[SBS] Man from the stars [Kim Soo Hyun, Jeon Ji Hyun] PART 4 (Review: p 83)
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morning kesayangan..
morning oppa..
mencemar duli di hari rabu yg bz...

cess posted on 26-2-2014 10:56 AM 
kelasss bini oppa...tangkasss bile dpt info
tu yg oppa sayang sgt tuu
ala cess..kita ni kan bini2 oppa yg ikut cara oppa..
cepat dan tangkas.....
cess posted on 26-2-2014 11:04 AM 
waduh cess....bestnya hepi tgk muka oppa..
tp pic yg tgh tu...awat oppa jadi sedey.....lawak pun ada gak nampaknya..


Fan sighting from DC
i don’t know how to react from this spoiler but seriously, are they doing a time jump ??? Better than loss memories :S
2017 ???
they said it’s a happy ending ( well, writernim, it makes sense for me. if you don’t do the happy ending or the cliffhanger and worse, open ending, i will forget you forever )
i think they wouldn’t show the preview like the previous drama like The Master’s Sun and I Hear Your Voice but seriously, this is the last week i will see this drama.
i don’t believe it.
i just spent my whole time in eleven weeks for this drama.
Well, an alien drama :S |
cess posted on 26-2-2014 10:32 AM
wahhh gmbr ni ehh
ha.. gmbo ni hehehehe.. |
dasat ahhh dioarg still shoot utk last ep..terbaek laa 
gigihhhhhh.....so hepi ending la kan? hehehe |
cess posted on 26-2-2014 11:11 AM 
oloh2... *melting*

Are you a player, Do Min Joon? If not, is it fun to make people confused? I am sorry for misunderstanding. What can I do? I looked like the girl before. What can I do? You just made me a fool.
You said you didn’t have any feelings for me, not even once! Didn’t you say you have never liked me or had your heart flutter because of me, or worried about me sincerely or envisioned the future with me? Didn’t you say I was the substitute of that girl?!
I think you don’t know about this yet so I will tell you clearly. I also hate you now, Do Min Joon. I hate it more because you are like this. So please disappear from my sight, no, from my life. Please… And, how selfish you are, I would like it if you knew.
Song Yi
My Love from Another Star episode 15 |
cess posted on 26-2-2014 11:19 AM 
harapnyaa hepi ending
jgn clifhanger sudahh...stress wooo
jgnla masin mulut cess tu..
hancur luluh kalo ending x seperti diharapkan
PD nak kena babap la nnt 
ayushuhada04 posted on 26-2-2014 10:03 AM 
zaman mkn aiskerim msia..kak ayu pun tau tu..
masa kak ayu...zaman new kids on the block..
yelaa,,,,mmg pangkat akak laa ni sbb mase new kids on the block pemes, iols kecik lagi x igt sgt, kakak yg g sekolah ngn iols tu gile boy band ni gak dlu..tu pasal tau name. hehe
cess posted on 26-2-2014 11:21 AM 
cess...hari menepek pic oppa yer..
dgn harapan..umah ni leh habis cepat...
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