sya punya blade tu sama mcm tesco brand..satu je...sy dah intai kt bm tesco semalam..he he |
Reply 1103# choclate_mocca
aah, betul choc. masa tu 2nd time buat. lepas tekan menu 8, terus tekan >>. tu yg jadi rapid bake.
lepas tanya di sini, buka manual book balik, baru perasan. skrg dah byk kali buat dah.
paling suka buat sweet bun resipi mat gebu tu. macam2 bentuk dan inti boleh disesuaikan ;)
anak2 pun suka, jamu kawan2 pun suka. |
Reply 1143# Lelan
Go play somewhere else. How long are you planning to post this crap?
Let go of your hate and you'll live longer. |
I got back my Cosway BM three years ago from the workshop. Since then I have only used it once.
So today I tried mamafami's cheese bun recipe. The dough was too soft and sticky to shape into balls (the dough spreads). I tried baking them, surprisingly it came out fluffy.
I tried to make another batch (thought of reducing the liquid) but sadly the BM died on me. The blades won't rotate and loud sound can be heard from the machine. RIP my Cosway BM :@ |
I made another batch of cheese bun (without the cheese topping), kneading the dough by hand (approx. 40 minutes) with helpful tips from AniSuraya and other sifus. The buns turned out super soft and fluffy.
I need to get a mixer. Kneading by hand is so tiring. |
Reply 1146# lwyl
same with mine lwyl.. dah hantar services, baru pakai 3 4 kali dah kiok.. blade plak tak pusing bila ada bahan2 kat dlm, kalau tak de apa, boleh plak pusing.. geram jerrr.. |
*sniff sniff*.
Mine won't rotate even without putting anything in it.
I'm thinking of getting a Berjaya mixer. My sis's neighbour said it's very useful. Making breads and buns is a breeze.
Probably will be going to CKE tomorrow to have a look.
Did you buy a new mixer? |
Reply 1149# lwyl
ok with mixer, sbb boleh do the baking job jugak.. tp takleh nak delay timer n baking at one place. suka guna ddelay timer time bulan puasa, sahur ngan roti panas.. sedapnya |
lama dah tak posting anis suraya kat sini... seru nama skit kut2 masuk kat sini haha
anis, BM u BM350 kan kan. I am looking for that model kat sogo aritu, diorg kata now left with BM250 n BM450 jer... alahai mana satu nak pilih niii.. BM250 tuh RM499, yg 450 tuh rm800++... rasa mcm nak rembat 450 jer huwahuwa |
Reply 1150# rimbun
I got the Berjaya BM7 mixer for RM695. I really like it. Making bread is a breeze now. |
Reply 1152# lwyl
wow bestnyer.... my friend yg buka bakery shop mmg pakai mixer jer. mmg gebuz ler roti2 dia.
eh nak tanya.. with mixer, can we use it for small quantity like 200gm of flour only? |
lama dah tak posting anis suraya kat sini... seru nama skit kut2 masuk kat sini haha
anis, BM u B ...
rimbun Post at 9-5-2011 02:14 PM 
kak rimbun...har har har...
kalau kak rimbun tak kisahkan dgn rupa design dia, baik kak sambar berjaya nyer mixer tu..kalau nak yg comel2 designnya mmg kena sambar kenwood la kan...BM450 mmg cun banding BM250..BM350 ari tu anis beli kat jusco, berbaloi la memiliki BM350 ni..buat bisnes pun dah balik modal belinya....anis sekarang dlm proses utk sambar berjaya nyer mixer cuma tengah fikir nak sumbat kat mana kat dapur anis tu jer... |
Reply 1153# rimbun
Well, the maximum flour you can use is 700g for the BM7. I use mamfami's sweet bun 300g flour recipe . |
Reply 1154# AnisSuraya
My mixer is in the living room. Like you, I don't know where to put it yet. Promotion for the mixer is till May 14 but the staff said they'll be having promotion on and off throughout the year. BTW, an extra bowl costs RM70. |
Reply rimbun
Well, the maximum flour you can use is 700g for the BM7. I use mamfami's sweet bun ...
lwyl Post at 9-5-2011 05:24 PM 
maximum 700gm jer utk BM7...harga leh tahan mahal jugak yer RM6++....BM350 anis tu maksimum leh uli 1000gm tepung....hu hu hu hu |
Reply 1157# AnisSuraya
Yup, a bit pricey but I hope it's more durable than my old breadmaker :@ |
Reply AnisSuraya
Yup, a bit pricey but I hope it's more durable than my old breadmaker
lwyl Post at 9-5-2011 05:40 PM 
old BM brand cosway tu ya...my bm kenwood, so far so good....sesuai la dgn harga beli dulu RM699.00...huk huk huk |
Reply 1159# AnisSuraya
alahai.. BM450 tuh lebih mahal ler dari BM350 eks... emmmmmm..
nak menyambar mixer, rasanya tak seswai langsung, mixer kecik kat rumah tu pon jarang2 guna, kalau buat kek pon selalu hantar kat nursery jer. kat rumah takat makan sepotong dua jer. Kalau ngan BM ni boleh delay timer, penting tuh dibulan puasa. boleh proofing sekali, n boleh select banyak jenis bread.... tunggu bonus ler camni hahahaha.. nnt nak g jusco ler jugak, kut2 ada promo kat situ.. |
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