[SBS] Man from the stars [Kim Soo Hyun, Jeon Ji Hyun] PART 4 (Review: p 83)
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naqibnasuha posted on 25-2-2014 09:55 PM 
nas pun mls layn geng2 sompi kt sane...x nak tau..nk tgk sendiri..x kisahlah ape2 pun ending
nas ...
Kan...mel macam tu jugak tapi sedih sbb nak abis..nanti nak follow drama lain pulak hahah..tapi ade ke sama dengan mj huhu
melati_kesuma posted on 25-2-2014 09:57 PM 
Kan...mel macam tu jugak tapi sedih sbb nak abis..nanti nak follow drama lain pulak hahah..tapi ad ...
just one and only MJ...rasenya watak MJ ttp dlm ingatan nas...salah satu watak kesukaan nas...
hrp pas ni ader drama yg buat nas ketagih.. |
naqibnasuha posted on 25-2-2014 10:02 PM 
just one and only MJ...rasenya watak MJ ttp dlm ingatan nas...salah satu watak kesukaan nas...
hr ...
Tulah rasa mmg mj n sy ni dikira original kan watak dia...kalau ade cerita alien lepas ni mesti dibandingkan dengan mj n sy..pe pun dh mula rindu cerita ni....huhu
harap ending x kisahlah mcm mana kan..yang penting nak mj happy..itu aje heheh
Last edited by melati_kesuma on 25-2-2014 10:07 PM
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Mel tgh layan babak kelakar dream high ni..kuat mel gelak...mel layan dream high bird dance hehe..adui ksh ni mmg sengal kan hahnaha
Lari dari topik jap...
mel baru abis tengok ending episode dream high ni..mmg ending dia mcm tu ke..open ending...suruh kite teka apa jadi lepas ni...mel dh geram dh bila tengok ending dia mcm tu huhu...xpuaslah huhu
so harap ending mj n sy jangan jadi mcm dream high huhu...please sgt2 ni...x nak suruh teka ending dia huhu
cess posted on 25-2-2014 05:35 PM 
jenuh nk tabah ati ni ayu...manjang bukak je web ada jee gmbr suzy
aah ler cess...wpun kita tgk pic2 oppa tu sgt menarik kan..
tp ada lak suzy..mmg kacau...
cess posted on 25-2-2014 05:36 PM 
aha zmn tu lom kenal lagik korea nih ayu...dulu cess mmg jepun ngn hong kong tu mmg menggile ahhh. ...
aahkan...masa tu mmg tkder korea lagi....more to cite cina dan jepun..
klu hero jepun..ayu lebih suka pada Yutaka Takenouchi...hensem....
runaway_dida posted on 25-2-2014 05:41 PM 
xpe.. kite paham..
lain org lain citerase
aahkan..selera memasing tk sama..
lionsleepin posted on 25-2-2014 05:54 PM 
Takuya kamera pun xde? Huhu...Iols dlu rajin buat wallpaper kt desktop tu haa..skang xde da
ermmm...rasanya zaman kita tk sama yer lion.....lion ni lg muda kot...
junjai posted on 25-2-2014 06:37 PM 
ha dr smlm iolss nak tanya.. gambo ni masa bila ek? iklan ke apa ek?
gambar mana?? ermm....cer tepek semula..
salam n morning uols..
especially bini2 oppa...@cess @inaniloquent 
uolsss.. iolss x reti tepek dan x nmpk gambo tu.. spoiler katanyaerr.. kat soompi tu.. depa letak gmbo mj dan sy kissing lg ..kali ni dpn public ..katanya cut smpai 12 kali uolss.. mmg kenduri beso ksh hahahahha.. @cess atau sesape.. tepek gmbo kiss tu.. x sabo iolss nk tgk wakakakak Last edited by junjai on 26-2-2014 10:03 AM
ayushuhada04 posted on 26-2-2014 08:28 AM 
ermmm...rasanya zaman kita tk sama yer lion.....lion ni lg muda kot...
ooo yeke...hengat sezaman makan aiskrim msia tu haa. dlu popular tu. skang mana nak cari tgh2 bandar ni haa....
gigih la sampai opis cari spoiler minggu ni punye. x sabo....tapi sedih laa setahun lagi baru ksh kuar drama kot. tu pun klu blom enroll army
lionsleepin posted on 26-2-2014 10:01 AM 
ooo yeke...hengat sezaman makan aiskrim msia tu haa. dlu popular tu. skang mana nak cari tgh2 band ...
zaman mkn aiskerim msia..kak ayu pun tau tu..
masa kak ayu...zaman new kids on the block..
