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Author: minho_nora

[SBS] ♫ The Musical ♫ ~ Goo HyeSun, Choi Daniel ~ 2nd September 2011

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Post time 2-11-2010 03:25 PM | Show all posts
hmmmm,nmpak gayanyer mbc  yg amek citer konpem jer tuh:re:

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Post time 2-11-2010 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 16-11-2010 14:14

thanks for the pics from soompi

http://gall.dcinside...yesun&no=116762 by Goddessku

The Musical BTS
(aww they're too cute)

이쁜언니가 이뻐라 해주는데..저 표정은 머람.....

구혜선님...화면도 이쁘지만..난 실물이 더 이쁘다...

@ 에버랜드...드라마 뮤지컬 촬영현장 2010.10.18



GHS was holding a staff person's little girl and Choi Daniel was trying to entice the little girl to come to him. The tweeter that the little girl was crying when Choi Daniel was holding her but stopped when GHS held her. When Choi Danial was tyring to get her to come to him, the balloon remarks say that she is only engrossed in the candy and cannot hear Choi Danial. haha

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Post time 2-11-2010 03:32 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the pics from soompi


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Post time 2-11-2010 03:41 PM | Show all posts
wawa drama baru ek... lama tak nengok HS.. cute sgt ngan rambut pendek.. wowow MBC amik drama ni ek..

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Post time 2-11-2010 04:01 PM | Show all posts
thanks susAmerica for translation from soompi

에버랜드에서 더 뮤지컬 촬영 중
`둘째 날 아침 일찍 사파리보러 가는 길에 최다니엘, 구혜선이 출연하는 더 뮤지컬 촬영하는 거 보고 한 컷]
`사진 찍으려니까 못찍게 했었는 데 우찌우찌 멀리서 찍었음 ㅋㅋ]]
`구혜선 뽀얀 피부에 키도 크고 짱이었음'']]
`어제는 에버랜드 올라오는 길에 충전소에서 이봉주도 봤는 데 ㅋㅋ `

THE MUSICAL filming was in process
-The morning of second day, I was on my way to see the safari. On the way, I saw Choi Danial and GHS working.
-They stopped me from taking their pix. So I took one from very very far. keke
-GHS's skin is milky-white and she is tall too. The best!!
-I even saw Lee BongJu yesterday at a gas station on my way to Everland.

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Post time 3-11-2010 08:13 AM | Show all posts
Reply 102# Ley

    cutenyeeer GHS

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Post time 3-11-2010 08:25 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the pics from soompi

http://gall.dcinside...guhyesun/117116 by Goddessku

Goo Hye Sun and Choi Daniel

Goo Hye Sun and Park Ki Woong


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Post time 3-11-2010 08:44 PM | Show all posts
wawa drama baru ek... lama tak nengok HS.. cute sgt ngan rambut pendek.. wowow MBC amik drama ni  ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 2-11-2010 15:41

uwaaaa kaka hana tk taw lagik,kejap kata mbc kejap kbs poning den..kita tunggu jer

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Post time 12-11-2010 09:31 AM | Show all posts
KBS is lined up with musically-based dramas and specials including The Musical!

Summary of the article: Reporter Bek writes about the flood of  music-based dramas coming to TV. Currently, MBC has GLORIA and SBS has I  AM LEGEND. Unfortunately, the reporter says that both dramas are not  getting the rating.

(Reporter Bek types a hyphen between THE MUSICAL and Dream High  (teporary   title). Dream High is hosted by KBS 2TV but except for the  hyphen, the   reporter did not mention that THE MUSICAL will also be  hosted by KBS.)    What is certain is that both dramas portray the  behind-the-stage  lives  of people wanting to be musical actors (for THE  MUSICAL) and  young  people who want to become singers (for Dream  High). The reporter  really  wonders seriously if these dramas will be  successful.

Above Korean excerpt says that THE MUSICAL has in its  cast two very   talented actors and evtertainers who are known for their  success on the   stage of musicals: Ok Joo Hyun and Park GyungLIm.  Because of them,  there  is good interest in the drama. The reporter says  that THE  MUSICAL is  expected to air at the end of the year. (Again, nothing  definite. Perhaps the producers of TV stations are wondering whether  certain dramas are worth putting on air???)

