The cool Korean Airline employees who rose to fame because of their parody of Super Junior抯 Sorry Sorry will be seen performing the hit song again on Star King. The episode has been recorded already and will probably air next week.
Fan Account:
搮then the next people to come on stage left us screaming lol a lot of fans must have seen, the employees of korean air dancing to <sorry sorry>~ though the eleven of them weren抰 dancing the exact moves, but you could see that they had practiced really hard. once they appeared on stage they immediately danced to <sorry sorry>, & the eight suju members were happily watching, yesung was laughing very happily, maybe cos one of the employees moves were very cute~ the leader of the group is a section head & hodong ahjusshi asked which member of suju was he playing, & the section head said 搇eader eeteuk攡 eeteuk then ran to hug the section head~ hodong then asked who he is (pointing to shindong) & the section head correctly answered shindong, then asked who was sitting to the left of eunhyuk, the section head said he liked eunhyuk the most~ lol eunhyuk was really happy & ran to hug him~
Hodong again asked who was sitting to the right of shindong, the section head asked hangeng, 搚ou didn抰 go to china?
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 29-5-2009 01:27 ekekekek hari tuh saper ek... dlm suju nih eeteuk kot yg jumpa mende nih ekekekek... dia pi taruk gambo dia
kaaann...terpampang kat billbod..arap2 nanti satu ari...derang mmg btol2 ader kat billbod...bangga gler aku..
of course ler siwon nk bg rose tu kat me... kekekekekke ............. aisehhh ni mesti dia bnyk makan thai food ni.. apa2 pun totap cumilll .............