cr to soompi.
Balas #1053 nzhass79\ catat
kakkkkkkk zuuu
lme x npk..
yt mmg gmbo krg chantek...
tp layan gk sedut |
SS501 Kyu Joong's shocking revealation
Credits : SS601 & NEWSEN + redcat111(chinese translation) + (english translation)[email protected]
SS501 Kim Kyu Joong revealed a shocking incident about how he used Eczema cream accidentally as toothpaste.
On KBS 2TV "Happy Together season3", Kim Kyu Joong revealed that leader Kim Hyun Joong "wore loose and large school uniform during his school days, showing his confidence, but always set too high expectations for himself and ended up never achieving it."
Kim Kyu Joong also said, " That time hyun joong and I did not understand much japanese, and because hyun joong mistakenly thought that Eczema cream was toothpaste, we ended up using Ecezema cream as toothpaste for one week."
Regarding this incident, Kim Hyun joong replied, " This kind of things happened quite often at that time. I even thought toothpaste was facial washing cream and used it to wash my face." |
tah nape...setiap kali tgk n dgr lagu deja vu ni rasa cam lain mcm |
Balas #1064 nzhass79\ catat
nape kak zu...pelik ke lagu nie.. akak ada link tak nk donlod lagu mp3 ur man...me dah cuba donlod yg sky bagi kt page dpn..but still x dpt.. |
Reply #1065 owestcute_77's post
bukan pelik... sbb sedap sangat.....
ni mp3 ur man [click] |
Reply #1063 nzhass79's post
sib baik..x rosak muka ekekk |
KHJ....more backstge
cr to soompi..
cr to soompi..
more....our hensem guy...kekeke
cr to soompi..

Sarapan pg dh siap sila mkn slow2..kekekeek
cr to soompi..
more ........
cr to soompi..

hensemnya doc ni ,...kekekek
cr to soompi..

limau dah semakin minat ngan group nie...hehehhehe lagu2 dia pon leh tahan best.. |
Jung Ming
Reply #1074 hadiff05's post
kalo dpt doc mcm ni mau ari2 sakit .. sakit mabuk cinta moahaha... |
Reply #1078 Hana_Hirokawa's post
jgn sakit mental udah le ye ekke.....
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