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Author: barney50

The evil that had blinded Muslims

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 Author| Post time 19-3-2007 10:52 AM | Show all posts

  1. by eastrun:

  2. You twist the fact. I told have to refer to the Scripture
  3. first before you can refer to the hadith.But what you are doing now,
  4. you refer to the hadith first and then you go to the Quran.Of course
  5. when the hadith is fake, the Quran doesn't mentioned about it.
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No, it's you who is twisting. Most Muslims quote from the hadith and not from the Quran. They always refer to hadith Al' Bukhari which only contains twisted stroies for Musims like you. A true Muslism would only accept what is in the Quran and not some twisted tale from 7th century bigots.

  1. About Moses, you have to understand that God spoke DIRECT to him,
  2. but not God who wrote the Ten commandments on the tablet of stones:

  3. "Of some apostles We have already told thee the story; of others We have not;- and to Moses Allah spoke direct;-"(Surah An-Nisa' 4:164)
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Oh! So now, it's not GOD who wrote the Ten Commandments. Then who wrote it? Or are you trying to create a new Bible for Christians and Jews as what Mohammed did? Here read this:

According to the Bible, God inscribed the Ten Commandments into stone:"God said to Moses, 'Come up to Me, to the mountain, and remain there.I will give you the stone tablets, the Torah and the commandment that Ihave written for [the people's] instruction.'" (Exodus 24:12) alsoreferred to as "tables of testimony" (Exodus 24:12, 31:18, 32:16) or"tables of the covenant" (Deuteronomy 9verses 9, 11, 15), which he gaveto Moses.

Mohammed had been trying to convience the Jews and Christians of his appointment as a prophet but when he failed, he turn against them and the result is what you see today. The Jews and Christians are the enemies of Muslims, this is what Muslims say and would remain so till doomsday.

  1. Same like other prophets...God gave them revelations but with
  2. different ways, example, using Gabriel. and the prophets told the
  3. people to note down what he has received.The prophets RECITED the
  4. disciples noted the revelations down.

  5. You misunderstood about the name of the Surah. For example, Surah
  6. Al-Imran, the reason the name of the Surah is Al-Imran, it is because
  7. the Al-Imran is the chosen family, because the family members blessed
  8. by Allah. See this:

  9. "Allah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of 'Imran above all people,-"(Surah Al-Imran 3:33).

  10. Another example..Surah Maryam (Mary), the 19th Surah. Why Mary?. Because Mary is the chosen woman and the mother of Jesus:

  11. "Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah hath chosen thee and purified thee- chosen thee above the women of all nations."(Surah Al-Imran 3:42)

  12. If you read the Surah Maryam, the reason Allah sent down the Surah
  13. was to protect Mary and Jesus from the Jews, because the Jews accused
  14. them with unacceptable accusition.Read the Surah and you will find out
  15. why!.
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My dear fellow all these are just xerox of the bible. What followed later was own version of Mohammed and his desiples. He wanted to make sure that Jews and Christians accept Mohammed as their Prophet too. It's a new script written by Mohammed but the Jews and Christians did not buy the script and the play failed miserably and the opponent became the enemy. Simple fact but you make long twisted tale. Gabrile was chosen by Mohammed because it was in the Christian bible that Gabrile spoke to Mary [mother of Jesus]of the coming of Jesus and so Mohammed used Gabriel to convience the Christians. But Gabriel did not speak to Jesus because Jesus was very special and Jesus had direct communication with GOD as Moses did. Whereas Mohamemd had to stick to his old story of Gabriel giving him the message. But later he changed and told Muslims that he had a dream and was taken to haven and Allah spoke to him. He thought by such stories the Muslims would have more confidence and trust in him. You see, nomads were good story tellers because that is the only way to pass their time before going to bed in the desert. Mohammed new such fairy tales would catch up very fast among the desert dwellers.

  1. :

  2. Caught you!.Read the Quran.There is reasons why Allah gave the name
  3. of the Surahs in the Holy Quran like that.The reason is in each
  4. Surah.Part of the reasons I have explained above. The words are from
  5. Allah, then gave to Gabriel, gave to Muhammad and Muhammad gave to the
  6. disciples to memorize and noted down. Only Moses received the revelations directly from God. Caught you once again...Quran is only in ONE VERSION.But many TRANSLATIONS.
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You didn't catch me but fooling yourself. If GOD spoke direct it must be written direct as Allah's verse such and such and if Gabriel gave the verse it must be written Gabriel such and such but in this case the verses are quoted after each person who related the verse. So, there is no validity except to believe that this verse was the exact verse quoted by Mohammed. Such simple fact yet you cannot understand why it is so written. So who is fooling whom here?

  1. The reason of there are many sects because some of them are not
  2. following what Allah instructed,Allah asked to follow Him, the Holy
  3. Quran, but they created the sects with thier own mind. In this case,
  4. not Quran's and Allah's false. See this:

  5. "And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and
  6. remember with gratitude Allah.s favour on you; for ye were enemies and
  7. He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became
  8. brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you
  9. from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be
  10. guided."

  11. (Surah Al-Imran 3:103)
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Which goes to say the Muslims of that period too did not fear Allah the so powerful and revengefull? With all the threats of hellfire from Allah still Muslims of that period differed and divided among themselves in opinion and belief. What does this show? It shows very clearly that they had doubt in the verses related by those people. Comprehende?

  1. :

  2. I can say that the hadith is not written by Al-Bukhari, but by
  3. someone who confessed that the hadith was written by him.However, it
  4. doesn't matter who wrote the  hadith, but like I have told before,
  5. refer to the Holy Quran before your refer to the Hadith.But you never
  6. listened. That is why you keep repeating same issue here.
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Why refer to a book that is a fake? Don't you believe in the Quran? Muslims say Quran is word of GOD and yet they need to refer to a book written by bigots. That is the point I'm driving. Why not the Quran, why must Musims believe in a book written by man and not that frm GOD as claimed by Muslims?


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 Author| Post time 19-3-2007 10:53 AM | Show all posts

  1. :
  2. So, you confessed that the Hindus are very stupid until they can't recite even a verse from the Holy Quran or even to scream Allahuakbar..a short statement, which you can scream it out even you don't understand what it means. .I never said that you cannot say Allahuakbar because that statement praise my God.I said you cannot when you insult my God.Ask any Muslims. What ever it is, no body knows the relligion of the terrorists, so PLEASE SHUT UP!!.You make me feel that you are stupid.
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Getting hitted up? Shoowing true color uh!? When we speak the truth you get angry and start to curse. It's very obvious and clear proof of Muslims attitude.  Anway, it does not matter if you call me stupid because I'll not lose my cool as I'm hee to debate and not curse you. Calling GOD is great is for all believers and not exclusively for Muslims is a know fact. But no non Muslims would say it in Arabic because it is not their language to say it. Why would a Hindu or a Christian say Allahukahbar in Arabic when they can say it if their own language. The religion of the terrorist in the Middle east is a known fact but by you dening it would cgange anything. Even justt a few days ago a Muslims terrorist admitted his plot in train bombing. So, your claim is figmant of your mind like your prophet.

  1. :
  2. Alhamdullillah...that showed that you confessed that you are NOT believe in worshipping idols. Because you cannot accepted the verses are for your religion and your faith.One step for Barney to understand Islam.Praise be to Allah!.

  3. What I can see here, you are the terrorist...because in your mind always WAR...WAR...WAR...until you related everything you hate with WAR WAR WAR..Huh..a seed of terrorist is here. You have read Surah Al-Anfaal(the 8th Surah)?. Read ll find the answer. InsyaAllah.
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You statement is not in accordance to my post. Let me assure you and I'll make it very clear for you in bold words I believe in idol worship because the idols were created in the image of GOD. In the OT is says man was created in the image of GOD and so are the idols in return..

I understand Islam more than you understand. It is a religin created to divide the world and people. It is now being used to create chaos in the world of peace created by GOD. A world as similar to the kingdom of GOD but being turned inot hell by Muslim fanatics to dullfill their agenda. Islam was born in blood and would live in blood. Thatis the fate of Muslims as willed by GOD.

  1. :
  2. Yes...because it is the thing unseen.I repeat what Muhammad said:

  3. "They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)"(Surah Al-Isra' 17:85). Simple.

  4. Only a ignorant that try to talk something that they cannot find the answer and at last gain nothing.And when they failed, they accuse this and that. If the Spirit is re-use to reincarnate another creation, then the reincarnated creation should be as same as the oringinal creation.

  5. But, in cloning, there is slight different between the cloned and the original...John the Baptist and Elijah is different each other...Think!
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Another childish talk of eastrun. Different in physical lock but the spirit is the same. You are ignorant becuase your religion has nothing to say about it. In another word the so called religion of GOD has no knowledge of it but simply say "only a littel that is communicated". Why a little? Just say we do not know and so do not wist to speak of it. The truth is out  or all to know and you admit it. Quran has nothing to say about spirit and soul because Allah has no knowledge of it. And that my dear fellow is the truth you'd have to live with.

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Post time 19-3-2007 09:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #100 barney50's post

No, it's not hard for me to understand but it is for you and many Muslims like you. What you cannot see Hinduism has shown. What you cannot show Hindusima has shown. You cannot see GOD and yet Hinduism has shown how GOD would appear to look like in form of Statues. What you cannot see the heaven and hell, Hnduism has shown the suffering and enjoyoment man would go throgh in life right here on earth. The soul is the spirit that some of us are able to see of the departed. They roam around until they are destined  to take another body. It is all there and Hinduism was clear about them but its a pity the religion theta claims to be the true religion of GOD cannot show any to its followers. It is because Islam is not what Muslims claim it to be. It cannot proof anyting because it has nothing to proof. PERIOD!

