Jom Borak-Borak di TNSE(Abeskan umah neh dulu then bru masuk umah 2!!i)
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Reply #1084 yipun78's post
ermmmm......ye la....stay on jer dulu.....maner tau kot2 nek pangkat ker aper kerr//new post avaiable kerr...leh pohon......... |
Reply #1085 teky's post
sabo jer la dulu....
ada la tu nanti rezki kat mana2  |
Reply #1086 Laserjet's post
huhu...aki slalu idamkan gaji sebyk 10k sebln mcm kawan2 aku yg lain..huhu..tp aku nih pemalas..nak wat cmane...huhu... |
Reply #1088 pressor's post
Reply #1089 yipun78's post
jual diri sakit maaa.................
yeyeyyeye...hepi sgt nehh..tadi baru jer dpt calll...as account officer kat kg.....
huhuhu..nak try laa....... |
Reply #1088 pressor's post
dorg keje aper samapi 10k....ckp sket...aku nak jugak laaa...aku neh baru jer nak masuk 2 thun keje.............gaji pon sikit sgt.ermmm
xper ader rezeki kat len kot... |
Aku dh lama tak masuk forum nih...dulu buat costing dgn petronas mmg meriah gaji aku setakat sebulan shopping riban riban pun ok jugak hehheheheh....syok woooo...
macam pressor ckp tuh la hehehehhe  |
Reply #1089 yipun78's post
kdg2 terpikir gak..tp mcm tak laku jerk..huhu.... |
Reply #1091 teky's post
keje kat pelantar minyak ah..aku dah dapat 2 kali peluang huhu..tp tak pegi..my parent tak kasi...lepas tolak br nyesal kan...keje tersangatla rilek nye..bg briefing sket wat repot sket..tgk2 sket..udah..huhu..sehari mahu 3-4ratus..kiteorg pun pengalaman takdelah byk lebih kurang sethn dua jerk br...tp kena ade profesional nye cert ah..campur mulut kena pandai ckp ah sket..pandai wat prosedur..wat repot..wat training...manage program..kawtim... |
Tips Dari Supervisor Petronas
ni petua yang baru aku dapat dari petugas stesen minyak petronas
masa2 tengah gawat dengan harga minyak naik melambung ni tentu korang nak
isi minyak dengan harga yang dulu atau lagi murah dari dulu
aku dengan supervisor minyak ni agak rapat la, so dia rasa aku org yang
agak sesuai kot utk dia berikan tips mcm mana nak turunkan harga 2.07 sen
kat pam minyak jadi 1.98 or suka ati korang la nak letak berapa sen...
mula2 mmg aku tak percaya... tapi......
1. korang kena gi kaunter pam tu cakap nak isi penuh bagi le berapa pun...
dengan mengatakan isi penuh jer korang boleh setting balik harga kat pam
korang pilih tu... x kira la pam 1 ke, pam 2 ker jgn pam angin atau NGV
sudah la...
2. korang gi balik kat pam korang tu, dan jgn angkat nozel lagi.
3. kat pam tu kan ada dua punat2 utk nomor (bukan utk credit card tau) yang
bawah pada screen liter tu... kira mcm nak isi manual nyer harga la
4. korang tekan 'clear' - utk resetkan harga yang kaunter minyak tu set
5. then korang tekan enter - 3x
6. then korang tekan '0' , '0', '1', '9', '8' (1.98 sen seliter) atau
korang tekan la berapa pun korang suka
7. pastu korang tekan enter - 3x sekali lagi
8. tekan butang clear - 2x
9. then korang tekan berapa puluh korang nak isi
10. tekan enter lepas dah masukkan nilai isian
pastu... supervisor petrol pam akan jumpa korang
"woi apa ko buat ni... main tekan-tekan ni... xde keje lain ker...!!!!"
so korang dengan muka selamba isi jer minyak dengan harga baru kerajaan RM
2.70 seliter...
aku pun terkena gak.. |
Reply #1095 yipun78's post
itu la pasal..xkan la pam myak tuh leh wat cam tuh...kononnyer nak tunjuk terer laa...tapi malu jugak yg dpt....hahahahah |
How to ask your Boss for a salary increase..?
One day an employee sends a letter to her boss asking for an increase in her salary !!!
Dear Bo$$ ,
In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing$ mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under$ tanding of the need$ of your worker$
who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company .
I am $ure you will gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon.
$ incerely Your$ ,
Marian $hih |
The next day, the employee received a nice reply like this :
I kNOw that you have been working very hard. NOwadays, NOthing much has changed.
You must have NOticed that our company is NOt doing NOticeably well as yet .
NOw the newspaper are saying the world`s leading ecoNOmists are NOt sure
if the United States may go into aNO ther recession. After the NOvember presidential elections things may turn bad . I have NOthing more to add NOw.
You kNOw what I mean .
Yours truly,
Manager |
Reply #1099 yipun78's post
hahhaha..kejam giler laaaa....huhuh:@ :@ :@ :@ |
Reply #1100 teky's post
aktif nye hang...!!
hehehehe.... |
Reply #1097 teky's post
aku rs ape yang ko ade aku pun ade kot...  |
slamat pagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
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