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insert photo testing |
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dani-rox replied at 10-8-2019 01:22 AM
prrffthh... legend and icon in her own mind.
meanwhile, ppl start avoiding her like the plague.
kan.. petition dia pun mendpt sambutan  |
dineo replied at 10-8-2019 11:48 AM
testing testing
insert photo testing
tak abis abis kindness dia
apa dia ingat dia belanja duit tax payers tu act of kindness ke? ckp dlu utk diri sendr meggot.. delusional..
dah la nak quote Lady D.. mcm tak kena je dia punya statement ngan perangai sendiri.. |
eva replied at 10-8-2019 12:15 PM
tak abis abis kindness dia
apa dia ingat dia belanja duit tax payers tu act of kindness ke? ckp d ...
tau takper ... huhuhuh |
eva replied at 10-8-2019 12:10 PM
kan.. petition dia pun mendpt sambutan
Tp ada tgn ghaib pi delete numbers of signature tu... jahat gila.. |
dani-rox replied at 6-8-2019 08:07 PM
baideway... apasal 'wife' dan harry jah bg wish? takde pun sebut psl 'mother' d ...
Yang ni I believe she has the password of prince H. Cause even rakyat marahen pun ade password FB and Insta of their boyfriend. Apetah lagi our duchass narcissist, the planet evolves around her you know. |
dani-rox replied at 7-8-2019 09:02 PM
ramai yg dah berpaling tadah. cuma tinggal sugars bengap. perhaps ratchet's backers hv already aba ...
More like best f*cker forever (bff) |
eva replied at 8-8-2019 10:25 PM
lepas ni la si Meggot kena kick dr Bday party PC
Nak tgok video she was kicked out by so called bapak mertua kesayangan. I cari x jumpe pulak.. |
snazzydaisy replied at 10-8-2019 01:12 AM
Smeg kan ratu copycat, adakah kita akan dapat lihat dia strolling wt Archie in the park (ala Pippa ...
Beza body athletic dengan body yoga at 4 am  |
https://twitter.com/BBCBreaking/status/1160177267693314048?s=09 |
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snazzydaisy replied at 10-8-2019 12:39 AM
Lottie & Louie stick out their tongues sebab being playful...
yg si uncle & aunty Sussex ni jelir ...
mmg no manners adults 2 org ni kan..
pls get a room la kalau nak bertossing bagai  |
snazzydaisy replied at 10-8-2019 12:52 AM
why nak delete the signatures? shady gila! takut dgn bayang bayang?
wohooooo... bishhhh |
dineo replied at 10-8-2019 12:17 PM
tau takper ... huhuhuh
now dia hantam Zara.. darn..
dia attack sapa2 syg Kate.. bitch |
emera replied at 10-8-2019 12:23 PM
Tp ada tgn ghaib pi delete numbers of signature tu... jahat gila..
mesti atas arahan someone.. perhaps si PH.. sbb petition tu nak dibw ke meeting council di area Sussex..
BRF pon mungkin jaga jaga jugak... dorg tau mcmana bencinya rakyat Sussex kat Meggot |
AliyaSophia88 replied at 10-8-2019 07:45 PM
Nak tgok video she was kicked out by so called bapak mertua kesayangan. I cari x jumpe pulak..
alahai.. I wish I could find it kat tumblr.. dia ambik hadia dari peminat dia yg merupakan guests PC.. dan dan tu jugak PC kick dorg  |
mysr01 replied at 10-8-2019 10:10 PM
they dont want him to talk about anything.. byk yg terlibat.. OMG |
mysr01 replied at 10-8-2019 10:10 PM
hahhh , macam citer movie plak , tetiba mati while waiting for trial |
eva replied at 10-8-2019 11:04 PM
now dia hantam Zara.. darn..
dia attack sapa2 syg Kate.. bitch
mother of evil ke apa si neggot tu, awat teroks sgt perangai |
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