fashasandha One of my fav sister/boss , Kak Sheeda Habib Jewel. ❤
Masing2 mak anak menantu ipar gigih dok upload gambar menunjukkan kebahagiaan kekonon takde masalah yg berlaku dlm keluarga, boleh bergembira bersama lah kekdahnya 
Sedangkan ada yg tahu (weols pn tahu) betapa pincangnya keluarga ni. Kesian, gambar/video yg diletak xmampu menutup segala apa kejadian yg berlaku keluarga ni 
januarybaby replied at 12-12-2015 08:32 AM
Sepatut nya sebagai org tua jgn lah nak tunjuk sgt suka rumahtangga anak sedang bermasalah...., ta ...
konon suka la tu dpt blk anak dia si jejai
tuh yg terhegeh2 tunjuk kt ig
mcm la org xtahu apa niat dia buat mcm tu
lepas tu jd tempat perang karat haters kt ig
mcm tu je la ulang2
org tua ni mmg membatu api cara halus
kakasotong replied at 12-12-2015 09:17 AM
Masing2 mak anak menantu ipar gigih dok upload gambar menunjukkan kebahagiaan kekonon takde masalah ...
so boleh la gelar keluarga propa
propa much bak kata karat
hahahaha |
aku doakan yang terbaik jek untuk fasha. kalau jodoh dah berakhir sampai sini, nak buat camane kan. just be strong and focus on you and your family. she is a strong lady and i pray that she will be happier for her next chapter of her life. mula-mula mestilah challenging because its still raw but time heals. go get fit, work for a healthier body, focus on your career and your little family. change to be a better person and you will have a better life with or without a man. |
kakasotong replied at 12-12-2015 04:10 PM
fashasandha At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone, that the only ne ...
Be strong fasha.
Silence is golden ... jgn pprt like dot dot dot. |
miss_white replied at 12-12-2015 04:23 PM
konon suka la tu dpt blk anak dia si jejai
tuh yg terhegeh2 tunjuk kt ig
mcm la org xtahu apa n ...
Harap tiada follower fs yg pprt gi berperang kat ig lagi. |
i think she's just being a mother. biarlah dia. she's protecting her family. its fair enough.
Robab replied at 12-12-2015 05:02 PM
aku doakan yang terbaik jek untuk fasha. kalau jodoh dah berakhir sampai sini, nak buat camane kan. ...
Well said .... amenn. |
itulah masalahnya. i dont think they will stop.
it must be hard being a celebrity. kesian pon ada for both sides.
i think fasha and nd did try to forget and to leave what's behind.
but their haters just wont let them do that.
Btw, nape rumah ni senyap jek? Tak best sgt nak bergosip. Dulu time kat Gosip Tempatan kemain laju sampai tak sempat nak kejar.
Robab replied at 12-12-2015 05:09 PM
itulah masalahnya. i dont think they will stop.
it must be hard being a celebrity. kesian pon ada ...
U lama tak masuk sini dear, tak balik msia? |
Robab replied at 12-12-2015 05:11 PM
Btw, nape rumah ni senyap jek? Tak best sgt nak bergosip. Dulu time kat Gosip Tempatan ke ...
Forumer sini, memasing ada LAIF, masuk sini bila ada topik menarik n kalau kebetulan ada masa baru memasing sakan menghecap. |
Setuju sangat.....
tak :-(
rindu nak balik. maybe in 2017 kot. hehehe
kakasotong replied at 12-12-2015 04:10 PM
fashasandha At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone, that the only ne ...
yer..btul tu fasha...move on jer...insha allah ada yg lbh baik |
kakasotong replied at 12-12-2015 04:10 PM
fashasandha At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone, that the only ne ...
Like sgt kata2 fasha... seorang wanita yang berani.. |
Salam & morning....
To Fasha (if u ever read this).... Stay focus & be strong...
Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya
It just that PLEASE ... PLEASE.. stop posting anything that can make the public speculate about your marriage..
Silence is golden... I don't want people to bash you for menagih simpati or whatsoever... coz by doing that you indirectly invite the public to bash your inlaw which more or less makes you no different like them
Just my two cents..... Come on Fasha... you're much better than that.
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cik_kembong replied at 13-12-2015 11:58 AM
Semoga fasha tabah..
Reading this, I harap Fasha be strong and walaupun I harap her mini famili will be okay tapi ada mertua cilakak macam ni, dah makan hati bertahun2, elok Fasha pulang ke pangkuan real famili yg benar2 sayang kat dia. |
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