ko minat siwon ngan donghae jugak?sama ar ngan kaka jel..dia pun asik ckp nk kejar dak dua ekor ni jek..aku ni harussla kejar mana yg aku kenal jek..tp minat ngan ryewook ngan eunhyuk jek..tp member suju ramai..so xyah ar nk berebut..adoiiii.....xsaba lak nk beraksi semula kat KLIA tu nnti...
ada ker dorang kata LMH berusaha menjarakkan diri dr GHS
kalau cam tuh.. LMH patut buat bodoh jer lah sepanjang KBS award tuh
yg p dok tersengeh bagai tu apasal...
*macamlah ...
soebyuk Post at 14-1-2010 13:37
pndpt drpd kaka pasu mungee :pompom::pompom:
PS: about those comments regarding Minho trying to stay away from Hyesun in KBS drama awards, Good Downloader and SS501's concert, is the person who posted this really Minho's fan? I don't think that Minho is that kind of person...that he'd force himself to go with Hyesun if he does not feel like it and for what purpose? To me it just doesn''t add up and i feel it's an insult to Minho's person to think of him that way...
GHS p taiwan sensorang jer la...
nak tunggu janji2 manismu nak bawa p taiwan .. tak do maknernyer...
lain kali la jawabnyer...
soebyuk Post at 15-1-2010 00:51
hyesun pegi taiwan sorg2 je..
lgpun skrg ni hyesun sgt2 bz...
esk balik korea je terus kena start shooting filem magic dia tu...
sian hyesun....
hyesun pegi taiwan sorg2 je..
lgpun skrg ni hyesun sgt2 bz...
esk balik korea je terus kena start shooting filem magic dia tu...
sian hyesun....
minho_nora Post at 15-1-2010 01:00
LMH patutnya buat2 p photoshoot kat taiwan la...
dienyer citerpun .. end of feb baru mula...
sgt gigih tuuu..kalo HS unniee tao,maonye die ikot kite balikk msia pulakkk..sbgaii tande pnghargaan katenyee..x perlu aa akk kmbali braksi d epott..
yunt Post at 15-1-2010 01:01
yunt & soebyuk..
korg xmo join kitorang ke beraksi kat epot bln 3 neh?