Jom Borak-Borak di TNSE(Abeskan umah neh dulu then bru masuk umah 2!!i)
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Reply #1242 teky's post
lol.. teky ko kene flu ke??
ko g farmasi mntk panadol cold & flu
bgus tau panadol tu.. |
Reply #1242 teky's post
ala cian teky..
mkn la kenyang2 ye..nnt br ade tenaga nk berforum..:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:
skrg ni rasanya musim demam, flu, batuk etc..
ramai org sekeliling sakit2..
jgn lupa mkn ubat tau..
kb : close buddy are forever. |
Reply #1244 elun's post
penadol cold n flu...??
ader kerr???
brand penadol kerr?? |
Reply #1246 teky's post
bkn.. aku lupe brand pe..
tp ko try je ckp camtu..
coz kedai bese xde jual..
kat farmasi je.. |
pagi sume!!! |
Reply #1239 yipun78's post
yip jom minum tea...tea ciner nakk???  |
mendap ke????  |
5 minggu : Kalau awk bunga, sy kumbangnya yg setia
5 bulan : Kalau awk bunga, sy pnjual bunga yg nk kaya
5 tahun : Awk nie gile ke nk jd bunga. Dh jd org elok2, ada ke nk jd bunga
5 minggu : Sdapnya awk msak! Rsa manis je
5 bulan : Bleh x awk msk sdap lg drpd nie?
5 tahun : Ape yg awk msak nie? Racun nk bunuh sy ke?
5 minggu : x ngantuk lg ke syg?
5 bulan : Awk tido la dlu. Sy ada kerja
5 tahun : Nk tido pun nk bgtau. Pergi je la. Dh ada ank pun gatal lg
5 minggu : Sumpah sy x nk pergi. tp boss pksa sy
5 bulan : Sy blik sbulan lg ye awk. duk rumah pun bkan ada apa.
5 tahun : Sukati sy la nk pergi mna. Klau sy x balik, mksudnya sy khwin lain. x pyah cari sy
5 minggu : jom kluar jalan. sronok jlan dgn awk
5 bulan : Sy ada keje la. sy hntr awk, jln la sorg2
5 tahun : Isy, mngada2 nk shopping! Pergi la sndiri, mlas nk layan
5 minggu : cantiknya bini abg nie. syg sgguh
5 bulan : ape dh jd dgn muka awk? plik je
5 tahun : sape awk nie? bini sy ke? hodohnya
5 minggu : sy rela blik kg awk sntiasa
5 bulan : mne bleh balik kg awk
5 tahun : jgn mengada. klau x nk blik kg sy, sy craikan awk
5 minggu : jgn diragui cinta sy. rela sy redah tujuh lautan, daki tujuh gunung dan bunuh tujuh pahlawan dmi awk
5 bulan : x pcaya cinta sy nk wat cmne
5 tahun : skli lg awk soal cinta sy, awk tnggal tpi jln. |
Starlight :Muse
Far away
This ship has taken me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
I will be chasing a starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold you in my arms
My life
You electrify my life
Let's conspire to re-ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive
I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold you in my arms
Far away
This ship has taken me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold |
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