[V37] ALL ABOUT FATTAH AMIN **mStar: 50 Bunga Ros untuk Hari Jadi (Post #2)
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eely_shana replied at 18-9-2017 11:45 AM
Iols nampak pic the house fattah-alvin ni kat ig Dr.Belle pagi2 buta tadi. Iols ingat Belle edit t ...
Astro gempak pun dah move on hokey 
Ni seekorrr lagi
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uols dah baca artikel mek jenna puji bam tah kat harian metro?? ahkak just nak cakap, well done mek jenna!! nanti ahkak follow balik mek jenna ehhh |
misscrazy replied at 18-9-2017 11:41 AM
lobatak punya perangai kalau pasal the house ni 1. Kalau fattah tak post yg the house ada muka faz ...
konsep semua pun tak boleh... Asal bukan Faz hahahaha, cinta mesti menang trulappppppp sabar sikittttttt. U punya summarise mmg on point punya |
liyanur replied at 18-9-2017 11:38 AM
byk2 gambar fattzura..gmbar ni la yg paling aku suka sekali...faz sungguh jelita..nampak m ...
Rasanya ni pix pertama d iwatch fattah rite? Knpa pic ni?
*soalan csi cute k |
Loginlogoff replied at 18-9-2017 11:53 AM
Ni seekorrr lagi
Haaaaa...nmpk nmpk. Sekor2 kena ss. Tepek sikit kt forum ni bebanyak. Biar sr lobenak baca kot2 deyols tak follow |
baru ngumpat td dh mncul..kan meols dh ckp ladyherot ni mmg anti dgn 2 aunty ni..mmg biadap!
Classy14 replied at 18-9-2017 11:51 AM
Astro gempak pun dah move on hokey
Itulah pasal. Lobenaks je yg masih indenial, x move on n create mcm2 story. |
bohong lah tu fake id...gila! mula2 i pun terkejut...lepas tu admin post pic2 n captions merepek terus i suspect ni fake id...nak confirm kena tanya fattah sendiri...haha...harap fattah up kat ig mcm hari tu alert everyone yg itu fake id...
Classy14 replied at 18-9-2017 11:21 AM
Dier dah like dari haritu lagi dah kat ig org lain... ni mesti sebab benaks pagi nii merempan kaca ...
Dia promote lah hahahh sbb alvin dah upload haritu dah hahaha |
youtube jer..tu pun autoplay
pastu baru gigih nk masuk korang punya thread hsc mendoniaaaaa tu...
tp on off je bila dah x tau nk baca apa kat BG n CI ni..
tertengok HLive la yg lg jd tersuka tu...ni la bff yg plg lama aku follow
tp lobenak akn ttap in denial state..aca n mamadie yg pksa abamtah clarify pdhal di hati abamtah mmg ikhlas mrindui babylop 
meols nak OT sikit pasal jah boleh tak. meols rasa semua simptom ni jah ada sbb tu sheols konfiden melalut kat pentas UNDP. 
DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:
Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
Exaggerating your achievements and talents
Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
Requiring constant admiration
Having a sense of entitlement
Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
Taking advantage of others to get what you want
Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
Being envious of others and believing others envy you
Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner |
Meluat betul la dgn puak x reti bahasa ni.. Biar la hidup fattah fazura tu.. Yg korang hadap sgt kenapa.. G la analyze video idolat dkt un tu.. Mana tau dapat inspirasi utk jadi jutawan 2 3 tahun lagi... Atau boleh dpt followers dkt ig 5 mil.. Jgn caras fame idolat pulak.. Nnt sia2 je.. |
sbb YPM kot..gmbar hat lain tu bju dia cam kurang skt...
ni bju HOD sdri kan...
rama2samar replied at 18-9-2017 02:51 AM
menurut lobenak , bam tah up status n gbr ni..then delete.. terrrrupload..pastu terus tukar dp yg gb ...
aduhh makin parah... ada bomoh yang boleh ubatkan tak? |
Hehhe.. Nak bagitau I dah message Aunty Warm Oven berkenaan FB fake FA... Dia akam inform Fastyle.. |
separasedar replied at 18-9-2017 11:55 AM
Bayi tabung uji cuolssss
Management carik kan sperm
Muahahaha...sampai tahap tu sekali |
suzy_2912 replied at 18-9-2017 11:19 AM
Ala.. ms astro gempak upload lobenak dah panas.. ad yg komen kat ig astro gempak tu nape tak letak ...
Hahahaha betul ke dorang tanya mcm gitu ..kosserr nye dorang ni ..suka hati astro lah nak letak gambar fazz...bodoh nye soalan dorang ni lopak was so yesterday dah basi tak kan nak letak gambar dia pulek kang kena cirit birit pulak fans bamtah.. |
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