"Aku Tak Nak 1 Sen Pun, Lepaskan Aku" - Puteri Sarah Mengaku Kalah?
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The very reason you are in this tred shows much about siapa samdol...siapa isterinyer...otherwise you would have been dlm board dan tred ikan berlaga dan kucing peliharaan kheunz?
Pegi daaaaaa
Like i said, zaman2 tu mana ada socmed widely used pun.
Samerosie replied at 28-4-2023 09:25 AM
Like i said, zaman2 tu mana ada socmed widely used pun.
Bukan sebab TZ tak sekimarrrkkk mulut PS ler senang cakap kheun kheun kheunz?
Kahkahkahkahkah |
Samerosie replied at 28-4-2023 09:42 AM
Tengah heavy piyed keww tengok soiled pad sendirik?
Kahkahkahkahkah |
some of the pointers yg shin bagi
berdasarkan apa yg dah pernah some of my closest lalui
and yes tak semua penceraian atau kegagalan rumahtangga tu sama
tak semua lelaki tu baik
gitu juga some women sadly
senang nak ucapkan berdamai lar dgn takdir
though that is the best
and at a certain point, we should stop the fingerpointing
ada anak2 yg perlukan ibu yg sihat dari segala segi
to make up for the lack of presence from the father
kalo shin sbg sorg ibu, mmg anak2 tu ditangga yg teratas
i can heal myself, i can motivate myself
but my kids only have me
in textbook agama
in a perfect world
sorg lelaki tu jadi ketua keluarga
membentuk salasilah keluarga yg baik
but sorg ibu juga mampu lakukan itu
and I hope sarah will rise to the occasion
apa lar yg dicarutkan tu abgmanak?
please behave accordingly
malu kat anak jiran umur 3 tahun tu
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 28-4-2023 09:50 AM
apa lar yg dicarutkan tu abgmanak?
please behave accordingly
malu kat anak jiran umur 3 tahun tu
Tahu, tahu ko tak pakai pad....Dun insists miniknyer bermooncup ...so jgn pelik org org besa macam samerosie pakai pad ....apa yg carutnyer? |
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 28-4-2023 09:50 AM
some of the pointers yg shin bagi
berdasarkan apa yg dah pernah some of my closest lalui
Apa jadi pada status ko sbg ibu pada oreo?
Incanto replied at 27-4-2023 02:38 PM
tak tahu lah kenapa dia posing menonggek dgn baju kebaya tu
dgn bag crossbody plak...tak kena dgn ...
Kan mcm ada something wrong somewhere dengan gambar tu. Posing tak kena nya, baju tak kena nya, beg tak kena nya, umur tak kena nya, pesona yg cuba di potraykan serba tak kena |
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 28-4-2023 09:06 AM
you and the others yg support her
i think almost never i saw your advise for her
to keep check of ...
I respect your opinions. I pun tak refer to you , and I am referring her struggles. I feel she has the right to express her opinions and feelings as well as she is the one experiencing the turmoils , and hurts. She has the right to sue the the third party harassment case as well because it has affected her life and future.
In the early years ,such as in the 2020 video clips she tried to look happy but could not help breaking down . Yet still saying positive things about her husband and marriage . She was still trying to mend her marriage. Hence, I feel she has tried her best to give the marriage a chance and quiet sad to say she should have walked off.
In my opinion, she has become more emotional and sometimes uncontrollable because Samsol does not try to end their issues. In fact , he is creating more issues by not granting the divorce.
I agree to your opinion about mental health, basically no one can be mentally healthy when marriage problem occurs and haunts your daily activities. She has outbursts, as normal human beings, perhaps these outbursts help her to maintain her mental health, too. It is not healthy to pent up everything , like some people who drown their issues by resorting to drugs , alcohol , clubbing or even suicide. Not everyone has the same emotional strength, or the same situations, trigger moments , struggles and time frame . All these influence people's reactions when faced with conflicts.
Whether or not she has seen a doctor or psychiatrist for her mental health, we do not know and I am sure she will not disclose it. People like us might understand people who consult psych, but some will label them crazetcy , nuts , mad
My comments are based from my perspective, I dont think I can be very strong if I were in Sarah's plight. At the moment , Alhamdulillah not being tested
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 28-4-2023 09:06 AM
you and the others yg support her
i think almost never i saw your advise for her
to keep check of ...