The article also mentions about KBS is also preparing to show two short    dramas: One is called Rock, Rock, Rock which talks about the Korea's    famous rock band called Resurrection or BooHwal. The next one is called    Pianist which features Minho of idol group called Shinee who portrays    the life of a real pianist named Oh JeRo.


Reporter Bek YoungMi (TV reporter) on 11/11/10

translation cr: [email protected]


Use magic Report

Post time 12-11-2010 09:33 AM | Show all posts
aku harap sgt KBS yg amek citer nih..penat dah aku tunggu citer nih

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Post time 12-11-2010 09:40 AM | Show all posts
lorr tak confirm laks..........

Use magic Report

Post time 14-11-2010 08:40 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 16-11-2010 14:12

thanks meow13 for the pics and credit to susAmerica for translations from soompi from soompi

pics from The Musical shooting

Resized to 47% (was 1500 x 1000) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 47% (was 1500 x 1000) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 47% (was 1500 x 1000) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 47% (was 1500 x 1000) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 79% (was 900 x 1350) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 47% (was 1500 x 1000) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 79% (was 900 x 1350) - Click image to enlarge

횽 지금까지 잦다...
거의 폭풍기절해 있었어....
기다리 던 갤러들에겐 미안~

새벽에 약속한 풀세트야....
쿠갤엔 횽 아는 사람들 없겠지만...
횽... 약속한건  반드시 지켜...ㅋㅋ

사진은 쉬는 시간에 촬영한 사진이야....
쿠 현장에서 청포도 사탕 먹으면서 즐겁게  촬영하고있고...
배우들과도 재밌게.. 잘 지내고 있어....
헬스하며 내공키워 장풍도 쏘고..ㅎ

자주는  못오겠지만....
재밌는 사진 촬영하면 또 올께....
다음에 왔을때도 정전이면 나 그냥 간다.....
즐갤들하 고.....

-대짤이야.. 가로사진은 클릭하면 커진다...-

(퍼가도 되고 프레스컷으로 써도  되지만.. 출처는 밝혀... 프레스컷 출처는 필름북, 프레스컷 이외에 출처는 구혜선갤이고..)

cre DC

Ghinmuhriwheenhalee returns to DC with full set of GHs pix!
I was nearly in a state of ?pok poong ghi jul~storm season?
Sorry for making you all wait.

This is the full set that I promised you at dawn.
I may not know anyone at Koo Gal, but
I always deliver what I promised.. keke

These pix are taken during the break from filming..
Koo is enjoying her work at the film location eating her grape candies..
She is also getting along fine and enjoying the time with all the other actors
She is also exercising, develping endurance in order to shoot ?jang peung? hoho

I probably cannot come often..
If we do other interestng film work, I will return..
If I come back and see that there is no life here, I am just going...
So, enjoy yourselves...

It is a big pix..If you click, it enlarges..
(You can take the pix to whereever but you must reveal the source For the press, the source is from FILMBOOK and for others, just give credit to GHS gallery.)

(I believe FILMBOOK is the producers of THE MUSICAL!It appears that DC does not know that THE MUSICAL will be hosted by KBS. Of course, even the KBS nor Filmbook have officially come to say when and what time slots the drama will actually take by the fact that the producers are taking active measures to advertise and stimulate the interest of the fans is a sure good sign. GHS has to post some of these pis in her tweeter to make the news!!! keke )

Use magic Report

Post time 16-11-2010 02:18 PM | Show all posts
thanks to siidudul from soompi

originally posted by susAmerica @ GHS thread on October 17, 2010

source: http://gall.dcinside...723&page=1&bbs=
A new DC member named parttttttttty posted this.

동네에서 진짜 맨날 촬영해서 mbc 미니씨리즈 뮤지컬 써잇는차가 여러대 서잇고..

오늘도 집에오다가 촬영차 봐서 뭔가.. 해서 검색해보니 더뮤지컬 이구.. 구혜선님나오는드라마네..ㅠㅠ

알앗으면 진작 들여다보고좀 할껄..

