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Author: my_wahida

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Post time 8-1-2004 03:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by racerX at 8-1-2004 03:02 PM:
Thanks. Maybe you should post also the verses on the Jews and the calf they were supposed to sacrifice? Just to illustrate what happens when people keep asking too many questions about the details  ...

Why don't you post it for everyone to ponder upon

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racerX This user has been deleted
Post time 8-1-2004 03:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Jukebox at 8-1-2004 15:30:
Why don't you post it for everyone to ponder upon

Don't have the Quran with me right now, but, yeah, sure thing.

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Post time 8-1-2004 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by racerX at 2004-1-8 03:27 PM:
No, sis, you are not right. And I don't know where that one came from, either... really left-field, that.

Man with the bow-tie? I think I know who you mean. Who is the guy, anyway? An ulama? A l ...

My reply:-

Are you really sure? He has being doing that since ages ago. He tries to convince others that hair is not part of women's aurat. It's not a matter of personal opinion. If that's his personal opinion, there's no need for him to convince others to take off their tudungs.

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Post time 8-1-2004 03:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Jukebox at 2004-1-8 03:30 PM:
Why don't you post it for everyone to ponder upon

My reply:-

Yes, why not? Why not this time around RacerX feeds us or share his knowledge? Esp. on things I don't quite understand. I'm referring to his reply on my above post.

Thank you.

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racerX This user has been deleted
Post time 8-1-2004 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 8-1-2004 15:39:
My reply:-

Yes, why not? Why not this time around RacerX feeds us or share his knowledge? Esp. on things I don't quite understand. I'm referring to his reply on my above post.

Thank you.

This time?

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Post time 8-1-2004 04:11 PM | Show all posts
Yes, this time & at any time!

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racerX This user has been deleted
Post time 8-1-2004 04:42 PM | Show all posts
Okay, then. Malam ni aku cari and then esok aku post, insya Allah.

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Post time 8-1-2004 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 2004-1-8 15:13:
Tepat sekali. Isu tudunglah org kat sini suka sgt discuss. Nak tau siapa. Cuba check kat LP Forum. Org yg suka pakai bowtie tu ha!

Cuba renungkan. What's wrong with tudung? ...

salam BO,

Saya rasa baik you pakai biru atau merah, yang ini mata silau.

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Post time 8-1-2004 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Okaylah, sorry. Pakai font biasa jelah.

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Post time 9-1-2004 07:47 AM | Show all posts
btui la depa kata pompuan tu penghias dunia..hihihi

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racerX This user has been deleted
Post time 9-1-2004 09:18 AM | Show all posts

Kiasan untuk orang yang suka menambah hukum

"And when Musa said to his people: Surely Allah commands you that you should sacrifice a cow; they said: Do you ridicule us? He said: I seek the protection of Allah from being one of the ignorant.

They said: Call on your Lord for our sake to make it plain to us what she is. Musa said: He says, Surely she is a cow neither advanced in age nor too young, of middle age between that (and this); do therefore what you are commanded.

They said: Call on your Lord for our sake to make it plain to us what her color is. Musa said: He says, Surely she is a yellow cow; her color is intensely yellow, giving delight to the beholders.

They said: Call on your Lord for our sake to make it plain to us what she is, for surely to us the cows are all alike, and if Allah please we shall surely be guided aright.

Musa said: He says, Surely she is a cow not made submissive that she should plough the land, nor does she irrigate the tilth; sound, without a blemish in her. They said: Now you have brought the truth; so they sacrificed her, though they had not the mind to do (it)."

Quran, 2:67-71

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racerX This user has been deleted
Post time 9-1-2004 09:23 AM | Show all posts
Demikianlah cerita kiasan yang Allah bagi mengenai orang yang suka menokok-tambah hukum, sampaikan benda yang mulanya simple aje menjadi berat.

Sebab tu le, misalnya, bila Allah kata, tutup aurat, ada pulak yang nak tanya, tudung kaler ni boleh ke tak, pattern macam ni boleh ke tak... Padahal, kalau tahu prinsip dan sebab kenapa Allah suruh tutup aurat, maka masing-masing patut dah boleh fikir sendiri apa yang boleh, apa yang tak berapa tepat.

Seingat aku, mengikut arwah tok imam yang mengajar kitab at-Tabari dulu, kata ibnu Abbas, masa Nabi Musa mula cakap "Allah suruh kita korban lembu betina" tu, orang Yahudi ni boleh pilih lembu mana mereka nak. Tapi sebab mereka banyak sangat tanya pasal detail, akhirnya hampir-hampir tak leh jalan benda tu jadinya, sebab lembu betina tu jadi begitu spesifik sampai susah nak cari.

Ini berkaitan dengan maksud ayat yang Encik Jukebox post kat atas tu ha...

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racerX This user has been deleted
Post time 9-1-2004 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Kata Yusuf Ali pulak, mamat-mamat Yahudi tu banyak tanya tu bukan apa, mereka sebenarnya liat nak buat apa yang Allah suruh tu. Jadi mereka tanya macam-macam dengan harapan lama-lama benda tu jadi begitu berat jadi adalah alasan mereka nak kata tak leh buat. Sambil tu dah melengah-lengahkan masa kena buat benda tu.

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racerX This user has been deleted
Post time 9-1-2004 09:27 AM | Show all posts
Kata Rashid Rida':

"Its lesson is that one should not pursue one's [legal] inquiries in such a way as to make laws more complicated .... This was how the early generations [of Muslims] visualized the problem.