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, surrounded by assholes.”
Her mental health problems pun is due to the people around her.
She should just get rid of Sol, Ira and the family and move on. Get his money, and don’t look back.
Tak perlu tarik kes. Kalau mereka perlu masuk penjara pun, so be it. Not her problem. Get rid of them once and for all. Then move on. |
Allah in his wisdom will test us according to what HE knows is our strengthothers might suffer the lost of a child, a parent, their beloved, their partner
and the list is simply endless to expand
verify with every hardship comes ease
as long as you hold on to this, insyaAllah all is well
jgn fight against takdir yg tertulis, let go it if it's hurting you too much
again as a woman,we stand with her in her fight to get her just right
all for it, never an inch backing away from it
she deserve to be happy and more, don't let others hold her back
i get it too that she needs to share, and not everyone is moulded the same
everyone have a different breaking and boiling point, perhaps you can draw strength from others sharing
but just take our well meaning advises without seeing it as a form of attack
futher from it.
tu yg shin kata, ada lar benda baik yg sarah buat
yg make the big population, sit upright and give her their attention
ada lar antara yg kebaikkan yg dia buat yg cuma penghuni diatas tau
take that away as one of the biggest blessings despite the current trials
tak semua org beruntung camtu, ada org yg sudi doakan yg baik2 for us.
selamat hari raya gb kaka thenax, ira and the rest, much always
Letih aaaa baca kisah ps & sol the loser ni...
IK tolak tepi... bukan urusan... hahaha
Semoga ada jalan penyelesaian untuk mereka... amein. |
cm_vungtau replied at 28-4-2023 11:13 AM
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in ...
Nail it, all in just in a few sentences. I totally agree. |
takyahla acah-acah islamik sangat cik kak oi. bezakan antara takdir qada qadar dengan kebodohan dan kecuaian manusia tu sendiri. ingat ye yang baik tu datang daripada Allah swt, yang buruk tu dari manusia. ni asal ditimpa kecelakaan je terus claim ni takdir, indirectly menyalahkan Tuhan tu tau tak? lainlah contoh ko lahir-lahir je ko OKU ke, ko ada sakit mental ke, ko tengah drive kene langgar pemandu mabuk ke, tu baru takdir.
Rasulullah saw ada seorang isteri baginda mintak diceraikan, baginda relaks je lafaz cerai siap tinggalkan hadiah lagi. si solident ni sape? dia Nabi ke? Nabi pun tak buat macam apa dia buat skrang ni. Benda ni takkan jadi isu kalau die turut je kehendak PS tu. PS nak cerai, so ceraikan jelah. si solident tu sendiri yg complicated kan keadaan. dalam islam takde ye sesi mediation kaunseling mcm yg pjbt agama buat skrang ni. tapi yelah lelaki yang betul-betul taat pada ajaran Islam ni dia takkan buat mcm ni. Penunggang agama jah mcm ni. Penunggang agama jah hubungan dengan Allah dia jaga, sesama manusia dia tak jaga pun. Tu pasal byk kes mcm ni, kekonon Islamik duk tunjuk jari tanda Allah yang Satu, tapi perangai dah macam setan.
Baca komen2 forummer dgn dkt fb ni. Brtmbh benci aku jd ppuan dkt Malaysia ni. Apa2 ppuan jgk yg salah. Aku ada ank ppuan. Harap dia jumpa lelaki yg baik. Tp klu dia xnak kawen pun xpe la. Abg2 dia blh tgk2kan |
rayriff replied at 27-4-2023 05:27 PM
Semoga dia baca kritikan ni, keep calm kumpul tenaga dan strike. Saya setuju, dia nampak cam xleh ...
Yes in spite of that i too hope she'll get her hak eventually |
matjerk replied at 27-4-2023 03:42 PM
The momment she said "aku x hadap duit kau sesenggggg pun..." biasanya... kata2 tu bukan kata2 yg ...
Betul tu. Dlm hal tuntut hak ni jgn la nak paling terpaling, expectation tingga sgt, overconfident pon tak boleh bawa bincang dah. Benda belum confirm dah sibuk canang, flip tudung, pusing2 ala princess syndrome. hujung2 apa pon tak dpt. diri sendiri juga terpaling tersakiti berulang kali. |
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