikan meka ni bukan calang calang.
Verdict : They're the favourites all right for the Ikon group.

Judika - Malaikat (Indonesia)
Erm...tak minat dia sangat but I have to admit he did quite well. While I think he's still hardly on par to be in competition with Jac, he foes have a good set of windpipes on him. Tapi pelik sikit sora dia, memula kepit ayu, then rock jantan lak. Heh... not bad, but I would have preferred kalao Mike Prabawa yang tewaskan Judika masa Idol bertanding.
Verdict : Not good enough to beat Jac, but a good fight.

Tahta - Dasar Pengecut (Indonesia)
Why do they remind me of New Boyz? Erm.. bosan sikit ler. Pretty boy rock doesn't work for me, but I suppose some people liked it.
Have to admit musically they were quite ok, but it was standard pop fare jer, not even  close to what Kjwan did.
Definitely out of the champions race as predicted if they keep this standard up. No freat shakes.
Verdict - Tight pants and platform boots like worn by the lead is so wrong!

Jaclyn Victor - Kau Laksana Bulan, Tunggu Sekejap & Getaran Jiwa (medley),(Malaysia)
What else can you say about Jac, Dia sorang je berani nak wat medley tribut to the late and great Tan Dri P. Ramlee tuk competition. Picking such understated songs to maximise through no other reason but using her superb vocals.
I kept my eye on Hety Koes Endang, and aku leh kata she was blown away.
Inilah Jac...
Verdict : Winner!!!! Pariotism aside, they should just give her the trophy and cash.

OAG - Nowhy2 (Malaysia)
Awmigawd!!! I thought Radhi was going to remain calm, and he did for most of the song to maintain his vocals, tapi sampai bab break tuh yang dia naik psycho pusing pusing tuh, I thought he was freaking out and losing it.
But pas dia drop, leh teruskan lagik aku da...haiyoo...on your feet heathens! Rcok stars in the house!
Tahta is out for sure, and OAG has just climed a point higher to pit themselves against Kjwan.
Verdict : Bye bye Tahta.

Vina Morales - All That I Want (Philippines(
Eh...kenapa Sharifah Zarina pakai baju diperbuat dari tisu? Erm... heh. Tak tahan aku tengok imeh dia sebijik tuh.
But to be fair, she went all out an pulled out the stops and did quite well. More than I would give her credit for before.
And she did look radiant. Like how OAG closed the gap with Kjwan, Vina came close to Jac. The favourites remain just that though.
Verdict : Indonesian who had 100% SMS sent the wrong people to represent their country.

Judika - Bukan Rayuan Gombal (Indonesia)
Looks like Judika is hard pressed to follow Jac and Vina.  But I think he realises it is a little too late now. And it is... good effort but a little too late.
Verdict : Next!

Kjwan - Shal (Philippines)
What the hell happened? They sounded great tapi cam kurang semangat  saja. I hope it's not a case of getting too comfortable sebab they don't have that much of a lead after OAG's great performance.
Dunno... it's a tough one and depends on OAG's next performance.
Verdict : Too laid back and wrong for the competition.

Jaclyn Victor - Gemilang
WOW! Malas nak komen persembahan dia, but I have to say that Hetty Koes Endang's reaction was enough to basically sum up what the other judges thought of it as well.
"Pak Iskandar... bagus kan..!!!". Yeap... Hetty pas Jac abih excited gila ok, aku she was gushing. Iskandar dok terdiam. Only mamat yang Filpina tuh cam tak puas ati je muka. Heh... No komen. Yang penting, kita tunggu dan lihat. Tapi for me, Jac's as good as won!
Verdict : Ladies and gentleman..the winner!

Tahta - Tempat Yang Paling Indah & Aku Masih DiSini (medley)
Bak kata someone with me, "terus boring je masuk band ni". And that was a reflection of what everyone seemed to think of Tahta after the excellent performances of Kjwan and OAG. They were just nowhere on the scale of greatness when it came to band power.
Honestly... just go home. Could we have Samsons, Garasi or Seurieus please.
Verdict : Go home already!

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1339 Raindancer's post

jedi ni laki ker? aku igt pompuan

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:43 PM | Show all posts
apa plak imej tolak tepi

bakat, imej, personaliti, penampilan, persemabahan semua ambik kira la

kalau setakat tegak mcm tiang bendera tu baik x yah masuk IKON

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1338 white01whale's post

HA Baru ingat aku tadela mude sgt hikss

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Raindancer at 12-8-2007 10:40 PM

tapi CT mesti lagi best dari Regine

of course dear

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1339 Raindancer's post

baru bercerai last week :kiss:

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1340 lyddok's post

ko ni keje estrok ke

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1343 calmille's post

abih tu you ingat i tgh melesbo ke kat sini :kiss:

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:44 PM | Show all posts
Bagi aku vocal vina tu lebih steady and more stable..Overall performance under control...
Jac kadang nampak terlalu control pitching...
but aku still harap Jac jadi Icon Asia...

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1341 alyana's post

harap2 juri setuju ngan markah ni...

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Sesaper tahu pecahan markah?
100% vokal ker?

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:45 PM | Show all posts
nasib baik la x ada undi mlm ni, kalau dak aku undi Vina jer

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1343 calmille's post

la...baru tau ke...

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1349 jac_diehard_fan's post

i igt uolz fomfuan

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Post time 12-8-2007 10:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1350 SaraAnn's post

ikon asean, bukan ikon asia

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