Originally posted by MrsJohn at 27-2-2009 08:15 AM 
bro...if u are looking for a permanent job as web programmer, contact me ya. My boss don't care much abt qualification, as long as u have the 'expertise' , have portfolio to show him.....& mu ...
thanks for the offer
hehehe but im not into office style type...prefer working in towel  |
Jawatan Kosong Technician Komputer
Jawantan Kosong untuk technician yang ada pengalaman Services Computer.
Sila hubungi Shirly 0126162836. untuk temuduga di melaka raya !S |
guyz, pliz use this thread to advertise ur jawatan kosong instead of opening a new thread .TQ for ur cooperation~  |
Jawatan Kosong Pereka/web designer di melaka
pada sesiapa yg masihmencari2 kerja or menganggur...di sini ada jawatankosong di syarikatabg saya yang hendak di buka di melaka..kelayakan nyaseperti berikut:
Pereka Grafik/web designer
- pemegang Diploma / Degree dlm Art n design
- fresh graduate or yg berpengalaman di galakkan
- boleh menggunakan software Adobe illustrator,photoshop, dreamwave, flash n indesign
- pemohan dari melaka di utamakan
- boleh berinteraksi dgn baik
- boleh menggunakan MAC
- Gaji Permualaan RM950 tetapi bergantung pada pengalaman
sesaper yg berminat boleh send resume dan beberapa artwork yg terbaik di [email protected]
pada yang tersenarai akan kami hubungi dgn segera..
Jawatan Kosong Technician Komputer
Jawantan Kosong untuk technician yang ada pengalaman servis komputer
Sila hubungi Shirly 0126162836. untuk temuduga di melaka raya !S |
Originally posted by Kambeng_Gurun at 4-3-2009 14:24 
freelance bole tak..
Boleh. Ape2 hal pm aku eh.....
Positions for Freelancers
We also like to work with freelancers on a per-project basis, and we DO pay well for high quality work.
No matter where you are in the world, if you are interested in working with us please contact us.
Please include some reference to your previous work, like links to websites you did, or a link to your portfolio. Some particular skills we are looking for are:
Web designer/developer
Graphic Designer - for both web based and print material projects. |
Originally posted by zacko_inc at 27-2-2009 20:42 
thanks for the offer
hehehe but im not into office style type...prefer working in towel
aku btau bos aku, yg ngko sifu aku...mase aku blajo joomla luks.....
well, die tanye ngko nak jadi freelancer dgn kitorg tak? ape2 hal ko ym aku eh...... |
Calling for freelancers residing in Melaka... (graphic designer)....
...copek2..ade byk projek ni, PM aku weh..... |
Originally posted by MrsJohn at 10-3-2009 09:59 
Calling for freelancers residing in Melaka... (graphic designer)....
...copek2..ade byk projek ni, PM aku weh.....
weiss ape ym ko lupe plak la.. almaklumla la pokcik banyak sgt add ym nih.. sampai mat saleh bahase jerman pun pokcik main accept je |
Originally posted by zacko_inc at 10-3-2009 10:23 
weiss ape ym ko lupe plak la.. almaklumla la pokcik banyak sgt add ym nih.. sampai mat saleh bahase jerman pun pokcik main accept je
[email protected]
ha copek le pakcik..org nak bagi projek nih.... |
hoho...byk gak jwtn kosong kat melaka ni..anyhow..moge leh tmbah pendapatan ,..kire oklaa tuh ...
nih nak buat iklan lg ni benarnya..
nak pakai Quality assurance utk kilang herba..
dan pembantu akaun...
dan satu lg asst for marketing & sales ...
apa2 ..bole contact me..at my email address k..or pm me..
tq |
ada lg tak kerja kosong utk HR or Payroll??? Kiter nak urgent nie!! |
Jawatan Kosong Pereka/web designer di melaka
pada sesiapa yg masihmencari2 kerja or menganggur...di sini ada jawatankosong di syarikatabg saya yang hendak di buka di melaka..kelayakan nyaseperti be ...
juju_amin84 Post at 4-3-2009 20:41 
juju nk wat part time kat syarikat abg awk boleh x..
nak cr pengalaman coz tega study dlm course pereka grafik.. |
weh ade keje 0 utk IT x .. aku nk tukau keje hahahah .. technician it ke ape2 ke.. |
kilang Sun power bila nak buka kat bukit rambai,ada kerja technician tak.... |
kat jobstreet ade .. tp smue nk engineer n manager 10year exp punye |
Pembantu Kewangan
Sesiapa berminat pm saya ye!... |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara