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Author: seribulan

Harry Potter

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Post time 5-11-2003 03:08 AM | Show all posts
erm.....walaupun meminati harry potter sampai giler....tapi hanya menyimpan koleksi-koleksi sticker nya aje. itupun sticker yang cantik, berkilat dan bersinar aje. bukan ape....mahal sangat...:re::re:

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Post time 5-11-2003 06:01 AM | Show all posts

Semua buku Harry Potter

I dah baca termasuk yang fan fiction version hehehe Sapa sapa yang belum beli dan sanggup baca depan Monitor aku boleh hantar in text format

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Post time 5-11-2003 09:10 AM | Show all posts
nak beli buku2 nya dah kempis poket...nin nak beli merchandise lagi....

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Post time 5-11-2003 09:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Remy_3D at 5-11-2003 06:01 AM:
I dah baca termasuk yang fan fiction version hehehe Sapa sapa yang belum beli dan sanggup baca depan Monitor aku boleh hantar in text format

tak tersangka boleh jumpa ko kat sini...?

pebenda tu....leh hantar kat aku?

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Post time 5-11-2003 10:30 PM | Show all posts
nak fan fiction nye e-book. bleh baca kat PDA. email kat [email protected]

mana nak carik merchandise HP cam keychain?

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Post time 5-11-2003 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BuBb|eS at Wed 05th Nov 2003 21:00:
tak tersangka boleh jumpa ko kat sini...?

pebenda tu....leh hantar kat aku?

Fan Fiction - Cerita yang direka oleh fan. Jalan cerita memng berbeza dengan yang original tapi masih menyeronokan.

Apa ko ingat aku tak baca buku ke

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Post time 5-11-2003 11:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Remy_3D at 5-11-2003 11:13 PM:
Fan Fiction - Cerita yang direka oleh fan. Jalan cerita memng berbeza dengan yang original tapi masih menyeronokan.

Apa ko ingat aku tak baca buku ke

aku ingat ko tu kerja je dan baca buku-buku related je..
tak tersangka baca juga ko buku arry potter ni ye.

erm....kalau ko rajin antar kat aku la.
alamatnya [email protected]

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Post time 6-11-2003 12:13 AM | Show all posts
I'll e-mail it to you later. Masa nie tak ingat mana aku simpan.

takde yang text/html format ke?

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SaVilara This user has been deleted
Post time 6-11-2003 01:03 AM | Show all posts
Kalau nak baca fan fiction cari je kat under tajuk Books. Seronok gak baca macam2 versi dan banyak yg 'what if...?'. Ada gak suaipadan banyak couple. Tapi yg tak best, banyak slash gak...:eek:

  Kalau tak silap aku dlm movie ketiga HP, watak Cho takde. Sayang jer...nak gak bayangkan Cho tu sbg Asian girl yg cantik...mesti macam Shu Qi ke... Son Hae-Gyo ke... ;)

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Post time 6-11-2003 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SaVilara at 6-11-2003 01:03 AM:
Kalau nak baca fan fiction cari je kat under tajuk Books. Seronok gak baca macam2 versi dan banyak yg 'what if...?'. Ada gak suaipadan banyak couple. Tapi yg tak be ...


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Post time 6-11-2003 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SaVilara at 6-11-2003 01:03 AM:
Kalau nak baca fan fiction cari je kat under tajuk Books. Seronok gak baca macam2 versi dan banyak yg 'what if...?'. Ada gak suaipadan banyak couple. Tapi yg tak be ...

aku tak sabar-sabar nak tunggu filem untuk episod goblet of fire tu.
best sebab...harry dah ada puppy love dah. dia suka ngan cho. si hermione pulak gi feast tu ngan victor krum...dan dalam majlis tu...dia menjadi sangat cantik...!!

tak sabar nak tunggu...

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SaVilara This user has been deleted
Post time 9-11-2003 01:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BuBb|eS at 6-11-2003 01:04 PM:
aku tak sabar-sabar nak tunggu filem untuk episod goblet of fire tu.
best sebab...harry dah ada puppy love dah. dia suka ngan cho. si hermione pulak gi feast tu ngan victor krum...dan dalam majlis ...

Ye lah..tak sabar jugak. Nak tengok camne rupa Bill, Rita Skeeter dll. Aku rasa si Ron tu mmg suka kat Hermione lah...kut tak takkan dia jeles. Yg si Hermione pun jeles gak bila nampak Ron ngan Fleur delacour...hehheh. Ada chemistry la diorang nie.

Aku tengok dah foto2 untuk filem terbaru. Cis! Pengarah dia bukan Christoper Colombus lagi. Pengarah nie biasa direct cite2 erotik dr luar negara. Taste pengarah dia memang lain so mmg mempengaruhi sinematografi cerita. Tak macam filem HP yg kita dah biasa dah. Dengarnya dia selitkan unsur hippies. Diorang tak lagi pakai robe sana-sini dlm skolah sebaliknya dibenarkan pakai Muggle clothes pulak!

