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Originally posted by zeleia at 30-5-2009 20:25 Filename: Episode 8 - 080828 MBCEvery1 ft. 2AM {ENGSUBBED} [DBSJ Productions].aviFilesize: 310 MBQuality: HQDuration: 44:49Link types: [CB] || [MF]Links: Need hjsplit. Credits: DBSJ ...
episod 2 dieorg takde..sbb ft.island take over..hehe
[ Last edited by sukebintang at 30-5-2009 20:37 ] |
Reply #1281 sukebintang's post
tau...mmg nk cari ep.2 even dorg xde...fti pn me suke gak...hongki
[090530/PERF] <너라고 It's you> @ MBC Show! Music Core, [MU] [MF]
<너라고 It's you> : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=36Q3DICX (flv, 480X272 - 15.37MB) [Haruka's file]
<너라고 It's you> : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LANQNX52 (avi, 480X272 - 38.01MB) [Haruka's file]
<너라고 It's you> : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WP3DIF2C (avi, 640X352 - 38.62MB) [posha's file]
<너라고 It's you> : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LHX2ULQI (avi, 1280x720 - 275.46 MB) [vivajungsoo's file] DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE WITHOUT VIVAJUNGSOO'S PERMISSION (may have trouble with sound depending on the player, KMPlayer works)
<너라고 It's you> : http://www.mediafire.com/?fngeotiwgz4 (flv, 480X272 - 15.37MB) [Haruka's file]
<너라고 It's you> : http://www.mediafire.com/?dlymdku5yzo (avi, 480X272 - 38.01MB) [Haruka's file]
<너라고 It's you> : http://www.mediafire.com/?zzdygzluhbt (avi, 640X352 - 38.62MB) [posha's file]
<너라고 It's you> : Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 (avi, 1280x720 - 275.46 MB) [vivajungsoo's file] DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE WITHOUT VIVAJUNGSOO'S PERMISSION
Credits to: Haruka@bestiz; vivajungsoo(비바정수)@sj-market; posha's CB; pri3an + La'MISS:fairy @sj-world.net for reupload |
esk inkigayo......
x sbr nk tgk perf deorg  |
Reply #1282 zeleia's post
komawoyo zel... aku seb performance tuh ekeke |
090529 Thai CF 12 Plus Mini Stick (Super Junior)
abe won jd lead....yg lg 3 org tuh tak menahan me tgk nye wakakaka  |
Reply #1276 zeleia's post
cantik seh cover page abe ledo....  |
090530 Free hug Event [super junior members Leeteuk, Shindong, Sungmin]
oppa~~  |
[ELSubs] 090526 ChannelV - Super Junior 3jib Photoshoot (Thai)
Reply #1286 airahthislove's post
nae my chagiya is back
lega rs hati
saje je wat gempak die tuh
waaa~~ free hug event...me dh dl tp tanak tgk
blh x mcm tu...tgk gambo pn dh rs jeles |
Reply #1289 zeleia's post
tepek lar link donlot kat sini....
me tgk gak demi oppadeul...yg dihug2 tue wat tak nampak jek except sorang budak kecik kiyo tu... |
Super Junior - Sorry Sorry MV Full behind the scene + Interview P1/2
Super Junior - Sorry Sorry MV Full behind the scene + Interview P2/2
credit Sup3rJunior@yt |
Reply #1287 airahthislove's post
chagiyaaaaaaa  |
Reply #1285 airahthislove's post
hahahahah iklan nih sabo jer aku wakakakakkaak |
Reply #1292 miss_mulan77's post
eh...ade mung kat sini....sama2 la kita banjir rumah ni sat  |
Reply #1295 zeleia's post
komawo...leeteuk sarangahae mung poreber ~~~~
nanti me update page depan...kene backlog dulu link2 sblom nih  |
Reply #1294 airahthislove's post
ada ... br abis kenduri... tapi masuk jap... tak expect diorg perform hari nih |
Reply #1297 miss_mulan77's post
rasanye nih recording mggu lepas yg tak jd siar tue...
ptg td sape tgk happy together?? ade heenim...kawe dpt tgk separuh jek...br tau HT nih dah ade sub kat kbsw  |
Reply #1285 airahthislove's post
phuahahahaha ~~ wakakakakakaka ~~ lawok giler ah dorg ni... muka masing2 mmg xleh tahan betul!!  |
[090530] ST@R KNG Ep118 P1/7
[090530] ST@R KNG Ep118 P2/7
[090530] ST@R KNG Ep118 P3/7
[090530] ST@R KNG Ep118 P4/7
[090530] ST@R KNG Ep118 P5/7
[090530] ST@R KNG Ep118 P6/7
[090530] ST@R KNG Ep118 P7/7
credit randomRinnie@yt
[ Last edited by airahthislove at 31-5-2009 01:45 ] |
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