Saya Dr. Ong...saya pakar jantung...saya tak takut covid-19...saya mau jogging..
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doc ni pun, guna loophole untuk boleh joging. kalau semua macam ni perintah had pergerakan jadi faillah sbb akan ramai yang akan bagi alasan keluar untuk joging. Bila da joging ramai2, mesti wabak ni merebak jadi tinggi.
tunggulah dulu sampai habis. boleh sahja exercise ringan2 dlaam rumah.
baguslah perintah ni ada update supaya doc selfish ni tak buli nak cakap banyak dah. kesian pula polis kena argue dan spend masa menjawab dn explain dng doc selfish ni yg dia sepatutnya stay hoem |
aku xsmp hati nak tgk video2 org yg selfish ni dan berlagak kebal dan rasa diri xmenyusahkan orang |
Maya karin pun sokong doktor ni..mohon maya karin temankan |
Cardiologist says no reason to apologise or be ashamed [NSTTV]
March 20, 2020 @ 7:34pm
PENANG: A consultant cardiologist, who has come under fire after a video of him engaging in a verbal exchange with Penang Island City Council (MBPP) enforcement officers for defying the Movement Control Order (MCO) was viralled, has defended his action of not staying home.
Dr Ong Hean Teik maintained that he did nothing wrong and instead blamed the council for closing the Youth Park where he had gone for a jog despite the MCO.
Speaking to the New Straits Times in his clinic at Jalan Burma this afternoon, Dr Ong argued that the MCO was not a confinement order.
He also contended that it was the council which should apologise to him after its officers had taken the video of his altercation, which has since been widely shared all over.
"Personally, I feel that I have not done anything wrong. I don't think there is a need for me to apologise or feel ashamed for what happened yesterday. In fact I feel MBPP owes me an apology. Do I deserve this scandal to tarnish my image...” he said.
Dr Ong was caught in a four-minute video clip arguing with enforcement officers that the MCO was not an curfew.
He said when he walked into the Youth Park at 4.45pm yesterday, there was no one to stop him from going in or any wire or string put up to indicate that the place was closed.
He admitted to not seeing a sign put up on the Youth Park's closure.
The exchange with the enforcement officers happened about 6pm as he was leaving the place.
Dr Ong admitted that the MCO was put in place to prevent crowding which may result in the spread of Covid-19 virus. However, he argued that a lone walker, exercising, should not be considered as 'crowding'.
“The purpose of the MCO is not to crowd. Now, the second thing is stay at home. Is that right? I feel that is wrong because we still need to exercise,” he said.
He expressed hope that more people would understand his explanation and why he was contesting the implementation of the MCO.
"People are criticising me and it is a burden that I have to bear.
"I know the MCO was introduced with good intentions but we need to relook at its implementation. If the legal people come out and say HT Ong has disobeyed the law, then I am willing to accept that I am wrong, say sorry and I will follow the stay at home order next time.
"Right now, I am not clear,” he said.
Sombongnya doktor ni dah buat salah pun tak nak mengaku lagi. |
dia pakar kadiologi... jdnya dia menterjemahkan penyakit covid ni mcm sakit yg dia pakar juga...
maksud aku..perihal kadio (& sakit2 lain yg biasa pun..) kalu sakit, org tu saja yg sakit..org tu saja yg tanggung kesakitan itu..biasanya tk de kena mengena dgn org lain...
dia pakar...tp otak dia kecik... psl excersise pun dia rasa hanya di taman saja yg blh buat... kt rmh tk blh buat...
masa dia xcersice tu mmg tk de org... kata lah org lain tgk..ramai2 pulak dtg buat xcersice situ.. kalu jd mcm tu..mcmana pulak..?
pendek akal jugak pakar ni... |
Rupanya betul dia doctor... suppose doctor lagi tau kan pasal covid 19... apa pun follow je la arahan PM... jangan sombong ye doctor... |
doktor pakar kebal covid19 ke? patut dia lg faham bahaya virus tu |
R2D2 replied at 20-3-2020 09:54 PM
Cardiologist says no reason to apologise or be ashamed [NSTTV]
March 20, 2020 @ 7:34pm
Betul juga. Lagipun heol jogging sensorang. |
Boycott saja Doc ni. Mental dah |
dia tk follow psl covid 19 la tu...
dia hidup dlm dunia yg dia pakar sahaja... yg lain semua dia conderm...
masa dia joging mmg la dia sorang..tp blh influence pd org lain..klu lps tu ramai pulak yg dtg jogging.. mcma pulak?
tk kan masa tu baru nk suruh polis bertindak..?
budaktua replied at 20-3-2020 11:16 PM
masa dia joging mmg la dia sorang..tp blh influence pd org lain..klu lps tu ramai pulak yg dtg jog ...
Akak ingatkan dia jogging sensorang kat taman tiada orang. Gituh sekali akak positif. |
memang dia jogging sorang
dia tak pegang apa2 alatan senaman di taman?
sepanjang dari parking ke trek jogging hanya dia seorang?
etc |
Lelaki berjoging yang dakwa dirinya doktor bukan kakitangan IJN
Bernama | Diterbitkan pada Mac 20, 2020 22:37 MYT
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang lelaki yang mendakwa beliau seorang doktor dan sedang berjoging dalam sebuah video yang tular, bukan seorang kakitangan Institut Jantung Negara (IJN).
IJN dalam satu kenyataan hari ini, menuntut pemilik akaun Twitter @khalidismath untuk menarik balik ciapan tersebut dan memohon maaf kerana mencemarkan nama baik IJN dan kakitangannya dengan membuat dakwaan sedemikian.
IJN mengambil perkara ini secara serius kerana sebarang tuduhan terhadap IJN atau kakitangannya akan merosakkan reputasi IJN sebagai sebuah pusat kardiovaskular dan toraks utama di negara ini.
"IJN mengamalkan toleransi sifar terhadap perkara terbabit dan tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan yang perlu ... IJN menggesa setiap orang untuk bertanggungjawab dan berhati-hati apabila mahu menyebarkan maklumat," menurut kenyataan tersebut.
Dalam video yang tular itu, seorang lalaki yang mendakwa beliau seorang doktor telah ditegur pihak polis, kerana berjoging di dalam taman disebalik Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan telah dikeluarkan sehingga hujung bulan ini, di mana lelaki itu membantah dengan mengatakan beliau perlu berjoging bagi menjaga kesihatan dirinya.
Dr hospital mana si apek ni? |
Klu aku jd polis, org mcm ni aku gari terus sebab melawan. Polis ada authority. Tak perlu berkasar. Skrg benda ni dah dibawah MKN dan polis ada full authority utk tangkap yg mana di anggap deem fit. Kes uncle babi ni dah boleh sebab dia melawan. Sekali kena tangkap ni, percayalah, puak puak ultra kiasu dan puak2 yg degil msh gak nak gatal bontot nak ke sana sini, takut.
Kalau dia nak joging, org lain pon nak piknik jugak. Org lain yg ada anak meragam kat rumah pon nk pujuk anak pegi playground jugak. Etc.
Mmg otak dia menjurus 1 perkara je eh? Dr Dr byk yg autisme ke. Lurus bendul |
Maya karin pon setuju dgn dr ni atas dasar kat hospital jarak 1.5 m takkan joging kat tempat tak crowded tak boleh. |
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