My answer:
You said that because you put God at the same level of His creations, that is why you think, what Allah knows, you also should know. I don't see the idols as my God because the idols are powerless.Furthermore, the idols were made by the followers.They are not existed themselves, so how can you say they are Gods?.You made the idols established, and then you worship them...they should worship you because you created them!. I already explained to you that world will never be like hells and heavens. Because..the happiness and the agonies are not long lasting. About the soul, you yourself not sure whether they roam around searching for another body...because they are things unseen. I wondered with you because you love to waste your time thinking about something that you will never able to see with your eyes...and then you talked like an expert, like you really know the things unseen.Useless Hindu.
Normal lah because Muslims like you would not understand simple matters but very clever to quote verses that produce no meaning. When I say everlasting peace which means the soul [Atman] would merge with the Supereme Being. EWhen that day comes the soul is liberated from bondage. How could a complicated and confused Muslim like you would understand this simple facts of life. The everlasting peace is not what Muslims dream of paradise where you enjoy life with virgins and vine. This is a figment of the mind of Mohammed and his followers but not we Hindus. We know what is life and why we are here and from here where we will go

My answer:
Everybody knows that the everlasting peace is after you die.And we also know that we will get back to the Almighty Allah. You can say or act stupid talking about heavens and hells which Allah has told to us through Muhammad.But Allah didn't lie because He said that the enjoyments of heavens that He told in the Holy Quran are just PARABLE.The real enjoyments, He will show on the Day of Judgement. i quoted the verse many times already.And the verse of Surah Ar-Ra'd already explained to you about heavens...Up to you la.Not my problem.
Yeh! With plenty of goodies. And that is why your people are working towards to destroy it with sucide bombing and creating more trouble among yourself. And the consequences of your stupidty is the result of hundreds of death daily in Islamic countries. A misguided religion brought to destroy the peace of this world.

My answer:
This is normal for Barney.When he failed to protect his religion or to counter my answer, he insults Islam and the followers.Hmm..I wonder if this the idols taught you...because they are not able to move and speak at all. You have no proof that Muslims did it.Hehehhe
Ayiah! This is a Christian conceptlah.... The guardian angel is a Christian concept which Mohammed added to his religion. THis too had been told in the Torah and Mohammed just have to repeat it. But we have a better name for them and we call the evil angel Asuras and the good angel devas. You see, we had that more than 5000 years BC but the religions that came  just used the same but made some changes to show it is something new.  Sorrylah, we have walked this path long before you.....

My answer:
Ahakz!!!.I am not expecting this kind of answer. Because my intentions for revealing the two verses above which I repeated below, not talking about the angels, but I am talking about the freewill that Allah has given to us:

""For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession, before and behind him: They guard him by command of Allah. Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls).
But when (once) Allah willeth a people's punishment, there can be no
turning it back, nor will they find, besides Him, any to protect." (Surah Ar-Ra'd 13:11 )

"Because Allah will never change the grace which He hath bestowed
on a people until they change what is in their (own) souls: and verily
Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things)."(Surah Al-Anfaal 8:53)

Which...He will only guide you when you have EFFORT to follow His guidance.So, you cannot blame Allah when you are misguided.Clearly you are not reading my answer, but you answer it blindly.Showing how hasty you are.Hahahaha
Let's see, you come to my house and take note of it's design because you do not have any originality. You go back make the same plan with little bit of added futures and than claim it to be the lates design for all to follow. Very clever lah!....But you forgot something you do not know how the foundation was set.... You do not know what is underneath that would hold the building for ever till the world exist. Now the question what is your foundation that would hold it forever? Think about it....

My answer:
A weighless parable. That's why, that day I asked, did your scriptures contained verses that commented other faiths or religions?.Did your scriptures talking about the faith of Islam, Christian and Judaism?.You CONFESSED NO!. Yes of course the re-added scriptures are the latest scriptures.

The Quran claimed to be the latest scripture because it is the re-added book PERIOD by PERIOD from the previous books. Like I told you, God sent down laws depend on the situation of the period. About how the foundation was set...I have told you also, even though the Quran is fragile in HARD COPY, but it is tough in the chest of people with knowledge, the THAFIZS, which Allah had made them easy to memorize the verses of the Quran.This is Allah fate to prevent Al-Quran from corruption period by period until today!.

""Nay, here are Signs self-evident in the hearts of those endowed with knowledge: and none but the unjust reject Our Signs."(Surah Al-Ankabut 29:49).
Yeh! Stronger with so many question marks and scrutiny over it. If your religion is so strong why would any one question its existence and why so much debate all over the world? Why are Muslims branded terrorist and why is Europe having second thought of allowing Muslim immigrants? And that you cal strongest religion? It's Muslims who are claiming so but not the non Muslims. Another thing why are Muslim leaders organising forums to make others understand Islam. Why mnust they say Islam is not a religin of terrorism but a peaceful religion. They have to because of what is happening in Islamic countries and the sucuide bombings caused by Muslim radical groups have driven them to come out to explain. Pathetic!

My answer:
I counter ask you..when people insulting your religion, what will you do?.When people accusing your religion with no facts and evidences, what will you do?.Keep quiet?.Obviously, you don't faith and you don't love your religion.Shameless!.

In order to make people know,of course you have to preach.Because from preaching, people will know what your religion is all about.Same like those Christian missionaries, they preached and they explained their religion so that people will know the religion.

What ever it is...Hindusm failed to be a religion with the largest number of followers..after thousands of years...Is that what you call a successful religion.hahaha.You make me laugh.

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 Author| Post time 19-3-2007 10:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply  #103 eastrun's post

  1. :

  2. You said that because you put God at the same level of His creations,

  3. that is why you think, what Allah knows, you also should know. I don't

  4. see the idols as my God because the idols are powerless.Furthermore,

  5. the idols were made by the followers.They are not existed themselves,

  6. so how can you say they are Gods?.You made the idols established, and

  7. then you worship them...they should worship you because you created

  8. them!. I already explained to you that world will never be like hells

  9. and heavens. Because..the happiness and the agonies are not long

  10. lasting. About the soul, you yourself not sure whether they roam around

  11. searching for another body...because they are things unseen. I wondered

  12. with you because you love to waste your time thinking about something

  13. that you will never able to see with your eyes...and then you talked

  14. like an expert, like you really know the things unseen.Useless Hindu.
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Did I claim I know what GOD knows? Please show the statment I made. You are making up your own and trying to escape the real issue. No one ask you to see the idols as your GOD. Did I ask you to do so? Please show me where did I tell you to do so...That is for us to judge and not you. We can see the power in them but you cannot see because you are not a Hindu. Which means GOD should worship us because we created GOD. Is that what you are saying. GOD exist because of man and so man created GOD and so you want GOD to pray to us? Is that the philosophy of Islam? You cannot see because you are blind inside. Spirit soul will not appear to people who are blind inside. I'm a useful Hindu speaking to a worthless Muslim....
  1. :

  2. Everybody knows that the everlasting peace is after you die.And we also

  3. know that we will get back to the Almighty Allah. You can say or act

  4. stupid talking about heavens and hells which Allah has told to us

  5. through Muhammad.But Allah didn't lie because He said that the

  6. enjoyments of heavens that He told in the Holy Quran are just

  7. PARABLE.The real enjoyments, He will show on the Day of Judgement. i

  8. quoted the verse many times already.And the verse of Surah Ar-Ra'd

  9. already explained to you about heavens...Up to you la.Not my problem.
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That is your belief but do not expect me to believe too. We have our ways of knowing the truth while you are in elementary school. That is the difference between you and me.

  1. :

  2. This is normal for Barney.When he failed to protect his religion or to

  3. counter my answer, he insults Islam and the followers.Hmm..I wonder if

  4. this the idols taught you...because they are not able to move and speak

  5. at all. You have no proof that Muslims did it.Hehehhe
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Oh! yeh? Did I insult Islam? No, you insulted your own religion by not being able to convience me. I just added what you have implied.

  1. :

  2. Ahakz!!!.I am not expecting this kind of answer. Because my intentions

  3. for revealing the two verses above which I repeated below, not talking

  4. about the angels, but I am talking about the freewill that Allah has

  5. given to us:

  6. ""For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession, before and

  7. behind him: They guard him by command of Allah. Verily never will Allah

  8. change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with

  9. their own souls).

  10. But when (once) Allah willeth a people's punishment, there can be no

  11. turning it back, nor will they find, besides Him, any to protect." (Surah Ar-Ra'd 13:11 )

  12. "Because Allah will never change the grace which He hath bestowed

  13. on a people until they change what is in their (own) souls: and verily

  14. Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things)."(Surah Al-Anfaal 8:53)

  15. Which...He will only guide you when you have EFFORT to follow His

  16. guidance.So, you cannot blame Allah when you are misguided.Clearly you

  17. are not reading my answer, but you answer it blindly.Showing how hasty

  18. you are.Hahahaha
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This method was used to convert the pagan Meccans but would not work for people of today. First freewill then punishment for not accepting. What kind of verse is that? I do not think GOD the Almighty need to stoop so low in order to convince  the pagans of his bad temper and the punishment. That is why ZI say these are not verses created by GOD but bigots of Islam.

  1. :

  2. A weighless parable. That's why, that day I asked, did your scriptures

  3. contained verses that commented other faiths or religions?.Did your

  4. scriptures talking about the faith of Islam, Christian and Judaism?.You

  5. CONFESSED NO!. Yes of course the re-added scriptures are the latest

  6. scriptures.
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Why would my religion speak of another when it is know as the Eternal Religion? Does it make sense to you? Or you are slow in understanding?

  1. The Quran claimed to be the latest scripture because it is the re-added

  2. book PERIOD by PERIOD from the previous books. Like I told you, God

  3. sent down laws depend on the situation of the period. About how the

  4. foundation was set...I have told you also, even though the Quran is

  5. fragile in HARD COPY, but it is tough in the chest of people with

  6. knowledge, the THAFIZS, which Allah had made them easy to memorize the

  7. verses of the Quran.This is Allah fate to prevent Al-Quran from

  8. corruption period by period until today!.

