tabley terima tabi skinship dalam keadaan pompuan tu cenggitu.... ka ...
kebayaunggu Post at 19-2-2012 22:50
btol2! seb tabi nih bkn spesis lelaki cenggitu.
homai...gmbr BB yg x pakai bj tok BS yg sis stan tepek tuh, motip tabi nye silau2 x nmpk body.baru ingt nk skodeng
I may be just a small or big person in BIGBANG, but I realized that a single member can't lose his "light". When all 5 members are shining, that's when BIGBANG shines. If one members loses his light, there's no BIGBANG.
The biggest stress is... I should wait for our comeback day. I really want to come back soon. I can't wait. I'm curious of their faces. I still remember them from when BIGBANG debuted. I want to see those faces again. Their faces were like, "Where did they come from?", "What's with their outfits?", "What's that music?", "What's that dance and what's with their faces?" I still remember how surprised they were to see us. I, myself, have changed a lot. You might say, "Is that Seungri?"
If I get the chance, I want to make a song about us -- how we're like when we're happy and how we're like when we're sad. There are songs about how we're the best and how we're like this and that, but I want to make a song about "what kind of people we are".
I think ALIVE album is the the most well-prepared album we've done compared to our previous albums. All the staff and the BIGBANG members are very tense. We're ready and almost prepared. I'm sure ALIVE album will be a very big gift to our fans, who really love and support us.
Winter is gone and spring is coming. It means that the painful days are gone and the good days are coming. About BLUE, the members recorded their voices very warmly. I think it's the best music to welcome the spring.
motif tunjuk sekerat? ..tunjuk ah smer baru merembes minik2 masing2 ..
tabi plak aku tau dia takkan tunjuk punyer...sopan sgt chenta hati ai nih setakat dedah lengan je pun dah meroyan minik2 dia ..yg maknae2 plak mmg sker tunjuk sbb bodi diorg dah mmg mantap..
dia tunjuk kat aku sorang je..mianhe madu2 yg lain
aritu ada kata photoshop...dia ngan YEH tu... harap2 ps la
Big Bang plans to start off its promotion in Seoul with its Seoul concert from March 2-4, and will continue to meet fans around the world with its world tour, Big Bang Alive Tour 2012.
Finally, say something about your plan for 2012. TOP: BIG BANG will hold its world tour soon so the plans for the rest of the year have already been scheduled. It looks like we’ll be very busy. We’re now preparing some surprising and happy news that can’t be revealed yet, so please look forward to it.
kalau ikut pemahaman aku lah..rasa2nya diorg akan buat something cam konsert atau show kat tmpt2 selain yg telah diwarwarkan cuma tak reveal surprise....wuhuuuuu..come on..malaysia included, perhaps? .. *mengharap*
kalau ikut pemahaman aku lah..rasa2nya diorg akan buat something cam konsert ata ...
honey_jelly Post at 20-2-2012 10:20 AM
yup.. itu yang aku nk bgtau sebenarnya... tp tanak cakap secara direct sbb kalo aku cakap tu dh lebih kurang mcm mengharap
takot lak nanti tetiba biler dia reveal maner country dia nk p tu, tetiba takde MALAYSIA... keciwa
takpe laaa.. tak kisah
melawat tumblr nampak lg gambo ni wat kali ke berapa tah... nak tanak letak gak kat cni