They did not make things complicated for themselves; and so, for them, the religious law was natural, simple and liberal in its straightforwardness.

But those who came later added to it [certain other] injunctions which they had deduced by means of their own reasoning; and they multiplied those [additional] injunctions to such an extent that the religious law became a heavy burden on the community."

Jadi lepas ni boleh le baca balik cerita Kuih Bangkit Encik Fred tu yek?

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Post time 9-1-2004 09:30 AM | Show all posts
Thank you RacerX. Interesting.

A very good morning to you. Have a nice day. I want to have my breakfast now. See you.

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Post time 9-1-2004 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an walau diturunkan semasa zaman Rasulullah dahulu, ianya boleh dikaitkan dengan keadaan semasa yang relevan untuk menjadi peringatan. Dalam Hadith sendiri pun pelbagai senario yang berbeza memetik ayat yang sama digunakan untuk menjadi rujukan dan peringatan.

Bila berhadapan dengan perkara berkaitan agama, kata-kata Allah serta sunnah Nabi biarlah nampak konservatif dan old fashion sedikit sebab ini bukan ilmu dunia tapi ilmu akhirat. Semuanya sudah jelas dan tak patut kita persoalkan atau ajak berbincang secara logik.

Akhir kata, sukahati kamulah racer.....jangan pengaruh orang lain sudah

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racerX This user has been deleted
Post time 9-1-2004 03:24 PM | Show all posts


Bukan ke ayat lembu betina tu menghuraikan lagi maksud ayat al-Maidah yang Encik Jukebox post mula-mula tu? Bukan ke dengan adanya ayat-ayat lembu betina tu, menambahkan lagi jelasnya ayat al-Maidah tu? Yang mentafsirkannya pun, bukan aku: at-Tabari, Yusuf Ali dan Rashid Rida'. Gua tak de kata apa pun, kena tempias juge?

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Post time 9-1-2004 03:52 PM | Show all posts
>>>Are you really sure? He has being doing that since ages ago. He tries to convince others that hair is not part of women's aurat. It's not a matter of personal opinion. If that's his personal opinion, there's no need for him to convince others to take off their tudungs.

Tapi, tapi, tapi, yang berkata kena pakai tudung pun bagi pendapat gak... all a matter of perspective...


>>there's no need for him to convince others to take off their tudungs.

There's no need for others to convince people to wear tudung too! should be a personal choice...kebolehan memilih dan berfikir yang sudah diberi Tuhan jangan disia-siakan...


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Post time 20-10-2004 08:39 AM | Show all posts

Sudut Ilmu


Oleh krn Admin sound nak clean sema thread yg tak reply lebih 6 bulan lalu.. I kumpul la mana2 ilmu yg berguna utk kit kongsi bersama...:nerd:

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Post time 5-7-2006 03:06 AM | Show all posts

Renungan bersama...

Percayalah Islam adalah agama dan cara hidup yg benar-benar hanya diredhai Allah...

(nih adalah petikan buletin yg sy tulis sendiri dkat friendster sy)

What is religion? Maybe it is not easy to answer. Or perhaps we know perfectly well what religion is until someone ask us to define it. Because the identidy of 'religion' is so diverse, that is not all religion relates to God, also not all concern about moral values, or not all have the benefits about hereafter.

In Islam, the defination is simple. 'Islam' itself means peace. The concept of Islam is a way of life, a complete guidence that precisely teaches us about what should we do, the reason we are here, where will we be going afterlife. Islam emphasizes relation on both human with God and human with human themselve. Islam teaches human how to communicate among themselve in a better way, and interconnection with the environments.

Islam is not only a religion that focus on spiritual, also it emphasizes on our secular world. That is why Islam is a way of life. The main thing in Islam is to read, and to gain knowledge. With knowledge, ones can build civilization and achieve better technology in science and its applications. Islam not only stop there, it goes beyond. Every knowledge came from Allah, to know our God better is to study about Him and His knowledge. We believe everything is created by Allah, they cannot exist by themselve. Just like what we can see around, the beauty of natures; flowers have their beautiful colors, bees know how to built high architectural nest, water have their amazing properties etc. But when we fascinating in the beauty of natures, do we ever wonder and concern who is actually destined the world that looks like this?

Do flowers know how to choose their own favorite colors? Do bees attend physic and math class before they built their nest? Or perhaps water is the main component of life? How, how do they know their existence? Islam answers all. We only believe one thing, that is Allmighty Allah makes everything possible. We cannot see Allah, but we can use our nature tools gifted to feel His existence. That is our brain to think. We see the beauty of natures, natural forces, borderless outer space, and the complexity ecosystem; these are the creations of the Allmightly and Merciful Allah, they cannot exist without the creation of Allah.

From the begining of universe, the point of start, the big bang... there is no such thing as 'coincidence'. The posibility of a lifeform likely to be formed is close to zero! As Allah said in Quran (Al Anbiya, verse 30):

"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens(outer space) and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?"

What we have now everything begins with "one unit of creation'. The unit has no space, no time, no volume, no physical and without anything. There is no explanation in science on how this going to be happen, but with the Allmightly of Allah, He is able to create the universe begins with zero. He knows everything that we do not know.  The unit of creation, the great explosion that agree with the theory of Big Bang of modern research, has been revealed in Quran through prophet Muhammad 1,400 years ago. He is not a physic Phd, or a scientist, but he is only a normal person like you and me, who do not know how to read or write. If the verse in Quran not from Allah, then how is he going to know all these? Think with your brain.



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