  9. ""Nay, here are Signs self-evident in the hearts of those endowed with

  10. knowledge: and none but the unjust reject Our Signs."(Surah Al-Ankabut

  11. 29:49).
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The Quran had already been corrupted during Uthmans's period so your claim is baseless. Hard copy or soft copy it is not the original copy. That is the fact my dear fellow.
  1. :

  2. I counter ask you..when people insulting your religion, what will you

  3. do?.When people accusing your religion with no facts and evidences,

  4. what will you do?.Keep quiet?.Obviously, you don't faith and you don't

  5. love your religion.Shameless!.

  6. In order to make people know,of course you have to preach.Because from

  7. preaching, people will know what your religion is all about.Same like

  8. those Christian missionaries, they preached and they explained their

  9. religion so that people will know the religion.

  10. What ever it is...Hindusm failed to be a religion with the largest

  11. number of followers..after thousands of years...Is that what you call a

  12. successful religion.hahaha.You make me laugh.
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Why would I need to fight with morons. Knowing them to be morons it's better to leave them be for after sometime they will only talk to empty space. Faith is in the heart and not in my fist or mouth. Mine I do not have to preach as others will sekk it when their time comes. If I preach I'm no differnt form a street peddler selling chiplak goods.  The Christiians preach because they need the congeration to run their missionary and without  new members where would they go for fund. We do not worry about number because the numbers would come when the time comes. That is the beauty fo Hinduism. I would not laugh at your joke because you do not see the joke is one you.....

[ Last edited by  barney50 at 19-3-2007 10:40 PM ]

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Post time 19-3-2007 10:34 PM | Show all posts
just another lie..from barney50.....

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Post time 19-3-2007 10:41 PM | Show all posts

sambungan dari Barney # 100 post

No, it's you who is twisting. Most Muslims quote from the hadith and not from the Quran. They always refer to hadith Al' Bukhari which only contains twisted stroies for Musims like you. A true Muslism would only accept what is in the Quran and not some twisted tale from 7th century bigots.

My answer: order to determine which hadith is fake, we refer to the Holy Quran because Holy Quran is the word of Allah, where as, Hadith is the explanation of the Holy Quran.You have to go to the SCRIPTURE first before you go to the Hadith (Wisdom). That's why Allah put the word SCRIPTURE in front of the word Hadith.To show who is the leader between those two. Yang kau pergi ikut yang belakang buat apa.baru ikut yang depan buat apa.See the verse...see the location of the word SCRIPTURE and the word Wisdom:

"But for the Grace of Allah to thee and his Mercy, a party of them would certainly have plotted to lead thee astray. But (in fact) they will only Lead their own souls astray, and to thee they can do no harm in the least. For Allah hath sent down to thee the Book and wisdom and taught thee what thou Knewest not (before): And great is the Grace of Allah unto thee." (Surah An-Nisa' 4:113)
Oh! So now, it's not GOD who wrote the Ten Commandments. Then who wrote it? Or are you trying to create a new Bible for Christians and Jews as what Mohammed did? Here read this:

According to the Bible, God inscribed the Ten Commandments into stone:"God said to Moses, 'Come up to Me, to the mountain, and remain there.I will give you the stone tablets, the Torah and the commandment that Ihave written for [the people's] instruction.'" (Exodus 24:12) alsoreferred to as "tables of testimony" (Exodus 24:12, 31:18, 32:16) or"tables of the covenant" (Deuteronomy 9verses 9, 11, 15), which he gaveto Moses.

Mohammed had been trying to convience the Jews and Christians of his appointment as a prophet but when he failed, he turn against them and the result is what you see today. The Jews and Christians are the enemies of Muslims, this is what Muslims say and would remain so till doomsday.

My answer:
God not written the Commandments, because He is not like a human, which write down a note on a book.So, the word write, which refer to the verse above, might be the will of Him to produce the Commandments. And because I didn't put my God on the same level of His creations, so He was not writing, but produces the Commandments by His will.But He did gave the Commandments DIRECT TO MOSES.Muslims have no problem to accept that.

Muhammad has no grudge with the Jews as well as the Christians.It is you keep thinking him like that.Before you say the Muslims assume that the Jews and the Christians are the enemies, why don;t you raise the same question to them, and see what is their answer.
9)My dear fellow all these are just xerox of the bible. What followed later was own version of Mohammed and his desiples. He wanted to make sure that Jews and Christians accept Mohammed as their Prophet too. It's a new script written by Mohammed but the Jews and Christians did not buy the script and the play failed miserably and the opponent became the enemy. Simple fact but you make long twisted tale. Gabrile was chosen by Mohammed because it was in the Christian bible that Gabrile spoke to Mary [mother of Jesus]of the coming of Jesus and so Mohammed used Gabriel to convience the Christians. But Gabriel did not speak to Jesus because Jesus was very special and Jesus had direct communication with GOD as Moses did. Whereas Mohamemd had.........

My answer:

Are you thinking that only Muhammad and Mary met Gabriel?. Other prophet such as Zakariya also met Gabriel when he cried to Allah to give Him a son.Allah has chosen Gabriel to be an angels that gave the revelations to the prophets and Muslims have no problem about that.What make me laugh is, you always make an issue on how God gave the revelations to the prophets...what for?.What for?.Up to Allah la, He wants to give direct or not. Ayoyo...sudah banyak kali explain pun tak faham.Obviously you are already old. In this case, I am proud with my religion because my religion is very tolerable and respect all prophets that came from God..
You didn't catch me but fooling yourself. If GOD spoke direct it must be written direct as Allah's verse such and such and if Gabriel gave the verse it must be written Gabriel such and such but in this case the verses are quoted after each person who related the verse. So, there is no validity except to believe that this verse was the exact verse quoted by Mohammed. Such simple fact yet you cannot understand why it is so written. So who is fooling whom here?

My answer:
That's why I told you to read the Holy Quran in order to know why Allah put such names. Allah said:

"Allah disdains not to use the similitude of things, lowest as well as highest. Those who believe know that it is truth from their Lord; but those who reject Faith say: "What means Allah by this similitude?" By it He causes many to stray, and many He leads into the right path; but He causes not to stray, except those who forsake (the path),-"(Surah AL-BAQARAH 2:26).

It is up to Allah to put the names of the Surahs, whether they are BEE (16th Surah), or COW (2nd Surah), or THUNDER (13th Surah) and etc. The explanations are in each Surah.Have a read, ya.

Name of the surahs also you want to make as a problem..Lawaknye.
11)Which goes to say the Muslims of that period too did not fear Allah the so powerful and revengefull? With all the threats of hellfire from Allah still Muslims of that period differed and divided among themselves in opinion and belief. What does this show? It shows very clearly that they had doubt in the verses related by those people. Comprehende?

My answer:
Muslims are are bad Muslims and they are good Muslims.But only Allah knows which one. Are you thinking a human is free from wrongdoings?.You wrong, my friend. I wonder if you say a Hindu is holy and no need to ask forgiveness from God.

That's why Allah always gave chances to repent.Because a human will never free from wrongdoings:

"Allah doth wish to Turn to you, but the wish of those who follow their lusts is that ye should turn away (from Him),- far, far away."(Surah An-Nisa' 4:27)

Why refer to a book that is a fake? Don't you believe in the Quran? Muslims say Quran is word of GOD and yet they need to refer to a book written by bigots. That is the point I'm driving. Why not the Quran, why must Musims believe in a book written by man and not that frm GOD as claimed by Muslims?

My answer:
Don't runaway and change the topic. Show me the verse!!.

Getting hitted up? Shoowing true color uh!? When we speak the truth you get angry and start to curse. It's very obvious and clear proof of Muslims attitude.  Anway, it does not matter if you call me stupid because I'll not lose my cool as I'm hee to debate and not curse you. Calling GOD is great is for all believers and not exclusively for Muslims is a know fact. But no non Muslims would say it in Arabic because it is not their language to say it. Why would a Hindu or a Christian say Allahukahbar in Arabic when they can say it if their own language...

My answer:
Then what about the way you cursed my prophet when you failed to answer my question?.At least I still have a respect to other religion, which I never insulted the prophets.Is that the Hindu attitude?.I said you stupid because you only think that an Arab can only speak in Arabic, a Chinese can only speak in Chinese...what ever it is I asked you, how can you be sure that those terrorists who shouted ALLAHUAKBAR are Muslims.Anybody can act like that.You failed!.

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 Author| Post time 19-3-2007 10:42 PM | Show all posts

Is that all? You have no answers for my questions but simple say I lie. WOW! You are a VIM

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Post time 19-3-2007 10:51 PM | Show all posts

Sambungan lagi...

You statement is not in accordance to my post. Let me assure you and I'll make it very clear for you in bold words I believe in idol worship because the idols were created in the image of GOD. In the OT is says man was created in the image of GOD and so are the idols in return..

I understand Islam more than you understand. It is a religin created to divide the world and people. It is now being used to create chaos in the world of peace created by GOD. A world as similar to the kingdom of GOD but being turned inot hell by Muslim fanatics to dullfill their agenda. Islam was born in blood and would live in blood. Thatis the fate of Muslims as willed by GOD.

My answer:
ah...repeated issue here.....If we are the images of God, of course we know what He knows and we are able to do everything we want.But, we are human..we are weak...

This is the logic answer:
"Allah doth wish to lighten your (difficulties): For man was created Weak (in flesh)."
(Surah An-Nisa 4:28)

Another childish talk of eastrun. Different in physical lock but the spirit is the same. You are ignorant becuase your religion has nothing to say about it. In another word the so called religion of GOD has no knowledge of it but simply say "only a littel that is communicated". Why a little? Just say we do not know and so do not wist to speak of it. The truth is out  or all to know and you admit it. Quran has nothing to say about spirit and soul because Allah has no knowledge of it. And that my dear fellow is the truth you'd have to live with.

My answer:
A little...because we know they exist, but we don;t know the actual role, where they are, what actually they are and etc. Only God knows. Do you really know what they are..Are you very sure that they roam around us?, what for are you talking about things unseen which at last make you find no answer?.

