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thanks to yumeaki@soompi for japanese translation from hanadan.brokore.com
Apr 16, JCB Hall
Afternoon show is going to start soon. Penlights and badges are on sale.
It’s the afternoon show now.
The venue was decorated by the many banners brought by fans. There were many fans from Korea too.
T-Max and one of the F4 sang a song (they did note state who… is it Kim Bum?). They told the fans to look forward to the night show as there will be a surprise appearance of someone.
Talks with each of the F4 plus showing of the scenes from the drama.
People who had watched the drama will find this segment nostalgic, while people who have not watched the drama will probably be reminded of this event when they get to watch BOF.
Films of Lee Min Ho showing different images from his GJP were shown.
SS501 sang a song before the afternoon show ended.
Outside the venue, official goods of BOF was on sale. The staffs selling the goods were all wearing Shinhwa school uniforms.
Start of official press conference.
Reports of this should be uploaded days later at http://news.brokore.com/content_UTF/index.jsp
20 min of press conference and photo session ended.
Queues for the night show outside the hall were even longer than the afternoon show.
Start of night show.
Fans occupied up to the 3rd level.
The clothes worn by GHS and F4 were different from what they wore in the afternoon show.
GHS said that she, like her role as GJD, likes food and has gained 7KG during filming.
T-MAX sang 3 songs including ‘Paradise’
Kim Bum also sang but said that there is no plan to debut as a singer.
Kim Bum said that “Yi Jeong maybe popular with women but he, Kim Bu, has no girlfriend. The girls here (fans) are all his girlfriends. (I can hear the scream from the fans)
Kim Bum gave the T-shirt that he wore during rehearsal and a CD as a present (to a lucky fan?)
KHJ said that in his role, he has to say words that were seldom used and he felt embarrassed such that he watched the drama on his own (I’m not sure if he’s referring to just the first episode or the whole drama, definitely not the last epi since he watched with the fans). Like in the afternoon show, he put up a guitar performance (the same performance played to JD in the 2nd part of BOF).
KHJ was shy when told that he was the closest to the original character in the manga.
LMH wore black suits. Like in the afternoon show, he continued to look a bit nervous.
A slideshow showing the background of LMH was shown. There was one photo of him holding something and LMH confessed that till now, he still has the habit of lifting up his little finger (when holding something). He said that he was holding an ice candy which he confirmed by calling his mother after the afternoon show.
Scenes of ‘Run Mackerel’ and his CM were also shown.
LMH said that he will work hard towards giving a new charm every time fans see him.
GHS and F4 talks + ‘finger pointing’ game which include asking questions like “Who has the most NG”, “Who is very different from his/her role in BOF”, and “Who is good in sports”
There was also a question on what do they want to tell the PD and producer. GHS said “please give me more food”. F4 said because the PD and producer were nearby, they shall not saying anything.
At the end, the PD and producer appeared. The cast all stood up to greet the two.
LMH said that he had an enjoyable/happy time today. He hoped to be able to meet the fans again frequently. He hoped that everyone will look forward to BOF.
SS501 sang ‘Because my head is bad’.
All casts appeared on stage before the night show ended.
[ Last edited by minho_nora at 17-4-2009 00:51 ] |
Reply #1102 hhhhh's post
ade giffssss MinSun...........
Ley, sile seb!!! |
Reply #1115 wbsJUE's post
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