anna-zara posted on 24-12-2013 07:05 PM 
Itu lah that girl sweet sangat baru 6 tahun.... Mak dia 1 year younger than me...Kesian tau.... Da ...
27 years old single mom with 6 year old daughter,with bone marrow cancer stage 3....
...beratnya ujian yng dia hadapi.....=(
yang kerja event tu she do it part time or full time?
cancer treatment is expensiveee kan..........
how to cope man...that;s is .....very challenging...
Elle_mujigae posted on 24-12-2013 09:58 PM 
hehe....erm from my understanding...basically if we make fewer assumption from the evidence,we are ...
Faham la sikit-sikit.
Thanks for the explanation...
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 24-12-2013 10:21 PM 
Faham la sikit-sikit.
Thanks for the explanation...
you;re whalecome....
Elle_mujigae posted on 24-12-2013 10:18 PM 
your handwriting ke?....hahah...nice....
Elle_mujigae posted on 24-12-2013 10:11 PM 
27 years old single mom with 6 year old daughter,with bone marrow cancer stage 3....
she's a strong woman n a loving mom......
dia tengah buat degree civiil engineering....tapi sejak anak dia sakit ni x sure dia still study ke x.....
masa anna buat event dengan dia last may....masa tu belum tau anak dia sakit...
then, in august anna jumpa her mother masa event.....her mom yang bgtau pasal anak dia tu....
diorang gilir2 jaga that kid....kesian tau.....dah la bila sakit2 ni la bapak budak tu nak amek kesempatan nak amek budak tu....
dengan alasan dia lebih mampu......sampai hati tau......
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 24-12-2013 09:54 PM 
Double pay pun...ramai orang tak nak buat sebab nak bercuti, nak berjalan
anna plan nak jal ...
tu la pasal.....anna ingat nak g beli jam...haritu anna dah survey....
pastu maybe nak tengok wayang.....kalau tengok kat beaniplex macam layan je kan
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 24-12-2013 09:53 PM 
Single mom pulak tu
Mak dia kena double kuat la.
tu la....nasib baik family my friend tu mmg bagi full support.....
tapi tu la her dad nk snatch dia.....mentang2 banyak duit.... |
anna-zara posted on 24-12-2013 10:53 PM 
she's a strong woman n a loving mom......
dia tengah buat degree civiil engineering....tapi sej ...
yes she is...i guess we really don;t know how strong we;re until being strong is the only choice we have...especially in situation like this...
hopefully mereka dapat cari kata sepakat about who should take care the girl.... seeloknya bergilir gilir la menjaga...both ada hak kan...cuma tu lah..kita tak tahu details story mereka so susah nak komen....
semoga that girl cepat sembuh...
oncology is such a depressing department...
Elle_mujigae posted on 24-12-2013 11:02 PM 
yes she is...i guess we really don;t know how strong we;re until being strong is the only choice w ...
oh yang gilir2 tu my friend dengan her mom....so x boleh dua2 kerja.....
the dad xde amek peduli sangat pun....cuma tiba2 nak amek budak tu.....

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