Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
setuju..kaum yahudi hingga kehari ini tak ubah bahkan lebih kejam dari apa yang saya lihat dalam filem ini...yahudi tak ubah cam sampah...kemana saja diaorang ada mesti akan ada masaalah yang diaorang sendiri timbulkan..
dalam filem ini saya amat tidak suka dengan penganiayaan yang dilakukan terutamanya ketika nak paku di salib tu..aduh tak sampai hati nak melihat..tapi dalam islam yang disalib tu sebenarnya bukan nabi isa a.s tetapi digantikan dengan orang yahudi lain yaitu yahuza.hahaha!
no wonder pada zaman hitler dulu bunuh kesemua orang yahudi ni..
[ Last edited by Minah_Flunxy on 9-3-2004 at 08:28 PM ] |
sebab hitler dah tengok dulu cerita passsion of crist , tayangan awal.. |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Minah_Flunxy at 9-3-2004 08:16 PM:
setuju..kaum yahudi hingga kehari ini tak ubah bahkan lebih kejam dari apa yang saya lihat dalam filem ini...yahudi tak ubah cam sampah...kemana saja diaorang ada mesti akan ada masaalah yang diaor ...
Think before you say!!!! Jews are not as you thought! |
Originally posted by Carl_Lewis at 10-3-2004 11:39 AM:
Think before you say!!!! Jews are not as you thought!
really...?? : :nyorok: |
Waikiki This user has been deleted
dah tengok.. aku bagi rating, 8 per sepuluh sebab effect dan bahasa yang cantik.. |
Wakiki, mana dpt VCD movie tu? Kat sini belum jumpa lagilah. Ada cari hari tu. Memang looking forward nak tengok cerita tu. |
Waikiki This user has been deleted
:bgrin: bai, aku donlod jer.. ho ho ho.. ko carik kat kazaa.. tapi susah sket aa.. sebab yang dalam kazaa tu banyak tul movie yang tipu.. baper hari carik baru dapat yang full.. memula donlod ye ye jer, dapat la pulak lord of the ring yang ditukar nama.. pastu donlod lagi, dapat pulak peter pan! :lol
ko tunggu vcd, rasanya ada kuar tak lama lagi..
btw, nak cite sket.. darsita kata, bahasa dalam cite ni (tak tau nak eja) sebut father cam abah kan? tapi aku dengar die sebut 'apa' .. dan jugak die sebut salib same cam kita.. salib.. bahasa die ada cam spanish sket2 la..  |
belilah cetak rompak.. baik beli vcd dulu , gambar dia rakam wayang ajer..kualiti boleh tengok , tak gelap sangat.. nanti clear baru beli dvd..:cak:
nak cari kat sg wang ader..(promosi lanun ni).. nak harap masuk wayang kat malaysia .. jangan harap ler..:kant: |
Originally posted by Nikotina at 10-3-2004 01:32 PM:
really...?? : :nyorok:
Yup..... So wat? :hmm:
I have an israel net-friends ! :ah: |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
tak tahu lah carl..sometimes i get confused dengan jews nie ada yang baik memang baik kalau yang jahat tok sah cakap..melambak
mostly yang baik tu dah tak berapa religious...don't know why just a little confused. |
Wahaha....aku dah beli VCD filem ni tadi memandangkan filem ni diharamkan untuk masuk panggung |
wooo .. movie nih .. mmg nak tgk la ....
dah mmg cadang nak beli VCD ni tp tak duit ...
tpkan .. curious ler .. boleh ker seorg mengambarkan diri dia sebagai nabi .. contoh as nabi isa .. sedangkan tak tau bagaimana rupanyer sebenar nabi isa.
kalau tak salah penah terjadi dulu, dlm movie dulu2 - comnnand & conquerer ke aper ... pelakon sebagai nabi isa tu mati sebb kene panah petir masa berlakon ... n so krew n produksi decide tak nak amik pelakon n pegang watak nabi isa ... :stp: :hmm: ...
[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 17-3-2004 at 01:31 PM ] |
Mel's Passion pure torture
[color=Black]Cape Town - Passion - the English word comes from the Latin "to suffer" - and that is exactly what you can expect to do if you decide to endure Mel Gibson's two-hour blood fest The Passion of the Christ.
Crucifixion is by its very nature violent, brutal and inhumane. There is no way to portray it prettily. But this production, preceded by its controversial reputation, is drawing crowds who wouldn't normally choose to sit through such unmitigated gore.
The film opens on a spooky full moon over the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus has gone to pray with three of His disciples. The opening shots are stunningly foreboding. But things go downhill quickly.
We see Jesus already in spiritual agony - human fear. He knows what is coming. Suddenly there appears an androgynous apparition, a hooded creature in a long cloak. I suppose it was some demonic vision, but it looked more like one of Macbeth's witches had wandered onto the wrong set. This creature lets loose a snake (hello, which story is this?) which Jesus, uncharacteristically, steps on and kills.
This evil apparition makes several more inappropriate and unscripted appearances throughout the day, along with a troop of presumably visionary children who add nothing and detract plenty from their scenes.
