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Author: thessailly

Batara Brahma = Nabi Ibrahim = TERBUKTI.

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Post time 28-2-2011 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by bro_kr at 28-2-2011 12:38

Yang menyanggah dan tak bersetuju dengan artikel di atas:

Muhammad is not predicted in Hindu scriptures
By S. Prasadh


Purpose Of Article   

Recently, it has become a fad for all Islamic websites to publish Dr.Zakir Naik’s (An Islamic Propagator from India ) and Dr.Abdul Haque Vidyarthi’s article on Muhammad foretold in Hinduism. It is a well know fact that the same websites insult HINDU scriptures, their idols, their ideology and criticize them vulgarly. But their desperation leads them to cherry pick some verses from Hindu scriptures and decipher them in their own terminology and claim that many mantras point to MUHAMMAD. Let us take some of the alleged prophesies of Muhammad in Vedas. Any internet search engine containing the worlds Muhammad and Hindu returns a large number of results on this theme. A number of textual proofs are given in support of this claim. While this comforts the faithful, let us analyze these proofs rationally and see whether the claim holds up under the clear light of reason, not fogged by religious sentimentality. However, I must confess that I have been unable to get hold of the book written by Dr. Vidyarthi, and therefore I am refuting the material available on  this page,  a clear material about claims of Dr.Zakir Naik has been presented in his home site.  I shall be arguing on the premises of 5 aspects of such claims. At the end of this article, you shall infer the truth about these Islamic propagandists.

The Rebuttal

  1. The first premise is based on the Qur’anic belief that There Never Was A People Without A Warner:

Qur'an 35:24, Qur'an 16:36, Qur'an 4:164, Qur'an 3:81-82 all declare that Allah had sent messengers or apostles before to various nations of the earth telling them to worship Allah and accept the apostles as His messenger. To the Muslims these verses mean that every religion had its prophet of whom Muhammad is the last and final. From this they deduce that scriptures of other religions must contain mention of Muhammad. To a Muslim there is no proof needed but the Koran; but for unbelievers the Koran by itself is no proof. Satisfactory proof is yet to be given that Allah exists or that the Koran is God's Revelation. Nor does it automatically follow that Mohammed's arrival would be predicted anywhere. FFI contains many articles that actually questions and sometimes disproves the credibility of both.


2. The next argument is based on linguistics:

I have already given sufficient substantiation on how linguistics play an important role in interpreting other scriptures related to the Qur’an in my previous article titled Quran And Royal Plural .

The writers seem to indicate that Sanskrit has been borrowed from Arabic. They have found this by an analysis of the Vedas. However, when we come to the actual words given as examples, the ground is too shaky to withstand scrutiny.

(a) Brahma, the Creator in the Hindu Trinity, is declared to be actually Abraham. The initial letter A in Abraham has apparently been moved to the end making it Brahma. We are told "This analysis is accurate when one writes the two words in Arabic script, a language close to that spoken by Prophet Abraham". This immediately raises the problem of what language Abraham actually spoke and also that "a language close to that spoken" is not the same thing as the actual language. Also since the analysis is based on only phonetic similarity and on changing the position of the alphabets, the Hindus can with equal justice claim that Ramadan/Ramazan is actually a corruption of 'Ramanavami'.

Not only that, let us take a look at the linguistic root of Brahma. The term Brah comes from the root Bri which means "to worship, to select, to surround". When an h is added to Bri it becomes Briha meaning to "increase, to grow". By addition of 'an', we have the word Brahman who in Hinduism is the Supreme God. Brahman thus is the original word. Brahman is without form, without gender and cannot be plural. The cosmos came into being by its will alone. When Brahman is imagined as a masculine being engaged in the act of creation, then it is called Brahma. When Brahman is imagined as a feminine being, who is the source of energy without which the act of creation cannot take place, then it is called Brahmani. Brahma thus has nothing to do with Abraham (incidentally we can also claim that Abraham comes from Brahma), but comes from Brahman and is clearly the God of creation/the creative aspect of God and not a human.

(b) "Similarly, Abraham’s first wife Sarah is mentioned in the Vedas as Saraswati". This again depends on mere phonetic similarity. Unfortunately, when we study the Rigvedic verses we see that Saraswati was actually a river. There is great dispute as to where this river was, but there is no doubt that it is a river. Rigveda again and again declares it to be a river with descriptions of flowing down from the mountains into the sea and it is worshipped as a river-goddess. Later on, somehow or other she became the goddess of learning as well. It was only in the Middle Ages that she became the consort of Brahma. In the Vedas, she is definitely not Brahma's wife. Unless one is willing to grant that the Sara of the Bible was originally a river, one cannot see any connection between the two.