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2007 08:06 AM | Show all posts
In reply to eastrun's # 106 post

  1. :

  2. order to determine which hadith is fake, we refer to the Holy
  3. Quran because Holy Quran is the word of Allah, where as, Hadith is the
  4. explanation of the Holy Quran.You have to go to the SCRIPTURE first
  5. before you go to the Hadith (Wisdom). That's why Allah put the word
  6. SCRIPTURE in front of the word Hadith.To show who is the leader between
  7. those two. Yang kau pergi ikut yang belakang buat apa.baru ikut yang
  8. depan buat apa.See the verse...see the location of the word SCRIPTURE
  9. and the word Wisdom:
Copy the Code

I thought Alah had cleraly stated that the Quran was made simple for all to understand then why refer to the a book call hadith. Is it not defying your Allah? Read this verse:[54:17] We made the Quran easy to learn. Does anyof you wish to learn?

  1. "But for the Grace of Allah to thee and his Mercy, a party of them
  2. would certainly have plotted to lead thee astray. But (in fact) they
  3. will only Lead their own souls astray, and to thee they can do no harm
  4. in the least. For Allah hath sent down to thee the Book and wisdom and
  5. taught thee what thou Knewest not (before): And great is the Grace of
  6. Allah unto thee." (Surah An-Nisa' 4:113)
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Oh! You mean to say before the creation of the hadith Allah had already mentioned that there wil be another book call wisdom[hadith]? What this surah by An-Nisa is word of Allah? You Musims must be going bongkers with such created verses. No wonder there is a split in Islam over such suras said by so and so. Which means to say there is no direct verse form Allah but through someone who said these verses. My dear fellow you have to rememebr that whoever beside the prophet say it was so and so means the verse cannot be authenticated because the so and so is out of sight and so is your prophet. I would not be an idiot like you to accept something mentioned some 200 years afther the death of the prophet.
  1. :

  2. God not written the Commandments, because He is not like a human, which
  3. write down a note on a book.So, the word write, which refer to the
  4. verse above, might be the will of Him to produce the Commandments. And
  5. because I didn't put my God on the same level of His creations, so He
  6. was not writing, but produces the Commandments by His will.But He did
  7. gave the Commandments DIRECT TO MOSES.Muslims have no problem to accept
  8. that.
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It was carved out of fire by GOD and you refuse to believe it. So, now I understand why Musims hate the Jews. It was jealousy that is all. Because GOD appeared to Moses in the burning bush and spoke to him directly while he only send Gaberila to convey his message. So this is mere jealousy that the Jews got the better of GOD. Proves my point.

  1. Muhammad has no grudge with the Jews as well as the Christians.It is
  2. you keep thinking him like that.Before you say the Muslims assume that
  3. the Jews and the Christians are the enemies, why don;t you raise the
  4. same question to them, and see what is their answer.
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No, the problem is with Islam and Muslims. Why worry about them? It is Quran that states it is the continuation of the older scripture [Torah] and Muslims claim that Abraham to Jesus were all Muslims and the last prophet is Mohammed. The Jews or Christians to not refer to Islam at all. So, the problem is with Islam and Muslims. Can you figure it out?
  1. :

  2. Are you thinking that only Muhammad and Mary met Gabriel?. Other
  3. prophet such as Zakariya also met Gabriel when he cried to Allah to
  4. give Him a son.Allah has chosen Gabriel to be an angels that gave the
  5. revelations to the prophets and Muslims have no problem about that.What
  6. make me laugh is, you always make an issue on how God gave the
  7. revelations to the prophets...what for?.What for?.Up to Allah la, He
  8. wants to give direct or not. Ayoyo...sudah banyak kali explain pun tak
  9. faham.Obviously you are already old. In this case, I am proud with my
  10. religion because my religion is very tolerable and respect all prophets
  11. that came from God..
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No, your religion is not very tolerable but very amusing. Islam pretends to be tolorant because it wants win your heart but when you refuse to accept it becomes intolorent and uses violence. The history of its violence is recorded by scholars of its early years. You too first pretend to be very humble but when you knew that you cannot convience me you become aggressive and abussive. It is its nature and we know of it. When ou cannot find answrs to my question you become intolorent and you say I'm old. Do you mean to say old people are stupid? In that case your father too must be old and ......
  1. :

  2. That's why I told you to read the Holy Quran in order to know why Allah put such names. Allah said:

  3. "Allah disdains not to use the similitude of things, lowest as well as
  4. highest. Those who believe know that it is truth from their Lord; but
  5. those who reject Faith say: "What means Allah by this similitude?" By
  6. it He causes many to stray, and many He leads into the right path; but
  7. He causes not to stray, except those who forsake (the path),-"(Surah
  8. AL-BAQARAH 2:26).

  9. It is up to Allah to put the names of the Surahs, whether they are BEE
  10. (16th Surah), or COW (2nd Surah), or THUNDER (13th Surah) and etc. The
  11. explanations are in each Surah.Have a read, ya.

  12. Name of the surahs also you want to make as a problem..Lawaknye.
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No problem but why use names of others when it can be quoted direct. Like surah Allah:54:12 and so on. Why use someone's name? It is obvious that this person was the one who quoted the verse and to make sure the he quoted it the writers had to use the person's name so that there would be no dispute among the tribes. Can't you getthis simple fact? You are going round the bush without any idea to how this came about. It's tough being a Muslim uh!? Never mind, don't be offended, I'm just trying to make sure you know what your are talking. Many such antridotes would pop up and its good for your brain.

  1. :

  2. Muslims are are bad Muslims and they are good
  3. Muslims.But only Allah knows which one. Are you thinking a human is
  4. free from wrongdoings?.You wrong, my friend. I wonder if you say a
  5. Hindu is holy and no need to ask forgiveness from God.

  6. That's why Allah always gave chances to repent.Because a human will never free from wrongdoings:

  7. "Allah doth wish to Turn to you, but the wish of those who follow their
  8. lusts is that ye should turn away (from Him),- far, far away."(Surah
  9. An-Nisa' 4:27)
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So, what you mean to say is Suunis are good Muslims while Shiahs are bad Muslims. Is tat what you are trying to say? What do you think the Shias would think of Sunnis? Can you figure that out? If your answer is yes, than can you can say both are wrong? Figure this out ofr yourself......

  1. :

  2. Don't runaway and change the topic. Show me the verse!!.
Copy the Code

Me running away? Heh! I asked you the question then why should I run? I'm waiting for your answer....and for your information I think you know the verse which I have quoted above.


  1. :

  2. Then what about the way you cursed my prophet when you failed to answer
  3. my question?.At least I still have a respect to other religion, which I
  4. never insulted the prophets.Is that the Hindu attitude?.I said you
  5. stupid because you only think that an Arab can only speak in Arabic, a
  6. Chinese can only speak in Chinese...what ever it is I asked you, how
  7. can you be sure that those terrorists who shouted ALLAHUAKBAR are
  8. Muslims.Anybody can act like that.You failed!.
Copy the Code

That is your assumption because you think Muslims would not do so. Well, your assumption is wrong because those who are tied to Osama Bin Laden have confessed and those butchers are confirmed as Muslims. Their claim is that they are doing it for Islam and Allah as fighting in the cause of Allah is sanctioned in the Quran. You cannot deny the truth by turning the table to the other side. You are one bluff master who would do anything to escape the truth.

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Post time 20-3-2007 07:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #104 barney50's post

Did I claim I know what GOD knows? Please show the statment I made. You are making up your own and trying to escape the real issue. No one ask you to see the idols as your GOD. Did I ask you to do so? Please show me where did I tell you to do so...That is for us to judge and not you. We can see the power in them but you cannot see because you are not a Hindu. Which means GOD should worship us because we created GOD. Is that what you are saying. GOD exist because of man and so man created GOD and so you want GOD to pray to us? Is that the philosophy of Islam? You cannot see because you are blind inside. Spirit soul will not appear to people who are blind inside. I'm a useful Hindu speaking to a worthless Muslim....

My answer:
Then...why you made commentaries about the things unseen which only God is able to know them perfectly?.I never talked bout things unseen like soul, angel, heavens and hells with my own interpretation. What I said was ONLY ALLAH KNOWS BEST!.But you, keep making the things unseen as same as what you have seen around you in the world, which you yourself not very sure whether they are like what you have thought or not!.God not created by human because therefore the idols are not qualified to be God. God can exist Himself. What for He needs human to create Him?.You are blind. See the story about the idols below happened during Abraham period:

"Abraham said  "Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, He Who created them (from nothing): and I am a witness to this (Truth)."

"And by Allah, I have a plan for your idols - after ye go away and turn your backs"..

"So he broke them to pieces, (all) but the biggest of them, that they might turn (and address themselves) to it."(Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:56~58)

Then the people of idol worshippers asked Abraham, who destroyed the idols except the biggest one. He answered:

"He said: "Nay, this was done by - this is their biggest one! ask them, if they can speak intelligently!"(Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:63)

Then the idol worshippers realized that is impossible.Because the idol won't able to move and destroy the others idols.They confessed:

"Then were they confounded with shame: (they said), "Thou knowest full well that these (idols) do not speak!"(Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:65)

Just think!!.
This method was used to convert the pagan Meccans but would not work for people of today. First freewill then punishment for not accepting. What kind of verse is that? I do not think GOD the Almighty need to stoop so low in order to convince  the pagans of his bad temper and the punishment. That is why ZI say these are not verses created by GOD but bigots of Islam.

My answer:
Allah used the method only for the Pagans of Mecca?. Then what about the people of Noah, the people of Moses, the people of Lot, the people of other prophets which have been destroyed after they have rejected the faith?.You just cannot see how Justful Allah is.Kesian...Ask the Christians and the Jews.
Why would my religion speak of another when it is know as the Eternal Religion? Does it make sense to you? Or you are slow in understanding?

