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Post time 4-6-2009 08:45 AM | Show all posts


Badminton: A Chong Wei- Lin Dan semi-final on the cards this time

PETALING JAYA: A possible showdown in the semi-finals between world No. 1 Lee Chong Wei and Olympic champion Lin Dan sets the stage for a thrilling Indonesian Open badminton championships in Jakarta from June 16-21.

Both players skipped the Indonesian Open last year to concentrate on preparing for the Beijing Olympics but this time, they have committed themselves to the event, which will be held back-to-back to the Singapore Open from June 9-14.

Their presence in the Indonesian Open is no surprise because it is the last Super Series tournament offering ranking points to the World Championships in Hyderabad from Aug 10-16.

Lin Dan has dropped to third spot in the latest world rankings behind Dane Peter-Gade Christensen and Chong Wei. And the two-time world champion will be playing in a Super Series tournament as the third seed for the first time and in the draw yesterday, he found himself in the same half as Chong Wei.

Chong Wei opens against German Marc Zwiebler and he has in his quarter fellow Malaysian Mohd Hafiz Hashim, Bao Chunlai of China and Simon Santoso of Indonesia.

It will also not be easy sailing for Lin Dan. He has a tricky first-round match against Indonesian Andre Kurniawan Tedjono in a quarter comprising fellow Chinese Chen Jin.

Malaysia抯 former number one Wong Choong Hann plays against a qualifier in the first round in the other half of the draw and faces the prospect of having to beat local favourite and fourth seed Sony Dwi Kuncoro next to advance to the quarter-finals.

In the same half are Indonesian Taufik Hidayat and second seed Christensen.

National chief coach Rashid Sidek said that it would be a very interesting Indonesian Open this year.

揕in Dan has been selective of tournaments he plays in and he surely wants to do well in the Indonesian Open to get back into second place in the rankings,

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Post time 4-6-2009 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 3-6-2009 20:23

In the women's doubles, Wong Pei Tty-Chin Eei Hui, the World No 1, are out to make an impact after a brilliant performance in last month's Sudirman Cup.

Courtesy of New Straits Times

~ mr.ajitpal singh ..apa la yg brillian sgt ngan persembahan pei tty/eei hui kat sudirman cup yg kalah ngan bergu korea & denmark dan struggle tuk menang ngan bergu HK ..di ulang BERGU HONGKONG!!!!
kalau tak ikut pun sudirman cup least checkla result dorang ..jgn main taram je .... :re:

singapore open ...nampaknye draw tuk malaysian cam susah je .... anyway goodluck ...

brilliant? mmg sah la reporter ni x buat homework

draw indon open pun tough & interesting sbb ramai top players join
hopefully ada tunjuk live kat rtm since aku x dpt tgk kat astro...

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Post time 4-6-2009 08:52 AM | Show all posts


Lucky Chun Seang counts his blessings

PETALING JAYA: Tan Chun Seang can consider himself lucky to be given the nod to join world No. 1 Lee Chong Wei as the two men抯 singles representatives from the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) for the Singapore Open next week.

Singles chief coach Rashid Sidek grounded the rest of the shuttlers, including former All-England champion Mohd Hafiz Hashim, from the tournament for serving up inconsistent performances over the last few months.

And Chun Seang will be out to prove that he is worthy of the place.

He will have to earn his place in the main draw from the qualifying rounds and standing in his way is Chinese junior Gong Weijie.

A place in the tournament proper will give Chun Seang a match against Indonesian Simon Santoso. If he advances, Chun Seang will take on either Ng Wei of Hong Kong or Boonsak Ponsana of Thailand.

揑 played against Gong Weijie in the qualifying round in Singapore last year. I抳e beaten him before and I hope to do it again. But unfortunately I was drawn against Peter-Gade Christensen in the first round,

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Post time 4-6-2009 04:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 3-6-2009 20:23

~ mr.ajitpal singh ..apa la yg brillian sgt ngan persembahan pei tty/eei hui kat sudirman cup yg kalah ngan bergu korea & denmark dan struggle tuk menang ngan bergu HK ..di ulang BERGU HONGKONG!!!!
kalau tak ikut pun sudirman cup least checkla result dorang ..jgn main taram je .... :re:

singapore open ...nampaknye draw tuk malaysian cam susah je .... anyway goodluck ......

main belasah je tulis..

ok..aza juz tepek je kat sini..ada info sket smpena Singapore open ni kan..(info ambik dri suria fm-ari2
dgr online citer psl ni..mcm best je aktiviti ni )

Aktiviti : Konvoi - PROTON - BAM   
Tarikh : 7 Jun 2009

Sertai Konvoi PROTON - BAM ke Singapore Open 2009 pada 7 Jun 2009. Bertempat di Proton Edar Melakar dari jam 1 tengahari hingga 2.15 petang dan di Proton Edar Plentong, Johor dari 5 petang hingga 6 petang. Pelbagai aktiviti menarik seperti sesi bergambar.autograf, beramah mesra dengan pemain badminton Malaysia, penyerah kerata oleh pemain badminton kepada pelanggan Proton dan pada masa yang sama anda boleh juga memandu uji kereta Proton.


