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Author: skymania


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Post time 19-6-2011 11:46 AM | Show all posts
AM...i'm sooo going! even kalo i ada meeting pun weekend tu, akan i postpone kan!  (fangirli ...
luvsushi Post at 19-6-2011 08:47

   nak hikutttt

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Post time 19-6-2011 11:49 AM | Show all posts
huhuu... sonok nye nengok gambo ni... hensem nye top oppa...
gambr taeyang tu nape ada marker l ...
ako_chan Post at 19-6-2011 11:05

   AM suke tgk dae solo ngan top time sangat...i'm melting mata jidi menakutkan...but cool

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Post time 19-6-2011 01:38 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1101# adikmanis

AM, jom! sesape nak pegi OU on the 25th nanti, pls PM i ek!   

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Post time 19-6-2011 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply  nzhass79
emm... tu r after kes SS trus ako b'tukar ke BB...antara reasons nye...

well ...
ako_chan Post at 19-6-2011 10:55


centa i lak mmg dari 2008 lagi kat BB. try nak obses ngan group lain yg baru2 ni...tapi takleh. puas cuba, tak jalan gak. sekadar suka tu ada la...2pm, mblaq, jyj, dbsk... tapi yg group 3rd generation ni mmg tak masuk sgt. heee...nampak sgt i ni dah berumur

btw, i setuju ngan list of your likings tu...
as for me, they're indeed different, unique and standing tall in their own league sebab:

1.   they are the trendsetter for the 2nd generation of k-pop in s.korea. trendsetter dari segi muzik, fashion and personalities. no doubt, they've went through some transformation but since 2008 they always stick to their style. once they grasp and grab their own personalities, they stay with it sampai sekarang. they evolve dynamically dari semua segi. mmg sangat2 berbeza dari kumpulan yang sedia ada mahu pun yang terkini.

2. each and everyone of them ada different and distinct personalities and suara. senang nak cam. takyah tgk muka, pejam mata dah tau sore sape. they can actually stand on their own. they'll choose their own paths one fine day, tapi whenever they are together...the 5 of them intstantly sparks! they won't be any other Bigbang in the future datang le B2st ke, Block B ke...BB i hanya 1

3. mv diorang mmg class! among all their awesome mvs, my favourite would be Love Song. it's definitely an art approach. the settings, the props, the movement....sumenya ada cerita. u have to really understand the lyrics in order to understand the mv. i loike! simplicity is the best policy. the mv screams out EPIC!!!

4. they have their own dancing style. kalo perhatikan Bigbang, mmg dari dulu diorang menari tak pernahnya sama cam robot. memasing ada cara memasing. once, i've read yang papa YG mmg tak nak artis dia menari terlalu sama. macam robot.he lets them capture and own their invidual styles. macam barang kan....kalo sama sume dah tak exclusive la. sbb tu barang yg branded selalunya custom made and lain antara satu sama lain - heheh...i paling suka TOP menari... keras, tapi itu mmg signature dia. itu yang sexy tu... mcm nak tak nak je

5. u r rite! they owned the stage, effortlessly!

6. parody diorang mmg the best! dari settings, props, skrip, lakonan, sampai la la ke facial gesture diorang. among all, i paling suka parody Secret Garden. lol! daedae's "smeelllllllll........" . lol!

cuma tu lah... masih risau kat daedae. hoping everyhting will turn out fine, tak kesah lah berapa lama pun masa yg diambil untuk pulih semula.

Bigbang hwaiting!



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Post time 19-6-2011 10:48 PM | Show all posts
news nih
[NEWS] Motorcyclist in Daesung’s accident is very likely to have been alive before the crash
Big Bang’s Daesung (Kang Daesung, 22) has been involved in a traffic accident that is currently being investigated after motorcyclist Hyunmo (30) died on the scene and the conflict of Daesung crashing into him while he was still alive has been raised.

On June 19th,  MBC’s “weekend news desk” side, quoting the National Institute of Scientific Investigation said, “the results of the tests revealed that Hyunmo’s blood had 0.16 alcohol concentration which means he could have fallen from the motorcycle on the side of the road after hitting a street lamp.  Mr. Hyunmo would have gotten hurt in the process, but the wound would have not been bad enough to kill him. Before Daesung crashed into him the possibility that he was alive is very likely” he said.

‘News Desk’ added, “Between the Hyunmo-ssi fell off his motorcycle and the time he was hit by Daesung’s vehicle he could have also died from massive blood loss”, not completely ruling out the possibility that Hyunmo-ssi could have already been dead.   

‘News Desk’ further revealed, “The autopsy results that will reveal Hyunmo’s cause of death are said to be released on June 21st by the police” .

source: ygbigbanging@tumblr

dis is juz a speculation...harap2 xbetol

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:26 AM | Show all posts
yeahhhh!!! stuju sangat ngan korang2... best.. best... sangat besttt.... BB tak same ngan grup2 lain... n also artis2 YG sendiri... dioarnag have their own music & style... biler sebut dari YG, org akan pk mostly pesen diaorang yg pelik2 and unik...  

kalo part nari TOP tu mmg la keras.. ai stuju tu... kalo dia amik photoshoot maner2 pon, biasa2 je... kalo org lain tu mcm2 memek muke n pose... tp sampai kat TOP... ala... tak tau nk ckp ape... yg pasti dia wat muke bese2 pon, akak totap tgk dia smekshiiii ai laikkk.... dulu2 org kata TOP ni sengal, akak tak caya.. tp bile dh kenai dia blakang tabir, ku akui seme itu biasa la kan,t ak kenal tak chenta...

kagum giler tgk villa TOP.. siap ada bilik tok his sister lg.. tapi takde lak ckp dia dok ngan family dia ke idok.... siap ada patung spongebob lg

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Post time 20-6-2011 09:31 AM | Show all posts
Annyeonghaseyo yorobun! Happy monday..