My answer:
If your religion is the Eternal Religion, then it should be the top religion on earth and the religion which got many followers.In fact you as the follower also not really believe whether the scriptures are true or not. Furthermore, you claimed your scriptures got flaws. What?.An enternal religion got scriptures that full of Flaws?.dahlah...the religion failed to appear among the people on earth rapidly.
4)he Quran had already been corrupted during Uthmans's period so your claim is baseless. Hard copy or soft copy it is not the original copy. That is the fact my dear fellow.

My answer:
I challenge you to show which parts have been corrupted.SHOW ME.IF you failed.Allah said:

"But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith"(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:24)
Why would I need to fight with morons. Knowing them to be morons it's better to leave them be for after sometime they will only talk to empty space. Faith is in the heart and not in my fist or mouth. Mine I do not have to preach as others will sekk it when their time comes. If I preach I'm no differnt form a street peddler selling chiplak goods.  The Christiians preach because they need the congeration to run their missionary and without  new members where would they go for fund. We do not worry about number because the numbers would come when the time comes. That is the beauty fo Hinduism. I would not laugh at your joke because you do not see the joke is one you.....

My answer:
Then...why are you here?.Not preaching about Hindusm?.If the Hindusm very beautiful, why you have to attack other religions?.Looks like you are not confidence with your religion.Once, whatever it is Hindusm has failed to be the strongest religion on earth..
I thought Alah had cleraly stated that the Quran was made simple for all to understand then why refer to the a book call hadith. Is it not defying your Allah? Read this verse:[54:17] We made the Quran easy to learn. Does anyof you wish to learn?

My answer:
Yes!, that's why got lots of tahfizs which are able to memorize the verses in the Holy Quran. Previously I have told you that the Hadith is the explanation of the Holy Quran PHYSICALLY.I think, about I have explained this 3 months ago.For example. Allah said:

"Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them;"(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:3)

Allah asked us to perform prayer,BUT HOW?.

So, Muhammad showed the physically on HOW to perform prayer through Hadith.

Allah said:
"And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah. for Allah sees Well all that ye do."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:110)

How to perform charity?.Give to whom?.

Then Muhammad performed and showed the way PHYSICALLY through Hadith.

Oh! You mean to say before the creation of the hadith Allah had already mentioned that there wil be another book call wisdom[hadith]? What this surah by An-Nisa is word of Allah? You Musims must be going bongkers with such created verses. No wonder there is a split in Islam over such suras said by so and so. Which means to say there is no direct verse form Allah but through someone who said these verses. My dear fellow you have to rememebr that whoever beside the prophet say it was so and so means the verse cannot be authenticated because the so and so is out of sight and so is your prophet. I would not be an idiot like you to accept something mentioned some 200 years afther the death of the prophet.

My answer:
Do you think only Muhammad received the Wisdom from Allah?. ALL PROPHETS received them. I have no problem with that:

"These were the men to whom We gave the Book, and authority (Wisdom), and prophethood: if these (their descendants) reject them, Behold! We shall entrust their charge to a new people who reject them not" (Surah Al-An'am 6:89)

Because without the Wisdom, the prophets not able to show PHYSICALLY about the laws in the scriptures.
It was carved out of fire by GOD and you refuse to believe it. So, now I understand why Musims hate the Jews. It was jealousy that is all. Because GOD appeared to Moses in the burning bush and spoke to him directly while he only send Gaberila to convey his message. So this is mere jealousy that the Jews got the better of GOD. Proves my point.

My answer:
Not only Muhammad against the Jews, but other prophets such as Jesus also against them. If not, why they (the Jews) slayed those prophets?.Jesus jealous with the Jews?.John the Baptist jealous with the Jews?.Hahaha.You make me laugh.

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Post time 20-3-2007 07:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #109 barney50's post

No, the problem is with Islam and Muslims. Why worry about them? It is Quran that states it is the continuation of the older scripture [Torah] and Muslims claim that Abraham to Jesus were all Muslims and the last prophet is Mohammed. The Jews or Christians to not refer to Islam at all. So, the problem is with Islam and Muslims. Can you figure it out?

My answer:
Of course la..Look at yourself.Did you accepted the scriptures that came after your scriptures.Of course not. .Islam taught to believe all the scriptures came from Allah, but, they are incomplete because Allah sent new LAWS each period.You are jealous witH Islam?.Hehehhe
No, your religion is not very tolerable but very amusing. Islam pretends to be tolorant because it wants win your heart but when you refuse to accept it becomes intolorent and uses violence. The history of its violence is recorded by scholars of its early years. You too first pretend to be very humble but when you knew that you cannot convience me you become aggressive and abussive. It is its nature and we know of it. When ou cannot find answrs to my question you become intolorent and you say I'm old. Do you mean to say old people are stupid? In that case your father too must be old and .....

My answer:
Explained and not need to be repeated...the cause of violence and etc.Of course you are old.You are 53 years old ma.Cannot accept the fact?.Im not saying ALL OLD people are stupid,but I said you.

"As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:6)
No problem but why use names of others when it can be quoted direct. Like surah Allah:54:12 and so on. Why use someone's name? It is obvious that this person was the one who quoted the verse and to make sure the he quoted it the writers had to use the person's name so that there would be no dispute among the tribes. Can't you getthis simple fact? You are going round the bush without any idea to how this came about. It's tough being a Muslim uh!? Never mind, don't be offended, I'm just trying to make sure you know what your are talking. Many such antridotes would pop up and its good for your brain.

My answer:

Let me quote the verse of 54:12:

"And We caused the earth to gush forth with springs, so the waters met (and rose) to the extent decreed."(Surah Al-Qamar 54:12)

I don't see any people's name there.Hahahha
Me running away? Heh! I asked you the question then why should I run? I'm waiting for your answer....and for your information I think you know the verse which I have quoted above

My answer:
Playing badminton?. I asked you, now you asked me back.Hahaha.Just confessed that you can't find flaws of Quran.
That is your assumption because you think Muslims would not do so. Well, your assumption is wrong because those who are tied to Osama Bin Laden have confessed and those butchers are confirmed as Muslims. Their claim is that they are doing it for Islam and Allah as fighting in the cause of Allah is sanctioned in the Quran. You cannot deny the truth by turning the table to the other side. You are one bluff master who would do anything to escape the truth.

My answer:
At least you realized that other followers of other religions also are able to speak Arabic and the word Allahuakbar, which didn't proved that the terrorists were really Muslims or not.Alhamdulillah.

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2007 08:45 PM | Show all posts
Reply #110 eastun's post

  1. by eastrun:
  2. Then...why you made commentaries about the things unseen which only God is able to know them perfectly?.I never talked bout things unseen like soul, angel, heavens and hells with my own interpretation. What I said was ONLY ALLAH KNOWS BEST!.But you, keep making the things unseen as same as what you have seen around you in the world, which you yourself not very sure whether they are like what you have thought or not!.God not created by human because therefore the idols are not qualified to be God. God can exist Himself. What for He needs human to create Him?.You are blind. See the story about the idols below happened during Abraham period:
Copy the Code

That is the gift GOD has given man. A special gift only for man and not other creatures. Why is man chosen as a unique creation of GOD? Did Muslims or Mohammed vere though about that? No, that is because he did develope his brain but simply picked someone elses doctorine added some of his own with same style and claimed as continuation of the old. That is not smartness but easy way out. That is why he did not know that man can develop the spiritual power to communicate with GOD without the assistance of any angel. Direct contact and that my friend is the gift of GOD for man.
My dear fellow, do not ask stupid questions like what for GOD needs human to create him? Human had created GOD in the mind and from the mind came the figure and that my friend would only be understood by self realized human being and not like Mohammed or any Muslims. Abraham heard only the voice because GOD did not want to show himslelf to him for reason only known to GOD. BUt to Moses GOD appeared in glowing fire in the burning bush. See the difference. GOD can be anything if HE wills and that simple fact is unkown to Mohammed and his followers. Period!

  1. "Abraham said  "Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, He Who created them (from nothing): and I am a witness to this (Truth)."

  2. "And by Allah, I have a plan for your idols - after ye go away and turn your backs"..

  3. "So he broke them to pieces, (all) but the biggest of them, that they might turn (and address themselves) to it."(Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:56~58)

  4. Then the people of idol worshippers asked Abraham, who destroyed the idols except the biggest one. He answered:

  5. "He said: "Nay, this was done by - this is their biggest one! ask them, if they can speak intelligently!"(Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:63)

  6. Then the idol worshippers realized that is impossible.Because the idol won't able to move and destroy the others idols.They confessed:

  7. "Then were they confounded with shame: (they said), "Thou knowest full well that these (idols) do not speak!"(Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:65)

  8. Just think!!.
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Abraham was a confused prophet and the verse above is from Abraham and not GOD.  GOD ask Abraham to sacrifice his son, does that mean GOD like human sacrifice? Muslims are a confused lot like Abraham. You do not use the idol to walk or destroy others. Is that what Muslims think of? The idol worship is the most sacred worship of all as there are prayer rituals which I do not think kafirs like you would understand. Use your GOD given brain to thinklah......