Tu belum lagi tengok pelakon yg dipilih bawak watak Remus Lupin ngan Sirius Black...nak nangis je aku tengok...

Tapi pelakon watak Harry, Ron ngan Hermione dah makin tinggi dan makin cun...especially Emma Watson (Hermione)...

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Post time 9-11-2003 08:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SaVilara at 9-11-2003 01:14 AM:
Ye lah..tak sabar jugak. Nak tengok camne rupa Bill, Rita Skeeter dll. Aku rasa si Ron tu mmg suka kat Hermione lah...kut tak takkan dia jeles. Yg si Hermione pun jeles gak bila nampak Ron ngan Fle ...

erm..iyela....entah best ke tidak filem ke-3 ni.
buble entah terbaca kat site mana, diorang cakap yang "walaupun pengarah tu selalu mengarah filem yang erotic, namun dijamin...dalam citer harry potter ni, takde adegan sex in the jail"....hahah....

erm...ron ngan hermione mamang ada chemistry. kat citer ke-2 tu (chamber of secret), dekat akhir citer, pabila diorang having feast tu kan, hermione tetiba masuk (dah sembuh dari petrified)....dia lari jumpa harry ngan ron kat table diorang. bila jumpa harry, dia peluk harry kuat-kuat, tapi pabila ngan ron...diorang berdua tu macam malu-malu sikit...pastu akhirnya cuma shake hand je. dalam citer ke-4 (goblet of fire) plak, pabila hermione tu berkawan baik ngan victor krum, si ron tu asyik mood tak baik-baik, pas tu boleh marah kat si victor walaupun victor tu pujaan dia.

erm...ko pun dah tengok perubahan diorang tu ye...
aku pun rasa si ron tu makin tinggi. dah lain sikit wajah.
tapi si harry masih lagi sama wajah, cuma tinggi sikit.
dah dewasa dah diorang tu....bukan budak-budak lagi.

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SaVilara This user has been deleted
Post time 10-11-2003 03:32 AM | Show all posts
Ha ha...pastu jgn lupa part bila Ron puji si Fleur, mesti Hermione akan bg reaksi komen berbaur jeles...and dekat2 nak last book 4 masa Fleur kissed Ron's cheek, Hermione scowled.

And paling best masa diorang bertengkar lepas Hermione kuar ngan Viktor ke pesta tu, Hermione pun naik angin kat Ron "...then why not YOU asked me to the ball?"...lebih kurang gitu la..

Aku pi kinokuniya kat KLCC ada banyak buku2 tambahan pasal Harry Potter...tapi mahal sangat la...harga rm80-100 ke atas. Antaranyanya tu ada satu buku diorang buat teori pasal ending HP dan macam2 teori lagi...tapi siap simpan dalam almari kaca lagik....taknak org baca begitu saja. Ada sesapa tak yg tau mana nak dpt 'Magical Beast and where to Find them'?...aku serch kat MPH Bangsar takde la...buku pasal Quidditch ada la.

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Post time 10-11-2003 03:46 PM | Show all posts
mmg 2-2 ada berperasaan antara satu sama lain Ron-Hermoine....
pah tu mak ron tak suka semacam jer kan kat Hermoine - masa mula2 tu...
maklumla bakal menantu...hehehe

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SaVilara This user has been deleted
Post time 11-11-2003 04:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gorgonz at 10-11-2003 03:46 PM:
mmg 2-2 ada berperasaan antara satu sama lain Ron-Hermoine....
pah tu mak ron tak suka semacam jer kan kat Hermoine - masa mula2 tu...
maklumla bakal menantu...hehehe


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Post time 11-11-2003 03:22 PM | Show all posts

Names Origin- Harry Potter

Alastor - Greek God who sought revenge on people.
Albus - In Latin means white (maybe for white beard). Wisdom. Or.. Governor of Britain at the death of the emperor Pertinax, Decimus Clodius Albinus (Albinus=Albus?) attempted to seize the throne but ended up as Caesar in alliance with another imperial contender, Septimius Severus. After Severus defeated two other rivals (Voldemort and... maybe Slytherin?), the now expendable Albinus was forced into another attempt at usurpation, an attempt that came to an end at the bloody battle of Lyon.

Aragog - "Arachnid" means spider.

Beauxbatons - French for "beautiful wands".
Boggart - "Baggart" (pronounced the same), an Irish word, means "a threat".
Cornelius - See Lucius.
Draco - Draco is a constellation that looks like a dragon but is a snake. In Latin, Draco means "dragon."