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Post time 5-6-2009 12:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 3-6-2009 20:23

In the women's doubles, Wong Pei Tty-Chin Eei Hui, the World No 1, are out to make an impact after a brilliant performance in last month's Sudirman Cup.

reporter nie tersalah kot between sudirman cup ngan SSFINAL...

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Post time 5-6-2009 08:54 AM | Show all posts


Chong Ming-Choon Eng get a berth in world meet

PETALING JAYA: Doubles shuttler Chan Chong Ming bade farewell to the World Championships in Madrid in 2006 without getting on court because he had to rush home following the demise of his father.

He must have thought then that there would be no more world championships for him. But he has earned another appearance with Chew Choon Eng after the second phase of selection made by the Badminton World Federation for the world meet in Hyderabad from Aug 10-16.

Malaysia will now have a maximum of four pairs in the men抯 doubles competition. The others in the fray are Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong, Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari-Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif and Choong Tan Fook-Lee Wan Wah.

In the latest world rankings, Chong Ming-Choon Eng are in 11th spot

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Post time 5-6-2009 11:42 PM | Show all posts

BWF SuperSeries

Singapore Open 2009
13 June 1400 Semi Finals (Live)
14 June 1300 Finals (Live)

Indonesia Open 2009
20 June 1800 Semi Finals (Live)
21 June 1400 Finals (Live)

Yonex Sunrise Malaysia Open GP Gold 2009
27 June 1400 Semi Finals (Live)
28 June 1500 Finals (Live)

[ Last edited by  azalea_girl at 5-6-2009 23:44 ]

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Post time 6-6-2009 12:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1108 azalea_girl's post

laju je aza kasi schedule ...

cam ne ngan RTM ??? sian kat lyn tak dapat tengok chin eei hu & wong pei tty brilliant performance nanti   ....
aku tak reti la nak check RTM nye schedule ....

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Post time 7-6-2009 11:11 AM | Show all posts
D.B untuk Chong Wei

YANG di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin menganugerahkan pingat Darjah Bakti kepada  Chong Wei.

PEMAIN badminton No. 1 dunia, Datuk Lee Chong Wei dipilih sebagaipenerima kedua Anugerah Darjah Bakti (D.B) sempena Ulang tahun HariKeputeraan Rasmi Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, TuankuMizan Zainal Abidin semalam.

Tahun lepas, ratu skuasy negara, Datuk Nicol Ann David menjadi penerima pertama anugerah berkenaan.
Penganugerahan D.B oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong kepada jaguh badmintonnegara merupakan penghargaan tertinggi negara atas kejayaan beliaumenaikkan nama Malaysia dalam arena sukan di pentas antarabangsa.

Kedua-dua mereka merupakan tokoh ulung yang pada usia muda berjaya menjulang nama Malaysia dalam arena sukan antara- bangsa.
D.B diperkenalkan pada 26 Jun 1975 dan dikurniakan kepada rakyatMalaysia yang telah memberi sumbangan besar kepada negara sehinggaterpahat kemasyhuran di Malaysia dan yang lebih utama pada peringkatantarabangsa.
Sumbangan yang diberikan meliputi pelbagai bidang seperti seni, kemanu- siaan dan sebagainya.

Anugerah D.B yang tidak membawa sebarang gelaran kepada penerimanya dan terhad kepada 10 orang penerima pada satu- satu masa.
Chong Wei, 27, anak kelahiran Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang, walaupunpernah tewas dalam beberapa kejohanan besar, namun semua itu tidakmematahkan semangat untuk terus berusaha bagi mengekalkan kedudukanselaku pemain badminton perseorangan lelaki No. 1 dunia.
Beliau mula melibatkan diri dalam badminton secara kompetitif ketikaberusia 14 tahun dengan mewakili daerah Bukit Merta- jam pada KejohananBadminton Majlis Sukan Seko- lah-Sekolah Pulau Pinang pada 1996 dansejak itu tidak menoleh ke belakang lagi dalam acara sukan kegemarannyaitu.
Kejayaan terbesar beliau dalam sukan itu ialah meraih pingat perakdalam acara perseorangan lelaki pada temasya Sukan Olimpik Beijing,Ogos tahun lepas.