  1. by eastrun:
  2. Allah used the method only for the Pagans of Mecca?. Then what about the people of Noah, the people of Moses, the people of Lot, the people of other prophets which have been destroyed after they have rejected the faith?.You just cannot see how Justful Allah is.Kesian...Ask the Christians and the Jews.
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Destruction is inevitable and that is the law of nature. In those days when disastor struck the ignorant blame it on punishment of GOD. The 200,000 lives lost in Aceh, do you think it was punishment from GOD? Come on tell me now if you understand what GOD stands for otherwise just shut your gap and listen to what I say. People of previous era not some centuries ago but thousands of years ago were ignorant and blame everything on GOD. GOD this and GOD becuase the religious bigots of Christianity and Islam had made them believe so. Even in Hinduism these religious bigots use the name of GOD to supress people in India and I do not deny like you always deny. Evry flwas in Islam you deny to make Islam look like the most unique reliion on earth. Come down from to earth man, learn to unerstand reality instead of leaving in your dream land.
  1. by eastrun:
  2. If your religion is the Eternal Religion, then it should be the top religion on earth and the religion which got many followers.In fact you as the follower also not really believe whether the scriptures are true or not. Furthermore, you claimed your scriptures got flaws. What?.An enternal religion got scriptures that full of Flaws?.dahlah...the religion failed to appear among the people on earth rapidly.
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AiyahQ Such small brain you havelah. Eternal Religion does not mean it should be the top religion? It is mans own freewill to know and understand the truth. If your destiny does not wil you to know the truth, then you'd have to live in ignorance for the rest of your life and may be in the next life you might gain the knowledge to usdertand where truth lies. Did I say in my onw words I do not believe in my scriptures? Please show me where did I tell you so.... Yes, fllaws there are because of some religious bigots who mistranslated certain doctorines like the manusmirti. I'm not afraid to say so because that is my freedom to speak out about my religion and not like you who think everything is well in your religion. Such yellow belllies the followers of Islam who dare not ctiticize any flwas ihj their hadith or Quran. These books were written by men centuries ago and surely there are flaws and you should be brave enough to make your point otherwise you are no differnt from a goat that only follow the hearder.
  1. by eastrun:
  2. I challenge you to show which parts have been corrupted.SHOW ME.IF you failed.Allah said:

  3. "But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith"(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:24)
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This are example of verses to frighten the followers so that they will not doubt that there are flaws. What a cheap way to defend. THis cannot be the word of GOD but some bigots who do not wnat others to know the truth. What proof, UThman had destroyed all proof and this was typical work of bigots who what to silence the mass. Read the history of Quran collection during Utman's time. May be you do not wish to knwo the truth and stay ignorant all your life. So be it.

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2007 08:46 PM | Show all posts

  1. by eastrun:
  2. Then...why are you here?.Not preaching about Hindusm?.If the Hindusm very beautiful, why you have to attack other religions?.Looks like you are not confidence with your religion.Once, whatever it is Hindusm has failed to be the strongest religion on earth..
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I do not attack other religions but mere showing them the truth behind their claim. To expose all the nonse and man made laws.  OH! I am confident and that is why I stand here talking to you and not like sharfox ran off with tail in between his legs.

  1. by eastrun:
  2. Yes!, that's why got lots of tahfizs which are able to memorize the verses in the Holy Quran. Previously I have told you that the Hadith is the explanation of the Holy Quran PHYSICALLY.I think, about I have explained this 3 months ago.For example. Allah said:

  3. "Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them;"(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:3)

  4. Allah asked us to perform prayer,BUT HOW?.

  5. So, Muhammad showed the physically on HOW to perform prayer through Hadith.

  6. Allah said:
  7. "And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah. for Allah sees Well all that ye do."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:110)

  8. How to perform charity?.Give to whom?.

  9. Then Muhammad performed and showed the way PHYSICALLY through Hadith.

  10. Explained.Alhamdulillah.
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My dear fellow, do you mean to say the All Knowing GOD who gave the Quran could not explain how one should pray and how many times to pray? May be he could con the people of the desert but not me lah. Please tell that to a chil of 6 years old. I do not buy such gimmic.

  1. by eastrun:
  2. Do you think only Muhammad received the Wisdom from Allah?. ALL PROPHETS received them. I have no problem with that:

  3. "These were the men to whom We gave the Book, and authority (Wisdom), and prophethood: if these (their descendants) reject them, Behold! We shall entrust their charge to a new people who reject them not" (Surah Al-An'am 6:89)

  4. Because without the Wisdom, the prophets not able to show PHYSICALLY about the laws in the scriptures.
Copy the Code

So, you claim that your Quran has no wisdom? Aiyao! Bok of GOD contains no wisdom and it comes out from a Musims mouth. If no wisdom in the Quran why call it the Holy Book? Can you explain?
  1. by eastrun:
  2. Not only Muhammad against the Jews, but other prophets such as Jesus also against them. If not, why they (the Jews) slayed those prophets?.Jesus jealous with the Jews?.John the Baptist jealous with the Jews?.Hahaha.You make me laugh.
Copy the Code

You mean to say Jesus and John the baptist slayed the Jews? Please show me in which bible did you discover this new version....I'm waiting and do not run off like sharfox please.

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2007 09:10 PM | Show all posts
Reply  #111 eastrun's post

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Of course la..Look at yourself.Did you accepted the scriptures that came after your scriptures.Of course not.
  3. .Islam taught to believe all the scriptures came from Allah, but, they
  4. are incomplete because Allah sent new LAWS each period.You are jealous
  5. witH Islam?.Hehehhe
Copy the Code

No hehehehe~! but Hahahalah.....Why would I be jealous of Islam? Is that your defence of your religion. Did I say you were jealous of my religion and that is why you mock and condemn it? No man! I came here to show the truth to you and I have shown you plenty of it but since you have no bullets you make a joke of it. Go on make jokes for all I care.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Explained and not need to be repeated...the cause of violence and
  3. etc.Of course you are old.You are 53 years old ma.Cannot accept the
  4. fact?.Im not saying ALL OLD people are stupid,but I said you.

  5. "As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn
  6. them or do not warn them; they will not believe."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:6)
Copy the Code

You see even this verse contradict the action of Muslims. When the Meccans rejected Isalm why then did Mohammed wage wars against them? Can you answer that. Many such wars were fought to convert all the tribes of Arabia and you say a religion of tolorance. As I said old people are more wiser than brutes like you.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Let me quote the verse of 54:12:

  3. "And We caused the earth to gush forth with springs, so the waters met (and rose) to the extent decreed."(Surah Al-Qamar 54:12)

  4. I don't see any people's name there.Hahahha
Copy the Code

No yu don't see nay peoples name but the incident of splitting the moon. I don't see it as told by Allah your GOD. It is name of place or the person who recited the verse. That is all my dear fellow.
  1. by eastrun:

  2. Playing badminton?. I asked you, now you asked me back.Hahaha.Just confessed that you can't find flaws of Quran.
Copy the Code

Ayiyah! Flaws are too many lah. Just google for and you'll find flaws and contradiction in the Quran.

  1. by eastrunr:

  2. At least you realized that other followers of other religions also are
  3. able to speak Arabic and the word Allahuakbar, which didn't proved that
  4. the terrorists were really Muslims or not.Alhamdulillah.
Copy the Code

You are thanking GOD because they were Muslims. Yes, that is why you say Alhamdulillah. Why would a non Muslim fight the war of Muslims? Please tell if there is any logic. Huh! You think they did that to blame it on Muslims....That is the most stupidest assumption coming from and educted Muslim.  Yo think what you wnat but the truth wil remain the truth no matter how you try to twist and turn to defend your Muslim bretherns. In the end they will pay for the crime back on earth and your next generation would wittness their sufferings.

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Post time 21-3-2007 07:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #112 barney50's post

That is the gift GOD has given man. A special gift only for man and not other creatures. Why is man chosen as a unique creation of GOD? Did Muslims or Mohammed vere though about that? No, that is because he did develope his brain but simply picked someone elses doctorine added some of his own with same style and claimed as continuation of the old. That is not smartness but easy way out. That is why he did not know that man can develop the spiritual power to communicate with GOD without the assistance of any angel. Direct contact and that my friend is the gift of GOD for man.
My dear fellow, do not ask stupid questions like what for GOD needs human to create him? Human had created GOD in the mind and from the mind came the figure and that my friend would only be understood by self realized human being and not like Mohammed or any Muslims. Abraham heard only the voice because GOD did not want to show himslelf to him for reason only known to GOD. BUt to Moses GOD appeared in glowing fire in the burning bush. See the difference. GOD can be anything if HE wills and that simple fact is unkown to Mohammed and his followers. Period!

My answer:
Yes!, Allah said in the Holy Quran that human is the best creation of Him:

"We have honoured the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation."(Surah Al-Isra' 17:70)

So, who said Allah never taught Muhammad about that?

About the accusition that Muhammad picked here and there and compiled into one book, I have explained.And the answer from Allah:

"("Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel-for he brings down the(revelation) to thy heart by Allah.s will, a confirmation of what wentbefore, and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe,-Surah Al-Baqarah 2:97)

Therefore no need to be repeated.

About direct contact with God, i told you, that only Moses experienced that.Even though the Christians claimed Jesus also experienced the same thing.So, I have explained that the way Allah sent down the revelations is not a problem because up to Him to use his angels or not.Therefore no need to be repeated.

Human created God?.Are you crazy?.A simple logic also hard to understand.God not created because He is the FIRST and He is the LAST:

"He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things."(Surah Al-Hadiid 57:3)

That is God!.Not created but creating!.
Abraham was a confused prophet and the verse above is from Abraham and not GOD.  GOD ask Abraham to sacrifice his son, does that mean GOD like human sacrifice? Muslims are a confused lot like Abraham. You do not use the idol to walk or destroy others. Is that what Muslims think of? The idol worship is the most sacred worship of all as there are prayer rituals which I do not think kafirs like you would understand. Use your GOD given brain to thinklah......

My answer..

That's not the words of Abraham, but the word of Allah, Abraham not confused because he proved to the idol worshippers  that the idols whether they are big or small, they are useless and cannot move at all.So, what for you said that they are God. Allah asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, but at the end Allah changed the commandment. In the Bible also got this story.
Even yourself can see that the idols cannot move themselves.Think la..How could you put God on that level.A confused musyrik is here!.
AiyahQ Such small brain you havelah. Eternal Religion does not mean it should be the top religion? It is mans own freewill to know and understand the truth. If your destiny does not wil you to know the truth, then you'd have to live in ignorance for the rest of your life and may be in the next life you might gain the knowledge to usdertand where truth lies. Did I say in my onw words I do not believe in my scriptures? Please show me where did I tell you so.... Yes, fllaws there are because of some religious bigots who mistranslated certain doctorines like the manusmirti. I'm not afraid to say so because that is my freedom to speak out about my religion and not like you who think everything is well in your religion. Such yellow belllies the followers of Islam who dare not ctiticize any flwas ihj their hadith or Quran. These books were written by men centuries ago and surely there are flaws and you should be brave enough to make your point otherwise you are no differnt from a goat that only follow the hearder.

