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Trans: DAESUNG's Interview shared via NAVERInterviewer: How have you been?
Daesung: We had received the award ‘World Wide Act’ on EMA last year. It was a first that an Asian got a prize on EMA. We saw that award ceremony when we were still just a trainee. So it felt like a dream. I had YG Family Concerts in Korea and Japan with YG Family. These days, I’m doing my best for this album, ALIVE.
Interviewer: What is BIGBANG to you?
Daesung: BIGBANG is my family. We are so close to each other. We have so many good things. When we have problem, I want to say sorry to them. When we are happy, I want to say thank you to them. We are five but I feel that we are also one.
Interviewer: Tell me about ALIVE’s meaning.
Daesung: We are not really old but we have been BIGBANG for 6 years now. We have already shown various performances. People got accustomed to our music. So we want to show them, our talent, musical trial and passion are still ALIVE. Not dead.
Interviewer: Someone says that it’s too early to come out. How do you think about it?
Daesung: I was so worried about that. I told Yang Hyunsuk, who is my boss, about my worries a lot. I gave a lot of thought about that matter. BIGBANG is a singer. We always tell them everything we want to express through our music. People express their feelings through crying or anger. We express it through music. Of course we need to have time for self-restraint and self-reflection but that period is not permanent. I want to share them about my emotion but care/worry sits heavily on me. I know it’s early to come out but it’s also right tim. I know that everyone can’t agree on the same thing. We have a burden that we have to share. We want to share our good music to them.
Interviewer: Tell me about BLUE.
Daesung: ‘Sky Blue’ gives us good feelings but our ‘BLUE’, it is more like dark blue. It symbolizes longing, sorrow, pain and so on. We miss someone who’s already gone in this song. First lyrics are “Winter is gone, spring is come…” I think that Blue’s lyrics are really good. I felt that the same when I sang this song. Blue have two sensation; Hope and loneliness. Its melody is really lyrical and sad. I think it is also the right song to come out this time.
Translate by @yeonpop
Edit by @jinhichole18
Shared via @whatsupdaesung |
Reply 1220# stanum123
daesung aahh..takyah lah pakai mask O2 tuh..meh sini iols kasik oksigen fresh punyer..
ala CPR gituh..lebey afdal... |
Reply stanum123
unnie, tak semua kpop lover kat Mesia ni rajin nk share info sbb diorg nak di ...
aznee85 Post at 17-2-2012 09:37 AM 
yesss az... akak stuju... cari forum esp AC and lebih khusus lg... VIP @ cari sgt supportive... sape2 yg rasa dia tau seme... dia sensor
aada itu ini.. dpt itu ini, pulau kan je dia... akak suka kat umah ni especially sbb sgt membantu... pls jgn donwkan sesape... kalo nk tunjuk terror, beli tix paling mahai ke, dpt gambo baekkk punyer ke, pls show off kat tempat lain... sini bkn tempat yg sesuai utk semua itu... n akak sgt bangga sebenarnya ngan stan dan semua kat sini sbb korg saling membantu wpon ianya byk berlaku secara tak lgsg.. |
Reply nzhass79
Uwaaa.......apa nih kak zue!!! statement wat iollz terharu je la... ...
stanum123 Post at 17-2-2012 07:59 AM 
heheheheh... btul la tu... i really mean it
Many people think that idol group just have younger fans. But I think more twenties and thirties age group will really like this song. They will sing more and sympathize with this song more than teenagers will.
si GD ni kan saje tau nk wat ai terharu....  |
uwaaa.... nape rs cam nk borong sume ajerrr....
waeeee!!! wae!!!!! buat me royan dgn picca leaks itew!!!! waeeeee!!!!!
*mate tgk poket... satu... dua... tiga posen!!!!! |
Reply 1230# stanum123
teaser ni buat AM tingat kat intro solar tp lagi soft.. |
kali ni konsep ice king or snow king ke?? tingat cite narnia (ice queen) and snow queen cite hyun bin tu....
walaupun byk ice... tetap melting bebeh....  |
{TRANS} TOP's Interview for NAVER MUSIC
Interviewer: Many fans have been looking forward to hear from you. How have you been?
TOP: These days, I’m trying to concentrate on this album, ALIVE. Actually, there was a drama that I was working for 3 months but I cancelled it so I can focus on this album.
Interviewer: What does BIGBANG mean to you?
TOP: When I have my kids, I want to show them my twenties. For me, it is a keepsake of my hottest youth.
Interviewer: What is the common thing about BIGBANG members? How can you guys be doing fine?
TOP: In spite of having our own passion, we are so warm-hearted. Everyone is truthful, pure, passionate, and energetic and always go for the same path. How could we do well as a team, it’s because each has different characters and dispositions but we don’t go against each other. When I see them as an older brother, they always lean against each other. They seem to be a real family, including me.
Interviewer: What do you think of this album?
TOP: I’m dearly attached to this album. I had so many inspirations when I worked as GD&TOP. I wrote lyrics having much attachment/affection. This album shows our honest feelings. I really want to show you as soon as possible, without embellishment.
Interviewer: What is ALIVE?
TOP: Alive is what it is. People think that last year was eventful and critical for us. However, we see it as an opportunity for us to grow up and eventually mature.
Interviewer: Tell me about BLUE.
TOP: BLUE means a very sad thing. Like winter is over and spring is coming, we broke up and meet someone new like destiny. This song talks about these emotions.
Interviewer: What is the most account part in this album?
TOP: Not to be too modern, too technical like a hardwood. Anyone can be modern, technical at anytime. I think it needs huge courage to be natural. All members are picking up the pieces. We always think what people want for us. Translate by lucywinslet@tumblr
Edit by jinhichole18@forever-gdragon
Shared via @Forever_GDragon
Reply 1235# stanum123
tabi..definitely..u r such a sweet guy... |
BIGBANG - GMarket ALIVE-BIGSHOW Tour Website Promo!
ARRRRGGGH!!! NOSE BLEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Post Last Edit by kebayaunggu at 19-2-2012 18:13
Reply 1237# stanum123
kyaaaa!!!!!! disejukbekukan....... mabeles!!!!!
kenape xtunjuk bdn tabi!!!! kekdah tutup aurat gamaknye.... shy guy... awww....
kan bes kalo shirtless..... bole merembes tgk bdn habi memasing.... {:3_84:} |
Post Last Edit by kebayaunggu at 19-2-2012 21:27
xtau gamba ni pernah ade kt sini ke x...
mate me kero ke or me yg xkenal tabi....
but utk kepastian nak tanye sume minik2 tabi... sila pastikan adakah ini tabi?
yup... mmg tabi.... layan aje lah...

pompuan itu sgt sexy.....  |
xtau gamba ni pernah ade kt sini ke x...
mate me kero ke or me yg xkenal tabi....
but utk kepas ...
kebayaunggu Post at 19-2-2012 21:58 
memang tabi pon nih. iklan tok suar jeans. seb tabi bukn jenis bukk baju.kalo x mesti kene bukk baju gk.pastu skinship ngn yoja nih plak
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