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Author: gf_princeshin

SNSD 소녀시대 / Girls Generation

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Post time 14-5-2009 05:12 PM | Show all posts
smlm aku t'tgk mtv asia ke apa, aku tak pasti tp dalam mv tuh ade yoona gak...sape yg tau leh tak bgtau apa nama mv tu?? sbb  best sgt aku tgk... tak nmpkla apa titlenya sbb tgk dr jauh, dengar lagu je..

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Post time 14-5-2009 06:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1301 eunnisa's post

mst lagu Suju sbb Yoona byk ft dlm MV dorg

U kot ak rasa tajuk lagu dy

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Post time 14-5-2009 07:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1302 wordlife's post

dah jumpa..tajuk mv tuh women of that guy - 24/7.. i loikeee.. yoona pon cantek sgt dlm mv ni.. gigih aku selongkar ytube..

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Post time 14-5-2009 10:27 PM | Show all posts
cube korg dgr nie...leh thn la gakk

SNSD - Gee (Pumashock's remix)

crdt: Pumashock@yt

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Post time 15-5-2009 01:32 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1304 momoko's post

nama dia Natalie White dari San Francisco...
umur dia 27 and then dia bukan korean and x ckp korea tapi dia hafal lagu2 korea...
dia dah lama fanatik gan korean sejak dia jatuh cinta gan Shinhwa...
sbb mv Shinhwa yg dia pertama kali tgk...

dia dah byk buat remix sendiiri lagu2 top..mcm DBSK, Wonder Girl, Hyori and SS501
dan tambah fames sejak dia buat Gee ni sampai dia kena invite ke korea..
now she is more famous more then korean artist and the truth is SNSD get piss off gan NW sbb NW lagi nyanyi lebih bagus dari diorg...

bel dah jadik fans NW ni sejak dia nyanyi lagu Mirotic dan Gee....

tapi apa pun we still love SNSD right...heheheh....

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Post time 15-5-2009 03:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1305 isabel's post


die ade g star king aite~~~tnjukkan live perf kat sane~~mmg totally korean artist tekejut dgn ability die neh~~bukan stakat bley nyanyi live dgn better pronounce, tp die reti buat music arrangement gak!

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Post time 15-5-2009 12:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1304 momoko's post

yeah,die ni sgt talented..kenal die since nyanyi mirotic

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Post time 15-5-2009 02:51 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1305 isabel\ catat die nyanyi lagu2 top korea yg lain..mmg sdp...lagi2 diepandai remixkan lagu....

die mmg penyanyi kew? sore die sdp....

next time wat duet ngan korean artist plak..sape taukan

anyway...byk2 lagu rase remix lagu GEE plg sdp

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Post time 15-5-2009 03:09 PM | Show all posts
SooYoung v TaeYeon acting battle

SNSD's Taeyeon and Sooyoung competed fiercely with their acting.

Taeyeon and Sooyoung acted out a improvised skit which will be aired during the MBC 'SNSD's Horror Film Factory' on the 17th.

The mission given to the girls of SNSD on the previous episode that aired on the 5th was to act out a given role in a haunted school. This was to help the girls practice control of their emotions as well as a chance to find out which of the girls would be more successful in carrying out their given roles.

During this process, Sooyoung played the role of an insurance salesperson. She cried and begged Taeyeon to buy her products but Taeyeon fully carried out her given role by coldly turning her down.

Also Sunny acted her part of going to a clothes store and asking for refunds with a reason that made no sense. And the other members did not fall far behind with their roles of debt collector and other various acts such as love-making.

On the other hand, Sooyoung, Taeyeon and Sunny will be given the chance to film a test film to present to a famous movie director and actor if they are chosen as the final contestant.

translation by k_taevid @ soshified

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Post time 15-5-2009 03:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1308 momoko's post

gee ori lagi sedap hokay

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Post time 15-5-2009 03:34 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1310 isskandar\ catat

mksd momo antara remix lagu yg NW nie wat la...Gee ori mmg lagi sdp

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Post time 15-5-2009 03:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1311 momoko's post

o ye ker.. tu la..nyampuk jer xtau ujung pangkal

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Post time 15-5-2009 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by momoko at 15-5-2009 15:34
mksd momo antara remix lagu yg NW nie wat la...Gee ori mmg lagi sdp

tp..die nih smpi masuk star king ooccaayy...

