Originally posted by buntalz at 4-3-2009 12:49
nak tanya gak... baby saya yg no. 3 lambat betul nak cakap banding kakak and abang dia. Tangan laju betul...
Suppose by 20th april nih he'll be celbrating 2nd birthday..tapi cakap pun payah .. ...
rasanya soalan ni elok cik tibiitamputih yang tolong jawabkan sebab dia ST.
dah wat gi jumpa doktor kan? apa katanya? kadang2 memang ada budak yang speech delay sikit. macam anak my friend tu umur 5 tahun baru boleh bercakap.apa yag mak dia buat - bawak anak dia jumpa ST.so alhamdulillah umur 5 tahun baru lancar bercakap.
maaf la ya,tak dapat membantu sangat |
pensel mempunyai sorang kakak yg disahkan autism sekarang umur dah 34tahun tp still dia xboleh manage diri diala..mb time dulu2 kan xder pendedahan cara utk didik dia n takde class khas lagi...tp kalutgk dia mmg xmacam umur 34 la tambah lagi dia jenis yg small size..
tp yg ingat mak pensel ckp mcmna detect my sis ni autism bila dia umur 3 tahun still dia xblh nak contstruct words dgn betul..sb since both my parent teacher kan so mcm heran jgk kenapa lmbt sgt my sis blh bercakap..bwk pg hospital pastu rujuk ker hospital HKL rasanya nie 30yrs ago la kan..n doc pon xsure n decide nak amk air tulang belakang...so discuss2 my parent pon bg la amk air tulang belakng..then diorg ckp my sis ni autism...
dr apa yg my mom ckp masa dia kecik mmg dia tersangat2 hyper active xde org boleh peluk dia more than 3minit mesti dia nk lepas..n xder satu pon almari kt rumah tu yg dia xpanjat...huu..huu..
tp my dad ckp masa dia kecik umur dia 5,6 tahun dia cepat ikut org buat apa..cthnya mcm bila tgk my mom basuh pnggan kejap lagi dia pon nak basuh tp xbersihla...dulu2 my mom selalu bwk dia masuk class darjah satu since my mom mmg guru class tahun satu..so dr satu dia start boleh menulis2 cket n mengeja cket2...tp mcm pen ckp dulu mcm xde info mcm mana nk sambung pembelajaran dia so stop kat ctu la..so sampai skrg pon dia still mcm budak2 la n hanya kitorg jer yg faham ap dia ckp.. |
Balas #1240 buntalz\ catat
budak autistic bukan hanya ada masalah pertuturan. So u kena tengok anak u camna. Antara ciri2 autistic ni, dia mcm dlm dunia sendiri, x peka dgn persekitaran, buat apa2 syok sendiri, kita bercakap dgn dia dia buat x dengar je, dia main sendiri, x reti berkawan dgn budak lain, kadang2 mcm x notice pun budak lain yg nak main dgn dia. Social interaction problems, usually no or little eye contact dgn orang, tu yg bercakap x boleh. Lagi satu budak autistic dia suka benda pelik2 yg budak biasa x suka. Contohnya anak saya suka sgt kipas angin...pegi kedai mesti kena pegi tengok kipas angin. Dia sgt2 happy bila dapat bukak dan tutup kipas angin kat kedai. Budak autistic lain mungkin suka tengok tayar kereta berpusing, atau suka tengok mesin basuh jln, mcm2 la. Tapi benda yg dia suka tu mmg x normal. Sesetengah budak autistic hyperaktif, ada yg tidak...I think ada website yg list down ciri2 autism. U search tengok...But kalau takat lambat bercakap tapi masih berinteraksi dgn orang, walaupun pelat, eye contact ada, tu bukan autistic tuh...plus ur child baru umur 2 thn, mungkin hanya late talker. |
Reply #1243 mami06's post
tq..mami at least ur explaination dah buat i tenteram sket...
Me and my husben quarrel about this issue.. mmg kami dah gi web sites semuanya and search on it... dalam tuh siap ada specification ... one of the items s hard for autistic baby to wave to people... bile tgk2 sumer... tak de ciri...tapi dia tak cakap banyak as if macam malas or tak nak
dari segi social.. dia ok nak main ngan abang and kakak dia cuma dia kedekut sikit.. tapi kalau gi keluar main kata lah dia ada minat kat permainan n i didn't give him to play dia akan try to marah org yg play with the toys (marah macam kita marah kat abg or kakak dia..siap cakap No! lagik)
dia tak de fond kat apa2 barang except dia ada elephant mmg dr baby till now dia suka instead of bantal busuk. Elephant ni dia bawak tido.. gigit and masuk mulut kat trunk dia...
so kalau tibiitamputih or other mothers yg ada exp. boleh explain deeply mcm mana u know between ada or tak autistic please tell me ... I tak bawak lagik gi paed so patut ke i bawak ??? itu satu issue which i dunno jugak....
tq for helping me |
Originally posted by buntalz at 5-3-2009 12:24
tq..mami at least ur explaination dah buat i tenteram sket...