이제 촬영차보면 근처에서 어슬렁거려야겠네 ㅋㅋ

She has often seen several cars near her neighborhood with MBC Miniseries logo on it.
She also saw them today, October 17, 2010 and decided to search the net about it. She found out that the cars were there for the drama THE MUSICAL and found out that it is a drama with GHS in it. She wished that she knew it earlier and now she is going to try to hover around if she sees the cars. The rest of DC members want the new DC member to share anything she can get hold of.


originally posted by siidudul and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on October 18, 2010

http://gall.dcinside...guhyesun/116739 by 쿠가좋아

The Musical Filming

구혜선님..부딪힐뻔 해서 죄송합니다~ㅋ최다니엘은 정말 훈훈 하네요
GHS-nim, I am sorry that you almost bumped into~. Keke Choi Daniel is really nice and comfortable to be around.


http://gall.dcinside...guhyesun/116750 by Goddessku

구혜선찍으려고했는데 ㅡㅡ..
I was trying to take a pic of GHS.
2010.10.18 18:17

스태프가깝쳐서이거밖에못찍음 ㅠㅜㅠ
but a staff person blurted in..

GHS, ChoiDaniel,ParkGiWoong
2010.10.18 18:08

으악 박기웅은 못찍음ㅜ
그대신 대화했음.

uhhh, but I could not get a pic of Park Gi Woong. But, I was able to talk with him.

오늘 에버랜드가서 무슨촬영인진 모르는데 구혜선 ,최다니엘 봤어요 ㅋㅋ 아쉽게도 사진은....ㅜ
I went to ?Everland? today. I don't know what kind of filming it is but I saw GHS and Choi Danial.keke Unfortunately, no pix...


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Post time 16-11-2010 02:19 PM | Show all posts

The Musical Updated By Ock Joo Hyun


The Musical Updated By GHS Baidu


Use magic Report

Post time 16-11-2010 02:21 PM | Show all posts
thanks from soompi

originally posted by siidudul and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on October 21, 2010

http://gall.dcinside...guhyesun/116835 by Goddessku

밥먹으러왔는데 최다니엘과 구혜선 발견+ㅁ+

I came to eat and discovered Choi Daniel and GHS!
(I wonder if this tweet is recent and where she discovered GHS and Choi Danial. One of the DC members responded that GHS and Choi Daniel seem to eat together maybe too much, since there were other tweets that posted them eating together.   )


Ock Joo Hyun updated pic at PyeongChong


originally posted by natali and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on October 22, 2010

에버랜드에서 더 뮤지컬 촬영 중
`둘째 날 아침 일찍 사파리보러 가는 길에 최다니엘, 구혜선이 출연하는 더 뮤지컬 촬영하는 거 보고 한 컷]
`사진 찍으려니까 못찍게 했었는 데 우찌우찌 멀리서 찍었음 ㅋㅋ]]
`구혜선 뽀얀 피부에 키도 크고 짱이었음'']]
`어제는 에버랜드 올라오는 길에 충전소에서 이봉주도 봤는 데 ㅋㅋ `


THE MUSICAL filming was in process
-The morning of second day, I was on my way to see the safari. On the way, I saw Choi Danial and GHS working.
-They stopped me from taking their pix. So I took one from very very far. keke
-GHS's skin is milky-white and she is tall too. The best!!


More The Musical Filming Pics at Everland



옥주현씨 트위터 = Ok Joo Hyun's tweeter

라됴끝나고 병원에 들러 독감예방주사맞았어요.오,,아리아리한게 느낌 좀 이상한아픔이군요.근데 오늘도 밤새 평창에서 촬영해야하는데 예방주사맞꼬 바로 감기걸리는거아닌가몰러요
After finishin with radio, I went to a hospital to get a flu shot. Oh,,,bit of burning and strange feeling. We have to do film work all night long at PyeongChong again. I am worried whether I will be getting a cold right after getting a flu shot.
(I wonder when this tweet was posted. Perhaps THE MUSICAL team has postponed the travel to America?? Could it be that they do not have the money because no TV station is sponsoring them? Perhaps no sponsors? I read in DC that one member try to find out about the line-up for the rest of the year for various TV stations and that THE MUSICAL is not listed )


구혜선이 나봤다!! ㅎㅎ
GHS saw me! hoho

우리 보자마자 손 흔들어주다가 꾸벅~ 머리숙여 인사하는 모습,
As soon as she saw us, she waved and then bent over to give us a greeting (Asian style)

아 완전 해맑았어,
Ahh, totally like sunshine.

예의도 바르고 ㅎㅎ
She even has good manners. hoho


Use magic Report

Post time 16-11-2010 02:22 PM | Show all posts
thanks from soompi

originally posted by siidudul and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on October 23, 2010

http://gall.dcinside...guhyesun/116880 by Goddessku

Ock Joo Hyun tweets..