No stopping it
Along come Judas and the Jewish High Priests to whom he betrays the teacher, and the violence begins. Jesus is beaten, shackled and dragged away to meet his destiny. And He knows it. This is what He has been praying about, and it is His mission. There is no stopping it. It's a moot point who plays what part in the intermediary drama.
From now on, the violence is totally unrelenting. Prior to His final trial, the scourging scene is almost worse than the actual crucifixion. It's bloody, loud, and far too long, leaving the man at the virtual point of death. It requires a massive suspension of disbelief to watch His flayed and bleeding body be clothed, much less burdened with a heavy cross.
Sadly, all the gratuitous violence - too much, too soon - simply detracts from the details of brutality that are documented in the gospel stories. The moment when the crown of thorns is cruelly twisted in place on Jesus' head is brilliantly done, but by then He has already been flogged insensible and its impact drowns in the bloodbath.
Mel Gibson seems to have borrowed from all the gospel accounts of the passion, but he still manages to make some "factual" errors. For example, during the pre-trial mob scene when Peter famously denies knowing Jesus "three times before the cock crows", the film makes a total cock-up of it.
Peter makes his three denials, but no cock ever crows. Instead, he catches Jesus' eye (Jesus only has one eye already - the other swollen shut by the preliminary beatings) and realises what he has done.
Missing the point is bad enough, but then the faux-pas is illustrated with a flashback to the Last Supper, when Jesus uses the words "before the cock crows".
In another, very silly, flashback, we see Jesus the carpenter making a tall table - presumably an altar - that looks like it came out of modern minimalist Sweden.
This is the controversial issue that has given the film a boost to break the bank at the box office.
Pontius Pilate is seen, as in the gospels, as a man stuck between a rock and a hard place, but his wife is given far too much prominence, empathy and involvement.
All the brutality is clearly placed on the well-armoured shoulders of the enthusiastic Roman soldiers. One Jewish leader is pointedly and repeatedly singled out as egging on the crowd, who bay for his blood, in the words used in all four gospels.
When he does speak, Jesus makes it absolutely clear that none of them have the power to take his life - that he chooses it up in accordance with his divine mission.
For most of the story Jesus is too busy being beaten to project the kind of charisma for which He is famous. Or perhaps James Caviezel just doesn't have the charm. Maybe Mel Gibson would have done better to take his passion for the project to its logical conclusion and play the part himself.
Save your money
"Could you not watch with me one hour?" Jesus cries to the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. But they could not. Their eyes were heavy and they slept.
Should you watch with Mel Gibson for two hours as Christ is beaten, battered and bloodied? No, take a cue from the disciples and close your eyes. Save your money and have an early night.
[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 17-3-2004 at 08:29 PM ] |
Aku dah tgk. dah. Teruknya Jesus kena seksa sampai aku takleh tido setelah tgk. filem ni. Sangat menakutkan bila tgk. scene Jesus kena seksa especially bila dia kena seksa dengan cemeti berduri tu. Takut...takut...:malu:
Anyway, Mel Gibson buat filem ni untuk menegakkan kepercayaan diorang bahawa Jesus (Nabi Isa) tu anak Tuhan sedangkan kita orang Islam percaya bahawa Nabi Isa tu bukan anak Tuhan. Omputih ni cuba nak mempertahankan kepercayaan diorang tu. ;) |
hmmm ... dengar2 .. Mel Gibson nak buat filem baru .. kali pasal Jewish pulak ... pasal Nabi Musa ler ....
ntah ye ntah idak .. tunggu ajer la ..
nak tgk ler filem tp ada subtitle ker kalau vcd pirate??
rugiler tgk tapi tak faham .... :stp: :stp: |
moshi89 This user has been deleted
sure filem nie kena BAN kkat malaysia nie! |
Originally posted by moshi89 at 19-3-2004 05:07 PM:
sure filem nie kena BAN kkat malaysia nie!
hmmm kene BAN kat cinema di M'sia
tu dah mmg ler ... sebb kene lalu Lembaga Filem
tp tak kene BAN kat VCD pirate sebb tak lalu maner2 tp lalu kat org yg buat VCD pirate .. :clap: :clap: |
Sekarang filem ni dah kaut hampir US264 juta kat US dan menduduki tangga pertama tiga minggu berturut-turut.Ada yang mengatakan file ni box-office sebab penonton nak tau apa sebenarnya yang kontroversi sangat dalam filem ni.Aku dah tengok dah..best jugak, aku bagik 4.5/5 bintang.Cuma korang jangan percaya apa yang ditonjolkan dalam filem tu dah. |
Fly dah beli VCD The Passion Of The Christ .....
hmmm ... ngeri giler ..
be prepared la saper yg nak sgt tgk movie nih ...
Fly tgk part last .. masa "Jesus" tu kene seksa ...
mmg mengerikan, menyakitkan ...
sebak gak aaaa .. masa mak "Jesus dtg n cuba selamatkan anak dia ...
lagi satu ... filem ni banyak flashback aaa ...
n kene tgk2 betul sebb takut tak faham .. per hal lak byk flashback ...
kalau suruh bg rating .. Fly bg 4 bintang jer aa .. |
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