[090529/Leeteuk/CY] He removed and hidded everything from his cy...
hesuddenly removed everything during the night, there's no acces tovideo, photo entries or mssages from guests anymore, he removed thewhole skin he had put recently, the miniroom, the sidebar and title andput a kinda depressing picture at the top....
I don't know what is happening but that sounds very emo, I'm quite afraid -_-;; ...
ps:yes it could be for the ex president as it's his funerals today but...That seems quite big for it when he hadn't wrote anything last weekafte the announcement of the death...idk
It's also that they don't have any activities since saturday and we know that jungsoo isn't good with doing nothing...
cr sjworld
nape neh...me emo mung pn ikut emo kew
br bbrp hr me xmsk lawat mung dlm neh xkan kecik ati kot....
aima mane...me soh tlg tgk2 kn teukie...apsal teukie neh aima
adess me jinjja riso neh...dh ler teukie cpt depressed kalo xwat ape2
mebi sbb funeral tu xpn sbb die nk modify cy die *try to think +ve*
tp waaaaaaa~~ nk nanes blk