How Jun Ji Hyun Got Kim Soo Hyun to Join “Man from the Stars” + Other Casting Secrets
The wildly popular series “Man from the Stars” has recently revealed some intriguing behind-the-scenes and casting secrets such as how Jun Ji Hyun convinced Kim Soo Hyun to join the cast, Park Hae Jin‘s last minute role change and more.
It’s safe to say that “Man from the Stars” is quite possibly the most popular TV program at the moment. Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun’s amazing chemistry and acting have led viewers to laugh and cry for each episode. In just four episodes, the drama surpassed the 20% viewership mark.
Here are some of the casting secrets that have been revealed for the first time.
1. The PD and Main Writer Only Had Eyes for Jun Ji Hyun, What Made Jun Ji Hyun Say OK?
It was revealed that Jang Tae Yoo PD and writer Park Ji Eun have not thought of anyone else to play the role of Chun Song Yi but only had eyes for Jun Ji Hyun.
After only acting in movies for a long time, Jun Ji Hyun was starting to get interested in appearing in a drama again. She noticed that Director Jang and Writer Park have had stellar resumes with hit projects such as “Deeply Rooted Tree” and “You Who Rolled In Unexpectedly.” It is said that Jun Ji Hyun took one look at only the first episode synopsis and chose the drama. Jun Ji Hyun said when she first met Writer Park, she took note of her unique way of talking and actions. When she saw those things reflected in the script, she fell for Writer Park’s special senses right away.
2. How Did Jun Ji Hyun Convince Kim Soo Hyun?
Furthermore, there has been recent rumors among fans that Kim Soo Hyun recommended Jun Ji Hyun for the Chun Song Yi role. However, it is the opposite. After becoming close through the film “The Thieves,” both actors found out that they received offers for the same drama. It was then when Jun Ji Hyun personally called Kim Soo Hyun, asked him if he got the offer, and said, ‘Let’s do this together.”
3. The First Person to Get Cast Was Hong Jin Kyung
It is said that Writer Park first thought of the story for “Man from the Stars” while listening to Hong Jin Kyung‘s radio show last year. She felt a certain sense of familiarity and closeness while listening to Hong Jin Kyung’s voice so she created the character of Chun Song Yi’s best friend and comic book store owner.
After receiving the offer, Hong Jin Kyung wondered if she could do a good job. After thinking about her role, she recommended her friends and comedians, Jo Se Ho and Nam Chang Hee, since they gave off the image of comic book fans. It was said that Writer Park delightfully accepted her recommendations.
4. Park Hae Jin’s Role Was Originally Shin Sung Rok’s Role
Park Hae Jin was not cast for the role of the hopelessly-in-love-with-Chun Song Yi, Lee Hwi Kyung character. Actually, he was cast for Shin Sung Rok‘s sociopath Lee Jae Kyung role. It is said that they even finished filming the first episode with Park Hae Jin as Lee Jae Kyung. However, the rookie actor who was cast for Lee Hwi Kyung’s role suddenly stepped down from the drama. Therefore, Park Hae Jin took over that role and Shin Sung Rok was quickly added to the cast for Lee Jae Kyung. Shin Sung Rok is currently enjoying immense popularity for his bone-chilling portrayl of Lee Jae Kyung.
Meanwhile, “Man from the Stars” is running into its final stretch with the last episode to be aired on February 27.
ayushuhada04 posted on 26-2-2014 10:06 AM 
How Jun Ji Hyun Got Kim Soo Hyun to Join “Man from the Stars” + Other Casting Secrets
The wildl ...
wahhhh....JJH siap call KSH...Let's Do together...mmg dia tau KSH dpt offer ni jgk..
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