riza_afcm Post at 1-2-2010 21:49
rilek riza..apahal ni?
jgn ckp ada yg dah caya ngan berita tu lak..
aii tengah nengok hana yori dongo...
ade yg kata jepun nyer citer lg hebat dr korea...
tp aii nengok cam boring lak
plot citernyer tak sehebat BOF
pelakon pun tak se****** ...
soebyuk Post at 1-2-2010 21:21
tapi citer HYD...domyoji ngan makino derang kawen pehtu peknen lagik
alangkah kalo ade BoF movie kan baguss
tapi sudah semestinyer,,,F4 korea mmg hensem gilossss
dh send kt utusan siap ai bagi link vid Soup Photoshoot itew ngan translatenyer sekali..kalo derang dok search vid tuh kt yt la...dn siap soh derang tarik balik pernyataan bogel tu..dn mohon maaf sekali..agak2 derang nih denga ckp ker tak???? amek tindakan ker tak?????adehh..geram pulak kalo wat tk taw jer derang nih
MC: In the BOF drama, both JP and JD had many scenes where theyreallycould not be very honest about feelings for each other. If you aredating somebody, would you be any different or same to the person thatyou are intersted in?
GHS: I tend to be honest about those things and express my feelings.
MC: Even before the other person confess his feelings?
GHS: Yes, because I have no patience to wait. I have a personality that cannot wait.
LMH: For me, I think I would be more careful. If I like somebody, I will take a long time to just observe that person and see.
nyelit kejap boleh kan?? ahad lps aku nmpk gak artikel ni dlm pancaindera. time tu aku xde la nk dok bising2 kan psl ni sbb x penah pun nmpk interview & artikel yg korg tepek tu... and biler ternmpk title rumah ni kejap td, br la aku tau yg artikel tu totally salah. mmg agak terkejut la biler baca artikel tu sbb mcm yg korg ckp, nk tgk HS dok pakai sexy2 pun payah, apatah lagi kalo nk tgk dia naked. mmg nmpk la reporter tu sekolah x habis, nk translate artikel BI yg simple tu pun tersilap!! mcmaner la dia boleh jd reporter ek??
and fighting korg tuk membersihkan nama baik HS blk!! :pompom::pompom:
Ni nk tepek balik SOUP interview utk sape2 yg belum tgk n nk tau in detail psl kes ni :
100123 KBS - Ku Hye Sun Interview @ SOUP CF Photoshoot
Headline: Perfect Woman: Goo Hye Sun’s Extraordinary Change
MC(narrating):Splendid skin, perfect face and attractive bodyline—thelady who haseverything perfect. This is Goo Hye Sun.-------Not too longago, itseems like we only saw her wearing a uniform. It has been a longtimesince we saw her like this, right?
@0:19 (on screen: cute and pure teen-like Goo Hye Sun)
MC: She seems like a living doll.
@0:23 (on screen: today’s clothing concept?)
GHS: a little like a princess,,(breaks into a shy laughter)
MC(narrating):she seems slightly awkward,,
GHS: I normally do not wear clothes like this so I am a bit worriedwhetherI look OK in them or not.,,,,If I get a boyfriend, I will wearthemoften. (shy laughter)
MC (Choi Dong Suk): When I look at you today,it is a very cute and feminine image. With such an image, can a sexyimage emerge?
MC (narrating) in a moment, her method to look sexy is?
GHS: (laughing) sexy? (GHS, as you see, just lifts up her long skirt slightly and puts it down quickly.)
MC(narrating): Oh, it is so regrettable….
MC:Although I am lacking in many ways, pretend that I am Goo JoonPyoand.,,,,, I am a married person but can I really make a pose asherdate?
GHS: Ahh,, you are married?
MC: yes.
GHS: Then, please move to over there. (GHS pushes the MC away from her. All laughs)
MC(narrating): She did not know that I was married. Ahh, so this is how it is…
Scene changes to the KBS Award Ceremony:
(@1:09 on screen: Best Couple, Netizen, Best Actress Awards)
GHS: ---I also thank LMH who acted so well in rhythm with me,,,
MC(narrating): She received three awards at the KBS Award Ceremony.
GHS: After I got the Couple Award, then the Netizen Award,,,I thought it is time to go home now,,,but then,,,
MC: Oh No, what if you did go home, huh?
GHS: (laughing) yes, it was a joke,,,then, they gave me such a big award,,,
MC: Without any male partner, GHS filmed her CF only holding the flowers.
(@1:40 on screen: they are trying to reenact the couple image with Goo Joon Pyo…)
GHS: The pose is this (she gestures to give the MC a punch on the face---remember, in BOF, Jandi and GJP’s typical interaction involved fighting and arguing)
GHS: I am sorry. In reality, it is not nice to hit people with thering on.(BUT, as you can see, GHS is changing to her right hand thebigger,bumpier ring in preparation to hit the MC!)
MC: She is reallyputting on her ring,,,Truly, it was scary that she wassmiling and yetputting on her ring!!!! (AS you see, GHS gives MC a fakepunch withthat big ring and choking and more!)
MC (narrating) Thus, ourblood=?soonhwan? has been linked together.(Onscreen are: sound ofpunch and save the married man!) Following, we havea question andanswer session.
MC: Even when I think about myself, I am really ungddoonghada=unconventional/strange/not normal or 4D.
GHS: (holds up x sign: Ipersonallythink GHS hates it when other people think of her asdifferent: Iactually love her uniqueness! But it is understandable)
GHS: It is not that I am different or strange, but I tend to be too playful and mischievous.
