Masa kawen tu Najib baru 22 tahun, baru grad. Tengku Puteri tu pulak, I read somewhere, was 19 yrs old. Ada gosip masa tu Najib ada girl fren, tapi Toh Puan Rahah tak suka sebab girl fren tu an ...
natashism Post at 29-6-2009 10:30 
zb penah tgk foto najib & ku yie mase dierang study kt London..kalu possing cam tu dianggap msh blom bercinta x tau la.. |
Post Last Edit by natashism at 28-6-2009 22:46
Post Last Edit by natashism at 28-6-2009 21:08
Mungkin itu gambo masa honeymoon. Masa nak kawen, Tengku Puteri ni disebut bekerja kat MAS, takda sebut dia belajo kat England. So, one can assumela, gambo berposing mesti gambo lepas kawen. Charles & Lady D pun posing giler masa bertunang & honeymoon. Hati di dalam takda sapa yang tahu............. |
Post Last Edit by natashism at 28-6-2009 22:48
Double posting |
aku dengar citer... kuyie nih ditinggalkan sebab meroyan.. betul ke tak aku tak pasti... cuma cakap2 orang... |
oooo pls takde mana baik ex bini dia ni.masih lekat dlm ingatan aku masa dia dtg FELDA aku (yes ashna...aku anak felda).how muka dia masammmmmmmmmmmm ya amat sbb tak suka dtg felda.salam nak tak nak dgn akak2 felda (masa tu org felda muda lagi). n how dia jijik nak makan masakan org felda. i wont forgive n forget
bkn ke dia tu pon org kg gak ke? |
105# seroja1
'meroyan' lepas beranak ..... |
bagi korang saper lebeh cantik masa muda dulu....Ku Yie ke ahkak pink....... |
ah kena mandrem ngan ahkak pink...ti hihiihi...ampun |
99# natashism
betul betul betul
Tg Puteri tu anak sedara Tg Ahmad Ritaudeen - menteri kabinet masa dulu, royalty plak so kira sekufu la |
aku dengar citer... kuyie nih ditinggalkan sebab meroyan.. betul ke tak aku tak pasti... cuma cakap2 orang...
seroja1 Post at 29-6-2009 17:16 
btl tu aku prnh dgr hal nie |
dulu kuyie pernah nafikan fitnah2 yg kata dia meroyan dlm majalah Last edited by kekbelacan on 13-9-2014 04:05 PM
dia di fitnah meroyan oleh ahkak gemok gedempol tu
dulu kuyie pernah nafikan fitnah2 ini dlm majalah
kekbelacan Post at 8-8-2009 17:42 
setau aku pun meroyan tu cuma citer rekaan nk burukkan nama ku ye...sopaya og nampak najib di pihak betul bila dia ceraikan ku yie... |
ini lah yg di kata jodoh pertemuan di tangan ALLAH Last edited by kekbelacan on 13-9-2014 04:01 PM
Dispense justice with compassion, says PM Najib
Joseph Sipalan
KUALA LUMPUR: The syariah court must dispense justice with compassion and fairness in upholding the principles of Islam, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said.
There have been many complaints that women are victimised in the syariah system.
“In nafkah (alimony) cases, divorce and many other cases, women become victims. There is also a lack of enforcement in syariah court decisions.
“Do not allow women to be come victims,” he said in his speech at the launch of National Women’s Day here yes terday.
Najib stressed that Islam is a religion of compassion and mercy and this must reflect in any judgment made by the syariah court.
He also said the court must not go overboard and that physical punishment should only be considered a last resort.
“What is most important is that there must be an opportunity to find a sense of justice and to redeem one’s self, and I hope the right people will hear what I just said.”
Earlier, Women, Family and Community Development Minister senator Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil welcomed the decision by the Pahang syariah court to defer and review Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno’s caning punish ment.
She said the move by the Pahang Syariah Court of Appeals chief judge was a good step forward in defending the cause of justice and clearing the court’s good name from negative perception that arose from the case.
The judgment drew flak from numerous parties, particularly women’s groups, and even earned international news coverage. |
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