Wah! Hebat la u wat review psl BB..kalau BB baca ni (paham ke ponn??) sure terharu giloss...hikhik..

Kak zue...
Retis2 YG mmg unik kan..pastu performance diorg mmg beza la dgn grup yg lain..nampak stylo and polished..mantops and very the natural gittew..stgh grup tu ya ampun!! menari bagai nk rak sampai nak cabut pinggang kekdahnya tp stanum tgk takde feel..dibuat2 aje..huh! bias BB le lain semua nampak x cantek...

Sabar AM..skang ni mcm2 versi kesah Dae Dae ni dh kuar..tensen akak bila kan, dlm kes mcm ni, I mean Mr. Hyun tu tergolek dog kat tgh jalan sbb mabuk, pehtu dae dae plak terlanggar dia (sbb taxi dpn brenti mengejut), ditakdirkan pulak Mr. Hyun tu meninggal lepas dae dae terlanggar dia...Dari segi law, Dae Dae dikira bersalah jugaks ker???? hmm.... :re:

p/s: AM! jom jom pi YG Day kat OU  tu! Sabtu ni kan?? Kita pi naik tren nak? Senang sket..Akak mmg tak pandai nk drive kat KL nih...hihi..nnti leh kita jejak kasehan dgn sushi kat sana..sapa lg nk gi?? jom jom jom!

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Post time 20-6-2011 10:48 AM | Show all posts

ramai ke gi OU sabtu ni? ade BB ke?

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Post time 20-6-2011 10:56 AM | Show all posts
sebenarnya tak tau sangat sal neh... baru je gugel....

Halo! YG Day Event Details!

Event Details: HALO! YG Day

Date: 25 June 2011
Time: 2pm – 5pm
Venue: One Utama New Wing, Main Entrance, Ground Floor

At the event, fans of YG Entertainment can get their hands on original merchandise
the highlight of the event will be the YG Family Dance Competition, allowing fans to show off their dance skills

more sila baca kat SINI

credit :

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Post time 20-6-2011 10:57 AM | Show all posts

ramai ke gi OU sabtu ni? ade BB ke?
amemiya Post at 20-6-2011 10:48

Hi amemiya! lama x nmpk kt umah BB..hamboi! soklan tu ada BB ker?? takleh blah btoi.... BB takde la..tapi aura BB ada..jom la turun! leh kita fangerling bersama2!

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Post time 20-6-2011 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Annyeonghaseyo yorobun! Happy monday..

Wah! Hebat la u wat review psl BB..kalau BB baca ...
stanum123 Post at 20-6-2011 09:31

   kak stenem...kita nek tren sabtu ni eh...jmpa kt stesen batu me ur number bleh? AM da ckp ngan sisushi pasal nk trun kl..kt sana leh jmpa die

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Post time 20-6-2011 10:59 AM | Show all posts

ramai ke gi OU sabtu ni? ade BB ke?
amemiya Post at 20-6-2011 10:48

   annyeong miya jom g sesama bb xderk,petition utk bb datang ada ler..

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Post time 20-6-2011 11:00 AM | Show all posts
sebenarnya tak tau sangat sal neh... baru je gugel....

Halo! YG Day Event Details!

Event ...
nzhass79 Post at 20-6-2011 10:56

   kene bwk duit kepuk2 nih...nk soping sakan

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Post time 20-6-2011 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Hi amemiya!  lama x nmpk kt umah BB..hamboi! soklan tu ada BB ker?? takleh blah btoi....  ...
stanum123 Post at 20-6-2011 10:57

klu BB takde..se7en ade tak?

korg pegi eh? ade ape ek? dance2 je eh? *ala2 konpius lg*

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Post time 20-6-2011 11:04 AM | Show all posts
annyeong miya  jom g sesama  bb xderk,petition utk bb datang ada ler..
adikmanis Post at 20-6-2011 10:59

petition saje ke?

tak sure lg..kena tgk schedule dulu..chewahhh mcm artis plak..

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Post time 20-6-2011 11:04 AM | Show all posts
akak dh bukak thread sal nek kar main board


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Post time 20-6-2011 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1113# adikmanis

akak tak pasti sbb pg tu ada miting... kalo akak jd gi, akak kol korang.....

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Post time 20-6-2011 11:08 AM | Show all posts
klu BB takde..se7en ade tak?  

korg pegi eh? ade ape ek? dance2 je eh? *ala2 konpius ...
amemiya Post at 20-6-2011 11:03 nnti YG rep msti ada bukak booth kan iols pon nak sangat bb or seben or 2ne1 datang

petition sajork la...papa YG xkonpiden lagi nk bwk bb datang mesia klau smpat,singgah kejap pon jadik la nnti

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Post time 20-6-2011 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply  adikmanis

akak tak pasti sbb pg tu ada miting... kalo akak jd gi, akak kol korang.....
nzhass79 Post at 20-6-2011 11:05

   klau akak ada,leh knai2 pes time AM join gedering ngan carianz nih

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Post time 20-6-2011 11:18 AM | Show all posts nnti YG rep msti ada bukak booth kan  iols pon nak sangat bb or s ...
adikmanis Post at 20-6-2011 11:08

bukak booth ade dpt murah ke?

mcm menarik je....

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