Reply 100# hisyam5789
Ok jer..dh lame sgt dh..almost 7 years time kot.. amik dip time tuh.. Walaupun kolej kecik, tp pengisian Islamiah tu mmg sangat bermakna..tp tu dlu la..la nie Uniti dh x mcm dlu2 lg..  |
Reply hisyam5789
Ok jer..dh lame sgt dh..almost 7 years time kot.. amik dip time tuh.. Wal ...
DayangKirana Post at 14-12-2011 17:04 
oh...tanya bukan apa..ingat nak suh adik masuk uniti jer dekat skit...x yah dok hostel dia.. |
Reply 102# hisyam5789
Ic..nak amik cos ape? Last few years ade gak pergi sane..just for visit. Dlu2,Uniti ni bwh kerajaan negeri..time Isa samad dlu. So,agak berkembang dgn baik. But since its no longer under state Gov,mungkin dh tak lg.. But,its no harm. Better bwk adik pegi sane. Tgk2 environment..tgk jugak ape yg di offer..cost..
From my own personal experience..uniti punya pengisian kerohanian is way more better than some other IPTS... Tinggal student nak follow ke tak je..paham2 je la budak2 skrg kan?  |
Reply 103# DayangKirana
tu ler...ingatkan dia nak amik diploma pengajian islam....kalau perspektif pengambilan kerja nanti..nama uniti ni kuat x nak bg market student dia.. |
Reply 104# hisyam5789
Pengajian islam? DPI yer? Time i dlu, ramai grad DPI sambung degree kat Al-Azhar.. Alhamdulillah,setakat yang i knal,ade yg dah jd ustaz n mengajar kat Maahad.. Grads aliran DPI kolej Uniti ader reputasi tersendiri...
Tp,for current DPI grads,i pon tak sure.. Nk keja dgn Dip cert or Degree cert? Honestly,I'm not so sure pasaran kerja utk grads for aliran agama.. Kalau ader cert from Al-Azhar or some known uni,mungkin lebih mudah compared to some small college.. Kalau nk sng cari kerja,better cari bhgn pengurusan..peluang tu lebih besar n byk cabang boleh pergi..anyway,thats my 2 cents..  |
In conjunction with the declaration of Port Dickkson as an Army City, the Malaysian Army will organize a Tattoo from 16 until 18 December 2011. To further celebrate the joyous occasion, the international Army Run will be competed on 17 December 2011. Both events will be conducted in Port Dickson and will be participated by the Armies of ASEAN countries. The location of all events are as follow:
a. Army Tattoo: PUSASDA Parade Square.
b. International Army Run: Cahaya Negeri Beach.
c. Army Static Display and Career Fair: Cahaya Negeri Beach.
The events that will be organized are as follows:
a. 16 December 2011 (Friday)
0900 - 1800: Army Static Display and Career Fair.
2030 - 2230: Tattoo presentation
b. 17 December 2011 (Saturday)
0700 - 1230: International Army Run
0900 - 1800: Army Static Display and Career Fair.
2030 - 2230: Tattoo Presentation.
c. 18 December 2011 (Sunday)
0900 - 1600 Army Static Display and Career Fair
2030 - 2230 Tatto presentation
For the International Army Run, participation is open to all local and foreign participants (both military and civillian). The categories of the run are as follows:
a. Men's Open (18 years to 39 years old) - distance 22 km.
b. Army Men's (closed) - distance 22 km.
c. ASEAN Army Men's / Invited (closed) - distance 22 km.
d. Veteran Open (Open - 40 years old and above) - distance 10 km.
e. Women's Open (18 years old and above) - distance 10 km.
Participation fee for each categories as follows:
a. Men's Open (18 years to 39 years old)
RM 60.00 (Local).
RM 100.00 (foreign).
b. Army Men's (closed).
c. ASEAN Army Men's / Invited (closed).
d. Veteran Open (40 years old and above).
RM 30.00 (Local).
RM 60.00 (Foreign).
e. Women's Open (18 years old and above).
RM 30.00 (Local).
RM 60.00 (Foreign).
All competitors will be given mementoes. Grand prizes will be presented to winner for all categories.
For that purpose, those interested including tourists are invited to participate in the International Army Run and enjoy the events organized. For furter information please contact us at:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 013-6205722 | 010-2250872 | 013-3940064 | 06-3318528
jom ramai 2 g pee dee |
sape pernah pergi kat le paris international hotel ni ?
kaishi call banyak kali tak berjawap
ingat nak booked utk weekend ni.. |
Reply 107# kaishi
wslm....mel x perasan pulak hotel ni..nama cm perasan...nanti mel ingt balik...sbb sini mmg byk hotel huhu |
tatu besh   |
mc donald akan dibuka sabtu ni  |
esok nk g pd, ada fmly day. cek-in kul 12, dinner malam...ada suggestion x, ptg tu nk watpe?? xmo mndi laut..lain2?? ada x mcm tmn boye ke, muzium ke?? ada bwk bby & org tua, thankssss |
Reply 111# sun5670
ade muzium tentera n taman burung unta..kalau jauh sikit muzium lukut....welcome to pee deee |
Reply 112# melati_kesuma
tq tq....esok baru sampai sana...insyaallah.................. |
Reply 112# melati_kesuma
opssss muzium lukut dgn muzium tentera tu tmpt yg sama @ lain2?? |
Reply 114# sun5670
muzium tentera n muzium lukut berlainan...
muzium tentera..kat batu 4...kawasan askr..free aje..siap de terowong leh lalu heheh
muzium lukut...dekat ngan lukut...free jugak...lebih pade sejarah selangor....
kalau nk prefer pade muzium lukut lah   |
Wahh....Mc'D dah bukak ye....sonot la org PD.  |
ingat mc donald nk buka kt pd..belakang tf hehhe...beshnya ade mcd heheh
melati_kesuma Post at 20-11-2011 23:01 
slain mcD ape je yang ade lagi? kroke?? heheh kkdang g bcuti pyah nak crik and tpakse tron srmban...tpi PD best..tenang je..... Love PD.. |
Reply 117# aurelia
wslm...jemputlah masuk...lama x kunjung dia sini ya... |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara