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Author: Jejaka#Macho

[MERGED]Misteri Anak Hilang Dalam Kandungan~latest by Alifnara

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sexyzangel at 12-12-2007 12:48 PM
ni... for sure betul... kes anty best fren aku... dier nih pelik sket...

dier dah 2 kali pregnant tp kedua2 ank dier hilang mcm ni la... bila kita tanya dia cakap org amik & bela dia.. tp kan ... lagi dashyat kan.....haha..
kes keluarga aku x d ela sampai nmpk muda je even umo dh 45...ko tanye la die...makcik ni sepupu sepapat bunian ke...
kekadang dia ni bunian idup kat alam nyata...tanya la weh..mane la nk tau kan...

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jazzquenn at 4-12-2008 10:58 AM

nnt aku tanye la atok aku kat dunia bunian ni.."atok ni jin ke"...ahahhaha..nnt aku tanye yeee...
kesian plak aku nengok maknyah n pondan...x pasal2 disalah ertikan sebagai anak jin..kalo an ...

Bukan aku yang cakap, x berani nak jawab..   Ustaz Ismail Kamus yang cakap macam tu..

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by demonagirl6 at 15-2-2008 01:17 AM

sorry to say this...biasanya org bunian culik bayi sebab dijadikan makanan...yang jelmaan lam mimpi mak kamu tu hanya jelmaan jin yang menjelma yang pura2 jadi kakak bunian kamu...sebab baby  ...

sumber mane yg kau tau ni....
ko penah nengok ke...or terbaca ke...hape ke...emmm....
takut aku dgr...biar beno..x kan la kazen aku tu jadi mknan jin....fuyyoooo...dashyat weh...
ni yg aku nk tanye mlm niiiiiiii

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:15 AM | Show all posts
History of false pregnancy

Cases of pseudocyesis have been documented since antiquity. Hippocrates gives us the first written account around 300 B.C. when he recorded 12 cases of women with the disorder. Mary Tudor (1516-1558), Queen of England, was perhaps the most famous of western historical examples, who believed on several occasions that she was pregnant, when she was in fact not. Some even attribute the violence that gave her the nickname "Bloody Mary" to be a reaction to her disappointment on realising she was without child. Other medical historians believe that the queen's physicians mistook fibroid tumors in her uterus for a pregnancy. John Mason Good coined the term pseudocyesis from the Greek words pseudes (false) and kyesis (pregnancy) in 1923.

More recently, pseudocyesis has received attention in popular culture. It has been featured in the television shows CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Law and Order SVU, The Simpsons, General Hospital: Night Shift, and Grey's Anatomy, in the films Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Oldboy, and on the Kaleidoscope album White Faced Lady.

Signs and symptoms

The symptoms of pseudocyesis are similar to the symptoms of true pregnancy and are often hard to distinguish from it. Such natural signs as amenorrhoea, morning sickness, tender breasts, and weight gain may all be present. Many health care professionals can be deceived by the symptoms associated with pseudocyesis. Research shows that 18% of women with pseudocyesis were at one time diagnosed as pregnant by medical professionals.

The hallmark sign of pseudocyesis that is common to all cases is that the affected patient is convinced that she is pregnant. Abdominal distension is the most common physical symptom of pseudocyesis (60– 90%). The abdomen expands in the same manner as it does during pregnancy, so that the affected woman looks pregnant. This phenomenon is thought to be caused by buildup of gas, fat, feces, or urine.[citation needed] These symptoms often resolve under general anesthesia and the woman's abdomen returns to its normal size.

The second most common physical sign of pseudocyesis is menstrual irregularity (50–90%). Women are also reported to experience the sensation of fetal movements known as quickening, even though there is no fetus present (50%-75%). Other common signs and symptoms include gastrointestinal symptoms, breast changes or secretions, labor pains, uterine enlargement, and softening of the cervix. One percent of women eventually experience false labor.

To be diagnosed as true pseudocyesis, the woman must actually believe that she is pregnant. When a woman intentionally and consciously feigns pregnancy, it is termed a simulated pregnancy.