MC: How are you playful?
GHS: When I was younger, I used to give ddong-chim=hitting-usually boys-between the butt with the edge of one’s palm. (loud laugh from mc)
(@2:22 On screen: Are you stubborn and stress your point of view a lot?)
GHS: Yes, I do have my opinions but I tend to compromise a lot.
MC: Is there anything you will not compromise? A personal ironclad principle maybe?
GHS:Maybe if there is a lack of etiquette and manners,,,Within theboundsof manners, all is,, (on screen, it says, she is flexible withinthebounds of politeness…)
MC: So, as long as you keep your manners, you can give ddong-chim..., (GHS laughs at her own ungddoonghan=uncommon principle. Hahaha)
From the studio, a Male Voice: she is really ungddonghada.
MC: GHS could live on dew drops. (givenwhatMC says next, I wonder if this means that she drinks alcohol ornothingat all? I am not sure. But the connotation seems negative.)
GHS: She strongly holds up the X mark.
MC: So you drink once in a while?
GHS: Yes, but I have stopped now for a while.
MC: But you do drink.
GHS: I used to but not now.
MC: When people drink, their faces get puffy the next day. Dis you used to have your own way of managing such a problem?
GHS: My face never puffed up. (laughter)
(Idid not get this part clearly: MC says don’t look at the mnihompy,andseems to be saying that maybe his own face swells upafteroverindulgence?)
MC: So even if you overeat, you don’t really get puffy…
GHS: (just laughs) no.
MC: Do you have more regular-people friends or more friends from the industry?
GHS: I have more regular friends.
MC: What do you normally do when you see your friends?
GHS: hmmm, we drink beer together.
MC: But you told me that you quit drinking.
GHS: I have not seen them recently…
(someone from the studio comments on her statement here but I could not hear---I wonder if he said she is again ungddonghada.)
(@3:30 on screen, Can you gain weight for your character?)
GHS: I could be different depending on the character. But I can gain upto maybe 10kg.
MC: Wow, that is a lot!
GHS: 10kg? Really but I frequently go back and forth about that much. (laughter)
MC: Do you think you can shave your head for your character?
GHS: (very confidently) Yes,,,,I love short hair.
MC: How about exposing your body?
GHS: hmm I would have to think about that,,,,,,Be always healthy and happy. Thank you.
MC: We anticipate more projects from the perfect lady….
credit to meow13 ~ thank you for the vid and susAmerica for the translations
nyelit kejap boleh kan?? ahad lps aku nmpk gak artikel ni dlm pancaindera. time tu aku xde la nk dok bising2 kan psl ni sbb x penah pun nmpk interview & artikel y ...
rukiaichigo Post at 2-2-2010 08:37
tenkiu rukia..hopefully nama HS dpt dibersihkan jugak nnti..hopefully derang akan tulis written apology pasal hal ni~
terima kasih madus...terima kasih sangat2...ai pn ngok jugak tk tuka title umah HS nih...terima kasih madusss
Ley Post at 2-2-2010 08:01
kumawo madusss~~
me pun bengong gak x terigt smlm..mebi sbb marah sgt punya pasal, dah x bleh pk apa2..keke..
pssttt..me dah karang email me..sekali 7 page daaa...me takut org x bace plak kang.. tp komen me 2 page je, lagi 5 page tuh, me bagi klip SOUP tu, translation dan 2 article yg reporter budus tuh cilok..mintak2 editor tu bace la kan..
wpon aku x penah msk kt sini...nak share simpati gak sbb artikel buduh pancaindera semalam...! paper ni mmg, last tym x igt paper mana... salah eja MANGA jd MANGGA throughout the article. tatau la cmne kesalahan minor cmni ble dipublishkan.
kembar bdayku JUE,
kalo nak komen kt paper tu tayah hantar emel panjang2. jgn emo isinye.. yg penting bgto ape yg salah, pastu tepek skali bukti2 dr original article, komen fans dr forum dan lelain. kalo ada youtube link pon ks je kt writer tu biar die tgk.
wpon aku x penah msk kt sini...nak share simpati gak sbb artikel buduh pancaindera semalam...! paper ni mmg, last tym x igt paper mana... salah eja MANGA jd MANGGA throughout the article. t ...
fa_stellar Post at 2-2-2010 08:59
tenkiuuu utk tips tuh..keke..rasanya email me tuh xde la emo sgt..fakta je byk..mcm karangan SPM daaa..wakakaka...yg byk2 tu translation dgn 2 article koreanmovie.com & allkpop tu je..try sebaik mungkin x emo ms taip email tuh..tp tataw la..kot editor tu salah tafsir ke apa...xpe, jap g me nk call pulak..nk suh dia bagi email direct dia...senang nk cite..keke~~
btw, mmg bangang mags/paper2 kat mesia neh..sokmo salah info..pehtu kadang2 artikel mmg lapuk abes..ketinggalan gilerr..klu tataw tu buat la cara xtau..ni nk jugak letak..pehtu dah letak, salah pulak lagi walopun dah amek bulat2..mmg budusss..MANGA la, SNSD la..padahal sah2 dia eja So Nyeo Shi Dae kat situ tp still dlm bracket dia letak (SBSD)..x ke bangan tahap gaban camtu..ni dah mcm xtau membaca dah kekdahnye..
haila..klu aku komen kang berjela2 lak lagi...keke..bek aku stop..hehehe~~