Me and my husben quarrel about this issue.. mmg kami dah gi web sites semuanya and search on it... dalam tuh siap ada specifica ...
autistic child may have speech problem but a child with speech problem may not be autistic.
for Iman, we began with paed, ent specialist, hearing test and later child psychiatrist, ST and OT.
ent told us, at 2 years, the child shld be able to say sentence yang at least 2-words. if not, bawaklah jumpa paed and ent.
we were advised to do hearing test walaupun Iman seemed to understand and follow instruction. reason being, dia mungkin ikut dan kelihatan faham sebab benda2 tu dah 'norm' dalam daily life.
if, ada hearing problem, at 2 year, it's a good time to start treatment. if takde, proceed to psychiatrist for diagnosis. he/she then will advise what to do. Iman has ADHD with autistic features. Iman currenty goes to OT and ST. alhamdulilah ada perubahan positif. he's still seeing psychiatrist as well.
buntalz dear, when we have a child with problem, it is very important that we husband and wife support each other. at times i find it emotionally draining. tp for the sake of Iman, kenalah kuatkan semangat. |
Balas #1244 buntalz\ catat
As I have posted in other thread:
It's good tengok parents yang aware and concern about their child's speech and language development. Previously, ramai parents yang not that aware and anggap it is normal. If it is normal then they are fortunate but in some cases it is not normal, and sometimes it is too late to do speech therapy
In general a normal development child should undergo these milestones:
crying (birth)
- nangis la
babbling (≈ 6to 9 months)
- pa pa ma ma (membebel tanpa makna tertentu, i.e. play around with sounds)
first words (≈ 12months)
- perkataan pertama yang spesifik/khususdan bermakna e.g. kalau ma untuk "emak" sahaja
- sometimes lambat tapi kalau hingga dua tahun masih tak de first words, then should take action
- tetapi ade jugak yang kanak-kanak yang dinamakan "late bloomers" yang mana memang lambat cakap up certain age e.g. 3-4 tahun baru bercakap and pick up normally after that.
nearly perfect grammar (≈ 5 to 6 year old)
- mungkin still pelat cket2
vocabulary development:
16 |
Originally posted by tibiitamputeh at 5-3-2009 14:31
As I have posted in other thread:
It's good tengok parents yang aware and concern about their child's speech and language development. Previously, ramai parents yang not that aware and anggap ...
thanks for sharing en tibi.
bagi saya, better be safe than sorry. jgn tunggu2 dengan assumption anak kita tu late bloomers... nampak ada sign yang tak kena dgn development dia, eloklah kita take action. |
Balas #1247 ummimon\ catat
yup.. lagi awal detect lagi bagus n lagi senang nak wat therapy n lagi tinggi chances nak improve.. biar cepat asalkan selamat.. hehehe |
Tq ummimon and also encik tb...
Ok i will get my little son for check up... tapi kena pegi specific or just we can go to paed and told him/her what we think about our baby???
Tb can u elobrate more on this
kemungkinan kanak2 ada masalah lambat bercakap jika:
not babbling |
Balas #1249 buntalz\ catat
Nak tahu boleh ke anak kita ada speech problem w/o having hearing problem.
Yes, boleh ade speech + language disorders even hearing normal
Then can he only having speech problem but not autistic???
Yes boleh ade speech + language disorders even not autistic
I would like to understand more on it ...
As I said, your child could also be normal as dia appears to have good understanding. As I mentioned your child could be a "late bloomer" i.e. lambat tapi akan pick up later sebab umur 2 thn still masih not clear cut case lagi, tambahan pula dia juga ade produce words bukan tak produce langsung bukan?
However if, those words masih masih sama dr segi kuantiti + kualiti sejak dari umur setahun i.e. tak de perkembangan + bertambah, should take precaution la.
Better bawak jumpa professionals if you are really concern. |
Balas #1244 buntalz\ catat
I always advise parents yang 'guessing' check Video Glossary kat sini > www.autismspeak.org. Kat sini leh visual tgk, & siap dia display ciri2 yang kita mesti 'alert' kalau observed kat a kid tu.
Hope this helps.. |
Balas #1249 buntalz\ catat
dari semalam saya cuba pos tapi x dapat. Bultalz, try look at Video Glossary kat www.autismspeaks.org & check the Red Falgs |
mendap ke? apsal tak keluar? |
Originally posted by suebeddy at 28-2-2009 13:07
shidah,PPIK tu stand for what??sorry x tau..nnt anak sekolah mgkn tau kot hehe..anak shidah ni kategori yang cederakan diri sendiri ke??tapi syukur at least his brain not affected kan.
anak i pl ...
haa.. shidah rersilap tulis PPKI sebenarnya program pendidikan khas integrasi. sekolah kebangsaan biasa jer nih.
tak, my son tak cederakan diri dia. dia kalau lihat nampak normal saja. but sometime adalah peel nyer yg pelik tuh |
Originally posted by Sasha at 11-3-2009 09:54
i dah repair thread ni
thanks shasha super saiya |
Originally posted by tibiitamputeh at 5-3-2009 15:59
Nak tahu boleh ke anak kita ada speech problem w/o having hearing problem.
Yes, boleh ade speech + language disorders even hearing normal
Then can he only having speech problem but not autis ...
i setuju dgn you. i
very nice to see cik tibiitamputeh ni |
Reply #1251 ummiaqeel's post
sorry lambat reply sbb page mendap lah .. dah surf tapi tak jumpa video yg ummi suggest kan tuh ... |
Balas #1259 buntalz\ catat
| |