Reply 1059# LelaRentaka7
aduhhhh....ponink I hihihi....actually I mcm rse sng je tube ni tp bila I tye dia camner nk ke st pancrass dari southwark tu dia bg jwpn camtu...I pun cam terkial2 gak x phm....tu yg I tye sini ni...bukan apa,I nk booking tiket eurostar ke paris tu...kalau boleh nk ambik pagi...so tube start kul 6 pg camtu kan...so I nk estimated masa utk kesana plus x tahu lak nk stop mner hihihi..maybe my friend pun search kt TFL tu jugak huuhu.....okey2,lela nanti I tgk kt situ eay...tenkiu2 |
Reply 1061# nurazza
ok takper nurazza.. cuba jer guna journey planner tu..
nnt tanya kat sini balik..no worries..
mana yg lela mampu lela tolong.. |
Reply 1061# nurazza
nurazza..kalau nak naik eurostar pukul 6 then your option kena naik bas atau cab ke St Pancras sbb Jubilee Line start service dalam kul 6 pagi jadi nnt you tak sempat kan kalau nak catch the 6 o'clock eurostar..
kalau naik bas pon tak lama.. journey takes about 20 minutes kalau saya tak silap.. |
Reply 1063# LelaRentaka7
naik cab mahal x kalau ke sana...atau ada trasportation lain ke st.pancrass tu direct dari travelodge southwark?
I still x phm kalau tube dari london bridge tu heading ke mana ye...sorry I mmg confuse sgt2 bab tube ni skrg.... |
ok2...I sdg cuba memahamkan sambil nengok2 map tube ni...
so dari southwark station I akan ambik jubilee line ke london bridge so dari situ ambik
terus ke king's st pancras...
Am I rite? |
Reply 1064# nurazza
naik cab mahal x kalau ke sana...atau ada trasportation lain ke st.pancrass tu direct dari travelodge southwark?
I still x phm kalau tube dari london bridge tu heading ke mana ye...sorry I mmg confuse sgt2 bab tube ni skrg....
tube dr London Bridge heading to High Barnet...
no other transport except the night bus or cab...
kalau naik cab journey dlm 20 minutes.. |
Reply 1065# nurazza
ok2...I sdg cuba memahamkan sambil nengok2 map tube ni...
so dari southwark station I akan ambik jubilee line ke london bridge
so dari situ ambik terus ke king's st pancras...Am I rite?
wrong..dr london bridge TUKAR ke Northern Line ke St Pancras |
Reply 1065# nurazza
nurazza..you nak pegi bila yer..dan berapa org? |
Reply 1068# LelaRentaka7
I akan ke paris dari london 8/2/12...I dgn my husband and 2 daughters..
& my friend with her husband and her son.... |
Reply 1069# nurazza
OK.. tapi you sampai london bila? |
Reply 1067# LelaRentaka7
I paham jugak akhirnyee....tq lela...so dah sampai sana kena jln ke st pancras ke lela? |
Reply 1070# LelaRentaka7
I di london dari 6/2/12 till 13/2/12 |
Post Last Edit by LelaRentaka7 at 12-12-2011 02:33
Reply 1071# nurazza
nnt kat tempat you turun ada sign posted..so ikut jer..
Reply LelaRentaka7
I paham jugak akhirnyee....tq lela...so dah sampai sana kena jln ke st ...
nurazza Post at 12-12-2011 02:26
I mean how far dari tube station st pancras ke st pancras int tu ye lela,I tgk map ni cam jauh gak eay....kena jln or mmg ada bus ke atau apa2 ye |
Post Last Edit by LelaRentaka7 at 12-12-2011 02:34
Reply nurazza
nnt kat tempat you turun ada sign posted..so ikut ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 12-12-2011 02:29
ok2 so how far eay?agak jauh ke? |
Berry nak mohon pencerahan from otai2 kat sini. basically my UK itinerary dah nak siap.. Hehe...
So Ill reach Stansted airport from Rome around 9.15pm. And then straight pergi tido my friend's room kat Zone 2. Esok pagi2 Berry igt nak join tour Stonehenge Bath from London tu.. Price dlm 39pound.
(From 8am - 6pm)
Question: Ada sesiapa pernah join tak tour macam ni? And price tu ok ke or expensive?
Then balik London and naik Megabus pergi Edinburgh (Tidur dlm bus)
ETA 0810. I nak catch HairyCoo...
Question: Agak2 sempat ke.. Sbb pick up dia not later than 845. And i tak tahu if bus station ni dekat ke dgn pick up location huhuh...
So if let say kalau tak sempat join HairyCoo my back up plan is naik HOHO. Cost dlm 12.5 pound
Kul 7ptg macmtu nak pergi amek kreta and drive pergi Inverness Travelodge. Esok pagi2 akan cover Loch Ness, Fort William and Isle ok Sky. Kena return kreta pukul 7ptg jugak. Rent for 24 hours only.
Question: Possible ke nak cover loch ness isle of sky in one day?
Ok lepas tu 4 days dah kat central london ber hu haa kat sana pulak...
Thanksss... |
Reply 1076# whiteberry
study tak mo...berporem mau! bagitau mok! |
Reply 1075# nurazza
woww... tak tidor lagi... momod lela pun tak tidur agii.. hehe |
Reply 1077# bdk2
hahahahahahahaha weyhh...
AAK kee uols. Ada aku kesah.. pendek kata biar la exam tu.. tak sempat dah ni.. tak ke?? sobss... |
Reply 1075# nurazza
kalau jalan laju dalam 5 minit dah sampai..
kalau jalan pace biasa dengan children mungkin 10 minutes.. |
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