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Post time 15-5-2009 04:31 PM | Show all posts
tade la sedap mane sore minah negro tuh

btol ke soshi pissed off ngan minah tuh bel?

mcm xcaye je

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Post time 15-5-2009 04:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by momoko at 15-5-2009 14:51 die nyanyi lagu2 top korea yg lain..mmg sdp...lagi2 diepandai remixkan lagu....

die mmg penyanyi kew? sore die sdp....

next time wat duet ngan korean artist plak..sape ...

dia ni bukan penyanyi tapi dia mmg berangan2 nak keluarkan album sendiri dan bel berharap lak JYP akan ambik dia since dia duduk kat SF...

dia ada ckp masa Star King tu yg dia dlm perbincangan gan beberapa producer kat Korea..

dia mmg teringin nak duet gan artis korea and the recent interview gan SeoulBeat...

group yg dia berangan2 nak duet adalah DBSK...
huh..happy bila dgr...and sedikit not good news adalah dia x berapa suka gan Super Junior sbb dia kata terlampau ramai member dan dia x ingat nama diorg semua...dan yg bel nak marah lak bila MC tu kata dia pun x berapa berkenan gan SuJu...

dia kata napa dia pilih DBSK sbb dia DBSK adalah group yg plg famous kat Asia...

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Post time 15-5-2009 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wordlife at 15-5-2009 16:31
tade la sedap mane sore minah negro tuh

btol ke soshi pissed off ngan minah tuh bel?

mcm xcaye je

ye ler diorg x suka ler sbb psl Gee ni Natalie tu famous dlm sekelip mata sampai dijemput khas dtg korea...and then org yg pegi YT dia semua puji melangit yg lagu Gee yg dia remix and nyanyi tu lebih bagus dari lagu asal dan SNSD sendiri...yg plg ketara adalah Taeyeon...dia mmg marah walaupun x tunjuk tapi leh tgk dari gaya dia..masa diorg tgk YT tu...and then rumor psl nak protes masa HB adalah psl Taeyeon....semuanya psl perkauman yg Taeyeon tunjuk dlm Chin Chin...dia kata Alicia Keys dan sekali gi masa Natalie ni..dah ler kedua2 nya tu adalah black...

nasib baik ler x ada jadik pun protes Anti Taeyeon and Anti SNSD....

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Post time 15-5-2009 05:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1316 isabel's post

taeyeon oh taeyeon

dh mcm tiffany laks dy ni

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Post time 15-5-2009 07:47 PM | Show all posts
Uncle Fans expressed their 'Unending Love' on the newspaper to celebrate Sunny's 20th Birthday
15 May 2009

Messages on picture:
"Sunny's father who is currently at Kuwait, thank you for bringing the brighter than sun, Sunny to this world"
"Today's weather for SNSD is Sunny!~ Today's weather for all the SONEs is Sunny!~ Today is Sunny Day!~"
"Happy Birthday to our full of aegyo, cute, wonderful and amazing singer Sunny~! Happy Birthday!"
"Sunny who has the smile like the warm sunshine of May, we are happy because of your presence"
"May 15th, a day where the sunshines brightly, Happy birthday to the aegyo queen Sunny."
"We love you Sunny!"
"SNSD's source of energy, Sunny. Happy Birthday!!"

The uncle fans expressed their unending love for Sunny to celebrate Sunny's birthday.

The 2030 Group (20~30 year old fan group) of a SNSD fan cafe 'Hwasooeunhwa' posted an advertisement on a newspaper in order to celebrate Sunny's birthday on May 15th. This advertisement garnered much attention with a hand-drawn picture of a smiling Sunny by an uncle fan.

They included the picture as well as a thank-you letter saying, "Sunny's father who is currently at Kuwait, thank you for bringing the brighter than sun, Sunny to this world".

Also wrote congratulatory letters saying things such as, "Happy Birthday to our full of aegyo, cute, wonderful and amazing singer Sunny", "Sunny who has the smile like the warm sunshine of May, we are happy because of your presence".

The 2030 group participated not only in this advertisement, but other good deed events as well, such as donating numerous books to schools.

On the other hand, SNSD fans have attracted attention previously with newspaper advertisements on the birthdays of Sooyoung and Jessica.


Credits: &
Translation: k_Taevid @

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Post time 16-5-2009 12:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 15-5-2009 16:40

dia ni bukan penyanyi tapi dia mmg berangan2 nak keluarkan album sendiri dan bel berharap lak JYP akan ambik dia since dia duduk kat SF...

dia ada ckp masa Star King tu yg dia dlm perbinca ...

what? xsuke suju sbb ramai....die ximpress ke tgk suju walaupon rmai tp tarian bleh same...timing nyanyi x serabut?
emm....mgkin snsd tgk die mcm senang2 jek glemer ngan nyanyi lagu2 org lain

Originally posted by isskandar at 15-5-2009 15:47
o ye ker.. tu la..nyampuk jer xtau ujung pangkal

iss dh tkrr avvy....fuyooo......

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Post time 16-5-2009 02:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1319 momoko's post


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