불행중 다행이 오늘이 평창에서의 마지막촬영이에요~불행중인 이유는,사실 지난번에 안개때문에 못찍은 두씬을 오늘 찍는거라 지난번 날씨탓으로 한번 더 여기와야하는게 아주 불행스런 일이라는?근데 지금 네시간째 한씬안에서 꼐속 못헤어나오고있어영
Amidst a tragedy is a relief that today is the last day of filming here at Pyeongchong. The reason we are in the middle of tragedy is that first we had to return to PyeongChong today in order to film two scenes that we could not complete last time due to the bad foggy weather. But now, for the last 4 hours, we just cannot seem to perfect/finalize one scene.

Use magic Report


Post time 16-11-2010 02:23 PM | Show all posts
thanks to siidudul from soompi

originally posted by natali and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on November 5, 2010



cooperation of GHS_THE MUSICAL

여성)방모아웃포켓에어 베스트
Women's carding wool outpocket wear vest

Style No_O104VT510M




This seems like a promotion to advertise clothes just like the ones GHS wore for THE MUSICAL (THEMU). Just maybe, this is one way to obtain some money for the production of THEMU?? I am just speculating....They should actually post more pix and bring more reporters and prommote indirectly to get attention...or something!!!! I think even Park GyungLim was using tweeter to invite people to come and watch the filming of THEMU previously....   


Use magic Report

Post time 16-11-2010 02:24 PM | Show all posts

originally posted and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on November 11, 2010

Reporter Bek YoungMi(TV reporter) on 11/11/10

안방극장 장악한 음악드라마, 왜 대세인가?

I will just summarize: Reporter Bek writes about the flood of music-based dramas coming to TV. Currently, MBC has GLORIA and SBS has I AM LEGEND. Unfortunately, the reporter says that both dramas are not getting the rating.

(Reporter Bek types a hyphen between THE MUSICAL and Dream High (teporary title). Dream High is hosted by KBS 2TV but except for the hyphen, the reporter did not mention that THE MUSICAL will also be hosted by KBS.)  What is certain is that both dramas portray the behind-the-stage lives of people wanting to be musical actors (for THE MUSICAL) and young people who want to become singers (for Dream High). The reporter really wonders seriously if these dramas will be successful.

◆‘더 뮤지컬-드림하이(가제)’ 흥행 성공할까

구혜선, 최다니엘, 옥주현 주연의 ‘더 뮤지컬’ 과 KBS 2TV ‘드림하이(가제)’ 는 각각 뮤지컬과 연예예술고등학교를 소재로 음악을 드라마에 녹여냈다. 이들 드라마들은 무엇보다 흥행 여부에 관심이 쏠린다. 앞서 ‘나는 전설이다’, ‘글로리아’ 등은 여가수 캐릭터를 드라마의 전면에 내세우며 화제는 됐지만 시청률은 그에 못 미쳤고 못 미치고 있다.

올해 말 방송 예정에 있는 ‘더 뮤지컬’ 은 뮤지컬 배우들의 꿈과 사랑을 그린다. 특히 그룹 핑클 출신이자 뮤지컬 배우로 성공한 옥주현과 뮤지컬과 인연이 깊은 박경림 등이 출연해 기대감을 불러일으키고 있다.

옥주현은 그동안 ‘아이다’, ‘캣츠’, ‘브로드웨이 42번가’ 등에 출연하며 뮤지컬 여배우 섭외 1순위로 자리매김했다. 극중 주연 역을 맡은 옥주현은 실제 뮤지컬 공연 경험을 바탕으로 뮤지컬의 생생함을 안방극장에 전달할 것으로 보인다. 뮤지컬 배우를 꿈꾸는 고은비(구혜선 분)의 친구 사복자로 분하는 박경림은 평소 뮤지컬에 관심이 많은데다가 뮤지컬 ‘헤어스프레이’ 출연 경력을 바탕으로 뉴욕 현지 촬영에 도움을 주고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

오는 2011년 초 방송 예정에 있는 ‘드림하이(가제)’ 는 가수를 꿈꾸는 청춘들의 꿈과 사랑을 그린다. ‘더 뮤지컬’ 과 함께 대한민국 최고의 가수를 배출하는 연예예술고등학교 기린예고를 배경으로 기존에 볼 수 없었던 화려한 퍼포먼스를 흥행코드로 넣었다. 이들 드라마들은 화려한 볼거리만이 아닌 뮤지컬의 매력을 전할 수 있는 각종 장치들, 배우들의 애환, 무대 뒷이야기 등을 얼마나 잘 살릴 수 있을 것인가가 관건이 될 전망이다.

