That Winter, The Wind Blows (Song Hye Kyo & Jo In Sung)
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yeahhh...cepat rabu x saba  |
shoyuna posted on 16-3-2013 07:31 AM 
pada aku, gambar yg sec wang tengok kat fail tu, bukan Oh Soo yang sebenar..
dia recall parut kat ...
yup dia da tahu ..tp diam kan aja
carold posted on 18-3-2013 02:56 PM 
nak amik gif ni as avvy
scene ni iols bajet dia nk ckp something pasal view tempat tu yg youngie xleh tgk. skali silap. motif tgk drama otak ligat pk??
baik rilek2 cuci mata je....
carold posted on 18-3-2013 03:05 PM 
bukan life style la..
tpi lebih mcm trademark kdrama..
kurang lebih cam sinetron Indon gak..:lol ...
haah...lifestyle plak. x terkuar perkataan ni tadi. miahahahaaa...
cliche pun layan gak sbb byk faktor lain yg jadi punca drama ni menarik 
uols tepek la avvy byk2. iols suke je. kekekeke

'While you’re alive, you want to make sweet memories with me before you leave? Forget it. You don’t care at how I’ll feel after I leave here? The fact that i’ll yearn for you, miss you, want to touch you, you don’t care. Because if you die, that’s it. If I knew what a disrespectful brat you were a bit sooner… Making food with you, listening to the sound of snowflakes with you, holding you, those painful, unforgettable kind of memories, I wouldn’t have made them. During that time, if you made those memories just to die, then I’m going to make now memories to live. I’m going to live! If I have only painful memories with you, then it’s going to be easy to forget you after you die. That’s why I’m like this. Because I have to live. Even without you. Even without you, I have to live in this disgusting world.”
Last edited by carold on 18-3-2013 09:52 AM
shoyuna posted on 18-3-2013 04:03 PM 
memang dia sgt syg kat youngie..
alohhh, youngie nak peluk, dia tolak jek..
youngie nye nanges sgt real kan...
muka sedih dia wah tak tahan tgk
tapi nape lama dia tak belakon sblum ni ek
carold posted on 18-3-2013 03:46 PM 
'While you’re alive, you want to make sweet memories with me before you leav ...
fuhh...sgt2 sedey ler............
byk ep dh tertinggal ni.....lum sempat nk tgk..
pergh...kena marathon ler weekend ni....
carold posted on 18-3-2013 03:30 PM 
1st attempt
wahh.. kissuuu.. kissssuuu  |
carold posted on 18-3-2013 04:21 PM 
aja-aja fighting ayu
lgi 5 episod jah nak ending
perghh lg 5 ep je..
wah..mmg harus ler nk marathon sabtu ni....
termasuk minggu ni...ada 5 ep yg ayu tk sempat nk lyan..
last week seminggu tkder kat msia...
semakin menarik ni kan....
shoyuna posted on 18-3-2013 04:27 PM 
mana ada abg and adik gaduh macam tu..
oh soo siap tolak youngie ke dinding lagik..
confession tu melibatkan hati dan perasaan le yer
carold posted on 18-3-2013 04:30 PM 
ni pun kdrama dah tak ada or kurang dah scene nangis sampai kuar2 air hidung or ingus
dolo2 asal ...
ye ler.mmg berjurai2 air mata..
mau habis sekotak tisu kan....
tk pun...sure bergenang air mata
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