Durmstrang - "Sturm und drang" is German phrase meaning storm and stress.
Dursley - A town near J.K. Rowling's birthplace.
Figg, Mrs. Arabella - "Fig" means "not literal" and a fig leaf is something that conceals or camouflages. Hmm...
Filch - To "steal."
Firenze - Italian name for the city of Florence.
Flitwick - A town in England.
Fleur Delacour - Means "Flower of the Court" in French.
Fluffy - "Cerberus" the three-headed dog was the guardian of the underworld in Greek mythology.
Gilderoy - A highwayman known for being handsome. May also come from the word "gilded", which is defined as having a pleasing, showy appearance, which covers something of little worth.

Hedwig - A saint that lived in Germany in the 13th and 14th centuries.
Hermes - The Greek Messenger.
Lockhart - Town in Australia near Wagga Wagga ("Compose a poem about my defeat of the Wagga Wagga Werewolf"?).
Lucius - Similar to Lucifer (the devil).
A Roman General named Lucius Cornelius Sulla was usurped by the people of Rome, but defeated them and seized control as a dictator. After doing so, he removed most of the popular say in the government and returned it to the Senate of Rome, which controlled the people, and founded a firm Republic. (Thanks to Rosemary for this great theory!)

Lupin - Lunar means moon. Lupin means wolf-like. Canis Lupus is the scientific name for wolf.
Malfoy - "Mal foi" means "bad faith" in French. Malfoy has "mal" in it, meaning evil.
Minerva - In Roman Mythology was the Goddess of Wisdom. In Greek Mythology she was the Goddess of War. She gave strict punishments.

Mirror of Erised - Erised backwards is desire (as in "you'll see what you desire"). The inscription around the top of the Mirror of Erised, if shown backwards with the spaces rearranged, says: I show not your face but your hearts desire.
Moody - Not in a good mood.

Nagini - "Naga" is snake in Sanskrit.

Nicholas Flamel - Was a real alchemist, and supposedly DID create the Philosopher's Stone (not "Sorcerer抯"). The tale was that he had spent decades of his life trying to create the Philosopher's Stone, which could turn any metal in to gold and unlock the secrets to immortality, but could not figure it out.

Nimbus - "Nimbus" means "cloud." Nimbus was also a god in Greek Mythology.
Norris, Mrs. - A character in one of J.K. Rowling's favorite author's (Jane Austen) books.

Parvati - Parvati is a Hindu Goddess married to Hindu God Siva the Destroyer. She gave birth to a baby boy named Ganesh, who Siva beheaded, but replaced the old head with an elephant head after Parvati reamed him out. Sister of the Goddess of the Ganges, Padma. "Patel" is a common Indian last-name.
Peeves - "Peeve" means "little devil" or something that gets on your nerves (like a pet peeve).

Remus - Brother of Romulus (founder of Rome). They were raised by a female wolf. He was killed by Romulus.

Ronan - An Irish saint.
Severus - Sever means "to cut off". Severe also means cruel, strict. In ancient history, Lucius Septimius Severus restored stability to the Roman empire after the tumultuous reign of the emperor Commodus (See Albus) and the civil wars that erupted in the wake of Commodus' murder (if you watched "Gladiator" then you should know this).

Sibyll - Sibyll comes from the Sibyls, who were famous prophets in ancient mythology.
Sirius - Named after the star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star. Seen during summer "dog" days.

Skeeter, Rita - "Skeeter" is short for "mosquito." As most people can attest, mosquitoes are among the most annoying life-forms on this planet.
Snape - A town in England, also based after a person JKR knew.

Tom Marvolo Riddle - If you rearrange the letters it spells: "I am Lord Voldemort."

Voldemort, Lord - There was a dark wizard in medieval times named Voldermortist. In another language, Voldermortist means "Lord of Evil" or "Dark Lord". Legend has it that Voldermortist once tried to destroy Merlin before the time of King Arthur (Mr. Weasley?), by bewitching good people, and simply bribing those who already were evil. Legend has it that Merlin destroyed Voldermortist by using a simple paralyzing charm (full body bind?), fed him to the many-headed-beast (Fluffy?) of the lake, the Lady of the Lake's pet (Giant Squid?), freed the bewitched people, and destroyed the evil men. That was maybe twelve, thirteen years before Arthur (how long it was from Voldemort's destruction until Harry started Hogwarts). In French means "thief of death" (meaning escaping death).

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Post time 11-11-2003 11:48 PM | Show all posts
erm...rajinnya gorgonz....

thank you....

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SaVilara This user has been deleted
Post time 13-11-2003 01:29 AM | Show all posts
betul la...rajin! Aku dah beli dah buku yg gorgonz taip! Banyak asal-usul sesuatu tu diterangkan...dan ada macam2 persoalan pasal HP terjawab....

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Post time 13-11-2003 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BuBb|eS at 11-11-2003 11:48 PM:
erm...rajinnya gorgonz....

thank you....

hmmm gorg mmg rajin surfing ... dan cut n paste....  
kembang lubang idung..... hehehe

nak beli buku tarak duit.... mahal sangat

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