There are various explanations, none of which is universally accepted. Psychodynamic theories attribute the false pregnancy to emotional conflict. It is thought that an intense desire to become pregnant, or an intense fear of becoming pregnant, can create internal conflicts and changes in the endocrine system, which may explain some of the symptoms of pseudocyesis. Another theory concerns wish-fulfillment. It holds that if a woman desires pregnancy badly enough she may interpret minor changes in her body as signs of pregnancy. Proposed biological mechanisms include the effect of stress on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis, constipation, weight gain and the movement of intestinal gas.


The rate of pseudocyesis in the United States has declined significantly in the past century. In the 1940s there was one occurrence for approximately every 250 pregnancies. This rate has since dropped to between one and six occurrences for every 22,000 births ( The average age of the affected woman is 33, though cases have been reported for women as young as 6-1/2 and as old as 79. More than two-thirds of women who experience pseudocyesis are married, and about one-third have been pregnant at least once. Women who have been victims of incest may be at greater risk for developing pseudocyesis.


Because pseudocyesis is not known to have a direct underlying physical cause, there are no general recommendations regarding treatment with medications. In some cases, however, the patient may be given medications for such symptoms as the cessation of menstruation. Because most patients with pseudocyesis have underlying psychological problems, they should be referred to a psychotherapist for the treatment of these problems. It is important at the same time, however, for the treating professional not to minimize the reality of the patient's physical symptoms. The treatment that has had the most success is demonstrating to the patient that she is not really pregnant by the use of ultrasound or other imaging techniques. There have been reports of patients being cured of pseudocyesis by hypnosis, purgatives, massage, opioids, or after nine months of symptoms, by experiencing "hysterical childbirth," but there are few data available on the effectiveness of these or similar procedures.

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by viper_2803 at 4-12-2008 11:06 AM
bangganya jadi kawan bunian....hehehe....  

ko kawan bunian??uihhh......tkt nye aku...

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by princebrunei at 4-12-2008 11:14 AM

Bukan aku yang cakap, x berani nak jawab..   Ustaz Ismail Kamus yang cakap macam tu..

ko tanye la ismail kamus tuh...penah ke jmpe bunian..penah ke sekatil ngn bunian ...penah ke g umah bunian..ko tnye la ea..

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Ini pendapat aku pulak..

Bunian adalah tergolong dari jenis jin, asal kejadian dari api...memasuki alam manusia untuk menyesatkan manusia... nak tunjuk yg mereka baik dll sehingga ada manusia yang pempercayai kebaikan mereka...

Bunian ini dari kalangan jin islam, beribadat spt manusia... cuma jin tetap jin..mengganggu manusia terutama meniduri wanita yang didampinginya atau  ahli keluarga kepada lelaki yg berdamping dengan mereka..

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jazzquenn at 4-12-2008 11:19 AM

ko tanye la ismail kamus tuh...penah ke jmpe bunian..penah ke sekatil ngn bunian ...penah ke g umah bunian..ko tnye la ea..

Aku pun dengar melalui ceramah2 yang aku dl ni ha, camner aku nak tanya..   patutnya siapa2 yang ada terbuku di hati rasa x puas hati dengan kenyataan Ustaz tu try la kontek2 dia, tanya face 2 face.. x pon melalui email untuk mendapatkan kepastian.. aku mana nak tau pasal jumpe ke, tidur sekatil ke, siapa2 yang ada mengalaminyelah yang patut pertanya..   x gitu..

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hantukiller at 4-12-2008 11:22 AM
Ini pendapat aku pulak..

Bunian adalah tergolong dari jenis jin, asal kejadian dari api...memasuki alam manusia untuk menyesatkan manusia... nak tunjuk yg mereka baik dll sehingga ada manusia  ...

Killer, bila nak buka balik benang bunuh jin tu..   jangan lah majuk2, buke la benang baru.. tapi cerita la detailed sikit pasal bunuh antu tu, jangan la citer tu hobi ko, sure la momod marah.. pastu cerita la sikit pasal camner ko bunuh jin tu, pastu barulah ko buka soal sesi jawab pasal bunuh jin.. ok x.. :victory: sekadar cadangan..

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #50 princebrunei's post

soon laa kot

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hantukiller at 4-12-2008 11:22 AM
Ini pendapat aku pulak..

