Post time 23-11-2017 06:09 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
EhhEtonLahh replied at 23-11-2017 05:52 PM
owhhh...mcm ta best je kalau depa buat pasal actor/model lol ..iols nak another girl group ver pd1 ...
Maybe dah terlampau byk kot temporary group yg ada. The Unit/Mix9 pon belom habis lagi. X silap orang2 besar k-entertainment industry pon dah berbunyi pasal lambakan survival show mcm ni. Iols pon x sabar jgk nak tau concept apa utk S3. Chuols suka girls group ka?
Wahhh.. Yang ni I nampak gif tunjuk mimik muka dik daniel je.. Eiii.. Comel yang amat.. Heols mesti tau kan yang fans suka buat gif mimik muka heols.. Tu yang asyik buat kelaku macam2 tu..
hmmm as expected YG nak debut 2 group baru next year, boy group & girl group.
so Mix 9 tu memang platform heols nak intro trainees n at the same time idols yang menang mix 9 tak dapat la promote dengan group masing2 next year sebab dah terikat dengan contract mix 9.
berketul2 udang di sebalik batu YG
sian pulak kat blackpink, apalah nasib diorang pasni.
sementara itu group the boyz hanyeon kesayangan kaka @azimodin terus mendonia
The Boyz is set to greet fans on their official debut date with a showcase!
Cre.ker Entertainment revealed on November 24 that The Boyz will hold a debut showcase on December 6 that will seat 4,000 people. The 12-member boy group is set to wow fans with performances of tracks from their debut mini album “The First,” which will also be released on the same day. It will be an opportunity for The Boyz to give back to their fans who have been waiting for their debut.
It’s rare for a new boy group to hold such a large-scale showcase of 4,000 seats, but The Boyz has been steadily building up a fanbase through various events and activities that have attracted thousands of fans to each venue. After their reality show “Flower Snack,” the group held a fan meeting that sold out in a minute, proving just how popular the group already is.
Tickets for the debut showcase will go on sale on November 30 at noon KST on Melon Ticket, with official fan club members being able to buy tickets earlier on November 28. The Boyz will also be donating a portion of their ticket sales to help those in need.
Post time 24-11-2017 05:55 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Sape ada baca confession IIUM pasal kawan dia obses dgn Kpop?? Baca confession tu mmg jelas sgt kawan dia obses melampau..tu salah sendiri mmg xboleh buat apa la..Tp iols mmg gelak x henti dgn satu komen ni..
Mmg lepas tu berdoyan Army dtg explain semua term.. Adoilaaa... Bandar Tasik Selatan (BTS)
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contract 7 bulan katanya. macam kejap kan tapi taktau lagi bila mix 9 ni habis
kalau ikutkan dari sebelum ni plan2 YG semua banyak postpone or tak jadi kakaka. ingat tak dulu heols cakap nak debut YG version of SNSD? 3-4 tahun dok cakap menda tu je alih2 heols debut Winner/iKon dulu pastu blackpink. senyap terus pasal plan ori dia tu.