My answer:
Eternal religion is a religion that have everything therefore it should be the top religion on earth because for sure God wants His religion to be on top of other fake religions.About the ignorance,...look at yourself..even after more than ten times I repeated same verses in order to explain your questions...still you cannot put them in your mind. used your own word by saying that your scriptures got flaws.Are you forgot what you have said..Ayoyo...just few days ago ma...hahaha. I don't see any flaws in my Book because everytime there is question, my book got the answers.When I asked you to show me the flaws of the Quran, you failed.Then, obviously the book is flawless.Heheheh
This are example of verses to frighten the followers so that they will not doubt that there are flaws. What a cheap way to defend. THis cannot be the word of GOD but some bigots who do not wnat others to know the truth. What proof, UThman had destroyed all proof and this was typical work of bigots who what to silence the mass. Read the history of Quran collection during Utman's time. May be you do not wish to knwo the truth and stay ignorant all your life. So be it.

My answer:

That's why that day I asked you to produce a Surah in order to proof that Muhammad wrote the Surahs in the Holy Quran.You failed. If Muhammad is a bigot and he wrote the Surahs, surely you can produce something better than him. I have read the History of How Quran is compiled. Throughout the history no part from the Quran has destroyed. Like I said before, even though it is fragile in the hard copy, but it is tough in the chest of the men with knowledge (tahfizs).Explained.
I do not attack other religions but mere showing them the truth behind their claim. To expose all the nonse and man made laws.  OH! I am confident and that is why I stand here talking to you and not like sharfox ran off with tail in between his legs.

My answer:
You did attacked...esspecially my religion.The truth that you have claimed is not the truth but series of weighless accusitions. You are confident?.I don't think so a man which confessed that his scriptures got flaws is confident with his own religion.Hindusm must be ashamed with a follower like you.
My dear fellow, do you mean to say the All Knowing GOD who gave the Quran could not explain how one should pray and how many times to pray? May be he could con the people of the desert but not me lah. Please tell that to a chil of 6 years old. I do not buy such gimmic.

My answer:
The hadith is not explanation on how many time to pray, but it is explanations of HOW TO PERFORM THE PRAYER...How to sujud, how to rukuk, what to recite when you perform the prayer. Initially, the instructions were from Allah, but he gave to Muhammad, a human, to show to the humans around him, on how to perform prayer PHYSICALLY...
So, you claim that your Quran has no wisdom? Aiyao! Bok of GOD contains no wisdom and it comes out from a Musims mouth. If no wisdom in the Quran why call it the Holy Book? Can you explain?

My answer:
Of course la Quran got the Wisdom,that's why it was sent before the hadith (wisdom of the prophet). What for?.To explain to the human the Wisdom of the Quran PHYSICALLY.The Quran full of Wisdom, that's why when you raise stupid questions, the Quran got the answer.

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 21-3-2007 07:18 PM ]

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Post time 21-3-2007 07:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #113 barney50's post

You mean to say Jesus and John the baptist slayed the Jews? Please show me in which bible did you discover this new version....I'm waiting and do not run off like sharfox please.

My answer:
Stupid!. I said the prophets slayed by the Jews, not the prophets slayed the Jews.Hahaha.Malunya.Please don't put sharfox here,he already answered your thread.Go and see.
You see even this verse contradict the action of Muslims. When the Meccans rejected Isalm why then did Mohammed wage wars against them? Can you answer that. Many such wars were fought to convert all the tribes of Arabia and you say a religion of tolorance. As I said old people are more wiser than brutes like you.

My answer:
Oh really...Show me in the Holy Quran where Muhammad forced the Pagans by using the wars.Please answer me. Clearly...the wars were started by the musyrik that attacked the Islamic faith.Don't just accused like a stupid idol worshipper.
No yu don't see nay peoples name but the incident of splitting the moon. I don't see it as told by Allah your GOD. It is name of place or the person who recited the verse. That is all my dear fellow.

My answer:

I quote the verse of splitting moon done by Muhammad, with Allah's permission.And the explanation why Allah gave Muhammad the chance to show the sign:

" The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder.But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say, "This is (but) transient magic."They reject (the warning) and follow their (own) lusts but every matter has its appointed time"(Surah Al-Qamar 54:1-3)

This is normal.Like Jesus, and Moses that performed more powerful Signs also have been rejected by the people. So, it is not a problem when Muhammad suffered the same thing.I don;t see the verse explain that someone is writing a story.Because it is a law of Allah:

"But never came an apostle to them but they mocked him."(Surah Al-Hijr 15:11)

Hahaha.Barney once again failed to find flaws of the Holy Quran.
You are thanking GOD because they were Muslims. Yes, that is why you say Alhamdulillah. Why would a non Muslim fight the war of Muslims? Please tell if there is any logic. Huh! You think they did that to blame it on Muslims....That is the most stupidest assumption coming from and educted Muslim.  Yo think what you wnat but the truth wil remain the truth no matter how you try to twist and turn to defend your Muslim bretherns. In the end they will pay for the crime back on earth and your next generation would wittness their sufferings.

My answer:
I am thanking Allah because He made you realized that anybody in this world are able to speak other languages.You can blame that Muslims didi this and that.But the truth is nobody knows who are those terrorist.Only a fool...keep raising an issue which he himself doesn't really know/confident with what he has claimed.You make yourself looks like a fool.

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 21-3-2007 07:16 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2007 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply  #115 eastruns's post

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Yes!, Allah said in the Holy Quran that human is the best creation of Him:

  3. "We have honoured the sons of Adam; provided them with transport

  4. on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and

  5. conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation."(Surah Al-Isra' 17:70)

  6. So, who said Allah never taught Muhammad about that?
Copy the Code

As I told you we have it all and so we do not require another one to confirm ours nor do we need a prophet who thinks non believers should be killed.

  1. About the accusition that Muhammad picked here and there and compiled into one book, I have explained.And the answer from Allah:

  2. "("Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel-for he brings down the(revelation) to thy heart by Allah.s will, a confirmation of what wentbefore, and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe,-Surah Al-Baqarah 2:97)

  3. Therefore no need to be repeated.

  4. About direct contact with God, i told you, that only Moses

  5. experienced that.Even though the Christians claimed Jesus also

  6. experienced the same thing.So, I have explained that the way Allah sent

  7. down the revelations is not a problem because up to Him to use his

  8. angels or not.Therefore no need to be repeated.
Copy the Code

It does not matter to me if it was from Gaberial or from Lucifer as both are creation og GOD. Any one with direct contact would is more closer to GOD than who has a go between. As far as I can see Jesus and Moses had direct contact and so they were more closer to GOD than Mohammed.

  1. Human created God?.Are you crazy?.A simple logic also hard to

  2. understand.God not created because He is the FIRST and He is the LAST:

  3. "He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things."(Surah Al-Hadiid 57:3)

  4. That is God!.Not created but creating!.
Copy the Code

No, I'm not crazy but Muslims are the ones acting crazy. The simple logic is if there is no man who esle would call the name GOD. The name GOD was first uttered by man and so it was man who created GOD. That is more logic and without man there would be no GOD. Without this world there would be no heaven or hell. It is all because of this world and man that the spiritual world exist and that too is in our mind. It is the mind that has created the inseen and it is the mind that holds faith and belief. So it is man who is superior to all other creation on earth. Simple as that. So if man believes he can reach GOD without the help of bigots so can he.

  1. ..

  2. That's not the words of Abraham, but the word of Allah, Abraham not

  3. confused because he proved to the idol worshippers  that the idols

  4. whether they are big or small, they are useless and cannot move at

  5. all.So, what for you said that they are God. Allah asked Abraham to

  6. sacrifice his son, but at the end Allah changed the commandment. In the

  7. Bible also got this story. Even yourself can see that the idols cannot move themselves.Think

  8. la..How could you put God on that level.A confused musyrik is here!.
Copy the Code

You don't get it do you? Ofcourse cannot move by itself but what kind of an idol are you talking about. Do you think anything that is carved in wood or dolls made of plastic would retain any powers? IN a way it could if you use the black magic with the help of iblis. But status sculptured by artisan in resemblance to GOD and certain mantras recited daily after the consecretion would retain the energy from above. Such status would shine the rays upon devotees who sincerly beieve in GOD. This I don't think you would understand nor believe because you have not studied the secret of vedic mantras. And talking to an ignorant like you would be a waste of time.
  1. :Eternal religion is a religion that have everything therefore it

  2. should be the top religion on earth because for sure God wants His

  3. religion to be on top of other fake religions.About the

  4. ignorance,...look at yourself..even after more than ten times I

  5. repeated same verses in order to explain your questions...still you

  6. cannot put them in your mind.
Copy the Code

Now you claim your religion is the true religion than why there are only 1.2 billion instead of 5.2 billion which is th whole world population? Can you explain why I do not believe in your religion? It is the same when you are not willed to accept that faith then no one is to be blamed. I have studied your path but I do not believe it path would lead me to GOD but mine I believe teaches me the right path to spiritual enligtentment than yours.

  1. used your own word by saying that your scriptures got

  2. flaws.Are you forgot what you have said..Ayoyo...just few days ago

  3. ma...hahaha. I don't see any flaws in my Book because everytime there

  4. is question, my book got the answers.When I asked you to show me the

  5. flaws of the Quran, you failed.Then, obviously the book is

  6. flawless.Heheheh
Copy the Code

OK since you have  requested in several times let me state a few here.