( c ) "Noah or Nuh is mentioned as Manuh or Manu." The only similarity between the two characters lies in their stories. Like Noah Manu too was saved by God during the Flood. But this proves nothing except that these are two stories that involve flood. Moreover, the rest of the story simply does not match: Manu had no ark (only a boat tugged by God in the form of a fish) and definitely no kind of animals with him to repopulate the world. Not only that, Manu is a generic name for 14 sovereigns of the world in the myths and there is a female Manu as well who is the Mother of mankind (Manava > children of Manu (fem.) )

(d) Similarly, it is argued that 'Maleccha' (unclean ones) come from Hebrew word "Ma-Hekha which means 'thy brethren'. (e.g., And he (Ishmael) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. Genesis 16:12; i.e., Ismaelites are the brethren of the Israelites). This word therefore means a descendant of Ishmael, and it is well known that Muhammad (s) is a descendant of Prophet Ismail through his second son Kedar. Those who can read Arabic Script can easily see that a mistake in separating Ma from Hekha will produce a single word ‘Malhekha,’ and when adapted in another tongue like Sanskrit might sound like Malechha". Again this relies on the belief that ancient Hindus knew Hebrew and had read the version of the Bible, as we find it today. Linguistically, the term comes from 'mlech', meaning to speak indistinctly, barbarously. So 'mlechha' came to mean those who could not speak the Vedic language, those who are outside Hindu society. The term is definitely ancient since it is found in Vedas.  

Source: http://webcache.googleuserconten ... cache:-3_F9k0KDKgJ:[/url];cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=my&

P/S: Dah click berkali-kali untuk page 2, 3, 4. Failed.

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Post time 28-2-2011 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Baca juga Link yang berikut: Is Muhammad Predicted in Hindu Scriptures?

In the beginning of the article, the writer gives some introduction which is not relevant to my rebuttal. He gives the prophecy and then goes on to say…

Answering-Islam writes:

Now we proceed to examine the proof:

1. In purana (a holy book of Hindus) it is stated that kalki avatar would be the last messenger of god in this world for the guidance of the whole world and all human beings. (according to Islam, prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is also considered the last messenger of god in this world who was sent to guide all human beings).


The Vishnu Purana does not say that the Kalki Avatar will be the last messenger. This Purana does say that the Kalki Avatar:
Exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma
Is the beginning and the end
Comprehends all things
Will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent Brahmin of Sambhala village
Will be endowed with the eight superhuman faculties

None of these descriptions apply to Muhammad.


My Response:

Point number 2 describes that the Kalki Avatar will be the last Prophet. “He is the beginning” is described by the “Gospel of Barnabas” which says that the soul of Prophet Muhammad (s) was created 60,000 years before anything was created.

None of the descriptions apply to Prophet Muhammad (s)?

This is incorrect. All of the above apply to Prophet Muhammad (s). The eight superhuman faculties have not been described but Prophet Muhammad (s) had them all.


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Post time 28-2-2011 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Reply 93# Alf_Ramsey

   umur ke? 25thn

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Post time 28-2-2011 01:05 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 28-2-2011 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 45# SiNoob

   ai tau! tapi x taw sahih ke tak. mase Nabi Ibrahim as buat kaabah, dia suruh Nabi Ismail as pergi cari batu atas bukit tu. Lepas tu Nabi Ismail as jumpa batu itam bersinar-sinar. Baginda pun bawa pergi jumpa ayah baginda. Lepas tu Nabi Ibrahim as dapat tau tu batu dari syurga yang Allah swt kurniakan.

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Post time 28-2-2011 07:23 PM | Show all posts
nah maybe bley bantu pasal hajar aswad tu.

Ibrahim as diperintahkan Allah swt membangun kembali Ka’bah. Ia memenuhi perintah itu dibantu putranya, Isma’il as. Saat hampir selesai mengerjakannya, Ibrahim as merasa ada yang kurang pada Ka’bah. Kemudian ia memerintahkan putranya, “Pergilah engkau mencari sebuah batu lagi yang akan aku letakkan di Ka’bah sebagai penanda bagi manusia.”

Isma’il as mematuhi perintah ayahnya. Ia pergi dari satu bukit ke bukit lain untuk mencari batu yang paling baik. Ketika sedang mencari, malaikat Jibril datang pada Isma’il as dan memberinya sebuah batu yang cantik. Dengan senang hati ia menerima batu itu dan segera membawa batu itu untuk diberikan pada ayahnya. Ibrahim as pun gembira dan mencium batu itu beberapa kali.

Kemudian Ibrahim as bertanya pada putranya, “Dari mana kamu peroleh batu ini?” Isma’il as menjawab, “Batu ini aku dapat dari yang tidak memberatkan cucuku dan cucumu.” Ibrahim as mencium batu itu lagi dan diikuti juga oleh Isma’il as.

Begitulah, sampai saat ini banyak yang berharap bisa mencium batu yang dinamai Hajar Aswad itu. Umar bin Khathab pernah menyampaikan bahwa Rasulullah saw sendiri pernah menciumnya. Saat Umar bin Khaththab berada di hadapan Hajar Aswad dan menciumnya ia berkata, “Demi Allah, aku tahu bahwa engkau hanyalah sebongkah batu. Seandainya aku tidak melihat Rasulullah Saw menciummu, niscaya aku tidak akan menciummu.” [Hadits No. 228 Kitab Sahih Muslim].

