tejebak ngan org ke ngan lagu
sukebintang Post at 3-1-2010 09:44
lagu dulu yang....ai x sempat study muka seko2. tgk MV laju sgt pergerakannye...x ble telek muka btol2..kahkahkah! nnt pasni kene perbanyakan tgk stage performance plak. bru ble choose anak ikan baru
ado plak seko nama yusop. naseb muka x cam yusop pojaan hati i (ni kes realiti.). kalo x pantas aku cop tros die..memandangkan nama die dah bunyi2 usop..kakakakak!
lagu dulu yang....ai x sempat study muka seko2. tgk MV laju sgt pergerakannye...x ble telek muka btol2..kahkahkah! nnt pasni kene perbanyakan tgk stage performance plak. bru ble choose anak ikan b ...
fa_stellar Post at 3-1-2010 09:50
study2..nnt tak paham tanye kiteorg kat sini..
bak kate org malu betanye sesat jalan
Hello, this is maknae Dongwoon.
2009 was a meaningful year in which the 6 of us made the debut we waited years for,
and we were able to meet all of you who give us so much love.
Thinking things like, “When will I be able to go on those music shows,
when will I be able to attend those big award ceremonies…”
while watching TV and becoming tired and crying seems like just yesterday.
That I am able to stand on that dream-like stage and sing and dance
makes me so thankful, and I still can’t believe it.
Ah! I always thought I would be a teenager, but today I became an adult.
I now have responsibility over my words and actions,
and I’m excited that I’m able to do things I wasn’t able to do as a teenager.
In 2010, I will practice hard to fill in the places where I am lacking.
I hope that in 2010, you are always healthy and happy,
and of course that you spend this year with BEAST.
I will become and humble and hard-working artist,
so please watch me and give me lots of love and support.
Till now, sooooooooooooooo beast, thank you.
Receive much good fortune in the new year.
P.s the thing that was revealed on the radio is a misunderstanding, the truth will be on Star Golden Bell…
[BLOG] 100102 Yoseub's Daum Cafe Post
[Yang Yoseub] Wow-I feel so happy!
Finally, it’s 2010!
What events are waiting for BEAST…?
I’m already excited…
One thing I’m sure of is that this year will be full of happy events!^^
I’m also so happy that I met such lovely ladies in 2009…!!
I love you beauties!
Receive crazy good fortune in the new year!! So much that it overflows!!
And if you think it’s overflowing, please give a little bit to me-
tu la...dah la comey gile yusop time tu..mcm budak baru lps kene marah ngan ayah die
sukebintang Post at 4-1-2010 03:08 PM
masalah yusop nih satu jerk.. muka dia dah comel..
masa aku tengok dia pestime aku dah ckp..
comel camnih jadik BEAST? chubby gitu.. pastu kenal pangai.. lagikla aku nak gelak..
comel.. x retu duk diam.. ceria manjang..
kesimpulan nya.. yusop comel...
suker tengok UCC yg ko tepek tuh... comel gier yusop nak belajo English...
"I'm in hurry! Save me!"
comel masa diackp cam tuh ajuk2 si daniel..
masalah yusop nih satu jerk.. muka dia dah comel..
masa aku tengok dia pestime aku dah ckp..
comel camnih jadik BEAST? chubby gitu.. pastu kenal pangai.. lagikla aku nak gelak..
comel.. x retu du ...
JUSTcircle Post at 4-1-2010 16:23
aku rase rmbut putih die tu yg menmpkkan lagi kecomelan die tu..rase geram je tgk..lagi2 kalo die pakai eyeliner
UCC tu aku rase mcm ade lagi...nnt aku jumpe aku letak je kat sini