(1) God created the Heaven first or, the Earth first (?)          
          Which one was created first? As you will see in the verses below,           Allah at one time says that Earth was created first and another time           He says that the Heaven was created first.
          (Quran-2:29): It is He who hath created for you all things that are           on Earth; THEN He turned to the Heaven and made them into seven           firmaments (Skies)

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2007 01:39 PM | Show all posts
  1. by eastrun:

  2. That's why that day I asked you to produce a Surah in order to proof
  3. that Muhammad wrote the Surahs in the Holy Quran.You failed. If
  4. Muhammad is a bigot and he wrote the Surahs, surely you can produce
  5. something better than him. I have read the History of How Quran is
  6. compiled. Throughout the history no part from the Quran has destroyed.
  7. Like I said before, even though it is fragile in the hard copy, but it
  8. is tough in the chest of the men with knowledge (tahfizs).Explained.
Copy the Code

Aiya! If you do not to believe so be it. I have show you before how the oter collections were destroyed by Uthman but as usual you denied those proof as Uthman destroyed other evedience. Typical of Sunni minds.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. You did attacked...esspecially my religion.The truth that you have
  3. claimed is not the truth but series of weighless accusitions. You are
  4. confident?.I don't think so a man which confessed that his scriptures
  5. got flaws is confident with his own religion.Hindusm must be ashamed
  6. with a follower like you.
Copy the Code
When one speaks the truth and the other believes in lies this would be the result. I spoke the truth about certain flaws in Manusmirti [;aws of Manu] which I believe is also assimilated by Mohammed in the Quran. So when there are flaws in mine surely there would be flwas in yours because you claim Islam is the continuation of the older scriptures. Yet you do not wnat to believe. If that is your mind set then let it be and let the truth be with me and the lies be with you.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. The hadith is not explanation on how many time to pray, but it is
  3. explanations of HOW TO PERFORM THE PRAYER...How to sujud, how to rukuk,
  4. what to recite when you perform the prayer. Initially, the instructions
  5. were from Allah, but he gave to Muhammad, a human, to show to the
  6. humans around him, on how to perform prayer PHYSICALLY...
Copy the Code

Lame excuse lah...Why Allah could not expalin in the Quran itself which Musims believe is the most holiest book on earth. Such a holy book does not explain al thayt you have mentioned. Even the mode of punishment for wrong doers are not inthe Quran but have to refer to the hadith. So I believe the holy book is not so holy after all because it does not contain what the follwers require in their daily life but have to refer to an inferior book call the hadith....

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Of course la Quran got the Wisdom,that's why it was sent before the
  3. hadith (wisdom of the prophet). What for?.To explain to the human the
  4. Wisdom of the Quran PHYSICALLY.The Quran full of Wisdom, that's why
  5. when you raise stupid questions, the Quran got the answer.
Copy the Code

No, the Quran does not becuase you calim it does not and so another book has to be created and which you call the book of wisdom. It came out from your own mouth.

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2007 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply  #116 eastrun's post

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Stupid!. I said the prophets slayed by the Jews, not the prophets
  3. slayed the Jews.Hahaha.Malunya.Please don't put sharfox here,he already
  4. answered your thread.Go and see.
Copy the Code

I don't know about that but as far as I know John the bapthist was slained by Herod while Jesus was crucified by the Roman. So your historical facts are misguided by your Islamic teachings which proves that there are flaws in the Quran.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Oh really...Show me in the Holy Quran where Muhammad forced the
  3. Pagans by using the wars.Please answer me. Clearly...the wars were
  4. started by the musyrik that attacked the Islamic faith.Don't just
  5. accused like a stupid idol worshipper.
Copy the Code

Does it not strike the readers as somewhat amusing that Muhammad just so happened toreceive a "revelation" to defend against his enemies right around the time thatthe Ansar pledged to defend him with their own lives? It seems quite obvious to those ofus who are not Muslims that the command of Allah to fight the unbelievers right around the time of the second Aqabah is no mere coincidence. It was a deliberate maneuver onMuhammad抯 part to justify his going to Medina and prepare for war against theMeccans now that he had people who were willing to support his cause. The Meccans,therefore, had a very good reason to be afraid of Muhammad and his companions since itwasn抰 for peace that Muhammad fled to Medina, but for war.

Dr. Sobhy also quoted a Muslim scholar, Zarkashi, who said:
Allah the most high and wise revealed to Mohammad in his weak condition what suited the situation, because of his mercy to him and his followers. For if He gave them the command to fight while they were weak it would have been embarrassing and most difficult, but when the most high made Islam victorious He commanded him with what suited the situation, that is asking the people of the Book to become Muslims or to pay the levied tax, and the infidels to become Muslims or face death. These two options, to fight or to have peace return according to the strength or the weakness of the Muslims. (Ibid., p. 270)


  1. :

  2. I quote the verse of splitting moon done by Muhammad, with Allah's
  3. permission.And the explanation why Allah gave Muhammad the chance to
  4. show the sign:

  5. " The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft
  6. asunder.But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say, "This is (but)
  7. transient magic."They reject (the warning) and follow their (own) lusts
  8. but every matter has its appointed time"(Surah Al-Qamar 54:1-3)

  9. This is normal.Like Jesus, and Moses that performed more powerful
  10. Signs also have been rejected by the people. So, it is not a problem
  11. when Muhammad suffered the same thing.I don;t see the verse explain
  12. that someone is writing a story.Because it is a law of Allah:

  13. "But never came an apostle to them but they mocked him."(Surah Al-Hijr 15:11)

  14. Hahaha.Barney once again failed to find flaws of the Holy Quran.
Copy the Code

Please do not make me laugh with your stupid remarks. Splitting the moon was a fairy tail added to one of the chronicles of Islam.  
The main problem is that it contradicts the Quran        itself. In various places Muhammad admitted that he could not have or        did not have to perform miracles to prove himself. When asked to perform        miracles his response was:
        Glory be to my Lord; am I        aught but a mortal messenger?? Q.        17: 93                 
        In another place Muhammad put the following words        in the mouth of Allah:                 
        And those who disbelieve        say: Why has not a sign been sent down upon him from his Lord? You are        only a warner.Q.        13: 07                 
        Muhammad insisted that even though other prophets        had miracles, his only miracle is the Quran. So when Muslims claim that        Muhammad performed miracles, they are going against the Quran itself.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. :

  2. I am thanking Allah because He made you realized that anybody in
  3. this world are able to speak other languages.You can blame that Muslims
  4. didi this and that.But the truth is nobody knows who are those
  5. terrorist.Only a fool...keep raising an issue which he himself doesn't
  6. really know/confident with what he has claimed.You make yourself looks
  7. like a fool.
Copy the Code

So to speak, only GOD knows if Mohammed was chosen as a prophet because only a fool keep telling that he is, which he himslef doesn't know. He only believes what the Arabs had told in a book written by them but the truth is only known to those who wrote the book 1400 years ago. But can you recall them back to confirm the truth? Surely not so this question remains for ever " Was Mohammed truely a prophet chosen by GOD"?

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Post time 22-3-2007 07:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #117 barney50's post

As I told you we have it all and so we do not require another one to confirm ours nor do we need a prophet who thinks non believers should be killed

My answer:
As I told you, I have no worry if you have what I have long before this,Explained and surely you understood.No need to be repeated because after so many times, you should be able to catch up the message.Unless you are slow...
It does not matter to me if it was from Gaberial or from Lucifer as both are creation og GOD. Any one with direct contact would is more closer to GOD than who has a go between. As far as I can see Jesus and Moses had direct contact and so they were more closer to GOD than Mohammed

My answer:

I don't think I have told you before...only Moses and Jesus (in Christian view) have direct contact with Allah. So, it doesn't a matter for me because Allah can make many choices to give His revelations.Only you think that is a problem.
No, I'm not crazy but Muslims are the ones acting crazy. The simple logic is if there is no man who esle would call the name GOD. The name GOD was first uttered by man and so it was man who created GOD. That is more logic and without man there would be no GOD. Without this world there would be no heaven or hell. It is all because of this world and man that the spiritual world exist and that too is in our mind. It is the mind that has created the inseen and it is the mind that holds faith and belief. So it is man who is superior to all other creation on earth. Simple as that. So if man believes he can reach GOD without the help of bigots so can.

My answer:
You are crazy..You forgot who created you. God is the First and The Last. He is not created but He is the Creator. The name of God first uttered by man and first knew by man, but you forgot, who gave you the will to utter His name and to know Him.Of course Himself.Think!.He created you and He made you know Him, because He is the Almighty that should be praised because He has right upon you. .
Now you claim your religion is the true religion than why there are only 1.2 billion instead of 5.2 billion which is th whole world population? Can you explain why I do not believe in your religion? It is the same when you are not willed to accept that faith then no one is to be blamed. I have studied your path but I do not believe it path would lead me to GOD but mine I believe teaches me the right path to spiritual enligtentment than yours.

My answer:
But you have to think first and make calculation...which religion has the highest percentage of development. Islam is the fastest growing religion and the number of followers become 1.2 billions within 1400 years only...overtook the Hindusm which existed thousands years ago.Like I have told you, of the Eternal God, will be the first.Because the religion helped by God. next years, Islam will overtakes Christian.InsyaAllah...only hundred thousands followers different.(the gap) between Islam and Christian.
You don't get it do you? Ofcourse cannot move by itself but what kind of an idol are you talking about. Do you think anything that is carved in wood or dolls made of plastic would retain any powers? IN a way it could if you use the black magic with the help of iblis. But status sculptured by artisan in resemblance to GOD and certain mantras recited daily after the consecretion would retain the energy from above. Such status would shine the rays upon devotees who sincerly beieve in GOD. This I don't think you would understand nor believe because you have not studied the secret of vedic mantras. And talking to an ignorant like you would be a waste of time.

My answer:
Before this you said that humans are so can have direct contact with God.Then, now, why do you need idols in other to please and connect with Him?.Muslims have direct contact with Allah when we are praying.You cannot imagine how calm we have felt when we perform solat(pray).Meaning that Allah is so near. If you want to feel the calmness...You are welcome to perform Solah with us and may Allah guides you.InsyaAllah.

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 22-3-2007 08:01 PM ]

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