Ω Ω Thread Borak Warga Bod Mawi 6.0 Ω Ω - Edisi PRU 2008
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Reply #1281 houdini's post
area putrajaya pembangkang gak ke menang ek... mmg memalukan la pak lah nih...
zaman mahathir dulu... negeri trg jer terlepas... still majoriti 2/3.... ternyata pemimpin bijak mendahului pemimpin yg tido  |
Originally posted by dino at 10-3-2008 03:46 PM 
area putrajaya pembangkang gak ke menang ek... mmg memalukan la pak lah nih...
zaman mahathir dulu... negeri trg jer terlepas... still majoriti 2/3.... ternyata pemimpin bijak mendahului pemimpi ...
Putrajaya BN menang la
wehhh... apa jadik nih
aku cilok dari CI
March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Malaysian stocks fell the most in a decade after the ruling coalition's worst election result in fifty years put Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's position in doubt and raised questions about his spending program.
Trading on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange was halted for an hour after the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index tumbled by the 10 percent limit as opposition parties took control of almost half the states contested in March 8 elections.
adakah sbb keputusan pilihanraya?  |
Reply #1284 niy's post
pelabur hilang kepercayaan apabila parti pemerintah x menang 2/3 |
Reply #1285 redsentra's post
stock market jatuh teruk more than 10%...so automatik halt for 1 hour...dah resume trading skrg..
jgn panik lah! |
eh... mana gi avatar sume orang?
x leh upload image lg ke?.....  |
Reply #1286 ally123's post
apsal jd camtu?
investor dah kurang yakin ke BN menang tipis je.... |
Originally posted by ally123 at 10-3-2008 04:13 PM 
stock market jatuh teruk more than 10%...so automatik halt for 1 hour...dah resume trading skrg..
jgn panik lah!
dah resume ek..
huhhh.... lega |
Reply #1288 houdini's post
ko ni ada ada aje... bukan pembangkang yg own cari |
Originally posted by redsentra at 10-3-2008 11:32 AM 
tahniah utk uncle ena... harap2 dia x sepak tendang dah org lain .. cakap je & buktikan dia pemimpin terpilih
Terimakasih .....:bg: |
nak cam tak menentu jer iklim politik msia skrg.... |
undurlah... undurlah...paklah oooi |
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