Above Korean excerpt says that THE MUSICAL has in its cast two very talented actors and evtertainers who are known for their success on the stage of musicals: Ok Joo Hyun and Park GyungLIm. Because of them, there is good interest in the drama. The reporter says that THE MUSICAL is expected to air at the end of the year. (Again, nothing definite. Perhaps the producers of TV stations are wondering whether certain dramas are worth putting on air???)

Use magic Report

Post time 16-11-2010 02:25 PM | Show all posts

The article also mentions about KBS is also preparing to show two short dramas: One is called Rock, Rock, Rock which talks about the Korea's famous rock band called Resurrection or BooHwal. The next one is called Pianist which features Minho of idol group called Shinee who portrays the life of a real pianist named Oh JeRo.

(Sorry, due to time constraint, I did not bring over pix and other parts of the article. But, I see part of the reasons why THE MUSICAL is not getting the confirmation to air. It seems like KBS but I cannot get the certainty from this article. I wish she wrote it more clearly. Also, Gloria and I am Legend not doing as well as expected, there may be more delays???? Oh, but I pray that THEMU will air by Decmber!!!!---that would be a nice Christmas present just fo me...keke)

I was in such a hurry that I realized that I did not read the first paragraph carefully!!
음악을 소재로 한 드라마가 하나둘씩 안방극장을 수놓고 있다. MBC ‘글로리아’, SBS ‘나는 전설이다’ 가 그 포문을 연 가운데 KBS 드라마스페셜 ‘락락락(락Rock樂)’, ‘피아니스트’, ‘더 뮤지컬’, ‘드림하이’ 등은 출격을 기다리고 있다. 시청자들의 눈과 귀를 동시에 공략하는 음악드라마가 안방극장을 속속 잠식해 나가고 있는 이유를 살펴봤다.
As said above, GLORIA and I AM LEGEND are aired in MBC and SBS respectively. But, KBS has also lined up its station with musically-based dramas and specials: Rock Rock Rock, Pianist, THE MUSICAL, Dream High, etc. They want to stimulate the audience's ears and eyes at the same time!!!!


Use magic Report

Post time 16-11-2010 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 16-11-2010 14:31

originally posted by natali and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on November 14, 2010

Ock Joo Hyun tweets

요정도는 해야 여배우죠. 크하하하핫  
We must at least do such things to be actresses. kehahaha!


originally posted by siidudul and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on November 14, 2010

Ock Joo Hyun Twitter Update

드라마대본보다가도 낼부터 대본 못들고하는 AIDA생각에 맘이 조급해짐.근데 졸려죽겠음..촬영스케줄때문에 세시간밖에 못잤는데 난생 처음 자면서 땀에 흠뻑젖어서 일어났음.여름도아닌데 왜 이런현상이생기는거져?
I am feeling extremely anxious about the fact that I will be starting AIDA tomorrow. Even when I am looking over the drama script, I cannot stop thinking about AIDA which I cannot refer to the script anymore. But, I am dying of sleepiness...Because of the filming schedule, I only slept for three hours. For the first time in my life, I am drenched in sweat while sleeping. It is not even the summer and I am wondering why this is happening to me?


originally posted by meow and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on November 14, 2010

a tweet by joohyunieee
귀여운 혜선이의 "무중력춤"같은 ,,몸개그,,?몸애교..?!!! 아가같지요?!
Cute HyeSun's (I'm not sure but either) no-gravity or no-skill it body comedy? body cuteness...?!! Don't you think she looks like a baby?!

thanks meow13 for the vid from soompi

joohyunieee @ twitter & meow1313hk@yt


originally posted by natali and translated by susAmerica @ GHS thread on November 15, 2010

Hye Sun tweets
드라마 촬영장입니다. 졸음과 지침에 장난기가 발동했는데요. 주현언니가 포착하셨네요. 으하하하
We are filming drama. Amidst sleepiness and exhaustion, playfulness is activated. JooHyun unni captured it. Eu-HaHaHa..


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