Sebagai penghargaan terhadap kejayaan beliau, Chong Wei dipilihsebanyak dua kali untuk menerima Anugerah Sukan Negara, anugerahtertinggi untuk atlet Malaysia pada tahun 2005 dan 2008.
Badminton merupakan sukan tunggal yang menyumbang pingat kepadanegara di Sukan Olimpik bermula dengan kejayaan Razif-Jalani Sidekmemenangi pingat gangsa pada 1992 di Barcelona, Sepanyol, Rashid Sidekjuga meraih gangsa pada Sukan Olimpik Atlanta, Amerika Syarikat padatahun 1996, manakala gandingan Yap Kim Hock-Cheah Soon Kit meraih perakpada temasya yang sama.

Beliau turut dikurniakan dengan Anugerah Ahli Mangku Negara (AMN)oleh kerajaan Persekutuan pada tahun 2006 dan Darjah Setia PangkuanNegeri (DSPN) yang membawa gelaran Datuk oleh kerajaan negeri PulauPinang.
Selain, Chong Wei, bekas pemain bola sepak Malaysia, Datuk AbdulGhani Minhat turut menerima anugerah sempena Hari Keputeraan Yangdi-Pertuan Agong kali ini.
Abdul Ghani, 73, anak kelahiran Kampung Solok (Kg. Masjid), Rantau,Negeri Sembilan, menerima Anugerah Panglima Jasa Negara (PJN) yangmembawa gelaran Datuk.
- Bernama

tahniah untuk chong wei..........

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Post time 7-6-2009 11:46 AM | Show all posts

Balas #13 azalea_girl\ catat

hallu azalea_girl

'Selamat Hari Lahir,
Iringan doa kuhulur,
Bersyukur kepada-Nya,
Atas nikmat usia,
Usiamu ibarat mutiara,
Tiada berganti lagi,
Hiaskan iman bersulam taqwa,
Agar sempat menuju haruman syurgawi,'

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Post time 7-6-2009 02:33 PM | Show all posts
aza .... eppy besday :bd: :tea: :flower: :pompom: :hug: :kiss: :victory: :handshake:


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Post time 7-6-2009 03:49 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1109 kayla\ catat

briliant performance............................

tumpang gelak gak

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Post time 7-6-2009 03:49 PM | Show all posts
selamat hari lahir aza....................

betul ke ni...........

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Post time 8-6-2009 07:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 6-6-2009 00:00
laju je aza kasi schedule ...

cam ne ngan RTM ??? sian kat lyn tak dapat tengok chin eei hu & wong pei tty brilliant performance nanti   ....
aku tak reti la nak check RTM nye schedule ....

tu la mslhnya..kekadang tu check jgk website rtm tp update nya
lmbt bebenor..kosongggg je..ampehh!!

InsyaAllah...kalau ada nnti aza tepek kat sini..

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Post time 8-6-2009 07:16 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1110 _19788's post

congrats chong wei ...makin besar tanggugjwb lepas ni..esp nak maintainkan
WR #1 dia tu..

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Post time 8-6-2009 07:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aryzana83 at 7-6-2009 11:46
hallu azalea_girl

'Selamat Hari Lahir,
Iringan doa kuhulur,
Bersyukur kepada-Nya,
Atas nikmat usia,
Usiamu ibarat mutiara,
Tiada berganti lagi,
Hiaskan iman bersulam taqwa,
Agar semp ...

TERIMA KASIHHH ary.... :flower: :flower: :flower:

sudi gak masuk kat sini ekk...

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Post time 8-6-2009 07:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 7-6-2009 14:33
aza .... eppy besday :bd: :tea: :flower: :pompom: :hug: :kiss: :victory: :handshake:

TERIMA KASIH..kaylaaaa...

aza terharu hoccayyy...

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Post time 8-6-2009 07:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miyoma at 7-6-2009 15:49
selamat hari lahir aza....................

betul ke ni...........


betul laa..semalam besday aza...

besday mi bila lak..??

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Post time 8-6-2009 08:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 6-6-2009 00:00

laju je aza kasi schedule ...

cam ne ngan RTM ??? sian kat lyn tak dapat tengok chin eei hu & wong pei tty brilliant performance nanti   ....
aku tak reti la nak check RTM nye schedule ....

haha.. sempat kayla perli reporter tu

kalo ikut schedule astro aza tu.. aku dpt tgk msia gp gold.. tu pun semi final je

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Post time 8-6-2009 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by azalea_girl at 8-6-2009 07:25


betul laa..semalam besday aza...

besday mi bila lak..??

b'day aza 6/6 ek? hepi belated b'day!!

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