Bunian adalah tergolong dari jenis jin, asal kejadian dari api...memasuki alam manusia untuk menyesatkan manusia... nak tunjuk yg mereka baik dll sehingga ada manusia  ...

Killer, kalau anak manusia di culik oleh orang bunian tu, ko rasa diorang bela ke anak tu?.. pastu nak tanya, apa status anak manusia tu, adakah anak manusia ataupun anak jin islam seperti ko nyatakan tadi.. :victory: sekadar bertanya, jangan salah paham plak ekk..

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #54 mongoose_kidz's post

nice one! aku baru je nak paste menda realitinyer org lebih suka terima menda mistik ni...................

The symptoms of pseudocyesis are similar to the symptoms of true pregnancy and are often hard to distinguish from it.

Phantom pregnancy
*A rare condition where a woman believes she is pregnant and develops symptoms consistent with this
*These can include a swollen tummy, absent periods and the sensation that a baby is moving inside
*Technically known as pseudocyesis, it is commonest in young women

It is thought that an intense desire to become pregnant, or an intense fear of becoming pregnant, can create internal conflicts and changes in the endocrine system, which may explain some of the symptoms of pseudocyesis. Another theory concerns wish-fulfillment. It holds that if a woman desires pregnancy badly enough she may interpret minor changes in her body as signs of pregnancy.

refer to papercut
...Impian seorang anggota tentera untuk menimang cahaya mata sulung hasil perkongsian hidup selama dua tahun dengan isterinya...

fikir fikirkan

[ Last edited by  hitamputih at 4-12-2008 11:32 AM ]

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hantukiller at 4-12-2008 11:22 AM
Ini pendapat aku pulak..

Bunian adalah tergolong dari jenis jin, asal kejadian dari api...memasuki alam manusia untuk menyesatkan manusia... nak tunjuk yg mereka baik dll sehingga ada manusia  ...

ye ke...emm..tkt aku dgr statement ko....nnt nk tnye la atok aku...

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #115 jazzquenn's post

mnariknya leh komunikasi, sure u can learn a lot........

just out of curiosity, camna u communicate ya?

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jazzquenn at 4-12-2008 11:18 AM

ko kawan bunian??uihhh......tkt nye aku...

hok alohh... aku bukan cakap aku.
ko tu lah....jadi kawan bunian a.k.a. jin...

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hitamputih at 4-12-2008 11:31 AM
nice one! aku baru je nak paste menda realitinyer org lebih suka terima menda mistik ni...................

The symptoms of pseudocyesis are similar to the symptoms of true pregna ...

Tapi kan, kalau dah sah2 dia mengandung dan disahkan oleh doktor tu camner plak kesnye ekk..   siap dah confirm melahirkan 29 Oktober lepas.. tapi x dinafikan ada gak kes yang dia perasaan diri dia je yang mengandung, padahal x de ape2 pon.. pastu x gi klinik sahkan kesihatan kandungan, so x de siapa sahkan dia ngandung kecuali diri sendiri je..   

P/S : Tapi kan dalam kes tentera dengan wife dia nih, doc yang sahkan dia ngandung kot, mengandung sulung plak tu, kene plak duk kat KL, balik ke kampung semata2 untuk melahirkan anak..

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hitamputih at 4-12-2008 11:40 AM
mnariknya leh komunikasi, sure u can learn a lot........

just out of curiosity, camna u communicate ya?

email ada...hp ada...bluetooth pun boleh... tak ke gitu jazzquenn...

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jazzquenn at 4-12-2008 11:32 AM

ye ke...emm..tkt aku dgr statement ko....nnt nk tnye la atok aku...

tu kan kenyataan.... kalau tanya atok ko...or course atok ko menafikannya....

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:56 AM | Show all posts
betul tu hitamputih...
aku pun suke gak..
tp yg nyatanya kuase ALLAH SWT  mmg xde saper pun boleh lawan...
even dr segi science pun...

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Post time 4-12-2008 11:58 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by princebrunei at 4-12-2008 11:42 AM

Tapi kan, kalau dah sah2 dia mengandung dan disahkan oleh doktor tu camner plak kesnye ekk..

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