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Post time 28-2-2011 07:24 PM | Show all posts
eh bukan Nabi Ismail as jumpa batu itam.. tapi putih... malu nye ai bg info salah

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Post time 28-2-2011 07:30 PM | Show all posts
1. Yang pertama kali meletakkan Hajar Aswad adalah Nabi Ibrahim as. dan batu itu adalah permata yang berasal dari Surga. Dalam salah satu sabdanya, Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Hajar Aswad itu diturunkan dari surga, warnanya lebih putih daripada susu, dan dosa-dosa anak cucu Adamlah yang menjadikannya hitam. ( Jami al-Tirmidzi al-Hajj (877) )

hajar aswad ni da banyak kali kene cilok taw. Pernah ai baca hajar aswad ni penanut hindu cari sebab tu cam batu suci tuhan shiva, cam yan koran cakap sembah kemaluan tu? kemaluan pun sembah ek??

aku tengok ilustrasi Rasulullah saw tu cam same ngan Jesus je.. kan bape taun lpas ke ade yahudi ke ape ke tah dia lukis Rasulullah saw tapi kene tangkap ke pe tah, x ingat plak.

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Post time 28-2-2011 08:00 PM | Show all posts
Nabi Ismail as jumpe batu putih bukan itam.. malu nye ai bg info salah x tentu hala

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2011 10:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply 109# amiraputri93

   Takpe putri...abg tak kisah..

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Post time 28-2-2011 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply 110# thessailly

nak click butang LIKE kalo ada

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Post time 1-3-2011 01:19 AM | Show all posts
wah menarik nie..

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Post time 1-3-2011 02:14 PM | Show all posts
Agama Hindu kan antara agama tertua di dunia. Manusia di dunia ni telah mencipta berbagai2 agama utk dianuti. Oleh tu, x mustahil adakalanya ada kaitan antara 1 agama dgn agama yg lain. Cthnya nabi2/rasul dlm Kitab Suci Al-Quran pun terkandung jgk dlm Kitab Injil. Yg plg penting bg umat Islam adalah percaya dgn yakin bahawa agama Islam itu adalah agama yg dtg dari Allah s.w.t dan bukanlah agama ciptaan manusia.

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Post time 1-3-2011 04:13 PM | Show all posts
aku tengok ilustrasi Rasulullah saw tu cam same ngan Jesus je.. kan bape taun lpas ke ade yahudi ke ape ke tah dia lukis Rasulullah saw tapi kene tangkap ke pe tah, x ingat plak
amiraputri93 Post at 28-2-2011 19:30

yap, aq pon fikir bende yg sama bile tgok pic tu....
biar lah...yg pnting kte xterpesong...alhamdulillah...

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Post time 1-3-2011 09:34 PM | Show all posts
ape ke bodoh sangat tengok lukisan sampai nak terpesong akidah?

kan dah dinyatakan,tiada siapa yang tahu macam mana wajah RasulAllah SWT sebenarnya...

SO?? apa nak jadi bodoh sangat bila tengok GAMBAR IMAGINASI RasulAllah SWT.. :@

watafax??? iman lemah sangat ke?biar la orang nak letak gambar ke apa,apanya yang terganggu?

orang letak gambar tu,nak menunjukkan bahawa adanya LUKISAN wajah RasulAllah..yang dilukis oleh setan2..

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Post time 2-3-2011 12:10 PM | Show all posts
aku pun tertanya2 jugak tentang nih sebab penjelasan tak berapa jelas lagi untuk rule out kebara ...
manap77 Post at 25-2-2011 16:40

     kupas lagi kupas lagi... .aku pn nk tau jugak....kenapa kat dunia nie byk sgt simbol wanita nie dolu2 dahsyat gak eh

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2011 12:14 PM | Show all posts
ape ke bodoh sangat tengok lukisan sampai nak terpesong akidah?

Mede Post at 1-3-2011 21:34

Agak2 kenapa Rasulullah buang lukisan2, patahkan salib, dan buang berhala kat mekah?Bodoh ke dia? Ke ko yang bodoh?

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Post time 2-3-2011 12:14 PM | Show all posts
tumpang baca kat sini.... best gak info yg di bahaskan.......

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Post time 2-3-2011 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Agak2 kenapa Rasulullah buang lukisan2, patahkan salib, dan buang berhala kat mekah?Bodoh ke dia ...
thessailly Post at 2-3-2011 12:14

    wakakaka..sebab ko la bodoh..ngok sangat dah..dah nasihat kat budak tu,lepas tu dia still buat jugak,so biarkan la...nasihat pun x da guna...

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Post time 2-3-2011 06:57 PM | Show all posts
wakakaka..sebab ko la bodoh..ngok sangat dah..dah nasihat kat budak tu,lepas tu dia still  ...
Mede Post at 2-3-2011 18:14

bodo xpe beb.. bleh blajar.. tapi klu dah bodo + anak haram genetic sundal mcm ko.. cuci pakai degreaser pun x bleh hilang najisnyer.. hahahahahaha

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